View Poll Results: Shall civs be allowed to sign dual trade embargoes?
Yes 3 37.50%
No 5 62.50%
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Old January 11, 2002, 18:11   #1
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Shall civs be allowed to sign dual trade embargoes?
I have run into this some times, and the first time I thought it was a graphical bug in the foreign advisor. However, as I run into it again I investigated if further, and figured out that it was a dual embargo. (description follows)

This affects three different civs in a game. I'll call then CivA, CivB and CivC.

This is how it is:
CivA and CivB are at war.
CivA signs as trade embargo with CivC against CivB.
Some turns later CivB signs a trade embargo with CivC against CivA.

In the foreign advisor showing trade embargoes you will see a dashed line from CivC to the point of intersection with the lines from CivA and CivB. Both these lines will be both solid and dashed. (Different intensity of the orange)

If you then select to view potential trade you will see that the result of these deals are that CivC wont be able to trade with either CivA or CivB. (and if CivA and CivB make peace they will be unable to trade with each other as well.)

I don't know if it is supposed to be like this or not, but I think a better solution would be to not allow signing of trade embargoes with Civs that has an embargo against you.
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Old January 11, 2002, 18:22   #2
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And funny; I keep thinking of Iraq declaring a trade embargo on the United States. Yes, they're economy will be crippled...
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Old January 12, 2002, 03:18   #3
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yes because maybe you disapprove of both these civilizations and you want to make your displeasure known (and have a good excuse to weaken both these rivals too).
(hopefully though, you are self-sufficient and it is they who need you)

or did I miss the point?
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Old January 12, 2002, 18:14   #4
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Yeah, I've just had this in my current game.

I'm the English. At some point the Iroquois approach me, and we sign an MPP. Then I go to war with the Aztecs (they founded a city in the same spot where I wanted one). Two turns later the Aztecs sign an embargo against me with the Iroquois. The next turn, I sign an embargo against the Aztecs with the Iroquois, and the turn after that, the Iroquois honor their MPP with me, and attack the Aztecs.

Now if that isn't complicated

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