Refugees' cost to expatriate and settle now much much higher.
Scouts:Panzergradiers & Motorised Infintry(bit more expensive) have 2 space view to reflect scouting abilities.
Tech advances slowed down for human player to even out the roads built on resourse squares players use to get all tech's too quickly.
Some german tanks now have attack role rather than defence.
Bomber units have longer range.
Fighter units have longer range
No 0 attack values for fortifications/hedgehogs to reduce partisan's ability to kill them so easily.
Some german units with 1 move now have 2 in summer
Tile food improvements now 1 not 2 in summer to acutally get some city's to starve.
Historically a hell of a lot of people staved rather than were killed in battle in the Eastern Front.
Skuka's have 1 mv and thus multiple attacks as per the russian il-2 during
all summers (Tech air defence becomes's more valuable now rather than a never used advance)
Russian AA batteries can now attack adjacent air units at str 4 from Winter 42 onwards.
Investigating Partisan tech early will let you build them until late 42
Less partisans appear & Attack str of partisans now less through ages.
Me262's are much tougher.
Hedgehogs are harder to destroy rather than a 90% kill for one Kayusha
Grain elevators are more expensive to build.
Less and more random delivery of Supply Convoys
(Ashkabad/Murmansk now won't be a dump for all wonders)
Russian Fortified battery/Fortified Position's now have only 8 defence and no AA to reduce huge
benefit to player settling on them. They will now hold up the enemy only for a short time and
Sevastapol is historically likely to fall.
American only owners of Rubble to stop player from settling on unit.
You Must Not take advantage of other CIv2 adv's such as
lining up convoys and using airports for enhanced movement and disbanding RED ARMY units prior to 2nd stage. Don't save unless really quiting for the night!! No really try it and all games suddenly get a lot harder.
*** All these changes I feel make the game more realistic for the Vetran Player of it
and truly its an effort to get to Berlin by '45 and not in 43/44 normally.
It is now truly important to have reserve defence positions at the front to stop the
germans from rapidly advancing to your cities beyond Moscow/Staningrad with only a few red army troops
for your defence.