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Old January 15, 2002, 01:32   #1
Capt Dizle
ACDG3 Gaians
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Driving Soren Crazy
We have heard the Soren reads the forums to identify player strategies so that he can revised the game to ensure that they do not work. Forest harvesting is an example of this, patched out.

Look over Dan's post below:

by Firaxis Dan on Civfanatics:
Culture-Flipping Exposed
In response to the requests I received earlier this month with regards to how "culture-flipping" works, I sat down with Soren, the lead programmer on Civ III, and he explained which factors influence the probability of a city "flipping" and what the relative weight of each factor was.

The base values used to determine the chance of city flipping are as follows:

A) The number of foreign nationals in the city in question (resisters are counted twice), and

B) The number of the 21-tile city-radius squares of the city in question that fall inside your cultural borders.

These numbers are then further modified by a variety of factors, applied multiplicatively. Here those are, in order of importance:

1) The ratio of distances to the respective capitals of both cities. Basically, if you're closer to your capital than the other city is to its capital, you've got a better chance of getting a flip.

2) The ratio of total culture points of both civs. Obviously, the better your culture is versus the opponent civ, the better your chance of getting a flip are.

3) I didn't even know this, but apparently each city has a "memory" and remembers the total amount of culture generated by any civ who has ever occupied it. This is the 3rd most important factor, because if the "attacking" civ has more historical culture in the city than the "defender", the chance of that city flipping to the attacker are doubled. This is one reason that conquered cities often flip back to their previous owners.

4) Civil Disorder in a city doubles the chance of that city flipping.

5) We Love the King (or whatever) Day in a city halves the chance of that city flipping.

6) Lastly, the number of land-based combat units (e.g., any unit with at least 1 point of offensive and defensive capability) in the city in question are subtracted. This factor is relatively low on the totem pole and this shows you why cities can flip even with huge militias garrisoned in them.

Hope this helps.

Since I do not have the game I cannot test this out, but it seems to me in the light of this information that one possible strat would be to use settlers to increase the number of tiles inside the city-radius squares of newly conquered major cities. Just plunk down a few new cities next to your new conquest and steal tiles thereby getting the number of tiles up to or near the magic 21.

This should work. Can anyone tell me why it would not?

If this proves viable then maybe Soren will view it as a bad thing and eliminate the ability to found cities in an opposing civ's territory. I would applaud that as I think this ability is silly in the first place.

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