Possible Solution for AI Cities that invade your soon to be territory
In every game of Civ 3 I have played, I have been plagued by the AI building cities in my soon to be territory. At first, I would just conquer them, and then eventually the rest of the world, but I found myself wanting to play the game as a peaceful leader instead of a war monger. Anyways to make a long story short, I have found an alternative to getting rid of those pesky AI cities.
In the negotiation screen, you can view active treaties. If it has been over 20 turns, you can renegotiate peace. When the AI starts building those annoying little cities in my swiss cheesed territory, I renegotiate peace, and put in the city(s) that are in my territory as part of the treaty. Sometimes I have to pay 70 or 80 gold, but by that stage of the game, I'm making 300-400 per turn. So it's no skin off my back.
If I can't renegotiate peace, I simply wait until I can, or rush temples and libraries in the surrounding cities so I can assimilate the AI cities. It sucks to have to wait for this, but in the end, it is worth the aggravation.