Hey everyone. Is there a way to select the destination of newly captured slaves as someplace besides the nearest city?
I have heard various theories about how to avoid a slave being put in a city with lots of slaves already, unfortunately non of these seemed to work for me, so I just accept where they are going to go.
Is there any reason not to free the slaves in a city you capture?
I think slaves eat more food and use less money, but I am not sure. I do know that slaves can not become specialist workers, so if in Cradle you have a few plagues you will find that you have a city full of slaves and then can not make entertainers. Thus sliders have to make your population happy.
I thought I saw somewhere that if a slaver was in an army that took a city it captured one. Did I imagine this?
If you have a slaver (or slavemaster in Cradle) in your army then every victorious battle will yield a slave which will be sent to the nearest city