List o' suggestions
I haven't thought much about the organization of my suggestions, just that I feel I should make them as they MIGHT have an impact on the final product I'm eagerly anticipating.
So here they are (pertinent to thread-subject):
1.) REAL blood-lust continuous play- indefinite continual play AFTER the game-winning criteria are met- WITHOUT death/victory scene at the beginning of each turn.
2.) Improved stability/server-client (as regards to gamehost's system performing AI-civilizations' turn processes)- I've experienced many crashes during LAN play that might have been avoided with a better gamehost-client interface.
3.) This is off the topic of multi-player, really, but I suggest that more optimized video processing be implemented. In CTP crashes related to video memory management weren't uncommon- even with sufficient v-RAM.
4.) Longer, more unique wonder movies.
5.) Improved 'minimization' capacity- I'd like to be able to minimize the CTP window without fear of a program-crash.
6.) No AI-entity bull-****. =o
7.) (redundant, given previous post, but...): Shared Ai-turn calculations between gamehost and client.
8.) More frequently released patches.
9.) Internet play??????? (anyone else have a problem with this?)
10.) Music like that in the original CTP- just more thereof!
11.) Less over-lapping city-improvement functions- were the percentage increases of production, gold, food etc. composite, i.e., stackable? More clearly explained benefits of city-improvements.
12.) Advising council!!!
13.) Near-shore advanced sea-mines for ultimate-level production (like that of automated fisheries).
14.) World Wonder to see entire map (and to expell fog of war).
15.) Raise city-disbanding minimum size of 3 to 5 (or so).
OK, I'm sure there are some more suggestions I will think of, and I might just post them later, but for now I'll content myself to know that these suggestions will (more than likely) be looked and laughed at, as they aren't the sort of changes a game-designer would think of making in the final month of development (or even make at all, for that matter....hehe)