January 19, 2002, 17:36
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The Truest Gift of the Gods
In the year 4000 BC, seven civilization started to thrive on earth. 6 of them began in great locations with many land to use and make prosper, but the seventh, called the Worshipers, the True Sons of the Gods were stuck on a tiny island in the middle of nowherre (the Pacific Ocean that is). However they had something the others had not : the truest gift of the gods : the real intelligence, not the artificial one.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 19, 2002, 17:38
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4000 BC, the gods have given us two settlers and alphabet, bronze working, ceremonial burial, currency and mysticism. Here’s the saved game for whom might want to start it from the beginning. It’s deity, 7 civs, raging hordes.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 19, 2002, 17:42
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I continue the story. 2 whales and a fish is another gift from the gods, but jungle is not the best place to build a holy city. We deforest 1st and found God Haven in 3650 BC, long after the AI civilizations : the Russians, Zulus, Vikings, Spanish, English and Mongols.
Our 1st wisdom choice is code of law discovered in 3400 BC. Monarchy is discovered but not yet established (Oedo, remember Oedo) in 2950 BC.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 19, 2002, 17:45
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Having played more than 20 turns, it’s time for me to resign and for LaFayette to step up. Lost in the ocean we won’t colonize elsewhere until we discover navigation !
Who wants to join us în this great and bloody epic
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 20, 2002, 10:13
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I tried to download, but didnt work. Anyone else experienced the same problem?
January 21, 2002, 05:10
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right click--save as.
name it xxxx.zip
we won't be bothering any other civs for awhile
January 21, 2002, 13:29
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Originally posted by carnide_
I tried to download, but didnt work. Anyone else experienced the same problem?
i loaded it up fine.
i'm going to play a few turns, see what i can come up with. BUT, i suck at civ2, and i dont want to bring down a good sucsession game.
January 21, 2002, 13:55
Local Time: 14:34
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map making discovered
pottery discovered
researching seafaring
monarchy instated
trireme built
i crossed my fingers, prayed to the lord, and randomly chose to proceed west with settler in trireme. because mars and venus were aligned, the trireme didnt sink, and 3 turns later, the settler is now draining the swamp on the next island over. i hope i didnt **** up the game too bad
btw, just to clarify: i know its lafayettes turn next, but i just wanted to give it a shot to see what i could do. i'm bored
January 24, 2002, 06:08
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I'm having a little dabble from the start ...
January 24, 2002, 07:08
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LaFayette, where are you
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 25, 2002, 06:25
Local Time: 20:34
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Sorry Julius
I was busy trying to win civ3 tournament 4 while staying in despotism, and I was so busy that I forgot checking this thread.
Does anyone remember whether despotism challenge was ever won in civ2?
Anyway, in civ3 (Monarch level) it's done, and I am proud of it because the map was tough and staying in despotism also was tough.
Julius, you are the boss. I thank you for saying I might play after you, but this is a succession game in honour of civ2 and moi has played a few turns in the meantime. Therefore I intend to download moi's game (if I manage it) and play a few turns after him. I let you know TODAY whether I managed to download.
January 25, 2002, 06:41
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I can see God Haven in light blue colour (just as if it were American). Therefore I start playing a few turns NOW (from moi's save on).
January 25, 2002, 13:27
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Chapter 3 of the long story of the Worshippers
Thanks to previous dangerous voyage on the huge ocean by our remaining settler, the tiny but already glorious city of Devil Island has been founded in 1500BC.
Meanwhile God Haven, our holy capital, had reached the magic size five and been adapted to high speed research (3 scientists, in order to maintain the production of our 2 whales).
This allowed us to discover:
Seafaring in 1500BC
Masonry in 1200BC
Trade in 950BC
We are now researching Mathematics (not far from Astronomy and Navigation, which are awaited with great impatience by the learned population of God Haven).
A Harbour and a Temple have been built, and a Granary is under building, in order to provide our citizens with a high quality of life.
January 26, 2002, 03:18
Local Time: 11:34
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ok I'll go next i guess
January 26, 2002, 04:20
Local Time: 11:34
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I think I played too many turns but I was on Divine mission
950bc...The King held high conference with his council and was dismayed at the situation.
Truely great leaps had been made by the adventurous naval expedition but risk was great.
We shall build a Lighthouse to guide our ships on more distant voyages.The sages are getting numerous messages of other civs and Great Wonders.
Immediate changes were instituted.The granary of the capitol was abandoned in favor of a market.1 garrison was relieved and citizens put back to work.
Our mighty trireme was re supported from our newest city as a return home would come later.
A caravan was ordered in Devil Island ASAP.
In 775bc a caravan was completed and faithfully set sail sail for the capitol.The knowledge of the skipper proved invaluable as the voyage was without incident.
In the same year 2 prominent citizens of God's haven were hired on as tax collectors.The city reached 200,000 inhabitants the next cycle and a third taxman was set upon the
citizens.A caravan of goods and supplies greatly aided constuction of the Great Lighthouse during this period.
The entire Kingdom,albeit small,was working feverishly
to complete their wonder.
All was quiet until 650bc when Devil Island required an entertainer before the citizenry reached 3 which happened next turn.
The world must be a violent place as reports of the Spanish demise at the hands of the Mongols filtered in from the Sages
In the year 475bc,The Great Lighthouse was completed.Now the seas are open.....
The focus was returned to science once again.
In 450bc Mathematics was finally researched and Writing was selected.
The temple of Devil's Island was opened and the people were so delighted that the local Elvis impersonator left town as shows were being played to an empty house.
275bc and a settler was built from Devil Island.The fleet was expanded with a new commission from God's Haven.
250bc saw the advent of Writing.Diplomats were to be trained and sent forth with settlers to represent and establish our nation.....elsewhere.
200bc and the King has a dream of great projects completed in distant lands.He sees a beautiful gardens built by a purple war loving race and a great collosal statue constructed by a strange man in a yellow coat and odd hat.
25bc and our expeditions are ready to set sail.Which way to go?......
January 26, 2002, 05:04
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who's next?
I remember that this is an heroic epic so that civ2 lives forever. Therefore I think we should leave this game open to anyone willing to take part, but I wouldn't like this game to go as slowly as 'crusades' (so slow that almost anyone now seems to have forgotten it...SG2 playing?).
Here is my proposal:
smash, moi, you and me, who seem to be most interested, play in the following order: Julius, moi, La Fayette, smash (anyone of us playing ASAP after the previous one sent his savegame), but anyone else is free to play a few turns in between after having posted here that he or she is willing to do so.
What do you think?
January 26, 2002, 05:10
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beautiful lighthouse
I was willing to run to Navigation, but your building of Lighthouse pleases me (especially if we happen to meet someone nasty on our way and need to use vet ironclads against him; I love vet ironclads).
January 26, 2002, 05:40
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Well it looks like we are going to be a seafaring nation and without it there wasn't much to do.I found one more island just off Devil Island but beyond that......
We could have stayed home and played an occ type game but that wouldn't be much of a heroic epic  .....just think of how many huts must be out there......
January 26, 2002, 05:50
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January 26, 2002, 06:18
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LaFayette and Smash, nice job !
3 cities in 25bc, not too bad. The AI must be ahead of us.
I think I'm going to wait until thursday next week (lot of work until then anyway) to let someone else join, and then I'll play my next turns.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 26, 2002, 06:23
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Yes, come on
Everybody is free to join
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 26, 2002, 07:39
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Do you mind if we play 10 turns each from now on?
Do you mind if we skip your turn this time?
moi, smash and I would manage to play one time each until thursday ...
and of course anyone willing to join us!
Welcome folks, this is an heroic epic in honour of civ2.
All civ2 lovers are welcome.
I have never played huge map up to now, but I suppose we might call this game 'ocean game'. Chasing for Magellan ASA we get Navigation will sure be a nice idea.
January 26, 2002, 07:42
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BTW smash
This isle of Man looks like a real sweet spot!
January 26, 2002, 12:03
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i will commence from 25bc now.
January 26, 2002, 12:24
Local Time: 14:34
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from 25bc:
1 millennial celebrations held! King Mu'ili'wai'aki plans retirement in 2000 years.
40 our triremes are underway to colonize new worlds.
60 Nottingham (english) builds great library. astronomy discovered. research on construction begins. trireme #1 sights land!!
80 New Jersey founded. Elvis recruited in God Haven.
100 trireme #2 sights land!!! Hut opened: free settler. Unfortunately, the land trireme 2 sighted is all mountains by the shore.
120 got another throne room upgrade; we invested in a big chair. has anyone else been doing throne room upgrades?
140 Big Apple founded. Landmass #2 appears to be at first glance, quite large.
160 Hut opened, free legion.
180 isle of man builds settlers. game saved as mu_a180.sav; king moi steps down after 10 turns per la fayette's request.
January 28, 2002, 10:50
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Nice play, and many discoveries to come
It almost looks too easy
Smash and Lafayette, yes skip for this turn
I'm glad to see it's moving fast
10 turns should be enough, now
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 28, 2002, 14:49
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Let me apologize: I realize now that I was so stuck in the game that I played 12 turns instead of 10.
Here is what happened:
180: My great knowledge of geography tells me that New Jersey has been founded in New Zealand and Big Apple in South America (1 square away from the sweet spot  ).
Main decisions taken therefore:
Create 2 more cities on the northern island of New Zealand.
Send a trireme sailing westwards towards Australia.
Explore and settle full speed in South America.
Rushbuild the library in God Haven and speed up research towards Navigation.
(+ one wrong decision: go on sailing a trireme northwards along what we call in french 'la cordillière des Andes'; this is useless since there is no one onboard; I shall stop that needless voyage after a few turns and sail the trireme back to God Haven)
240: hut gives Construction + foundation of SMALL BANANA (close to Big Apple, on the river)
260: Literacy discovered
300: eastern coast of Australia in sight
360: hut gives 8 barbarian horsemen, our diplomat buys one horseman before being killed and we sell the temple in Devil Island in order to rushbuid a phalanx in Small Banana
400: foundation of OLD GUERNESEY (4 squares south of New Jersey)
420: Philosophy discovered, also provides Navigation (I was right trying  ) + hut gives 25 gold
Our main problem now IMO: we have 3 wonders available, all of them very interesting, namely Marco, Copernicus and Magellan.
I think we should discuss that (though Magellan looks great on that huge map).
smash: enjoy!
January 28, 2002, 14:55
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I forgot to mention that I chose Republic as next tech to research.
The world looks very quiet at the moment. Hence my choice to try peaceful growth through Republic (hope you don't mind, smash, ...no , I know you don't  ).
January 28, 2002, 19:52
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My thoughts on the next wonder.
Cope's-always good but we don't need a science city with the trade bonus we can expect.Although we have some pretty good sites for that wonder.....
Marco's-very good for a big map like this...but..it would make the game much easier and maybe we should explore the old fashioned way!?
That leaves Magellan's...at this point.
Very good plan for this map.It is logical to pursue our naval capabilities as we will use the seas as our own territory.
Wonder building is not quite as easy with islands.Need boats to shuttle back and forth.Our priority should be rapid colonization of Australia.From there we can extend into Asia Pacific and perhaps into India,China,Russia...etc....perhaps that is a little ambitious at this point.
Eventually we will want/need something for happiness.Either Mich's,JSB or SoL.Or maybe all of em
January 28, 2002, 23:26
Local Time: 14:34
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Originally posted by La Fayette
Big Apple in South America (1 square away from the sweet spot ).
*slaps self with brick*
i dont know how i missed the sweet spot.
oh well. I will play another turn at approx 15:00 EST tomorrow. (gotta get sleep now)
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