January 20, 2002, 19:44
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It's Spain's turn. Sun Tzu is about 15 minutes away from breaking the 48 hour turn time limit
January 20, 2002, 20:09
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hmmmmmmmm, ok i give up, now theres a problem with my game. all the units and their names ect are screwed up. so everyone just skip me. i'm not playing.
January 20, 2002, 20:38
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I'm sorry to hear that Sun Tzu. Have you got the version of AoW on civfanatics? Are you using the MPevents and Anzac's updated Rules.txt with the increased ship moves? (that rules file is on the second page of this thread.)
If it still doesn't work, you can always try again with your next turn.
January 21, 2002, 00:07
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That's really wierd  Did you accidently rename the rules file?
I guess if SunTzu can't play at the present it's ANZAC's turn again. Damn this game is moving fast
January 21, 2002, 02:48
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I'll continue to work on it, hopefully i can jump in next turn.........
January 21, 2002, 03:30
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Small problem...
Sorry about the delay in posting, guys, but my computer screen broke down on Saturday!
Luckily, it happened AFTER I had played and posted my save!!!
So now I have to find a solution so that I can use my home computer again and explain the Ottoman position regarding the events in the Low Countries
January 21, 2002, 03:58
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Don't worry Grogthar, I got it from a WW2 PBEM at civfanatics, I think. It originally included the rest of scandinavia, iceland, bits of America.
I like your maps in the original AoW thread, although its a pity what happened to poor old france
Pah france got what it deserved, i mean although the smoke screen that we gave confused everyone  Also the only reason we attacked france was because it isolated itself from all its supposed allies, tip, in this game unless your spain dont be neutral
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
January 21, 2002, 11:24
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Russian Courier
No important news for the week to speak of.
January 21, 2002, 12:47
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Is war in the air?
Alarmed by the dire news coming from the Low Countries, the Sultan, His Magnificence Abd ul-Hamid II, ordered His most trusted secretaries to join Him for an emergency Council of State!
Not knowing really well the whereabouts of the events happening so far to the west, the Sultan first asked his most knowledgeable foreign specialists to explain the situation.
The first Counsellor to stand in front of the assembly was the respected Hossein ibn Ibrahim: "Beware, o Light of the Believers, for the Germans are treacherous indeed!! The British and French kindly invited them to come to discuss the peaceful future of the Low Countries. But did the Germans even condescend to come to Leeuwarden? No, they prefered to stay at home, faking to accept the decisions of the Conference while hatching sinister plots!! And then they suddenly attacked the small and armless nations of the Low Countries with ruthless violence, plundering, burning and killing, in a whirldoom of senseless slaughter!! Who knows now where the next blow will fall? What can stop the German army if the free nations don't stand at the British side??"
The Counsellor Khalid al-Kamil then faced the crowd that had been stirred by the fiery words of Hossein ibn Ibrahim:"Nonsense!! You think you can fool the Sultan, Allah's chosen, with your ridiculous lies? But all the learned ones knows that what you call Leeuwarden Conference is nothing more than a decoy! It was indeed a private meeting between the British and the French, to which nobody was invited!! And it was then that they decided to share the Low Countries between themselves, peaceful and armless though they were, as you did so kindly remind us... It was only when the French armies had taken and plundered the Belgian cities that the German troops, hastily mobilized, could come to the help of the dutch citizens to protect their country from the British potential invaders!! And now I ask you: why should we betray a Friend, who has always stood at our side and hasn't done anything wrong in this matter, for a Nation which only wants to enslave us as she did with so many others??"
The Sultan then retired with His Foreign Secretary, the dreaded Hassan i Sabbah. On the next morning, a letter was sent to the european Nations...
January 21, 2002, 13:15
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Letter to the European Nations
Speaking for His Magnificence the Sultan Abd ul-Hamid II, Hassan i Sabbah, Foreign Secretary!!
The situation in the Low Countries leads us to fear an oncoming war! We are too far from this places to know who is right and who is wrong in this matter, but we are sure that a war could only bring misery for all nations, even those that are far away!
We believe it is not too late yet to avoid this war if all nations work together to find a peaceful solution!! For this purpose, the Foreign Secretaries of all the european Nations sould meet in a Peace Conference! For the location of this Conference, we propose the City of Istanbul: as the Ottoman Empire is neutral and so far away to have no personal interest in the Low Countries, we believe it would be a wise location...
Furthermore, the Sultan wishes to share with his fellow rulers his thought on the matter:
The British don't want to see a German held Netherland as it would give the Second Reich a good base to attack Great-Britain; the main problem seems to be the big port of Amsterdam which would allow the Germans to shelter their fleet in view of the english coasts!
The German don't want the British to occupy the Netherland as it would give them a foothold on the continent. And the Germans, according to the latest news, currently occupy all the dutch cities.
It seems that the problem would be less critical if neither the Germans nor the British were occupying the city-port of Amsterdam!! So, if all the concerned nations agree, we propose a transfer of the city of Amsterdam to a neutral country vowing never to join either country in the eventuality of a future conflict! As the Low Countries are much too far from the Ottoman Empire for the turkish police contingents to come quickly, Spain, if it's neutrality is confirmed and if the King agrees, would seem to be the perfect choice for this role...
The Sultan is willing to discuss the matter in details in His palace during the Conference.
Thank you for your attention!
Hassan i Sabbah, Foreign Secretary
January 21, 2002, 13:56
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nevermind. I realised that first ottoman post was just a little court intrigue.
January 21, 2002, 17:40
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The Times
British Government Issues Statement
The British Government today issued a statement saying, it will let the rest of Europe to deside the fate of the low countries, it is true what the turk s say, so i propose a turkish or itlian Garrison, in Amsterdam... thank you for you time..
Soundwave the I
January 21, 2002, 19:40
Local Time: 05:15
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La Repubblica
King Welcomes Ottoman Proposal
Agrees to attend talks, provide peacekeepers
King Case today issued a statement supporting the Ottoman proposal. As Amsterdam is indeed the crux of this issue King Case fully supports moves to declare it a neutral port. If it would be acceptable to Germany and Britain The Italian government is willing to provide a small garison of peacekeepers as proposed by the Sultan.
in other news:
Spanish Fleet causes Alarm
Ships of the 3rd Fleet (HQ Palermo) have sortied to intercept the Spanish fleet which has suddenly appeared off the coast of Sardinia. This deployment is intended to reasure the residents of Sardinia who fear attack by the Dons.
The file:
January 21, 2002, 21:18
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Le Monde
Brussels occupied
After the German troops blocking the way were withdrawn, the French Army could advance on Brussels unimpeded. The communist rebels had hastily erected impressive fortifications; however, once more the French Army proved itself an efficient and powerful modern force, pounding the defending garrison into oblivion. A regiment of Chasseurs then marched through the streets of Brussels, to the cheers of an ecstatic population.
Third Republic applauds Ottoman initiative
Winterfritz, in an address to the Chamber of Deputies today, commended the Turkish peace conference to be held at Istanbul. 'The Turks have shown us how civilized nations should resolve their problems. We can only hope that the Germans will agree to attend, and not condemn the Istanbul Treaty to the same fate as the one signed at Leeuwarden.'
Economy booming
It has only been four months since the Plan Orange economic reforms were introduced, but the French economy is already showing marked growth. French population too is on the rise, and the Third Republic is now the third most populous nation in Europe, after Germany and Britain.
Coup in Spain
International observers today were shocked at the news that King Sun Tzu of Spain has been deposed by members of the army. While the news is not yet certain, it appears that General AI has seized control of the Spanish government. This would explain the unannounced presence of Spanish warships off Sardinia. All France anxiously awaits the developments inside their troubled neighbour, and the Mediterranean Fleet has been dispatched to Sardinia to investigate the Spanish presence.
Moroccan campaign continues
French colonial armies continued their advance towards the city of Fez in Morocco today. It is expected that the Sultan's capitol will fall and his corrupt regime finally be eradicated in just a few months.
Last edited by winterfritz; January 23, 2002 at 06:13.
January 21, 2002, 21:28
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Chancellor von Karreras sent a small telegram to Istambul stating that the Netherlands were secure and safe and peace reigns through the Low Countries, at least in the German controlled territories and that a neutral police force or inspection task will not be required.
January 21, 2002, 21:49
Local Time: 07:15
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Britain Sends International Brigade to Spain
Britain will help the former Government, not a fascist one. Forces have been moblized and are on their way.
Britain Rejects Germanys Claim of 'all peaceful'
Britian has today rejected a claim by the Second Riech saying the Low Countris are 'all peaceful', as before in there are anyGerman Ship in Amsterdam, war will be decleared very shortly. If removed war will be avoided.
The King is Better
The King today said he was aok, but Mr Richards is still taking over from him, till he get better..
January 21, 2002, 22:17
Local Time: 16:15
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November 18th, 1900, 2.46 AM
To: German General Staff
From: Kiel
Odense has fallen. Stop. Arhus to fall shortly. Stop. Troop transports readied for embarkation towards Copenhaguen. Stop.
Generalfeldmarschal Erich von Luddendorf.
November 22nd, 1900, 3.58 PM
To: German General Staff
From: Danzig
Russian cruisers and destroyers spotted near Copenhaguen. Stop. Russian battleships cruising close to German waters in the Baltic. Stop. Konigsberg fleet sortied to monitor them. Stop.
Admiral von Spee.
January 22, 2002, 01:59
Local Time: 05:15
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La Repubblica
Postal Department Causing Trouble
King Case is currently in dispute with postmaster Bill Gates. Mr Gates is complaining about the ammount of 'hotmail' the king recieves and is refusing to pass on some mail the first time it is sent.
Italy reacts to reports of Spanish Coup
Reports that King Sun Tzu has been deposed by the manical General AI have caused great alarm.
In light of the potential threat from the Spanish fleet the Italian government has asked for the urgent assistance of the French and British navies to protect our cities from possible Spanish raids.
Meanwhile, the troops of the Sardinian garison are digging in, and civilians have been instructed to evacuate coastal regions.
January 22, 2002, 14:47
Local Time: 21:15
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Ottoman Empire ready to trade!
Thanks to the help of foreign technical counsellor, the knowledge of the kind of goods that could be of interest to the other nations was acquired by the ottoman merchants; the gathering of trucks of goods began at once! The Ottoman Empire will at last have the opportunity to show the world the quality of its craftsmen...
The workers carried on with the heavy work in the country while new imperial engineers were commissioned to further develop the road network.
The atmosphere in Istanbul was joyful as the people prepared for the Conference that was to be held in the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
The first to come might well be the Czar Himself, as a great number of impressive russian battleships were seen cruising in the Marmara sea and even in the straits. The Sultan can only hope that this display of force is nothing more than the escort of His Imperial Highness the Czar...
January 22, 2002, 15:02
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Originally posted by Grothgar
Pah france got what it deserved, i mean although the smoke screen that we gave confused everyone Also the only reason we attacked france was because it isolated itself from all its supposed allies, tip, in this game unless your spain dont be neutral
Indeed, France was a case of hybris.
Declaring that he had no further need for his allies he got rid of the only friends he had left.
And on top of this he had been disbanding his army, building lots of banks and such instead, meanwhile germany and Brittain built up thier armies...
The collapse of France took no more than 3 turns...
Indeed, make sure to have powerfull friends in this pbem or you will surely be doomed (unless you chose a line of strict neutrality that you get everyone to accept like Spain did(though it's new leader doesn't seem to follow the same policies...))
No Fighting here, this is the war room!
January 22, 2002, 15:48
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And on top of this he had been disbanding his army, building lots of banks and such instead, meanwhile germany and Brittain built up thier armies...
Oh i did wonder why they had no armies in their costal cities, well no offense to the guy who played them but that does seem a very silly thing to do, But anyway this game is going totally different to how ours has played out and i doubt france could fall in 3 turns on this. Also the alliances are different, and in my opinion less intresting lol, it looks like almost everyone v germany.
But anyway on to henriks point if you dont have any allies in this game, well not that specifically but if you antagonise your allies dont expect to last long. I mean me and germany were planning on attacking france for ages and this just made it sooooo much easier. But anyway im hijacking the thread so ill go lol.
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
January 23, 2002, 05:53
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Soundwave, it's your turn
January 23, 2002, 22:41
Local Time: 07:15
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Britian Backs Down
Britain today backed down on German claims to territory, it says Germany can keep what she wants.
Naval Forces at Sea
Naval Forces are at sea on naval excerises with French Ships
Britian goes towards Isolationism
After serious Back-downs the British Empire facing civil stife and colonial uprisings retreats back to fight another day, when more organized. Britian has fallen away from the Entente.
January 23, 2002, 22:43
Local Time: 07:15
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 Sorry forgot to attach my turn!!
January 24, 2002, 05:33
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Le Monde
Spanish Situation Worsens
Evidence has recently come to light depicting the true nature of General AI's regime in Spain. The massacre of a peaceful protest against the General in Madrid was carried out today by army troops. 95 people died and hundreds were wounded.
A steady stream of refugees fleeing to Portugal and France also point to the cruelty of the Generals leadership. Many of these refugees speak of the police hunting down and executing suspected political opponents without trial.
While the French government has as yet not issued an official statement on the state of affairs in Spain, several divisions of the French Army are engaged in defensive exercises along the Spanish border, and prominent ministers are reportedly considering measures to 'protect French interests and the security of the Spanish population.'
BTW, I think I may be leaving home for 2-3 days at about 2 am GMT tomorrow, so unless I can get hold of Italy's save before then, there may be a slight wait on France's turn. My apologies in advance
January 24, 2002, 19:03
Local Time: 05:15
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Re: Le Monde
Originally posted by winterfritz
BTW, I think I may be leaving home for 2-3 days at about 2 am GMT tomorrow, so unless I can get hold of Italy's save before then, there may be a slight wait on France's turn. My apologies in advance
Er, what's 2 AM GMT in AEST? (Australian Eastern Standard Time). As always, I'll play my turn the minute I get it.
Have a good Australia day long weekend
January 24, 2002, 21:02
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Re: Re: Le Monde
Thats about 1pm AEST.
Originally posted by Case
Have a good Australia day long weekend
I will
January 24, 2002, 21:16
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Re: Re: Re: Le Monde
Originally posted by winterfritz
Thats about 1pm AEST.
Not looking good them  (I'm posting this at 12:10 AEST)
Oh well, I get three days to plan my strategic masterstroke
January 24, 2002, 23:10
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Re: Ottoman Empire ready to trade!
Originally posted by Cyrion
The first to come might well be the Czar Himself, as a great number of impressive russian battleships were seen cruising in the Marmara sea and even in the straits. The Sultan can only hope that this display of force is nothing more than the escort of His Imperial Highness the Czar...
The Russian Black Sea Fleet is just running exercises, no need for alarm.
January 26, 2002, 14:09
Local Time: 19:15
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Marching into Madrid with the Royal Army, King SunTzu I has retaken power in spain after a month in exile.
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