January 11, 2002, 20:46
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speeding up the game
I had a couple questions on speeding up this game:
1. Is it possible to queue your workers so that they build a few things without me having to control them for building 4 roads in a row or something.
2. Can you change any setting so that the cities don't ask you what to build next? Especially if I set the queue for 10 riflemen or something. I just want them built, not have to confirm it 9 times ya know.
3. Same with buildings. If I select temple, lib, aqua, market, and uni, I just want them built, don't want to confirm.
If anybody could please answer these questions, I'd really appreciate it. At this stage, my turns take about 15 minutes each sometimes....very annoying.....I don't even feel like playing after a half hour or so.
January 11, 2002, 23:54
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Re: speeding up the game
Originally posted by nap2
I had a couple questions on speeding up this game:
1. Is it possible to queue your workers so that they build a few things without me having to control them for building 4 roads in a row or something.
2. Can you change any setting so that the cities don't ask you what to build next? Especially if I set the queue for 10 riflemen or something. I just want them built, not have to confirm it 9 times ya know.
3. Same with buildings. If I select temple, lib, aqua, market, and uni, I just want them built, don't want to confirm.
If anybody could please answer these questions, I'd really appreciate it. At this stage, my turns take about 15 minutes each sometimes....very annoying.....I don't even feel like playing after a half hour or so.
There's a check box in the preferences that allows you to turn off the confirmation of building orders after something has been built. Nothing will pop up until you've finished building a city improvement or you reach the end of your queue. It only affects units by the looks of it though, they still ask after improvements.
As for Workers, look in your Civilopedia under Game Concepts/Hotkeys. There's a listing of the automated commands there. They're rather limited though, IMO. The only ones I use are CTRL-n (build trade roads) and Shift-j (Clear Jungle only). Everything else, I find it better to control manually. But that's my preference.
January 12, 2002, 14:40
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What really annoys me is when the governors of the cities don't do what I tell them to do. I usually default my cities to wealth every turn(by setting everything else to 'never') and manual decide what to build and queue up. But the governers seem to decide to switch to workers sometimes anyway(that's all they switch to) and then I have to change them back to wealth or something else. It doesn't take long to change production orders, but it does get old sometimes.
January 12, 2002, 17:48
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Originally posted by barefootbadass
What really annoys me is when the governors of the cities don't do what I tell them to do. I usually default my cities to wealth every turn(by setting everything else to 'never') and manual decide what to build and queue up. But the governers seem to decide to switch to workers sometimes anyway(that's all they switch to) and then I have to change them back to wealth or something else. It doesn't take long to change production orders, but it does get old sometimes.
From what I can see, if the queue is finished, it will start producing the last unit completed in any city. I agree it's annoying, I keep trying to make it produce Wealth as well. I wish there were a command that says "Always" instead of just "Often". Also I'd like to see something that allowed me to just keep making the same thing over and over again, like a production loop. If I have a town with Barracks for instance, it would be nice if I could tell it to build Horsemen until the end of time, and only Horsemen. That way I wouldn't have to keep going back to it to tell the Governor what to do.
January 12, 2002, 21:11
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those would be nice features I agree. I would probably want tomake modern tanks till the end of the game.
One question though, about "Wealth". Does it only work for one turn (which is good) I wouldn't mind using it if you just rebuild it every turn; espeically if there are no units that I need to build. Example, if I have all the troops I need and 10 cities have EVERYTHING, can you jsut make "wealth" every turn and crank extra gold???
This would be great.......
January 13, 2002, 02:05
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Originally posted by nap2
those would be nice features I agree. I would probably want tomake modern tanks till the end of the game.
One question though, about "Wealth". Does it only work for one turn (which is good) I wouldn't mind using it if you just rebuild it every turn; espeically if there are no units that I need to build. Example, if I have all the troops I need and 10 cities have EVERYTHING, can you jsut make "wealth" every turn and crank extra gold???
This would be great.......
Yes, that's how it works. If you just leave it on Wealth it will keep producing gold every turn, until you change it. That's why I try to get the governor to produce it often, at least I can't go wrong if the queue ends when I'm not looking.
January 13, 2002, 02:56
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Originally posted by nap2
One question though, about "Wealth". Does it only work for one turn (which is good) I wouldn't mind using it if you just rebuild it every turn; espeically if there are no units that I need to build. Example, if I have all the troops I need and 10 cities have EVERYTHING, can you jsut make "wealth" every turn and crank extra gold???
Yeah, you make gold for one turn, a fraction of the shields you make. in the early game I do it to 'mark time' when it won't make any difference when the next unit I make comes, like when my city grows in 5 turns and it will take 4 turns to build that worker or something. I also find it to be a great setting for useless one shield cities(you get 100% on gold/shields for that) after I've rushed whatever I want to rush.
It really would be nice if there were an 'always' thing in the governor, so that you wouldn't have to set everything else to 'never'. Grrrr. That's one of things that I couldn't have thought of 'not doing' if I had been developing the game.
January 13, 2002, 06:07
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In my last game I ended up automating all my workers with Shift A. Worked fine, even though they still take too long to all move, there's like 50 of them. I had a little under 30 cities.
The shortcut to build a road to someplace is cntrl shift r. or that could be rail, check the manual it has a lot of keys.
I don't know how to access the governor that y'all are talking about. Sounds like a hassle.
You can set it so that cities will always produce the same unit but the DA still pops up.
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January 13, 2002, 10:28
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Originally posted by Ironikinit
In my last game I ended up automating all my workers with Shift A. Worked fine, even though they still take too long to all move, there's like 50 of them. I had a little under 30 cities.
The shortcut to build a road to someplace is cntrl shift r. or that could be rail, check the manual it has a lot of keys.
I don't know how to access the governor that y'all are talking about. Sounds like a hassle.
You can set it so that cities will always produce the same unit but the DA still pops up.
To access the city governor, just hit the "G" key when you're in the city screen. It's rather useless early in the game, but I can see it would have a use later on. At least it has a few options for setting priorities, but you really have to keep your eye on it. Every so often it will start building something stupid.
January 13, 2002, 11:12
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The simple solution to avoiding ridiculous amounts of tedium is DON'T PLAY ON HUGE MAPS!!!
If you're going to use a huge map, you have to expect a slow game. If you want the game to go faster, you make your empire smaller. I love micromanaging everything, but I don't like a single game taking several days, which is why I just play standard maps.
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January 13, 2002, 11:23
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Originally posted by Dimension
The simple solution to avoiding ridiculous amounts of tedium is DON'T PLAY ON HUGE MAPS!!!
If you're going to use a huge map, you have to expect a slow game. If you want the game to go faster, you make your empire smaller. I love micromanaging everything, but I don't like a single game taking several days, which is why I just play standard maps.
But huge maps are part of the fun! Myself I like to play on a 256 x 256 map. Sure there's lots more micromanagement, but I've come accept that. I'd have no problem at all spending a "month" playing a single game personally, provided I have more to build than just military units and Wealth. I want to build a civilization, not just go around kicking other civ's butts all the time.
January 13, 2002, 11:29
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Well, I have to admit that huge maps actually have potential to be fun in Civ3 now that you can have 16 civs... I suppose if I ever feel like spending a week on the same game I'll give it a try.
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January 13, 2002, 12:08
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Originally posted by Dimension
Well, I have to admit that huge maps actually have potential to be fun in Civ3 now that you can have 16 civs... I suppose if I ever feel like spending a week on the same game I'll give it a try.
16 civs takes WAY to long on my lowly 400mhz Celeron. By the endgame, I can see a turn lasting an hour or two.
January 13, 2002, 15:05
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My turns last at least 30 minutes, especially since I have about 100 workers to control.
I have a cool suggestion however, and if theres a way to send feedback to firaxis, we should send this. One annoying thing is cleaning up all the pollution. Well, maybe in the next patch, they could make something like you designate 2,3,4...workers, per city, to clean pollution ONLY. So they just sit in the city, and when that city generates a pollution square, they automatically go out to clean it. Otherwise, they just skip their turn. That way, you take out a significant chunk of annoying micromanaging.
This may waste workers, but its only until you get to ecology, which is sooo far from sanitation (quite annoying) Once you get your mass transits and recycs everywhere, you can keep only one back or something. I think this feature would be really nice, what do you think??
If someone knows how to pass this along.....be my guest.
January 13, 2002, 16:42
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Originally posted by Willem
To access the city governor, just hit the "G" key when you're in the city screen. It's rather useless early in the game, but I can see it would have a use later on. At least it has a few options for setting priorities, but you really have to keep your eye on it. Every so often it will start building something stupid.
In the late game I default all my cities to military units(usually 2 of defensive, artillery, and offensive) and my coastal cities all produce naval units by default(another thing I don't understand is why they didn't allow for some distinction between transport naval units and other naval units, grrr). I always like to choose when buildings or wonders are started, gotta wonder about the IQ's of those governors that start a 600 shield wonder in 1 shield cities.
January 13, 2002, 22:22
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Originally posted by Ironikinit
In my last game I ended up automating all my workers with Shift A. Worked fine, even though they still take too long to all move, there's like 50 of them. I had a little under 30 cities.
In the Preferences menu (post patch) there is are options to control what unit moves you see. You can toggle enemy, friend and your own automated units on or off. I find playing with friendly and automated units not showing signifcantly reduces wait time (it also stops the annoying screen jumping as 50 automated workers move around your empire).
January 13, 2002, 23:47
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Originally posted by Willem
16 civs takes WAY to long on my lowly 400mhz Celeron. By the endgame, I can see a turn lasting an hour or two.
My roommate has a 400 MHz Celeron, and he's currently playing a 16-civ game on a huge map. He's been playing on and off for the past week, and reading a book between turns... but it only takes about a minute, and he's in the late 1700's with 85,000 culture, so it shouldn't last much longer. He upgraded to 640MB RAM, though (in Oct when you could get 256 delivered for $20), so I'm sure that helps.
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January 14, 2002, 09:30
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Faster AI turns
The only thing that can significantly speed up this $##^%@ game on huge (and even large) maps is a new set of algorithms for the AI turns. They take AGES.
One minute or so? Rubish! On my PIII 900 (256 RAM, but I don't think that's too crucial on game performance) I had a game on a huge (really huge - 256X256) map, with 16 civs, and by the 1500's (and while being pretty close to the end of the tech tree) it took up to 20 minutes for the AI to take one turn!!!
I just had to quit this game, it was tottaly unplayable. I had started it off as a scenario though, with it's own modified rules, so I am able to dig in from time to time and play a turn here and there.
Now I stick to large maps (homemade, actually, to increase the land percentage - my maps have about 70-80% land mass coverage, and it allows for bigger empires) with 8 civs. And it's still kinda slow...
January 14, 2002, 12:31
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Re: Faster AI turns
Originally posted by Rosacrux
The only thing that can significantly speed up this $##^%@ game on huge (and even large) maps is a new set of algorithms for the AI turns. They take AGES.
Have you personally seen the algorithms they use to make the ai move, and thereby know that they are inefficient? Or are you just assuming that they are because turns take so long? The processing that must be done in this game is much more complicated, particularly with the ai and trade networks, than anything of civ2. At any rate the main thing that sucks time for me(I've only done large with 12 civs) is my own playing of the turns, although I am getting more efficient, would be nice if the ai could have been programmed to generate more efficient algorthims for itself as the game went on wouldn't it?
If you are playing huge an large maps you should know that firaxis only officially recommends using up to 8, presumably for this very problem you are complaining about.
January 14, 2002, 13:03
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Originally posted by barefootbadass
What really annoys me is when the governors of the cities don't do what I tell them to do. I usually default my cities to wealth every turn(by setting everything else to 'never') and manual decide what to build and queue up. But the governers seem to decide to switch to workers sometimes anyway(that's all they switch to) and then I have to change them back to wealth or something else. It doesn't take long to change production orders, but it does get old sometimes.
If you want a city to produce wealth indefinetly, just uncheck the "Manage Production" box in the governor window for that city. If you do that, the city will never switch our of "Wealth".
January 14, 2002, 13:06
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Originally posted by Willem
Also I'd like to see something that allowed me to just keep making the same thing over and over again, like a production loop. If I have a town with Barracks for instance, it would be nice if I could tell it to build Horsemen until the end of time, and only Horsemen. That way I wouldn't have to keep going back to it to tell the Governor what to do.
If you have the "Manage Production" flag turned off for the city and you have the "Always Start Building Previously Built Unit" preference turned on, then the city will go into a production loop whenever you start building a unit. Thus, if you have the city build a Horsemen unit, the city will continue building Horsemen units until you tell it differently.
January 14, 2002, 13:15
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Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
If you have the "Manage Production" flag turned off for the city and you have the "Always Start Building Previously Built Unit" preference turned on, then the city will go into a production loop whenever you start building a unit. Thus, if you have the city build a Horsemen unit, the city will continue building Horsemen units until you tell it differently.
But then the Domestic Advisor keeps popping up, or at least she did when I tried to use that function. Anyway, it's a minor thing for me, I've learned to manage my production queues fairly well by now.
January 14, 2002, 13:22
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On Pollution Cleanup -
This is by far the single most intensive micromanagement part of the end game. First, if governors aren't managing population, the worker assigned to the polluted square doesn't go back to work after the pollution is cleaned up, I would much rather have the worker continue to work the polluted square than to have to manually reset them. Turning on the governors isn't something that I like doing, but have to later in the game for this reason.
Also, having only 2 workers go to each square of pollution adds a lot of micromanagement as well. Often these are captured workers that take up to 12 turns to clean up a spot of pollution (on mountains) in a pair. With pollution as likely as it is, this means that often 3-4 tiles in each metropolis' radius will be constantly polluted even with the 2 workers per pollution tile. Because of this I manually select workers and place them on pollution tiles, sometimes doing this takes 10-15 minutes per turn for larger empires. If shift-p would just put all workers to pollution cleanup until all pollution was cleaned up that turn, that would cut out so much of the tedium and boredom of the late game. If workers would remember that they were on pollution cleanup duty the next turn, at least until they saw there wasn't any more pollution to clean up, that would be great.
January 14, 2002, 13:56
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Originally posted by Aeson
On Pollution Cleanup -
This is by far the single most intensive micromanagement part of the end game. First, if governors aren't managing population, the worker assigned to the polluted square doesn't go back to work after the pollution is cleaned up, I would much rather have the worker continue to work the polluted square than to have to manually reset them. Turning on the governors isn't something that I like doing, but have to later in the game for this reason.
Also, having only 2 workers go to each square of pollution adds a lot of micromanagement as well. Often these are captured workers that take up to 12 turns to clean up a spot of pollution (on mountains) in a pair. With pollution as likely as it is, this means that often 3-4 tiles in each metropolis' radius will be constantly polluted even with the 2 workers per pollution tile. Because of this I manually select workers and place them on pollution tiles, sometimes doing this takes 10-15 minutes per turn for larger empires. If shift-p would just put all workers to pollution cleanup until all pollution was cleaned up that turn, that would cut out so much of the tedium and boredom of the late game. If workers would remember that they were on pollution cleanup duty the next turn, at least until they saw there wasn't any more pollution to clean up, that would be great.
have you tried "shift+A"? This will automate the units but will not change previous terraforms. In other words, the workers will not chop down forests or change mines to irrigation and vice-versa. They will, however, clean-up pollution and will sleep whenver there is nothing to do so you don't have to deal with them again.
January 14, 2002, 14:58
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I have tried using Shift-A. The problem is they still don't stack more than 2 per pollution tile. Also if there is any other job still to be done, they seem to do that before cleaning up pollution. This is probably why the AI's territory is often covered in pollution.
Is there any way that an automation preferences menu can be added to the game? Like what was included in SMAC. Options could be something like Emphasize/Allow/Disallow: Irrigation, Mining, Roads/Railroads, Clearing Pollution, Clearing Forest, Clearing Jungle. Very much like what the Governors menu is like. Also making it so that more than 2 workers would stack per automated job would really help. Maybe an option to set the minimum job time, so it would add workers until that objective was set. I realize this could mean a large change in code, but even just the option for number of workers per job for pollution would be wonderful.
The main problem I have with governors managing population is that they always change specialists to what I dont want them to be. If my Science rate is 100%, all the specialists become taxmen or entertainers. If my science rate is 0%, they all become scientists. In a recent game I spent over an hour setting 250+ cities' specialists in the most efficient manner for one turn. Then I hit enter, and the governors changed them all back to the scientists I didn't want. Adding an option to be able to chose what specialists default to would be perfect. At least to have governors not change specialists at all, so I could do it manually once, instead of manually every turn.
January 14, 2002, 18:48
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Originally posted by Aeson
Is there any way that an automation preferences menu can be added to the game? Like what was included in SMAC. Options could be something like Emphasize/Allow/Disallow: Irrigation, Mining, Roads/Railroads, Clearing Pollution, Clearing Forest, Clearing Jungle. Very much like what the Governors menu is like. Also making it so that more than 2 workers would stack per automated job would really help. Maybe an option to set the minimum job time, so it would add workers until that objective was set. I realize this could mean a large change in code, but even just the option for number of workers per job for pollution would be wonderful.
That would be very nice indeed. I'd like to be able to specialise my workers a lot more, especially when it comes to irrigation. I'd love to have a few who do nothing but irrigate, regardless of whether they do a good job or not. You can't really go wrong with this type of improvement, sooner or later it will have be to be done.
Another thing that would be good is the automated worker being able to differentiate between raw forest, and those that have been purposefully planted. Maybe have a different Forest type, like a tree farm that it wouldn't touch. It's frustrating to see one chop down a forest that I had just finished planting for the extra shields. If it weren't for that, I'd use the automation a lot more than I do.
January 14, 2002, 21:05
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I think we could all agree that the automation options need to be slightly improved (250 cities.....yikes! That musta sucked).
I'm a war-monger for the most part, so once I start rockin, I don't want to have to worry about pollution and stupid stuff, let the automation take care of this, so I strongly agree.
Did anyone find a way to email suggestions to firaxis?? I checked the web site, but I didn't see anything offhand. If anyone knows how, please do suggest these automation improvements to the company, they'd probably appreciate it, whether it may or may not be possible, it's worth a shot.
Otherwise, we're doomed to unending tedium....
January 14, 2002, 21:10
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Originally posted by nap2
I think we could all agree that the automation options need to be slightly improved (250 cities.....yikes! That musta sucked).
I'm a war-monger for the most part, so once I start rockin, I don't want to have to worry about pollution and stupid stuff, let the automation take care of this, so I strongly agree.
Did anyone find a way to email suggestions to firaxis?? I checked the web site, but I didn't see anything offhand. If anyone knows how, please do suggest these automation improvements to the company, they'd probably appreciate it, whether it may or may not be possible, it's worth a shot.
Otherwise, we're doomed to unending tedium....
Look for a link called "Ask the Civ Team". You have to look around, it's not blatantly obvious.
January 15, 2002, 17:40
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Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
If you want a city to produce wealth indefinetly, just uncheck the "Manage Production" box in the governor window for that city. If you do that, the city will never switch our of "Wealth".
Oh! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!
That will save me so much time.
January 15, 2002, 18:26
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Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
If you want a city to produce wealth indefinetly, just uncheck the "Manage Production" box in the governor window for that city. If you do that, the city will never switch our of "Wealth".
Sorry, but not true. I have my Governor set for No on production managing, and Never on everything besides Wealth, which is Often. And I still get the occasional time when it tries to produce something else, usually the last unit made by any of my cities. Not very often, but it does happen.
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