Originally posted by Feephi
I've seen this one before and I think I have an idea of what's happening and how to avoid it. When you move a unit make sure you wait for the game to take you to the next unit -- in other words, don't finish moving a unit and then immediately select another unit with your mouse. Sometimes the game (for whatever reason) needs do processing after your unit move. If it is still trying to process when you click on another unit then that process gets hung.
It's possible that this makes it worse, but I don't think this is what causes the problem. When this glitch happened to me, I wasn't selecting other units before the computer was done thinking about the first one. What triggered it was cutting down forest (the actual pop-up message you get "10 shields returned to...") and raiding barb encampments. It may have been the pop up messages that caused it, actually, but I still don't know why it has happened in some games, but not others (it's rare, and hasn't happened in a while).