January 11, 2002, 08:29
Local Time: 12:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Clovis, CA
Posts: 386
Glories to the Sky Spirit
Turns of Civ3: on Reagent level, raging hordes, huge world, random settings for all else.
4000 BC
At last our wanderings had ceased. We, the Iroqois, had wandered for thousands of years at the direction of the Sky Spirit, seeking the promised homeland, and we believed we had found it, for what land could be greater than that which we had found?
We found ourselves at the headwaters of a mighty river, in fertile grasslands, with rich hills and mountains in the distance. One particular area even had deposits of that wonderful metal, gold! Truly, the Sky Spirit had blessed us on this day! (And it was my first gamestart, honest!) So, we gave thanks to the Sky Spirit, started our great city of Salamanca, and sent our scouts forth, to find new places to spread the wonderful glories of the Sky Spirit! Our scouts went west, toward the Great Raging Sea. We could also see another river, on the other side of the Hills of Majesty.
3950 BC
Our scouts, after years of wandering, saw in the distance another village! Truly, the Sky Spirit had blessed us on this day. So, they deigned to enter, and see who might live there.
There, we discovered the Maya, who had knowledge of the Sky Spirit not posessed by our shamans. Their people were only too happy to teach us this great wisdom, and our people learned the secrets of Mysticism.
Meanwhile, back in Salamanca, our workers began starting a road that, while it could not cross the river, would nonetheless spead our farmers to the Meeting Place at Salamanca. The people of Salamanca also desired greater knowledge of the world around us, for truly, exploration is a way to know the face of the Sky Spirit! So, they began outfitting more explorers, that we might know more.
The first scouts decided to follow the shore to the southwest, toward destiny. The new scouts, when they arrive, will explore the shore to the northeast. Some day, they shall meat in the southeast, or so we hope.
3800 BC
Time flew as a bird, and we discovered that our scouts had moved toward the mountains, to get a better view. The shore to the south was bordered by a vast plain, which had the Mountains of God to the east. More gold was discovered. and it was known that there would be food to be had in the plains, as the river was nearby, and the water could be diverted into the plains. Thus, our new settlement was planned, and the Scouts went on their way.
The road was completed in this year, and the workers went to build roads in another field, where the people would soon live.
3750 BC
The new scout team was assembled and ready to head to the north, and the villagers, knowing that not all men in the World worship the Sky Spirit, decided that it would be good if some of them armed themselves in case the Infadels came across our villiage. Well concerned we are for our women and children, and well prepared to defend them, we shall be, in the name of the Sky Spirit!
As the scouts headed northward, they ended their travels at yet another river. Truly, this is a land flowing with milk and honey! And so, settlement plans were changed.
The scouts in the south climbed a mountain peak to better see the land, and behold! Yet another river was discovered winding through the hills on the other side! The land was more rugged than our farmers wish to work, but some day, there will be men there, happy to live.
I also realized this year that our people were less innovative than they should be, because I was taking too much of their money. I lowered taxes, and their progress in figuring out how to move stuff more efficiently became greater.
3700 BC
To the north and south, forests have been found, small groves of trees that will someday provide our people with lumber. To the south, more hills with rich gold deposits. Truly, the Sky Spirit must intend us to be a wealthy people.
3650 BC
Our Northern scouts have discovered the end of this great coastal plain, for they have spotted hills that border the sea. This place is looking very much like a place I have heard of, called California. Truly, the Sky Spirit has blessed us! We shall fill this place with the True People, and blessings shall rain upon the world!
Our southern scouts have seen the edge of the drier plains to the south, sighting more fertile grasslands, and yet more gold in the mountains to the east.
3550 BC
The scouts to the North report that the temperatures are much warmer there. They have spotted something like forests, but denser, hotter, and lacking harvestable wood. I think we'll call them Jumgles. There is a verdant and steamy valley at the heart of the hilly region, which our farmers are not interested in at all.
To the south, the sea turns southward, and the scouts have even spotted great and massive fish offshore! To hunt such beasts would be a worthy task indeed. And there is yet more cattle there, as well.
3500 BC
I looked about the village today, and noticed just how much bigger it seemed than when we had settled. Truly, the Sky Spirit has blessed our fields, and our women, with bountiful fertility! I noticed it primarily, because at the same time, many of our men finally learned the crafts of war. Indeed, our influence has fallen over the surrounding land. Outlying villagers have even said they spotted precious incense in the hills to the south. Truly, a pleasing odor shall be sent up to the Sky Spirit in the near future.
Our northern scouts have discovered yet more of the river they spotted earlier, further inland. They are skirting the valley they discovered, fearful of the beasts they may encounter in the strange and dark jungles.
The villagers believe that in the future, there will be enough people that we may send settlers to another place, and thus, I have given the order to begin preparations. Oh, it will take 500 years before we're ready, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Gifted with longevity by the Sky Spirit, I shall be there to witness the birth of a new village.
The extension of the Nation's borders have brought a herd of cattle into our area, and so our workers are now building a road to that area, as well.
The northern scouts continued further on, and went a little way into the Hills of Never (anyone get that reference?). Knowing how long it would take to cross the highlands, they decided to stick to the lowlands for now, saving the hot north for another time.
The southern scouts have discovered yet another river, this one a short one, well within their daily scouting range, beginning in mountains not too far from shore. They also spotted more wales, as we have come to call the greater fishes. May the blessings of the Sky Spirit increase!
3400 BC
The northern scouts continue to follow the Great River, the longest discovered thus far. They ended this year's wanderings at the top of a hill, which was surrounded by forests and plains. In the distance, they see yet more fertile grasslands.
To the south, scouts have discovered mountains that are covered in snow in both the summer, and the winter! Will the Wonders of the Sky Spirit cease to amaze us? They also see two more villages in the distance, one by the sea, and one in the valley. They intend to visit them at the earliest conveienance.
3350 BC
The southern scouts discovered the Zapotec on a hill by the sea, who shared of their wealth with us. What a gracious and generous people they are! Truly, it is good to see people receptive to the lore of the Sky Spirit.
The northern scouts continue to follow the Endless River, and have discovered yet another heard of cattle in the fertile plains. The Deep Forest, as we have named it, as it is a very large forest, continues on the north side of the river.
3300 BC
The southern scouts have gone further inland, to investigate the villiage in the valley spotted a hundred years ago. Who will they find there? What gifts will they have for the Iroqois?
The northern scouts have ended at a hill, from which they can see a small meadow to the norther, bordered to the east by more jumgle, to the west by the Great Forest. They may have yet come to the end of the Endless River, as the see it winding out of a canyon to the east.
3250 BC
The northern scouts climbed the Spires of Destiny today and beheld the headwaters of the Endless River, which winds off a mountain just to the south. They have also spotted more organized human settlements to the east! These are not yet villiages, but there is evidence of farms, of a distinctly different culture. We shall go, and spread the message of the Sky Spirit!
To the south, our people have discovered a tribe of fierce warriors called the Chehalis. They taught our scouts their ways, their honor, and best of all, how to make bows. Now, if the people to the west turn out to be infidels, we need not fear them, for we are strong!
And the Sky Spirit said, let the people sleep, and though we were eager to explore yet more, we did as the Sky Spirit said, for we wished to be ready to work in the *afternoon*.
(I wonder how long I can keep this up? The narration, that is.)
To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
January 11, 2002, 08:44
Local Time: 07:13
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
Posts: 10,157
Good start there, Ironwood. I always envy those who have the tenacity to write stories about their games. I've bben sucked in - you'll HAVE to keep going now...
Oh, but you may want to find a variation on "Truly, the Sky Spirit had blessed us on this day! "
January 11, 2002, 19:17
Local Time: 12:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Clovis, CA
Posts: 386
How about, "And the People rejoiced?"
I'll likely be writing in whatever voice suits my mood. I started the last one at 3:00 in the morning, continuing until 4:00 AM, thus I was in a more creative, but more silly mood. Today's session started at 2:00 PM, continuing to 3:00 (I have to leave for work at 3:15). This one is in a bit dryer, and more analytical, a voice.
*** And a new Tribal Historian was born ***
3200 BC
Yet another fertile valley was discovered by the scouts to the south. They went a bit further north, to end the years wanderings on the summit of a hill. More of the river discovered winding through the hills in the past is visible from here.
The scouts in the north have continued toward the lands of the other nation. They have made camp on the Mountain of the Endless River, and seen the headwaters up close. Next year, we shall make first contact with this other culture.
3150 BC
Nothing much further to report. The scouts are mostly mountain climbing, though the southern scouts now have an excellent view of a vast, frozen plain to the south. I'm not sure if they'll continue into the plain, or explore the fertile regions further.
The scouts to the north climbed yet another mountain, heading toward the fields they saw from their vantage point in those same mountains.
3100 BC
The southern scouts have continued into the frozen wastes, likely seeking furs and game. The norther scouts have continued, now skirting the borders of this new group. They will soon climb a mountain at the very edge of the territory of the new people. We still have yet to be contacted by any official emmisaries, but we'll have a view of their capital soon enough.
3050 BC
The settlement team is ready, and are being sent northward, toward the Endless River. There is a very nice spot on the north bank which has the advantage that in no time in the future will there ever be territorial conflict between the people of Salamanca and the people of this new town. It will also lay claim to a streatch of land that will be very defensible, bordered on the west by the sea, the east by the River, and the north by the Jungle. I expect that at some time, we will have military fortifications protecting this region.
The northern scouts have scaled the mountain I mentioned earlier, and though the center of the new nation's city is outside their view, they did spot an independent village nearby. The will be able to enter and investigate fifty years from now.
The Chief has decided to send official emmisaries to this new nation, and is currently in council with his advisors about this matter.
The warriors of Salamanca have gone forth with the settlers.
The workers have completed the road to the cattle lands, and have begun a road to the site of the new settlement. Though the Salamanca River will always hinder our movements, as well as the Endless River, still, the road will help trade a bit.
The scouts to the south have wandered toward the shoreline again, ending in a boreal forest. Their wanderings are bearing less and less fruit as time goes by. I expect they shall be sent back into the warm lands soon, though many believe there may be more tribes to be discovered to the south, further into the cold lands.
3000 BC
Record of the Foreign Council:
The Domestic Advisor came rushing as soon as council was convened, informing the Chief that we were running out of money. The military advisor informed him that we had so many people out doing things other than farming and crafts that we were actually having to pay some of our people. It was the setters that tipped the balance. The Chief raised taxes to their historic level.
The Foreign Advisor said that, judging by interviews with the outlying wanderers, the place we have discovered is called England, a place just as expansionistic as we, but more interested in Commerce than the glories of The Spirit. (The writer's views are somewhat sympathetic to this, and I hope we can see peace.) The military advisor claimed that their military and ours are about as powerful, but given how scout heavy our forces are, I suspect that they'd win in a fight. This will have to be remedied, and the new settlement should help greatly in this endevor.
And so, contact was made...
Their ruler, Elisabeth, seemed cautious at first. The Chief was interested in knowledge they possessed, a system of record they called an Alphabet. It would certainly be useful to our traders, who were busy creating elaborate mnemonic systems. The ability to record it on paper would be useful, and indeed, this whole document, up to this point, is actually the oral history recorded on paper.
Not wanting to give her all our secrets, the Chief offered her the secrets of Mysticism and gold in exchange for Alphabet. I suspect they desired Warrior Code instead, but the Chief was unwilling to bargain there. As a result, the haggling came out to 30 gold pieces, with a 1 gold piece indemnity for the next 20 years, a total of 50.
England remains cautious, and there is a military element developing here that I suspect may one day press for their conquest, though they have no outlet for their agressions now. England's forces outnumber us as it is, so we will need to continue peaceful expansion.
In other news, the Northern Scouts have entered the villiage of the Olmec, not far from England's southern border. They taught us how to make a most remarkable metal, called Bronze. The spear tips this enables us to make will serve us well, and the archers being trained in Salamanca have changed their training, and are now training to be spearmen.
In the south, Our scouts continued to wander in the coldlands, though they have heard tales of a village not to much further south. It seems the speculations were correct.
2950 BC
Despite the abundance of lumber in the area, the village of the Navajo, which the southern scouts have entered, had a great deal of stonework. They have taught us their building techniques, and and we now have a knowledge called Masonry.
A river winds off a mountain, rich with gold, to the south, south of England. The northern scouts intend to follow that river, ultimately exploring the interior to the west.
2900 BC
The scouts to the south continue their wanderings through the coldlands, and I believe they may have reached the southernmost tip of this conteinent. The settlers continue toward their destination on the North Bank. The scouts to the north have entered the rugged hilly region the Gold River winds into. There is still enough flat land for them to make good time, though this may no longer be the case in the near future.
2850 BC
The northern scouts see another villiage in the plains south of the hills! Discovering new peoples is always so exciting.
The southern scouts have finally reached the southernmost tip of this continent, which happens to be rich with game. I do hope we will someday have a settlement there, but it is so remote that this is unlikely.
The settlers and their escort have reached their destination, and founded a new village, which we have decided to call North Bank. They have begun work training Spearmen, as well.
With a second village, the people decided that we now truly ruled an empire, and decided to build the Chief a palace! It's a small thing, really just an improved audience chamber, but the attention to detail on the stone facings is truly magnificent to behold! Our journey is truly begun.
To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
January 12, 2002, 07:38
Local Time: 12:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Clovis, CA
Posts: 386
2800 BC
The scouts to the south have begun their trek northward, along the eastern shore. Their journey through the Coldlands will soon be over. I am glad they decided to perservere into that hostile terrain, for we now have a better picture of the lay of the land.
The Chehalis, encountered by the northern scouts, have given us maps of their area, thus indicating yet another village off to the northeast, which the scouts intend to move off to, a change of plans. They also saw that the Gold River does something very interesting further south. It splits, into what is called the East Gold and the West Gold, watering the dry plains further to the south. Indeed, we have reached a vast expanse of such plains, which will likely be a capital of agriculture some day. For now, it is wild lands, inhabited by primative tribes, such as the one to the northeast.
2750 BC
The scouts to the south have entered another village, this one inhabited by a people called the Saxons, who knew the working of yet another, much more plentiful metal, called Iron Working. This material is strong enough to make great knives, long enough to no longer be considered tools, but rather weapons of war! We shall seek out deposits of this material for ourselves.
2710 BC
Our northern scouts heard tales of a new English village being established in the north, called York. I suspect we are slightly ahead of the English in settlement creation, though we must strive to remain ahead of their efforts. The Men of Money must not be allowed to surpass the Men of the Spirit.
Our southern scouts continue northward toward the Mountains of Ice.
2670 BC
Salamanca has grown yet again, and Spearmen now stand ready to guard her gates. Another settlement team is being prepared; this one will be sent to the south, or perhaps to the east, into the hills, to secure the supply of incense that is there.
The scouts to the south continue to explore the Coldlands, and have fully skirted a large forest on the eastern shore.
The northern scouts have reached the village of the Navajo, who have taught us a more complete form of written records than the English have taught us. We can now establish alliances with our neighbors, though, thus far, we have still only encountered the English.
I have gone over the old reports from the southern scouts, and I believe we may find iron in one of the first snowcapped mountains they discovered. They didn't know what to do with it at the time, but it is now time to secure it. Perhaps the great Chief Hiawatha will send the settlers there, instead. Or perhaps we will send workers to set up a colony for the time being. Whatever the case, we must have iron if we are to make swords, and the English have iron just outside their capital.
2590 BC
The East Gold divides yet again, and our scouts move to cross it. There are rumors of another village far to the southwest, and, though they are making sure to pass through uncharted territory on the way, they intend to make their way around to it, and then further into the interior.
The southern scouts have reached the Ice Range and are moving to cross it. Fertile, warm lands lie to the north, and there is a great deal of gold here, as well. Gold is turning out to be a relatively common commodity; all that is needed is hands to dig it from the earth.
The Great Chief Hiawatha has ordered that Salamanca change it's current project. Rather than creating a settlement team, a work force is to be created, so that they might begin building a road directly toward the iron source. Hopefully, by then, we'll have a picture of the rugged terrain to the east, so we can determine whether there is a closer source.
The northern scouts have discovered herds of elephants in the Plains of Gold (named after the river that passes through it). These herds, however, are very close to English territory. No doubt they will soon be English property.
2550 BC
The southern scouts have sighted more organized settlements further to the east, and have begun to make their way toward them. The local nomads tell us they call themselves... well, they didn't know. You see, it's a very strange dialect, and part of the translation process involves something the readme file calls "Shift-rightclick". Unfortunately, this didn't work. So we decided to wait for them to contact us, or someone to answer our question in the Civ3-Help forum.
The priests are very strange people sometimes.
Hiawatha visited Northbank recently, and had the following conversation.
"You men, what are you training for?"
"We wish to be Spearmen, oh great Chieftan."
"But the town already has spearmen, why do you train?"
"That is what we were ordered to do, oh great Chieftan."
"I didn't order that... oh, wait. I suppose I did. Standing orders. Very well, then. Cease trying to become Spearmen. We need, oh, shall we say... hmm. How about a temple?"
"Oh yes, glorious Chieften! We shall erect a building to celebrate the Glories of the Spirit!"
Orders to build Settlers were issued to Salamanca. The scouts, scouted.
2470 BC
We now know the name of the village we have sighted. It is a place called Berlin, though we still lack the mystic knowledge necessary to contact them. Hopefully, they will contact us, especially if they have developed a more efficient means of transportation, which our wise men continue to work on.
And the historian became very bored, and many years went by.
2430 BC
The northern scouts have entered the villiage of the Illinois, who gave us maps, Yay. They like us. They really like us.
Shortly afterward, they passed warriors, who called themselves Germans. Though the men spoke a bit, still, no direct contact has been established between their leaders.
2390 BC
A temple has been finished in Northbank. I'm not really sure what a temple is used for, but I'm sure the priests have their motives. Northbank now works on more settlers. We must fill the earth, as the Spirit has commanded.
2350 BC
Our scouts to the south, which have entered the Badlands, have discovered closer iron deposits. The workers, once they finish their road section, will be diverted that way.
The scouts to the north have climbed a moutain, and discovered, in the distance, some of the most godforsaken territory on this continent. Dry and bare, very little life is supported, though a river winds through it, feeding the immediate area. Actually, given how much river there is, there is very little actual desert.
The workers have been diverted.
2270 BC
The mountains are crawling with German warriors. Still, no official contact has been made. It is possible, now that we can see their men, but Hiawatha has ordered that no official contact be made. I'm not entirely sure why he has ordered this.
2110 BC
Destiny has called. For ages, there have been great beasts that roamed in the city center of Salamanca itself, which we called Horses. Up to this point, we primarily ate them for food. The wise men have developed wheeled vehicles, which we immediately started hitching horses to. This is a great thing.
The young men have a game they play, in which they attempt to sit *on* a horse. They see how long they can stay on, but are inevitably bucked off. I suspect that one day, this game may prove useful for more than amusement. The Wise Men seem to agree, and are working on the temperments of these beasts.
1950 BC
English scouts have been seen mapping out the Eastern Badlands. German settlers have extended their reach westward, founding the village of Hamburg. We have founded the village of Niagra Falls in the plains south of Salamanca, on the shore of the Great Raging Sea. Another settler moves to claim the West Bank of the Endless River, thus beginning the fortifications planned upon hundreds of years ago.
1830 BC
Hiawatha has decided that it is time to begin exploring the Hills of Never. The northern detachment has recieved orders to journey toward the north, so that we might see what is on the other side. Our other scouts are exploring the interior, and have almost seen all there is to be seen. They will soon be sent east, beyond the German territory.
1790 BC
The Chehalis tribe has a most interesting way of seeing the world. Instead of relying purely upon the Ways of the Ancients, they also study the world to see how it is today, to find better ways to do things. Though I am skeptical, as are the wise men, their love of Truth, their Philosophy, is admirable, and there are some among our people who choose to study it further.
1700 BC
And the council of war was convened.
Diplomatic Advisor: I TOLD YOU that ignoring the Germans was dangerous! I INSISTED that we make contact quickly, to ascertain their intentions. But NOOOO, you thought you were clever, You thought that you could ignore them, in your INFINITE wisdom! And now look what has happened.
Domestic Advisor: You realize, oh Great Chieften, that several hundred people have died because of your negligence. The entire village of Niagra Falls has been burned to the ground.
Military Advisor: I said we should train warriors. I know spearmen are more powerful, but warriors would've already been ready to defend Niagra Falls.
Hiawatha: The Sky Spirit has said that a wise ruler heeds the advice of his advisors, and I have failed in this. I will seek pennance in the Temple. But now is not the time for tears. Now is the time for clear thought. Warleader, how do things look?
Military Advisor: Things could be worse. We have a pretty equal situation, all things considered. The Germans appear to have no knowledge of modern warcraft, so they will not be taking any more villages any time soon. Oh, but Grand Rapids, on the east bank of the Endless River, may have an entirely different type of trouble. People have been hearing rumors about hostile Mayans nearby.
Hiawatha: Great, just great. Well, had I done this sooner, there would have been warriors there a good 25 years ago, but we need them now, nonetheless. Send orders to equip them with whatever's on hand, ready or not.
Military Advisor: Yes sir.
Hiawatha: What about the English? What are the chances of getting Elisabeth on our side?
Diplomatic Advisor: We'll se what we can do. We have a bit of gold, and the English do hunger for our knowledge.
Hiawatha: Great. Have the people of Salamanca erect a barraks for the soldiers. Sid, how long until our boys stop falling off their horses?
Science Advisor: Oh, I wouldn't hope for that. If it ever happens, I estimate it'll be around 1,200 years from now.
Hiawatha: (rolls eyes): Great, just great. Well, let's see what we can do. Pow-wow adjourned.
** Later, at the conference with the English...
Hiawatha: How do things look?
Diplomatic Advisor: Not good. We'll pretty much have to teach them everything we know and give them all our money, as well as pledging half our income for the duration of the alliance, but it can be done.
Hiawatha hesitated, and said, "Do it." And the Anglo-Iroqois alliance was formed, to punish the Germans for their evil acts.
To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
January 13, 2002, 18:22
Local Time: 12:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Clovis, CA
Posts: 386
The science advisor came to Hiawatha, hands trembling.
"In the name of the Spirit! What brings you to me in such a state?"
The science advisor composed himself enough to say what was on his mind. "I have calculated the circumferance of the world."
"I have calculated the circumferance of the world."
Hiawatha pondered for a moment, and said, "What is the signifigance of this?"
"IT'S HUGE! Do you have ANY idea how long it will take to dominate this planet? The Royal Historian about died on the spot when I gave him the figures!"
"So, I will continue, but there will be no Royal Historian-"
Another voice broke into the conversation. "The Spirit does not wish it."
Hiawatha and his science advisor turned to the new speaker, a wizened old man with a staff. "What do you mean by this," Hiawatha asked the old man.
"The paradox is ended."
And the world unraveled.
And the player decided he didn't want to write a play-by-play about a Huge world game. Maybe a succession game on a huge world, but not a standalone story.
To those who understand,
I extend my hand.
To the doubtful I demand,
Take me as I am.
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