I'm used to cities going back to the enemy during wartime. I'm used to small cities on the border being sucked into nearby empires. But this I don't understand:
Kanton was a large city (17) with all the improvements a city could have around the armor-phase of the game. It was located near the chinese border but quite a ways inland, so to speak. My civ was the largest (70% of the world at least). Highest culture etc. etc. Kanton had a few chinese citizens but most were french (me).
The world had just emerged from a 300 year world war where my democracy had tumbled twice because of war-weariness (peace wasn't possible as the Ai refused to see my envoy

), but now we were all at peace. The English and Chinese were a shell of their former selves. Only the Aztecs escaped. I was sharing tech and money making nice with everybody. Me democracy.
Then suddenly Kanton goes over to the chinese. I don't get it.
Admittedly Kanton was a long way away from my Capital (corr./waste isn't a problem in my adapted civ3mod.bic and it was a huge map), but this defection was ridiculous.
Any thoughts on why it happened?