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Old January 9, 2002, 18:58   #1
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Operation "In Vino Veritas"
-----------------------------TOP SECRET---------------------------------

--------------------FOR THE PRESIDENT'S EYES ONLY------------------

---------"A Study of the Feasibility of an Invasion of Rome"--------

---Faculty of the Royal War Academy, Thebes, January 1, 1270---

This report has been prepared to investigate the possibility of a preemptive military strike upon the Roman Empire. The authors intend neither to persuade, nor to dissuade, President Cleopatra toward a given course of action, but rather to present the likely outcome of one potential choice.

Chapter I: General Status of the Empire, and World Events

Egypt is the most powerful nation on the planet, due both to its extensive borders, large population, and abundance of natural resources. Our relations with other nations have been relatively cordial and peaceful throughout our history, despite our recent wars against the Iroquois and Aztecs. The Iroquois are all but destroyed - reduced to a small enclave in the Azores islands. Neither we nor the Aztecs had the reach necessary to do great harm to one another, due to the Pacific Ocean that separates us from one another. They are unlikely to present a threat in the near future, due to their current war with England (a lucrative trading partner and friendship we should cultivate). Little progress seems to have been made by either side in that particular war. The English are the 2nd most powerful nation on Earth, but the Aztecs a fairly close 3rd, and have the benifit of good defensive terrain (known as the Rocky Mountains) along their border with England. America has wisely avoided entering the fray, as the Aztecs would make short work of their small, yet prospering Argentine nation. Greece (in Southern Africa) and Germany (Australia) present little threat, and provide outlets for some of our surplus resources.

Finally, there is Rome. Aside from a small number of tiny settlements in the tundra of North America and Siberia, Rome is confined to Europe. Our borders surround them to the East and South. They gained nothing from the anti-Iroquois alliance, as Egypt now controls the former Iroquois lands. Until the end of that conflict, since nearly the dawn of time, relations with Rome have been extremely pleasant. That Rome's attitude toward us has cooled so quickly is somewhat of a mystery. We are currently trading some of our surplus luxury items to Rome, but not as much as in the past.

Chapter II: Current Status of the Egyptian Armed Forces vis-a-vis those of Rome.

Thanks to the innovations of our esteemed colleagues at Newton's University, our armed forces are the most advanced in the world. We have recently upgraded approximately 20 of our regiments of Heavy Horse (Knights) to Rifle-armed Cavalry, and several new regiments have been formed. Several more are due in the near future. Six elite H.H. regiments remain, as per the President's instructions. Our cities are defended by musketmen, and several extras are presently fortified at the Roman border. We have also replaced the ancient Catapults captured from the Iroquois with Cannon, and have formed them into 2 batteries.

The Roman armed forces are known to have musketmen and knights, but the main force consists of Legionaries. Though these units fought well against the Mounted Warriors of the Iroquois, they are no match for our Cavalry. There are also numbers of older units such as pikemen and spearmen defending several Roman cities, particularly the outlying ones.

Chapter III: The likely outcome of an attack on Rome.

Given our technological superiority, our military can be expected to inflict much greater losses than it sustains. Numerically, however, we have a relatively small strike force available at this time. If losses are sustained, the war will bog down until reinforcements can be formed and directed to the front. Given the political climate now prevalent in the Empire, this would have adverse effects upon our nation. War with Rome would also deprive the Romans of the luxury items we sell them, and deny us the revenue generated by that sale.

Given the proximity of Rome's core cities to our second Capitol, the assimilation of those cities into our empire would boost our economy noticeably. Further, the one luxury resouce currently outside of our control, Wine, can be found in abundance near Rome.


An attack on Rome offers the opportunity to annex prosperus new lands, gain access to more resources, and advance our western border to the Atlantic Ocean. Attacking now guarantees that our Cavalry will face, at worse, musketmen, legionaries and knights. Further, the apparent policy shift in Caesar's cabinet has disturbing implications for the future, should Rome acquire more advanced weaponry.

However, an attack on Rome may sour relations with other nations, who already envy our wealth, power, and advancement. Our lack of numerical superiority raises the possibility of a long war. Additionally, Rome has been a trustworthy ally and trading partner for centuries. Given that our paramount position in the world at this time, the conquest of Rome is not necessary to guarantee our continued dominance.


Author's note: The above report is a result of an actual internal debate I had about whether or not I should attack Rome in my current game. I originally posted this on Civ Fanatics, and figured I'd put it up here, too.

The settings & quick background: Normal Earth Map, 8 civs, Monarch, Egypt. Started in a surprisingly fertile Siberia, and expanded west until I hit the Urals, and South into India and IndoChina. Egypt in 1270 already had local access to 7 out of the 8 luxuries, and all known strategic resources.

Anyway, here is part II:
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

Last edited by Arrian; January 9, 2002 at 19:05.
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Old January 9, 2002, 19:03   #2
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Part II: The Ides of March
March 15, 1330 - Rome

Julius Caesar entered the cabinet meeting chamber in the Palace of Rome, expecting to find calm. What he found was chaos. Advisors and assistants scrambled about with maps and charts, visibly shaken. General Maximus, Rome's Secretary of War, took Caesar aside. "Caesar, Egyptian forces have attacked, and riders from Viroconium and Hispalis indicate that those cities have fallen to the enemy. We estimate a force of 30 to 40 regiments of Cavalry were involved in the attacks. Additionally, the bimonthly supply ship from Syracuse in northern Siberia has not arrived. I fear the Egyptians may also have captured that settlement. Neapolis reports attacks by two regiments of Cavalry, but has repulsed them for now. Several regiments of Heavy Horse had taken up position east of the city."

Caesar would have fallen had Maximus not grabbed him by the arm to steady him. "We should never had requested their assistance against the Iroquois," he muttered "we created a monster that day." He quickly regained his composure. "Very well, General, repulse them."

Maximus drew a long, steady breath, and attempted to explain. "Caesar, with all due respect, our forces are scattered. An attack now would only result in the destruction of our army. We must consolidate our forces and attack in strength."

"Damn it, Maximus! You are the hero of St. Regis! You are supposed to `Unleash Hell' on the enemy, not hide from him! Attack. NOW!" Caesar raged. Maximus nodded curtly "As you wish, Caesar."


June 14, 1330 - dawn - East of Neapolis

Amuklanah awoke to the shrill warning of trumpets. "The Romans are coming!" screamed the sentry. Damn. He was entrusted with the command of four of Egypt's remaining elite Heavy Horse regiments, which had been ordered (foolishly, in his opinion) to take up position in open grassland east of Neapolis, in preparation for an assault on the city. "Take your positions, and prepare to repell attack!" he ordered.

June 14, 1330 - 10 am - East of Neapolis

Amuklanah wiped a mixture of sweat and blood from his brow, and surveyed the battle, which raged to his left and right. It was the left that concerned him. The Romans had concentrated their attack there, and although the Memphis Heavy Horse regiment had destroyed the first wave, the second was making disturbing progess. As he watched, his men began to run. "Stand your ground, damn you!" he screamed at them, to no avail. Amuklanah turned his horse toward the impending disaster and was about to join the fight when it happened.

One Egyptian refused to flee. Through the dust and haze, Amuklanah saw him sitting atop his mount, apparently totally unconcerned by the dozens of Romans closing in on him. They fell on him like jackals. One by one, the Romans began to fall. 1...2...3, 4... 7... and still he stood his ground. The Romans, enraged, charged him en masse, and his steed was cut out from under him, but still he stood. Battered and bloodied, but unbeaten, he fought on. Amuklanah forced himself to move. He charged into the fray, desperately attempting to reach the brave warrior. To his amazement, it was that same warrior who struck down a Roman who would have skewered Amuklanah. The men of Memphis, seeing this feat of arms, wheeled and rejoined the fight. Surprising the Romans, they slaughtered them, and the Roman attack was crushed. Amuklanah lost sight of the hero of the day, and in fact never saw him again.


September 10, 1330 - Thebes

"We have repulsed the Roman counterattack, my Queen, sustaining relatively light casualties. Hispalis and Viroconium are secure, and the renowned inventor, Leonardo di Vinci, has agreed to enter government service. One cause for concern is the appearance of several regiments of Roman Cavalry, but those are now exposed in the field, and will be destroyed shortly." War Minister Intelonom explained.

He was rewarded with a brilliant smile. "Exellent. Now, what of this brave soldier I have heard of?" Cleopatra asked.

"His name is unknown, my Queen, and he has been unconcious since the battle of Neapolis fields. The story of his heroism has spread, however, and the people are inspired by his deeds."

"Hmm..." Cleopatra mused "perhaps that enthusiasm can be harnessed..."


May 22, 1335 - Neapolis

Amuklanah surveyed the newly conquered city of Neapolis. Supported by two regiments of Cavalry, his men had taken the city with light losses. He thought back to April, when a contingent of Heavy Horse had been massacred a few leagues to the west...

"Burn it."


December 18, 1345 - Thebes

Cleopatra triumphantly added her signature to House Resolution 1190, which granted all Egyptians, regardless of race, gender or creed, the right to vote. It had not been easy, but the support of the widow of the Unknown Soldier of Neapolis had tipped the political scales. She smiled. Things were going rather well. The University of Heliopolis reported that the Scottish economist, Adam Smith, would be joining their faculty in the fall of 1350. Roman resistance was weakening, and her forces were closing in for the kill...


July 12, 1355 - Rome

Amuklanah, now an old man, gazed in awe upon the Great Pyramids of Rome. The oldest of the Wonders of the World, these were truely impressive structures, and finally they were under the control of an empire worthy of them.


August 8, 1385 - Thebes

"I have just received word that the last Roman settlement on Terra (Old World) has been destroyed. Only Lugdunum, in 'Greenland' - Intelomon surpressed a dry laugh - remains. Our forces are bording ships in order to finish the Romans for good."

"Excellent, Minister, thank you" crowed Cleopatra. "Please order them to capture Tyendenaga on their way back."

Intelomon blinked. "Tyendenaga? My Queen, we are not at war with the Iroquois."

"We will be when our Cavalry attacks Tyendenaga, Intelomon. The world will be a simpler place without them, trust me."


April 23, 1460 - Tyendenaga

The proud banner of Egypt fluttered in the breeze, and Amuklanuk, great-grandson of Amuklanah, was lost in thought. Peace felt... peaceful, he thought. Not that the wars against Rome and the Iroquois nation (if you could call the sacking of Tyendenaga a "war") had impacted the lives of average Egyptians. For him, however, the waning years of the conflict had been an adventure. He sailed to Greenland and witnessed the destruction of Roman civilization, and then to this pleasant isle, where he took part in the final hour of the Iroquois. Oh, they had fought bravely, but it was no use. Pikemen could do nothing against rifles. He hoped to travel to Thebes and look upon the Wonders which his great-grandfather he never seen. The 7th Amendment to the Constitution, the Charles Darwin exhibit at the National Museum of Science, and Shakespeare's Theatre. If there was time, he hoped to visit Heliopolis and attend the Adam Smith School of Economics. If there was time! Hah! He now had all the time in the world...


Cleopatra scanned her desk for something interesting. "What's this..."

----------------------------------TOP SECRET--------------------------------


---Faculty of the Royal War Academy, Thebes, January 1, 1560---

Cleopatra laughed merrily and began to read...


Author's note: Well, the game has continued into the 18th century (and, for me, the Modern Age), but no more fighting... yet. England demanded tech from me recently (I laughed a her from a tank turret) and Germany gets to "furious" about every four turns... at which point I throw Bismarck a bone so he and his two MPP partners don't force me into a world war.

I hope you enjoyed the story.

grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
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Old January 11, 2002, 15:22   #3
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Well, either people are lazy, or my story sucked. I will choose to believe the former

The game ended, by the way, around about 1800, with the launching of my SS, total score just over 4500. I just didn't feel like conquering anyone else. Bismarck remained pissy for the rest of the game, but never did dip back down to "furious."

grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
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Old January 11, 2002, 15:45   #4
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Good job.
I like your story. I have been really lazy latley and haven't posted anything in the forums for a while. I kind of lost interest in Apolyton during last weeks downage, but with all these new stories popping up, I feel inspired once again.
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Old January 11, 2002, 17:36   #5
Admiral PJ
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Excellent story, your Secret Report Concerning the Invasion of Rome was cool - reminded me of the secret Space Guild reports in the film Dune (the books better though).

IDEA: maybe I could video my civ3 game, using my computer webcam.. and editing out all the boring decision making stuff later.
Then I could replay the entire history of my game in one go.
Just need to work out how I record films on wintv.. or use the VCR.
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Old January 26, 2002, 06:27   #6
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not bad at all.

i like the break down of events...very clancy ish.

keep up the good work
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Old April 1, 2002, 23:16   #7
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BUMP because this story is in the new contest!
Ham grass chocolate.

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Old April 3, 2002, 22:50   #8
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It was good, I was just kind of curious how they found the widow of the Unknown Soldier. Sounds like something out of 1984; "He's mysterious, and nobody knows who the hero of IngSoc was, but here's his widow!"
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Old April 4, 2002, 16:09   #9
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Bad writing on my part there. That never even occurred to me. I was trying to figure out how a great battlefield hero could become "Universal Suffrage." I thought a grieving widow would be a good political tool for Cleopatra, but failed to see the contradiction inherent in having a family for an "unknown" man. Doh!

grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
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Old April 12, 2002, 17:39   #10
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Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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