March 6, 2002, 19:52
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um...probably finished playing that one late at night
March 6, 2002, 20:01
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allrighty  I'll go next in the interest of keeping er moving.....
March 7, 2002, 02:43
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ok..where to start?...much happening.It is an epic as far as solo games go.
Lets start on the techs since there is little.
We finished Mobile Warfare which kills the Viking War Academy.
A tough choice followed.I decided on Miniaturization.Our "mother" cities could use some offshore platforms.
After that it was Flight or Genetic so Flight was taken and science reduced to 10%.We can gain much in the next few decades with our superior technology and spy corp.
on to the military conflicts.
Freedom fighting  was the first thrust.Much sabotaging was undertaken.No targets were given,just random attacks,which bat 1.000,and soon several key cities were without improvements of any kind.Hardest hit was Karakorum(see below) which was reduced to insignificance less the palace.
Our spy corp has greatly increased our geographical knowledge of our enemy's lands.
A peace treaty was signed with Russia for the moment and 50 gold tribute was received.
Viking Theater:
Small inroads in this region.Forces are sparce but so are enemy troops.Our spys were successful in converting:
We have increased our presence in the area and are now buzzing around being pesky to the mighty Vikings.
Mongol Theater:
Ormuz was sight of heavy fighting.Sabotaging was followed by artillery and old fashion cavalry charges.The city was captured and held.Heavy re-inforcement has secured the city and was a key in the ruin of Karakorum.Repeated sabotaging saw the city reduced to size 1.The capitol is ripe for the raze but the Mongols are losing large numbers in the defense of the capitol.Our generals were quite content to let this continue for now.The region continues to be a hotbed of military activity.The RR from South America is complete and we can re supply with no hinderance.
English Theater:
Our largest successes were scored in this campaign.Again,sabaotaging greatly weakened the enemy's defenses.A stunning strike saw the English capitol fall to our forces.Old fashioned hard fighting followed and we now are in total command of the southern area.The Russians have sensed the English weakness and have been attacking from the other end trying to steal our glory.
London-Adam Smith's
This is what was left of the Mongol capitol 4 turns into my reign.Vet spys are deadly!
March 7, 2002, 02:47
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..and the save..
March 8, 2002, 07:47
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| fond of vet spies...
I downloaded, just to have a look...
and then there were so many vet spies in the field that I didn't manage to resist that (remember Ulysses and the sirenes  ).
1) Technology
We should get Mech Inf within 3 years and Computers 3 years later.
...but the Mongols, who go on fighting fiercely, managed to bribe Ormuz in 1888 and received ...guess what? = Mobile Warfare, of course
2) Mongol front
We were compelled to destroy the glorious capital city that smash had reduced to size one, in order to be able to buy Ormuz back at a reasonable price.
Later on we took Samarkand but the city was also reduced to nothing during the fighting (no poisoning at all, but so many units inside the city that when the last unit was destroyed there was no city left).
Huge Mongol losses, but some losses on our side...tough!
I would advise to protect any newly conquered city very carefully, since those Mongols seem to be very clever at stealing techs.
I would also advise not to forget to deliver the 'jewels' caravan that is sailing a few tiles south of Crete, since it should bring us at least 400 gold.
2) English front
We took most of England-South Africa, almost without losses.
Three weak English cities left (+ 3 more hidden in the English fog).
3) Viking front
The shipchain between Toronto (northern Australia) and Ghulaman (Vietnam) is at work. The RR Ghulaman-Bangladesh is to be completed next year. The road Bangladesh-Nonnebaken is to be completed one year later, and our army, about 12 units strong, is now south of Nonnebakken. The big fighting against the Vikings should start there (might be a piece of cake, since they have been very awkward up to now,...wait and see!).
4) Russians
We have established an embassy: they have 60 techs (got Mobile Warfare from the English IIRC)and 31 cities.
Next player will have to decide whether to use our army in South Africa against the Russian, or to sail it back to America and use it against the Mongols.
March 8, 2002, 07:56
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Ah those vet spies
Moi looks to be AWOL
I should try to play this week-end
The wars seem to be going well
I think I'm going to attack the Russians
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 8, 2002, 16:27
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Darn those Mongols!!...darn that Ormuz!.This city has been a pivotal city in the course of history.Now the AI has tanks!..this can't be good.The fighting around Ormuz has kept us from liberating North America and its many resources.
March 9, 2002, 06:14
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It is a great pity that the Mongols managed to acquire Mobile Warfare, but we are fighting at least ten different places around the world. I guess that we must be prepared to have any new useful tech also stolen somewhere, including Robotics when we get it. Luckily we all know that the AI is not clever at all using the killer combo Howies-Mech Inf  (and even less clever than that using the superb ability of vet spies to sabotage enemy units).
The one and only priority now (apart from researching Robotics) is to finish building our transportation network. There is not much left to be done:
1) RR Bangladesh-Nonnebakken
2) Shipchain Australia-NewZealand-Pacific Islands-South America (which means building not much more than 3 or 4 transports)
The Mongols have lost at least 50 units around Ormuz. They are going to miss them in the near future.
March 15, 2002, 09:03
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Sorry for the delay, I had too much work.
I play my 10 turns of pain in the Invasion Earth thread and then I am back at this one
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 23, 2002, 17:09
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status report?
March 24, 2002, 07:29
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I'm playing today
Sorry for the delay
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 24, 2002, 17:16
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I haven't been able too play much today.
Next wednesday begin the Easter holidays.
It should be easier then
Don't worry, I am still on it
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 27, 2002, 15:54
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1897 ad. We bribe Brighton. We bribe Nishapur, gaining 8 units in the process. Caravan to Naples. We kill half a dozen Mongol units in the area. Heavy industrial sabotage on Mongols and Viking cities. Our army in South Asia move to attack the Russians on a second front by the Middle East. Our armies in Africa shall very soon be done with the English there. A spy discovers an advanced tribe, Small Surprise, in Danemark !
1898 ad. The Mongol counter attack claim only 3 of our units. The trend is in our favor ! We kill 5 badly placed one and a spy destroy the walls of Bokhara wich then falls. We get Magellan ! We bribe Birmingham and Exeter. There is still 3 English cities left ! Where are they ???
1899 ad. Big Mongol reprisals. We lose 6 units and Bokhara. We discover Labor Union. Robotics is next. We sabotage everything in the cities of Shantu and Khorasan and then bribe back Bokhara. It is reduced to size 1, so we make a ceasefire with the Mongols and rushbuild city walls in an effort to save Magellan. In a sudden burst of peace feeling we also make a ceasefire with the Vikings, as we have no units to attack them now, anyway. But don’t worry, reinforcements are rushed in North America, and a dozen armors are crossing the Zagros Mountains to strike at the Russians cities in Irak.
1900 ad. The Mongols sneak attack us on the year of the cease-fire. I’d never seen that ! But anyway, they fail miserabily. We capture the poorly defended russian city of Turin on the delta of the Tiger and Euphrate. It triggers secret defensive pacts and we are now at war with everybody.
1901 ad. We discover robotics. We go to 80% taxes. Bribing some cities in the near futre would be nice.
1902-3 ad. Small warfare. More of our units join the front line. We capture Nishapur.
1904 ad. Terrible Mongol counter-offensive. Nishapur and 9 of our units destroyed (my mistake : I put too many units on that city). Monglos really fight fiercely. Russians poison down Turin to size 1 but we stop them by capturing Vladivostok in Irak. We capture the russians cities of Tbilissi and Tiflis in South Ethiopia.
1905 ad. Mongols are at it again but this time we lose only 2 units and no city. Reinforcement sent from our pacific islands to turn the tide in our favor. The russian front is falling fast. We capture Grozny and Batum in Soudan and Novgorod in Syria . We destroy the Mongol city of Tabriz.
1906 ad. Fierce Mongol and Russian counter attack (including their Mediterranean fleet : eh we ain’t got no ships there), we lose 5 units but hold all of position. We consider it a success. We capture Krasnoyarsk. As we are having so much trouble with the Mongols we suppress the Australia-Vietnam ship chain in the idea of moving it in a Australia-America ship chain. I think the production in Africa and the units we have there should be enough against the Russians and then the Vikings. And with 3500 gold, we can bribe a bit too.
1907 ad. Mongols again. 7 units lost in a general counter attack. Russians seem hapless. We bribe the Mongol city of Naples in Louisania. Quite expensive but it feels good to give them a blow ! We destroy Aleppo (not only do the Mongols not build enough railroads for our howitzer, but they found cities on our railroads). We capture the russian city of Tula in Kurdistan. We bribe Cambridge for 86 gold in Somalia (English are really out of it) and for the price we get an engineer. We kill a mongol armor near Tanganyka lake, they’re everywhere ! We capture the Russian city of Cunaxa in Israel.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 27, 2002, 15:57
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Well it took me forever to play it, but it was great fun !
The English are out of it, the Russians are collapsing. The vikings have not been yet tested. And the Mongols are very dangerous. All our resources except in Asia and in Africa should be directed against them. I’ve put armies in Nishappur and Bokhara for a new attack. Maybe that taking 2-3 cities in one turn should at last give us a favorable trend. Good luck for the next player. Here is the saved game.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 28, 2002, 02:51
Local Time: 20:35
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Please smash, play this one!
I shall play after you, next week.
March 28, 2002, 08:41
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ok.I'm playin Imperirum Romanum but I can squeeze this in.
March 29, 2002, 00:06
Local Time: 11:35
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War still wages on all fronts cept England cuz they are no more.Back and forth fighting but we are gaining inch by inch.Mongols bribed 3 cities in 1 turn.I got them back but they got Robotics,Computers and Labor Union.
Vikings are attacking with large numbers of armor but our spies are holding them by sabotage.
We built SETI to keep it away from the Mongols more than anything else.
We are now....a..Fundy Government.Revolution was alot of work.Had to hire elvis in every city then put them all back next turn.No disorder though so I spose it was worth it.We can manage 4 turns science and about 1000 gold per turn.I gave 20% lux to celebrate a few cities and it is worth it.
I see no clear win here.It remains a struggle.The Vikings have a huge number of cities and we must prevent them from having all of that land to themselves.The Mongols are tenacious and have cutting edge tech.We are progressing well against the Russians with a 2 pronged assaultThe ai can fight pretty good with modern units and RRs.I started pillaging some RRs to cut cities off from re=enforcement and spys.The bribing is a pain.At least 6 cities were bribed in my turns.
They want bombers next.Ai can use them pretty good also.We're in a bit of a pickle here
March 29, 2002, 03:40
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I dislike playing Fundy (lack of vet spies  ) so I probably will switch back to Commie, since switching to Demo now would certainly be uneasy (should be next wednesday).
(thank you once more, Julius: that World War on a huge map is real fun  )
March 29, 2002, 17:27
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Yes, this is a great war. And for once, the AI is (almost) up to the task
Lafayette, I think Smash's idea is to generate more gold in fundy, then we can bribe more easily. But do as you please
If you tell those Mongols a lesson
BTW : 5 people have downloaded the game to see the battle
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 29, 2002, 18:58
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hehehe nothing so organized.I wanted to change to Democracy after the Mongols bribed 3 cities..but that was not going to work.I looked at Republic...(wanted to grow via we love)..forget it.Checked out Fundy and saw we were pretty even with Commie,and with only 3 cities celebrating,we were better off.More free units can't hurt in this situation.All the AIs are/were Fundy,so if you can't beat em...join em.
no problem making vets spys.I have been hitting with indescriminate sabotage attacks and getting vets that way.Vet status is not so important for my "style" as I hit everything.Alot of unit sabotaging also.Sank several cruisers near Panama with spys and a sub.Held off the Viking offensive with almost exclusively spys.
I see some problems after Advanced Flight...we're not real prepared.But maybe we can use some X PACKS then....
April 1, 2002, 05:21
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chasing capitals
1) Strategy
Looking at our situation in 1917, it appears that our foes are now able to get new techs from us almost as soon as we discover them. Therefore, if we go on researching, the main result will be that they get bombers and nukes.
I decide to stop research, stay fundy, make money to increase our treasury and minimize the risk of being bribed, and build a strong army in order to crush them all ASAP.
2) Results
We were too close the discovery of Advanced Flight. We discover it, the Vikings get it and Viking bombers start bombing.
Our treasury is increased from 1000 gold to 15000 gold. Only one unit gets bribed in 10 years.
Our number of howies is increased from 15 to 80, which allows us to conquer 46 cities in 10 years.
There is ONE Russian city left in 1927
Both Mongol and Viking capitals are conquered in 1925, and we start chasing (enemy treasury reduced by 1000 gold every time they move their capital). Result: after 3 moves, the Mongol have no more gold; their new capital, Kerman, might be conquered next year and the remaining Mongol cities might therefore be bribed at low cost  .
The Viking treasury is now reduced to 4000 gold. 3 more moves of their capital and they will be just as broke as the Mongols.
We should therefore be able to achieve world conquest before 1945 (78 enemy cities left, 4.6 conquered/turn during the last 10 years).
3) Smilies
I have calculated a ratio of 'efficiency at war', defined as follows:
enemy losses divided by our losses.
Here are the results since we started waging war (date, general, enemy losses, own losses, ratio):
1864-76, La Fayette, 61 units, 12 units, ratio: 5.08
1876-86, smash, 124 units, 33 units, ratio: 3.76
1886-96, La Fayette, 129 units, 25 units, ratio: 5.16
1896-1907, Julius B, 229 units, 71 units, ratio: 3.23
1907-17, smash, 267 units, 96 units, ratio: 2.78
1917-27, La Fayette, 629 units, 99 units, ratio: 6.35
April 1, 2002, 15:32
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how do you come up with those numbers?
April 1, 2002, 16:47
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LaFayette, statistics always tell what one wants them to tell.
Besides, it is a team work !
Now, if you could just post the saved game, so that I can improve on my killing units counter.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
April 1, 2002, 18:07
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Originally posted by Smash
how do you come up with those numbers?
Military adviser; losses; difference between losses at the end and at the beginning of the period of time considered.
April 1, 2002, 18:12
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but when a civ is eliminated so are the casualties they inflicted
April 1, 2002, 18:24
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Originally posted by Smash
but when a civ is eliminated so are the casualties they inflicted
The civ that is eliminated disappears from the table (I took that into account), but the casualties inflicted to other civs don't disappear from the table. Therefore I guess that my calculations are rather precise.
(Besides you got the green star in GOTM 13 and I was only fastest conqueror #2, well behind you, so I had to have something for myself  ).
April 1, 2002, 18:40
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida
LaFayette, statistics always tell what one wants them to tell.
Perfectly true, Julius!
I have been doing that very seriously most of my life in real life. Why not have the fun of doing it here with good friends? (of course I would never do that if smash and you were not good friends of mine).
The huge world war is almost finished now (I guess that smash playing after you will probably see the end of it). Bragging later would be too late  .
April 1, 2002, 18:47
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Here is the save.
(and have a nice ratio  )
April 1, 2002, 19:29
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I'm not insulted or whatever by the numbers I just wondered where they come from.In my game,if a civ is eliminated so is all casuality info.
I'm quite pleased the great General La Fayette has seemingly turned the tide greatly in our favor.Particular pleasure is derived from the Mongol decline
The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu
April 9, 2002, 10:43
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I'm on the game and hope to finish my turns by the end of the week
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
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