Thanks to b_c!
But I'd like to deny his credits to me.
As i like to define myself, I think I can be rated as a very skilled loser.
I apy a lot of attentio to certain details of the game (but not to others). And I am notoriously weak in "big picture" strategy (I often have not very well clear what's the best thing in a looong term frame), and specifically in the military domain (also from a strategic perspective - I can defend myself in existing troops deployment in a small theatre - it's called tactics I guess).
I have been playing with many players who are/were also active here in Apolyton as posters or pbem players.
Had I to name an overall best, who's still active here, I'd name
JAMiAM. I only managed to beat him once, and it was a team game. He always showed a deep and wide comprehension of all the game aspects, and the ability to pu it in practice to get the best results. Once he was allowed by the rules of a pbem to use the free DW midturn upgrade feature, he could wipe out entire factions with almost his bare hands!
cousLee is also probably stronger than me, but he retired from active play. He excels in military too ("General cousLee"), where I am weak.
Long time ago, I had been soundly beaten by the mighty
Pagan, who showed consistency over other games too. He was beaten by JAM once, but that was because of diplomatics (and my betrayal and double-crossing dumbness...).
Bingmann also showed impressive gameplay when I had the occasion to see him deploy his SMAC wisdom on the field (he was also the best CMN I've met ever)
Of the other players I had the occasion to meet, I rate more or less at my same level:
Aredhran, who is also famous here, although he is holding his turns since almost two months now!
Mongoose, who alas had disappeared abruptly from the community couple of summers ago...
Fistandantilus, my fellow countryman, which made the Italian SMAC teams unbeatable (well, at least unbeaten so far...)
I've never personally met or observed playing many Apolyton posters who tho I expect to be very strong, jusdging from their posts.
Of them all I regret I had not the occasion to meet Misotu.
Of cours also all the others reported above, and offhand I'd add for instance also Ogie Oglethorpe, or White Elephants, Sikander, Skanderbeg, RedFred, Fitz, and many others.
Currently, I'm hoping to get a little break too, but maybe over the summer I'll humbly present myself to meet the Apolyton SMAC/X pbem players who'll be still around (ACOL is definitely dead for that purpose)