Is a Peaceable Emperor/Deity Win Possible?
I am really curious if after the new patch its possible to win in god/emperor mode by going for peace. Not annihilating the competition and then going for a space race victory.
What I consider a peaceable victory"
No citys are gotten through millitary conquest.
You never declare war on other civilizations.
Your entire war is deffensive. (Your armys don't go outside your lands.) Initial exploration into no-mans land is fine.
Now personally I was playing on emperor level minding my own business, when the germans early on attacked, I took offense to that and took over all of their nice beautifull cities. Well I ended up sharing a continent with myself and the americans. And they had some nice looking cities. And so I decided to be a jerk and obtain them for myself.
I had some problems with cities going rebelling and going over to the enemy since both the germans and americans had one city each on small islands. Got tired of that and took care of that problem quickly.
From there I was happy and said lets give peace a chance. Well getting late into the game the Japanese did not like me being big dog and attacked viciously. And also had a mutal agreement with the russians who joined into the fray.
I was able to hold of the japanese and bribe the russians to come over to my side. Well the Japanese took care of the russians and that gave me time to build up my nuclear arsenal. Went to communism and said payback is #$%. Nuked every large city the Japanese had (dang that felt good).
Won later with the space race and most of the continent that the japanese owned covered in radiation. I never made peace with the Japanese after their inital back stab.
But back to the begining is peace even doable?