Just had some real monster fights with roman cavalry.
I landed with huge amount of tanks and marines on their island (on a hill, all units on one tile).
Then the Roman came and attacked me with their 40 cavs they had.
And I counted that they finished of Tanks much easier than Marines even though Marines have defense of 6 and Tanks have defense of 8. (I mean they have attack 6 and tanks have defense 8 and were placed on a hill and they destroyed a lot of mine and wounded even more(!!!!) (infact all my tanks were wounded (about 20-30 tanks 10 marines, 5-10 artillery))).
On the other hand I noticed that Marines are much less likely to succeed in offense. I noticed that any infantry unit is much less likely to succeed in combat when attacking.
Taken infantry. If you attack with infantry (attack 6) then you win less often than when you attack with cavalry (attack 6).
I mean I really really like infantry and would like to use it more. But as it seems, in civ3 infantry is defense purpose only.
Besides watching such combat is a bit boring (or better: frustrating). Maybe that could be speeded up a notch?
Next thing is that Bombers are way underpowered as I have already stated. I could bomb his tiles every turn. Right the next turn he had built it up already like it was before.
Bombed tiles should NOT be able to be worked on for the next round. I thought Id be clever if I destroy the roads to his oil ressources. But well, if he could build it up every turn again the whole operation was useless. Now I just bomb every of his cities to hell (and that is really taking long: "Bombing run failed" "Bombing run failed" "Bombing run failed").
But apart from that I really have to worry where I will get oil and aluminium. If I think back the only resources that I got on my own continent already in my borders when discovered where: coal, rubber and horses. Iron was far far away and Salpeter I had to fight for it. There is not one oil resource (I am still hoping it will appear because there is a huge desert there) and not one aluminium (still hoping too).
But well when I am finished with the Romans I guess I have all I need. That means if the bloody Germans or French dont decide that they hate me so much that they want to attack me.
I think infantry has a much too high defense value compared to marines. I tried to attack his port cities with marines. Well I lost 10-12 marines on 3-4 infantry.
Either lower infantry defense or give marines 10 attack (which they deserve, infantry got bolt-action rifles whereas marines have automitc rifles (looks like AK)).