January 28, 2002, 09:12
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Le Monde
Premier returns
Premier Winterfritz returned to France today after a three day vacation in Indo-China.
In a brief statement to the press as he disembarked from the liner Richelieu, he congratulated Sun Tzu I on ousting the dangerous General AI. 'We can only hope that this is the last we'll see of the General,' said Winterfritz. Then he announced that he was retiring to his chateau in the countryside to wait for an 'important package with a .net extension.' We can only guess at the meaning of this cryptic remark.
Does your post mean that you managed to play the saved game this time Sun Tzu? If so, well done
January 28, 2002, 15:02
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Well i haven't played the turn, but i found out why it was screwed up. I overlooked something, the all important Rules file! lol God i'm stupid
January 28, 2002, 15:05
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gonna play my turn now
January 28, 2002, 15:41
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The Spanish Navy which was running from the evil General AI, is now returning to Spanish waters to patrol.
The new Spanish government wishes to re-evaluate its positioning in world affairs, and is opening relations with all nations of europe and africa.
The military training that was implemented by General AI has now been changed to Domestic Affairs Works.
The new department, The Civil Works Association(CWA), is going to work on the roads, irrigation and mining of the Spanish Kingdom.
The Republic government is going to be implemented instead of Monarchy very soon.
King Sun Tzu I wishes PM Soundwave would remove the English navy that is off the coast of Cadiz, it is in violation of Spanish waters.
January 28, 2002, 15:47
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Germany congratulates the new leadership in Madrid and commends their economic friendly policies.
January 28, 2002, 18:37
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Houston, we have a problem
edit: problem solved
Last edited by Case; January 29, 2002 at 00:58.
January 28, 2002, 20:04
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Well, Case, not to worry, I have the save and played my turn.  I just DLed this last one and didn't worry about the one before.
January 28, 2002, 20:55
Local Time: 05:15
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La Repubblica
Spanish Fleet Retreats!
3rd Fleet Maintains Persuit
Following its aprehension by the Italian 3rd Fleet, the Spanish fleet which had been menacing Sardinia has turned tail and retreated towards Spain at maximum speed. Due to the Spaniards lead, even the 3rd Fleet's fastest ships have been unable to catch up with the Spanish fleet.
Italy will maintain a close watch on the Spanish fleet untill it reaches it's home ports, and the ships of the 3rd Fleet have been instructed to keep their guns loaded and maintain an attack formation.
below: the battleship Ammiraglio di Saint Bon moving at high speed
In addition, the troop ship Genoa has docked at Sardinia and is unloading elite marines to strengthen the islands defences against future Spanish raids.
Ambassador to Spain meets with Spanish officals
In the meantime, the Italian ambassador in Madrid has demanded a formal apology from the Spanish government.
In addition, the ambassador has requested that Spain make an act of good faith in order to satisfy the Italian government that their fleet's actions where indeed acts of desperation caused by the sailors desire to flee the despot General AI.
The Italian government will be satisfied by either a cash payout to cover the 3rd Fleet's costs, or the Spanish abandoning their unessesary treaty with Germany.
Allies Thanked
The King wishes to express both his personal gratitude and that of the nation for the British and French navies swift responce to his call for assistance.
In addition, he hopes that the British and French fleets will continue to render assistance by joining the persuit of the Spanish fleet.
in other news:
Trade grows
In the last month Italian traders have began selling wine in Paris, and Grain in Sarajevo. It is expected that these ventures will enrich both the traders and the Italian Government, who stands to gain a huge tax windfall.
Mines Open
The Government's campaign of increasing Italy's mineral output has continued with several new mines being opened in the Naples district.
Last edited by Case; January 29, 2002 at 00:53.
January 29, 2002, 03:09
Local Time: 19:15
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Le Monde
Premier warns Spanish king
Returning to Paris today after his vacation in Indochina, Premier Winterfritz supported the Italian demands towards their Spanish neighbours. ‘We will not tolerate Germany’s attempts to surround us with enemies,’ he said to the Chamber of Deputies today. ‘So we must ask that Spain cancel her alliance with the Second Reich.’
The French government as a whole today reaffirmed their commitment to the Entente and issued a formal statement expressing approval of Italian actions. French vessels continue to assist the Italian 3rd fleet off Sardina.
Economic, population booms continue
Premier Winterfritz’s government has seen the beginning of an unprecedented golden age for France. In the six months since his election, bi-monthly tax revenue figures have increased over 200 %. As fast as this money pours in, however, it is spent on new factories and steel mills designed to modernise French industry. The population too has increased by over two and a half million in the past six months. The new year saw ‘We love Winterfritz’ celebrations in every major city of metropolitan France.
January 29, 2002, 03:13
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Oops, forgot to attach my save
January 29, 2002, 03:17
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And heres a situation map of Europe near the end of January, 1901:
January 29, 2002, 12:47
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Germany reminds France that Paris herself had taken unto themselves the task to surround Germany with hostile powers as demonstrated by the 1894 alliance between Russia and France. He has added that France should also "learn to take some of her own medicine".
January 29, 2002, 13:26
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Dispatches of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Germany has publicly demanded that the Royal Navy units sailing in German waters around Amsterdam be removed immediatelly without any demands from Britain. Germany has added that Berlin will not tolerate Britain subjecting the Reich to gunboat diplomacy and has added that the British government may be fined for trespassing German waters.
The following pictures of British ships in German waters have been circulated amongst the consulates of the other European nations in Berlin:
January 29, 2002, 13:28
Local Time: 16:15
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Berliner Zeitung, January 1901
Arhus Liberated
Arhus.- After a six hour shelling of Arhus where hostile units were in existance, the two Danish divisions in the city were destroyed by the Kriegsmarine units and later they were liberated by Uhlans in their march across the city. Danish citizens gave the Uhlan regiments flowers and cheered them on. The liberation of the Netherlands and Denmark will go in the textbooks of military history as a great feat undertaken by the Kriegsmarine.
Meanwhile, the Reichstag has finalised the documentation that makes the annexation of Denmark to the German Reich a reality and has added that Denmark has become one more province in our glorious Reich. The Chancellor has added that British ships in the area are sailing in German waters and are requested to return to international waters and not tresspass in German sovereign waters.
The following pictures of British ships in German waters off Denmark has been circulated:
January 29, 2002, 13:30
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And here is the save.
January 29, 2002, 16:56
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The British Empire has release a formal statement today in reply to Germanys threats!
Do We Care? NO!
The British Navy is FAR more powerful and will not be told to go and where to go to! So if the Kreigsmarine wants to attack let them, do so in there own time, if not dont bother us wiht your threat. Thank you
Soundwave I
January 29, 2002, 17:27
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The invasion of German territorial and sovereign waters by the Royal Navy could well be considered an act of war on behalf of Britain upon the people, the government and the Empire of Germany and thus the German Reich DEMANDS the removal of the British fleet from German territorial waters (2 tiles away from any German controlled area's coastline) and DEMANDS a payment of ONE HUNDRED Reichmarks immediatelly as reparations for this intrusion.
We shall not allow Britain to perform gunboat diplomacy against Berlin or perhaps Britain would enjoy German troops taking holidays in Dover or Kent.
January 29, 2002, 17:35
Local Time: 07:15
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I'm sorry German Emipre.. But NO you will not get your demands at all!, no way, you were in the wrong all along this time line, so this is the Formal Statement from the Royal Navy Adrmial Jenkins "Nuts"
In other words (Germany you had you go! Talk to the hand) the British Empire will stand firm and will not back down (again) so there!
and again
Soundwave I
Th British Empire
January 29, 2002, 18:42
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From the Desk of the Russian Foreign Ministry:
Germany ambitions should be curbed by all decent countries in Europe and Britain is acting justly. Back off Germany.
Other News: Minsk-Vitebsk rail line completed. With this economic growth should be expected.
January 29, 2002, 19:15
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Ambitions?! These are our waters. The German Foreign MInister has told Russia to put her comments where the sun don't shine.
January 29, 2002, 19:50
Local Time: 05:15
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Italian Foreign Ministry Press Release
The Italian government is greatly concerned about the current British-German argument concerning the freedom of the seas.
It is our understanding that warships should, whenever possible, not come within two spaces of non-allied nations coastline. We are pleased to say that unlike the Spaniards, the Austro-Hungarian fleet has observed this courtesy in its patrols off Italy.
However, in this case, the British warships in question are monitoring the German conquests of The Netherlands and Denmark and the Italian government finds it highly suspicious that Germany has reacted so strongly.
Surely if the German's have nothing to hide then they won't mind British ships carring Entente observers surveying their coasts.
January 29, 2002, 19:57
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Germany has nothing to hide, but we do not find it customary or courteous to shoot first and ask questions later. Britain never made any request to observe and any requests in future will be denied. Any nation that requests permission from Berlin to observe the action in The Netherlands or Denmark shall be allowed to send them. Nations who dispatch observers without permission from Berlin are not welcome and shall de readily deported back to their country of origin.
January 30, 2002, 16:47
Local Time: 07:15
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The Times
From the British Naval Adrimal's reply to German demands is "Nuts"-Jenkins
The British Foreign Office release these details ' the Second Riech has all the terroties and we are just looking, so if Germany has a problem, they know where they can stick it!'-Kirk
Mr Richards later said quite bluntly today, 'we have tried to reason with the Hun and to no avail so if he want action let him take it! and we will be having snizl in Berlin!'
Also Germany your allies will not back you, you will find that you will be alone and my yourself....
Also Spain by the way i back Frances, and Italys Ultimatiums, if you do not comply we will be forced to act forth right...
And The Ottoman Empire, your Battleship is ready, how much $$$$ would you like to give to me, and dont forget my scientists are in your country, GIVING you techs, and my engineers are building the Egypt-Palestine Railway...
In the letter wrote by a little English boy sent to the German Kraiser!! said:- "you suck and you are a horrible man, my daddy wants to shoot you and all Europe hates you  "
January 30, 2002, 19:19
Local Time: 21:15
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The Ottoman Finance Secretary showed today to His Magnificence the Sultan the first trucks full of goods ready to be exported to other countries! This magnificent achievement wouldn't have been possible without the expert help of British specialists who have been teaching us the ways of International Trade!
In a solemn speech, His Magnificence the Sultan expressed His unlimited gratitude to His Friend and Fellow Ruler, the Great King Soundwave!! The riches that the aforesaid goods will bring to the Ottoman Empire will allow us in the years to come to repay the British Empire for all the services provided...
The Grand Vizier Cyrion then explained the situation in the Empire: "Great work is underway, but it will indeed be long before our proud country can be compared to the other european nations without shame...
The main focus in the next years will be the removal of the corruption that is currently draining the Sultan's coffers... We sadly have to deplore the long time it takes to gather all the laws we need to build an efficient legal system!! It is to be feared that without foreign help we won't see this achievement in our lifetime..."
Speaking about the russian fleet cruising near Istanbul, he added: "We would like the foreign nations to ask for our permission to cross the straits which are in our territorial waters, permission we would be glad to grant!! Not that we would like to (or even could  ) forbid them to cross the straits, be it would be a sign of goodwill and it would allow us to warn our citizens so that they are not terrorized by the unexpected sight of these juggernauts, and to avoid our fishermen boats to be caught in the backwash the battleships create ..."
about the new units: they look really great, but I'm not sure I like my conscripts to bear shields depicting colours others than mine (not that they leave the cities really often  )
Of course, the tank shields might be the same problems, but I don't think I need to worry about it right now
January 30, 2002, 19:23
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And the save...
January 30, 2002, 19:29
Local Time: 14:15
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Russia will ask permission in the future, but not this time.  And Germany can go and attack me if they don't like it!  Well, don't actually do that
January 30, 2002, 20:18
Local Time: 07:15
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Right three things...
I agree with the 'Instantbul treaty' reguarding the darnelles.
Also thanks for the praize!
Whos go is it?
And how do i get an 'avatar' is that what you call it? if someone tell me tell me in small words i dont even know how to change my info...!! LOL!!
 everyones getting cocky with Germany!
January 30, 2002, 20:39
Local Time: 05:15
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Originally posted by Soundwave
Whos go is it?
Here's the order of play list: (copied from page two)
Russians - theanzac@optonline.com
Italians - nick_dowling@hotmail.com
French - winterfritz_21@yahoo.com
Germans - m_carreras@hotmail.com
Turks - vfrache@hotmail.com
British - seanie_babes@hotmail.com
Spanish - WMCS44@aol.com
And how do i get an 'avatar' is that what you call it? if someone tell me tell me in small words i dont even know how to change my info...!! LOL!!
It's one of the options in the user control panel (see the link at the top left of every page). You can't have a cutom avatar like mine untill you make 500 posts.
Speaking of which: ANZAC you've finally got a new avatar! It looks good
January 31, 2002, 00:27
Local Time: 07:15
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Posts: 777
My Turn:
British Trade
The British Foreign Office has echanged veiws of the world and let the trade vechicles head for the capital under good will, even under fears over General AI's Rebel Troops.
British Scienctists in the Ottoman Empire
The British Empire Science has help the Ottoman Scollars today in teaching them University, Fertilzer, Legalism and Banking.. for this the Empire wants nothing but good will, and full support from the Ottomans in the Entent cause... European Security.
Fleet Retires
The British Fleet Falls back and the other Altantic Fleet stays in Anchor in London... under dire presser from France and Ottomans not to start a full scale war, although Italy and Russia Backed! Britsh Claims!
Mr Richards Demands More Resources
Following British Example for the world, Britian starts building new industries to surport her Empire.
Britian Has Slammed Germany
The British Empire has decleared an ultimatium to Germany seeing the movements of German Troop Ship heading to Sweeden, the Ulitmatium stands, if German Troops any Sweedish City or even lands in Sweeden, The British Empire will be at war with Germany! and calls on her Allies of the Entente to Condeme Germany, and even asks The Ottoman Empire for help!
January 31, 2002, 00:29
Local Time: 07:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 777
Ok, units edited so the star means entente or allies
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