The concept of Slavery (also: hut-popping)
I much dislike the luck factor of hut-popping in civ II. Especially early on it can decide the game. So I came up with the following idea:
Villages will no longer generate a random effect.
The civ that is the first to discover an uncivilized village, has the option of making the inhabitants slaves to their empire (the alternative being the destruction of the village). Depending on the terrain, a village will add surplus food, shields and/or trade arrows to your capital's input.
The village will remain loyal to your empire. You can station units in the village to protect it from destruction by other civs (which would cause a minor international incident).
Upon the wonder "Abolishment of Slavery", after the discovery of Human Rights (see elsewhere), this will end and all the uncivilized villages in the world will disappear.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire