What? No disk?
I was finishing a two of my PBEM games, and then zipping the turns for e-mail. I was in Explorer and noticed something odd: I didn't have my SMAX disk in the drive. What? I had just finished 2 PBEM games! I through one of the major irritations with SMAX was that the disk was required to fire up the game.
So, I discovered something new, with a little experimentation. I can run Classic without the CD, but when I chose Alien Crossfire I get a 'No CD' message. What is strange is that I had never realized this before! Now I can run SMAC on my laptop when traveling and not have to worry about the SMAX CD being munched by my errant laptop drive (I almost lost my valuable SMAX CD to that drive recently, and was able to repair it with Game Doctor repair kit)! I'll be limited to SMAC, but that's OK.
Learn something new every day!