July 31, 2002, 12:35
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Just the save (anyway, not much to comment, except BIG celebrations for Cyrion's Election!!  )
July 31, 2002, 13:06
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The Russian Government realizes that the French government probably would have wanted a "head's up" for RR bypasses, but when all the powers mutually agreed to make RR Bypasses the Russian government thought it meant what it meant
Russia would also like France to replace the dmeolished RRs in southern Germany before it is handed over to the German government.
Also the Russian Truckers' Union  would like to meantion to the French Government that "they can try to keep their eyes on the road and on the road only in future" and off military placements is somewhat hard if these military placements block supposedly open RRs for free trade
Again Russia would like to stress the need for immediate elections for the German Interim government and one year after the conclusion of the elections to create the German state.
August 1, 2002, 04:29
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Originally posted by The ANZAC
The Russian Government realizes that the French government probably would have wanted a "head's up" for RR bypasses, but when all the powers mutually agreed to make RR Bypasses the Russian government thought it meant what it meant
France has not been a part of any such agreement. All the French Government ever agreed to in this sphere was to help the Italians in constructing a series of rail bypasses around the cities on the route from Italy to the English Channel. This did not include the construction of any bypasses to aid Russians coming in through occupied Germany.
Also the Russian Truckers' Union would like to meantion to the French Government that "they can try to keep their eyes on the road and on the road only in future" and off military placements is somewhat hard if these military placements block supposedly open RRs for free trade
As we have mentioned, there are no railway bypasses in this area of France anyway, because Russia has failed to ask for any. Meanwhile ample roads continue to lie free for the use of trucks throughout the region. The military installations can't block off things that don't exist, so Russia's truck drivers have little or no reason to 'blunder' across them
Russia would also like France to replace the dmeolished RRs in southern Germany before it is handed over to the German government.
We in the Chamber of Deputies sure wish that Russia'd make up her mind, as our understaffed engineers can't be everywhere at once. Where exactly do you want all these railroads: bypassing the cities in north-west France or repairing south Germany?
August 1, 2002, 14:23
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Britain is also under the impression that there was no unanimous agreement on rail by-passes in Europe.
Britian agress with Russia that quick moves should be made to set up a German state. The Commonwealth Foreign Secretary cannot remember if he cast a vote earlier, so he votes for JMarks. The timetable of one year is acceptable
August 1, 2002, 17:28
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Sorry to confuse all the powers, but Russia assumed everyone out of good will would do work on RR bypasses; not necessarily spend 100% effort on it but do it eventually or make an effort to.
Also, these RRs are open for all foreign trade, so France should not feel so violated by Russian truck drivers seeing military emplacements
Also Russia casts a vote for El Awrence for German Chancellor Now France is left to vote. Once France votes Russia suggests that on January 1 of 1907, that Germany be created.
August 1, 2002, 21:43
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Downing Street issued a clarification statement saying that it's not that Britain refuses to build rail bypasses or anything, she has, Russia's truck drivers would have had difficulties earlier had this not been the case. Britain just does not seem to remember there being any sort of binding agreement that all powers would build such bypasses as Russia does.
Once France votes Russia suggests that on January 1 of 1907, that Germany be created.
The Commonwealth fully supports this proposition
August 1, 2002, 23:01
Local Time: 05:16
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La Repubblica
Italy Enters Arms Trade!
The Italian Government has proudly annouced that the nation's arms manufacturers have recently signed arms contracts worth over 1500 tons of gold!
The largest contract is that which Garibaldi Shipyards in Naples has won to construct two new battleships for the Turkish Navy. In addition, the ministry of defence has revealed that a portion of the nation's output of heavy artillery is to be supplied to the British Army. [Kirk, check your PMs  ]
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
August 2, 2002, 10:41
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Le Monde
France takes to Trade
A reshuffle of positions in the Ministry of Trade has left ministers with more pro-active views in charge, and this month saw for the first time in years a large effort by France to trade with her neighbours rather than waiting for their goods to come to her. Trucks carrying fine French manufactures and other products are presently en route to eagerly awaiting cities throughout Europe. At the same time a substantial enlargement of the national engineer corps is planned, to enable the undertaking of ambitious construction projects in future (among them being rail bypasses around some French cities.)
OOC: France votes for El Awrence as German interim leader. I suggest we hold another election for the leader at the end of the interim government period; a nice condition that would make sure we get a tamed German leader and let us boot them out if they turn out too scary and militaristic  But don't Italy and Turkey have to vote for this also?
France is all for the re-creation of Germany on 1st January 1907 (which should be in no time, considering the pace of this game in the past week  )
August 2, 2002, 10:50
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Oops :o
And heres the save:
August 2, 2002, 11:14
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Russia would also like to clarify: we did not say there was an agreement, just that most of the powers agreed that RR bypasses were a good idea.
Also Russia thinks that the Occupying powers should have the vote because they are in control and have the most involvement in the issues. Though the feelings of Italy and Turkey are certainly welcome.
OOC: I saw we set up the German player before Jan 1907 so we're not rushing at the end. Maybe have a Govt in Exile Office outside London?
August 2, 2002, 23:07
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okay, so I guess we can play through this next year and wait at then end of my last turn for Jan 1907, since Germany would come immediately after me and do all the Henrikization and setting up w/ Carl Fritz's tools and converting to a .sav and back and etc.
There's really no force to rush it other than ourselves, right? If something's more practical though, I'm listening
August 3, 2002, 00:36
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Germany always played after me, so shouldn't we create it after my Jan 1907 turn? I'm happy to do the fiddling around with CivCity etc and can get Henrik to do his thing for the passwords. Thats unless you all think I'm gonna peek at your armies and you want a disinterested observer to do it all  We need to work out exactly what we're going to give Germany before then though.
What did you all think of the idea of holding another election for the German leader after the interim phase? I thought it'd be a good way to make the German leader suck up to his neighbours a lot, after all they will want to be re-elected.
France also thinks that a Government-in-Exile is a good idea as it would allow the soon-to-be interim leader to voice his opinions whilst we discuss the German future. Needless to say, Germany should probably have a say in such matters.
August 3, 2002, 01:19
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*puts on crown and undusts Hohenzollern name*
August 3, 2002, 01:23
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Oh yeah, 'Martin von Karreras' won these elections. Congrats El; theres a certain poetic justice to you being back here, isn't there
Speech! Speech!
August 3, 2002, 10:57
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Congratulations to Martin von Karreras for his win in the elections!
OOC: it is on winterfirtz's turn, so I say we form it then. Also we worked out what cities are going to Germany: Berlin, Leipzig, and Dresden from Russia and Rostock, Magdeburg, and Erfurt from Britain.
August 3, 2002, 15:03
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Commonwealth Prime Minister Kirk sends his congratulations to the future chancellor of the new Germany, Martin von Karreras. The British Commonwealth look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with Germany.
Also, Kirk notes that he likes the idea of putting the chancellor through a reelection upon the completion of each succeeding phase of the transition.
OOC: Oh, I thought Germany went after Britain for some reason. After France is fine, and I have no problem w/ you taking care of all that needs to be taken care of, winterfritz. On the topic of what to give Germany, why doesn't one of us find out which techs Germany currently has, and then decide which it needs in addition. For money, we can all just grant Germany a certain amount of gold at a certain point, probably after his first turn.
As El Awrence is now the Chancellor-in-Exile, perhaps Russia and I should share information on the cities he'll be receiving, ie what they're building, and allow him to have input on this until he actually gets control of the cities. Also after each phase, we can do the same thing for the cities he'll be getting in the next round. Of course things would be subject to our veto since we still have control of the city. What do you think?
Also, will we have any military limits on Germany? JMarks at one point suggested to me that the limits could be proportionate, kind of like the tripartite naval pact in the 1920's. We could limit the size of this entire military to some fraction of one of our own. It wouldn't really matter which one, since Russia, France and Britian have roughly the same number of units. Although navally, I think Germany should be limited to a merchant marine and nothing heavier than a destroyer or possibly a light cruiser, and the number of these should be severly limited.
August 3, 2002, 19:24
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Letting the leader-in-exile have some measure of input, but not total control, on whats going on in those cities is a good idea.
The German military should be limited. Kirk, what sort of numbers did you have in mind for those proportional limits? I say Germany should be allowed a conscript defending each city plus a small mobile striking force. Will we let them have Advanced Ballistics (as almost everyone seems to have it now)? And are we going to give Germany conscripts with her cities, or make her build them on her own?
Edit: Just noticed that was my 400th post
Last edited by winterfritz; August 3, 2002 at 19:31.
August 3, 2002, 21:34
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The German Chancellor in exile has accompanied Prinz Wilhelm von Hohenzollern to the port of Hamburg where he will be touring the establishment of Germany in due course and will be surveying the cities and meeting with local officials. Once his tour of Germany has concluded he will be meeting with a Concert of Nations of Europe to outline the creation of the German state.
August 5, 2002, 03:53
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Sorry guys, as I wrote in another thread, I was away from my computer for 4 days!!
I'll play tonight, sorry about the delay!!
And WELCOME to Herr Martin von Karreras!!
August 6, 2002, 03:49
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Turkish News
The population thrives under the new Democracy! Freight, improvements, infrastructure...
And the save:
August 7, 2002, 12:11
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nothing terribly exciting happened.
I'm going to be away from around the 11th to the 20th. I may still be able to play my turns, I may not, so I'm just giving you guys a heads-up
August 7, 2002, 14:20
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nothing either...
August 8, 2002, 07:47
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La Repubblica
Italy Lashes Russian Action and Inaction!
Russian Incursions Spark Protest
The Russian navy's recent incursions into Italian waters have aroused protests from both the Italian government and people. The Italian Ambassador in Moscow has called on the Russian Minister of Defence and demanded that the ships be removed from the vicinity of Tirane.
Meanwhile, the Albanian coastline has been lined with furious Italians who have traveled from near and far to shake their fists at the arrogant Russian armoured cruiser which is clearly visible from the popular Albanian holiday resorts.
State of Russian Railroads Disapoints Traders
A party of Italian traders has had thier dreams of riches shattered by the poor state of the Russian railroad system. According to the ministry of trade, a party of Italian traders this month departed the city of Graz bound for Russia. However, the traders were forced to return for home when it was discovered that despite Russian retoric about the importance of rail road bypasses, no such rail lines lay around the Russian cities of Austria!
The traders have now given up their dream of opening the lucrative Russian market and are instead heading towards the British city of Newcastle.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
August 8, 2002, 09:58
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Russia would like Italy to reconsider both of it's statements
1. As to the armored Cruiser in Italian waters, Russia has previously be notified by Italian authorities. The ship is still en route out of the area and will leave by next month.
2. Concerning the Rail Road bypasses: Russia has been trying to setup rail roads and bypasses in general across the country. If you look at our size, it's a pretty tremendous feat. However, other powers like France and Britain have had established RR infrastructures yet have not put much work into bypasses. However, Russia has engineers working on a trans-Balkan RR andcan easily next turn put in bypasses. The Russian government can assure you that in Germany and Russia the going will be easier. And if there are not RR bypasses there will be at least road bypasses. Russia is issuing a map of the RR conditions in Austria.
August 9, 2002, 08:41
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Le Monde
France Gives Thumbs Up to Rail Network
Soon after the launching of her new trade initiative, French merchants finally tried first-hand the Trans-Continental Railroad, the ambitious project linking Paris and Istanbul with a series of rail-bypasses constructed by French, Italian and Turkish engineers. The system performed to perfection; a cargo of dye from textile regions around Nantes did indeed reach eager consumers in Istanbul within a single month (turn).
Following this impressive display of the new system's capabilities, the French Government formally congratuled Italy and Turkey for initially embarking on the project and persuading France to join. 'It is indeed a great achievement for European trade,' stated Minister for Trade Jacques Renuard.
More cargos of French goods continue to struggle to reach Russian markets through the muddy roads of the Confederacy.
August 9, 2002, 08:53
Local Time: 21:16
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I dled the save and will play it tonight, BUT... just for your information, as I had connection problems from my home comp last week (bloody provider!!  ), I'm not sure I'll be able to post my save before Monday morning (when I come back to work)!! But I'll try anyway!!
So don't get mad at me if you don't see the posted save before Monday...
August 9, 2002, 10:24
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Re: Le Monde
Originally posted by winterfritz More cargos of French goods continue to struggle to reach Russian markets through the muddy roads of the Confederacy.
Russia is perplexed by France's statement and a little annoyed at both the Italian and French statements. The Russian Transportation Minister, Vasily Andropov: "Russia has made great leaps and bounds on connecting the entire country to a rail system. But we are perplexed by the French statement; which city were you trying to reach? Right now, one can go from Moscow to Berlin almost in two months. There are just one or two bypasses to be completed. More RR are appearing over Russia. We did not have the same luxury of France to do **** with their pre established rail system. We've been laboring hard to set up a rail system period, much less but still importantl set up bypasses. Also Russia has stopped harassing France to install even simple roads in Germany and to block trade routes with troops. Russia hates cynicism  So I will tell you, France, what you have told mother Russia: "Where are you going? Maybe then we'll put in bypasses when we feel like it."  We ask France to work with us not against us with this slandering.
August 9, 2002, 22:08
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We are not slandering Russia, and there was no ill-feeling in our statement. It was merely a fact. Our traders are currently bogged down in the underdeveloped Balkans. We did not blame the Russian authorities in any way for this occurance, and are surprised at their touchy counter-attack. Perhaps the Russians feel responsible?
August 9, 2002, 22:21
Local Time: 05:16
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The Italian government is pleased to hear news of a direct Berlin-Moscow Rail Road. We formally ask the French government to build RR bypasses around the cities of Northern France so that Italian traders may reach this route.
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
August 9, 2002, 22:30
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The French government is glad to oblige their friends and allies, the Italians. Our ever-growing civil engineers corps will begin work on the project right away.
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