Local Time: 00:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Manhattan, Kansas . USA
Posts: 724
How to improve Trade: Non-Camelicidal methods.
OK, so it can be a pain at times to get the most of your Camel. The micromanagement is a pain. But treat him right, the occasional scratch behind the ears and such, and you will soon leave all other civs far far behind, and they'll all be wondering how on earth you beat them to invention and Leo's when you didn't even have masonry or horseback when they started on Engineering, or even Invention itself.
How can we make the Camel a better, happier Camel, and easier to deal with as well?
My suggestions:
1. Interface improvements.
a. The Camel should know who loves him. you should be able to click on the camel and see what cities demand his goods, and perhaps even in order of relative value, unless this is giving away too much info.
b.The Camel should know where he's going. As an aid in management, you should be able to click on one of the in demand cities, or click on the camel, and then the destination city itself if it doesn't demand the camel. That way all you have to do to remember where the Camel is going is to click on the camel, and have the city destination name on top. Then you know where the Camel is headed, and you don't need to refigure that every turn.
c. To ...... via...... If the Camel is leaving the continent, you should also be able to include a port city for the Camel to go to first. This and the last suggestion need have nothing to do with actual movement. A go to command is sufficient for that. But it may make it more convenient if you could set the destination or via name as well as the go to with a single click.
d. The Camel should know if he's no longer wanted at the destination, and should inform you immediately.
e. It might even be nice to know if a better deal occurs, or if you can get about the same deal from a closer city. But this could prove disruptive to game play.
The interface might look something like this:
Caravan: Roman City: Antium
Destination: Ferret Town----Gold demanded
Via: Veii
Cities Trading in Gold:
Location Distance
Ferret Town (Ferrets) 10 21,33 25
Mingo (American) 11 37,21 33
Die Ming Die (American) 9 unknown
Fratricide (Ferrets) 12 21,33 27
Teohtiuacan (Aztecs) 3 11,52 9
Cumae 1 8,27 3
Katilostherland 1 33,33 28
f. It might also be nice if you could click on the city name to zoom to the city if you have it on your map.
g. Improve the goto command. No more leaving a road for no reason, or boats going the wrong way.
2. Diversity:
a. A camel might consist entirely of shields, similar to a food caravan, which can be sent to any other city to add to any project, not just a wonder. An incomplete shield camel might be sent out: ie 38 instead of 50 shields. But only for specifically shield caravans. There could be a bit of a penalty in shields when they are not added to a wonder. For example, if a 30 shield caravan is sent from Rome to help build a Temple in Veii, or to stockpile to support Veii's units for several turns, perhaps only 25 should be added to the progect or stockpile. This represents the shipping cost of the resources.
b. Bad Bad Camels. Illegal items could be smuggled, generating not only trade bomuses, but problems for an opposing civ as well, like corruption that might otherwise not be found in a democracy. There should be a danger to this: your originating city might become corrupted as well, and it could be an act of war. Perhaps these camels should generate only a bonus, and not necessarily a permanent trade route.
c. Swimming Camels. For port to port trade it might be convenient to just build a swimming camel that needs no boat, but can't travel overland and costs more. It means no boat chaining, but requires fewer naval resources to move, won't be mistaken as a hostile ship which may be carrying troops, (it could even be flagless in the opponent's view so as to hide the identity from a civ you may be at war with)
d. Food caravans sent to forign civs should generate a bonus, and could perhaps make the people of that civ less content about going to war with you.
e. Return Caravans. You send a return caravan to a forign city, demanding what you are sending. You use part of the bonus to buy some commodity needed back at home. You pay more if that city doesn't supply that commodity. When that caravan returns to one of your city the trade bonus is the same as if the caravan had come form the other city. The Returning Caravan can only be sent to a forign city, must return to one of your cities, and is disbanded upon recieving the return bonus. It isn't used over and over again. A new expedition must now be built. The Return Caravan costs more shields than the other.
f. When you use a return Caravan, the city you broght it home to has a good chance of supplying that commodity.
g. Third Party. If you don't want to deal with transporting the caravan, you can either sell or give it to another civ, in which case you get the trade route and he gets the bonus if and when it arrives, or you can give it to independant traders, in which case you get the trade route and no one gets the bonus. If the recieving civ is an AI,or if it goes to independants, the caravan disappears and transport is automatic, although not immediate or risk free. In other respects it is just like CtP trade routes. You just give the Caravan away and everything else happens. If you sell it to a human player he actually must transport the caravan. If you give it to the AI civ and then a human takes that civ over, the caravan then goes automatically to the independant traders.
3. Trade Specific City Improvements.
a. A wonder that allows 6 trade routes in a city instead of three. Not allowed in the same city ast the Collossus, or Copernicus. Too imbalancing.
b. a city improvement that allows 4 trade routes instead of three.
c. A wonder that allows you to choose what a city will supply, and when that supply will change. Again, perhaps better not allow this one with SSC wonders.
4. Allow cornering the Market as in CtP.
The camel is not a part of civ.