January 17, 2002, 18:35
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If u hate this game....
 ...makes me wonder....All you ppl that hate civ3 so much, why are you here?
Why even bother to come here? I can't stand Nintendo with all it's Mario crap but I dont go on their forums to b*tch about it. Ok, you'll say I just did b*tched about Nintendo but it was just an example so dont use that card in your answer.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
January 17, 2002, 18:52
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u r so kewl
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January 17, 2002, 18:56
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If u hate this game....
First, are you Prince? If not, spell like a human being.
I dislike Civ3, because it should have been far more, and has numerous faults. I am here because I have been here for ages, waiting for the next Civ game. Some may wonder why you are here (not the use of the word "you"). We have been here - where have you been, and what makes you think your weak take on Civ3 is any more interesting than someone who didn't find the game to their liking?
January 17, 2002, 19:38
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I like the game, except for it not being MP; which I gripe about every chance I get.
I agree with a lot of the philosophical changes that were made.
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January 17, 2002, 19:41
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-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
January 17, 2002, 20:00
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I don't like the game, but I visit here a few minutes a day out of habit.
January 17, 2002, 20:42
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Because I'd wish a better Civ. Civ III has many flaws, but I stil love the civ genre... maybe Civ IV...
January 17, 2002, 21:15
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I have seen very few people who "hate" Civ III. Many of us think it should be much better than it is and we post here in the hope that Firaxis will heed our words and make some changes that are necessary for the game to achieve its potential.
But obviously, you're an AOL user who uses AOL-speak, so you probably don't understand that.
January 17, 2002, 21:21
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I just post here while other Web pages load.
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January 17, 2002, 21:54
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What you did was lay down the gauntlet, not ask a simple question. But I guess I'll have to excuse it since you obviously don't have much of a command of the English language, and therefore couldn't understand the implications of your statements. And here I thought we were all past the petty sniping. _Sigh_
January 17, 2002, 22:23
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I'm a masochist. I still try to play a game I don't like. And I have unrealistic hopes that a greedy game company will fix the game so people will actually like it.
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January 17, 2002, 22:30
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Spectator, the first thing you should learn...
...is that gratuitous use of emoticons does not constitute an interesting argument.
January 18, 2002, 08:41
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That was a legitimate question and actually I have an answer.
First, let me tell you that I liked the "because I want better Civ" answer. Unfortunately, I'm to lazy to provide constructive criticism and to pessimistic to believe any developer would care about it anyway. That's not my answer though. Before I give you my answer let me tell you first why I don't like this game - not because it's a bad game, it's a very good game (no, really). It's just not the game that I wanted and was waiting for. I wanted the "oh, just let me play one more turn, I don't care it's 4 AM" feeling. So what am I still doing here? Simple: I'm telling people that I actually have found a game that gives me that feeling - it's EU2.
January 18, 2002, 10:21
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January 18, 2002, 11:29
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Yes, I've been playing the game for a solid month by now, but I'm disappointed that it didn't improve more than it did over Civilization II. I miss glacier and swamps. The map should have been made in the form of a globe. The game should have gone further into the future.
But hey, I'm looking forward to what Call to Power III may have to offer  )
January 18, 2002, 11:47
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Originally posted by Blackadar1
But obviously, you're an AOL user who uses AOL-speak, so you probably don't understand that.
Ummmm no! I got cable, I dont live in the U.S. and AOL sucks so dont judge to fast.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by Spec; January 21, 2002 at 12:07.
January 18, 2002, 12:06
Local Time: 19:30
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Ok, I get the point...from all of you ppl who answered politly. And to all of u thanks. But for the others, y'all got issues. I'd hate to ask you the time on the street one day. I think I know how it would go down. Let's see:
Spec:"Hey man, I'm sorry, do have the time"
Frustrated civ person:" NO!! I ain't got no freaking time!!! And your mother blows!"
Makes you feel just like if you where in New York right.
Dont take it personnaly all, I was just asking. I understand that when u wait for 3 years (or more) for a game and It ain't what u thought it would be, it pisses you off. I got the same feeling with twisted metal 3, but with Civ3, I didn't expect anything, I saw it on the shelf at Compucenter and bought it. That's all.
But I find it depressing that so much ppl get frustrated because the game wasn't at their expectation. It's a VIDEO GAME!!!! I come here to get tips on it but y'all take it to seriously. Dudes,
get a freaking life!!! Go see girls, buy a beer, get out of your rooms, see ppl but please dont get pissed off and ***** about a game, I'm sure all you frustrated ppl have much better things to do. Dont u like doing fun stuff? Like getting laid once in a while....Maybe your all virgins(those older then 18 of course!  ), that's why your so pissed.
To all of u who answered like civilised ppl, I thank you, to the others, you know what I think.
BTW: Libertarian is the best example of pissed ppl.  And, english is my third language so untill u can speak 4 fluently I suggest u STFU. Thank you.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by Spec; January 18, 2002 at 15:24.
January 18, 2002, 12:46
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English as a second language
Spectator, With the advent of spell checking software, English being your third language is no excuse for poor spelling. And as far as using teenspeak substitutions for common English words, expect to be judged (not judjed) harshly. The words you use are the first thing we see and therefore are upon what we will base all of our judgements of you.
To answer your original question:
My reasons for posting even thought I do not like the game is that there is not yet a Civ4 forum, I believe in the concept of freedom speech, and I feel that a general forum is the appropriate location to debate the merits and flaws of a game.
"Our lives are frittered away by detail....simplify, simplify."
January 18, 2002, 13:04
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Originally posted by Spectator
But I find it depressing that so much ppl get frustrated because the game wasn't at their expectation. It's a VIDEO GAME!!!!
There's a lot of people on this forum for whom Civilization is more than just a video game, it's something of a passion. Myself, I've been playing it ever since the first one came out and it has always been my favourite game platform. I've no doubt spent far more time than I should have playing all the various incarnations. A good comparison would be European soccer. It's just a game, but sometimes the fans will riot in the streets if their team doesn't do as well as expected. And a lot of people were expecting more from this new version, which does have a number of flaws. Though I personally feel that those problems, at least most of them, will be dealt with eventually.
January 18, 2002, 13:04
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Re: English as a second language
Originally posted by Deornwulf
Spectator, With the advent of spell checking software, English being your third language is no excuse for poor spelling.
Yes it is.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
January 18, 2002, 13:06
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I see what you're saying Willem, point taken.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
January 18, 2002, 13:44
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I mainly stop by here because I still want to give firaxis a chance to fix the game with a patch. Since they have repeatedly refused to give even a rough estimate on the date, I am forced to keep checking back a few times a week.
January 18, 2002, 14:03
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Originally posted by kimmygibler
I mainly stop by here because I still want to give firaxis a chance to fix the game with a patch. Since they have repeatedly refused to give even a rough estimate on the date, I am forced to keep checking back a few times a week.
It's pretty much impossible for them to provide a rough estimate. This is a very complex game, and as soon as you change something in one area, a problem might pop up in another. So they're not going to know how long it will take to find and fix the errors that might suddenly appear. Start changing a few of the parameters in the Editor and you'll see what I mean. Just a minor alteration in certain areas you probably wouldn't expect to cause a problem can cause the game to crash. And you wouldn't want that to happen would you?
January 18, 2002, 14:12
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You're dealing with some Civ fanatics here, Spec. Some of the folks here have 1000+ posts to the board, so you get an idea of whom you are dealing with. Some Firaxis people post now and then, but I think Sid Meier is afraid of this place (probably rightly).
As far as the spelling goes, if it's hard to read, you are irritating some folks no matter what the content of your message is. I would never bother with correcting anyone, but I will usually skip messages that are written poorly- I guess subconsciously I think that if it is written poorly then the thought behind it is suspect as well.
January 18, 2002, 16:09
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Originally posted by Brutus66
You're dealing with some Civ fanatics here, Spec. Some of the folks here have 1000+ posts to the board, so you get an idea of whom you are dealing with. Some Firaxis people post now and then, but I think Sid Meier is afraid of this place (probably rightly).
Wouldn't you be? You make a game and all ppl do here is smash it to the ground. I wouldn't come here for positive criticism, I'd look else where. It seems like if ppl here were looking to releave them selfs from their daily frustrations. I'm sure that's not what Firaxis is looking for.
-Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
January 18, 2002, 16:30
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Re: English as a second language
[QUOTE] Originally posted by Deornwulf
Spectator, With the advent of spell checking software, English being your third language is no excuse for poor spelling. And as far as using teenspeak substitutions for common English words, expect to be judged (not judjed) harshly. The words you use are the first thing we see and therefore are upon what we will base all of our judgements of you.
Wait a minute. Time out. Hold the phone.
Until I see better spelling from the "English as a main language used" people, I believe I'll admire the job he does.
One example, and I'll stop with one.
I see something like "I hate to loose all the time".
Jeezus! "Loose" is "not tight". To not win is "lose".
Now. No more sanctimonious crap about the ability to write and/or speak fluently in English.
Thank you for your time.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
January 18, 2002, 19:10
Local Time: 12:30
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"It's pretty much impossible for them to provide a rough estimate. This is a very complex game, and as soon as you change something in one area, a problem might pop up in another."
That is fine. Here is what I would like them to do. Back after the first patch say something like "next patch will be out no sooner than December." If something changes then I can come back in December and see a new message saying "setbacks caused a three week delay." Then I come back in three weeks....
I think the only reason that they avoid doing this is because of the idea that everyone will get even more upset if they promise a date and don't come through. I don't want them to make any promises. Just say something like "check back in another month" or something. As it is, we have no idea. Wouldn't everyone here like to know what is going on. I for one could live with the disapointing setbacks without pointing blame on firaxis. It would be much better than no info whatsoever. I mean we don't know whether a patch will be out tomorrow, in a month, or even if there will be another patch.
Remember ctp2, after the first patch everyone was set for another as there were still problems. We waited, knowing that surely another patch would come. Then Activision basically said "well we can't fix it, so there will be no more patches."
Main problem for me is that I have to keep checking back here every once in a while to see if the patch is out. Firaxis, throw us a bone.
January 18, 2002, 20:35
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Re: Re: English as a second language
[QUOTE] Originally posted by SlowwHand
Originally posted by Deornwulf
Spectator, With the advent of spell checking software, English being your third language is no excuse for poor spelling. And as far as using teenspeak substitutions for common English words, expect to be judged (not judjed) harshly. The words you use are the first thing we see and therefore are upon what we will base all of our judgements of you.
Wait a minute. Time out. Hold the phone.
Until I see better spelling from the "English as a main language used" people, I believe I'll admire the job he does.
One example, and I'll stop with one.
I see something like "I hate to loose all the time".
Jeezus! "Loose" is "not tight". To not win is "lose".
Now. No more sanctimonious crap about the ability to write and/or speak fluently in English.
Thank you for your time.
That's a very good point. Unfortunately, with English currently being the predominant language on the Internet, it's easy to lose sight of the fact it may not be the most comfortable one for many people online to use. Even those of us who are familiar and comfortable with it don't always use it well. So it's certainly more than fair to allow for some leeway, without jumping down someone's throat if it's not being used properly. And I beg forgiveness for doing so myself. Thrash me with a thousand lashes from an acid coated whip.
January 18, 2002, 20:38
Local Time: 14:30
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Don't let the bastards get you down, Spectator. You're right. It is just a game and its a pretty enjoyable one at that. I've played most of the Civ-type games and I see this game as an improvement. Is it a religious experience? No. Did it cause me to orgasm when I opened the box? No. But, oddly enough, I wasn't disappointed by that. I guess my expectations were lower than those of others.
What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?
January 18, 2002, 20:41
Local Time: 14:30
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English is far and away the most difficult language to learn.
No, I have no internet site reference for you.
You'll just have to take my word for the fact.
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