Get CiC - LaFayette has a thread about it in here. They're comparing scores. I'll get around to it as soon as I 'master regular civ2' - meaning getting scores like samson etc. I'm playing occ at the moment. I tried a river scenario - occ23 from
Paul's site. I think
The Paulicy including his one page 'occ strategy reference table' is the best that's ever written on civ2. Genius.
(BTW, in occ23 I had the same progress as solo and Ribannah up till Darwin, after that my science rate fell behind. What was I doing wrong? I could only get food caravans...)
There's another civ2-version at which has 20 scenarios. You could try that one.
Get MGE. I don't have it, but it must be fun and I bet you could learn a lot from it...
SMAC? Bought it, but gave it away after playing like 2-3 times. Looked gloomy and black. Those graphics were not inviting. I guess it could be fun if you had the patience, but it is based on made-up future techs - fiction. History is more fun.
It could be more interesting after reading Velocryx-strategy, but I never did.
Anyways if you wanna try other games there's always half-life which is excellent. I hear that half-life 2 is in the making..