have viewed and taken everyones advice on civ games (CIV2, SMAC, ctp1&2). I give u all my success on these games since your advice is invaluable. my gripe at the moment is civ 3. its not much of a gripe cause i think its a great game. i have some experiences i'd like to share though and would like some input. Most of these experiences are my own, but some are my bros on a different machine: (oh sorry - all post-patch)
-this is my #1, after so much effort, the game just stops and u can't advance to next turn. it doesn't lock up, and u can browse ur cities or advisors or whatever....u just cant advance the turn.
-"program has preformed an illegal error" or the like. has happened to my bro numerous times LATE in the game. he has tried to backtrack through the auto saves and it keeps on happenning, thus not allowing him to continue his game.
-locks!!!!!!!!!!cmon lets admit...it takes a long time to prepare an attack. you've moved tons of units set up ur cities defense, then u check an advisor and it locks!!!!!!!!cmon.... sure u can autosave but its disgusting because it can happen again and again.
all in all civ3 is a good game, but i find myself NOT playing the game because of a programming error not because of lack of interest.