January 20, 2002, 13:42
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The Chiron Chronicle: Historical Summary
Weeks before the crashes, University, Cyborg and other astronomers observe the Aliens ships, (comets in the sky) coming closer to Chiron.
Usurpers will crash on the Isle of Deianira.
Caretakers will crash in Mount Planet.
The Humans on those islands are driven off.
On Deianira, I believe the Data Angels, Pirates, and Cyborgs have bases. They are pushed off of the areas and many die, but some escape to tell their tales to their faction leaders.
On Mount Planet (Is this near Morgan or the Hive?) The aliens crash and obliterate a Recon Rover patrol with the debris, the surviving humans flee except for a few who approach the aliens with weapons. The aliens do not trust them and shoot them.
Later, some rudimentary attempts at conversation were made with the people near Mount Planet mounting an expedition.
Hive (or University) scientists capture an alien and analyze it deep in their lairs. The other factions somewhat protest, but not much, due to the fact that only the faction leaders and the Hive or University scientists know about the experiment. The alien will not speak but the scientists begin to learn the language.
Eventually a Caretaker, interested in humans comes forward and tries to learn the language, he is captured.
A little more happens, then we begin.
(Does anyone have any corrections or anything to add?)
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January 21, 2002, 12:45
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Speaking for us Progenitors, will we be taking any Human prisoners?
January 22, 2002, 23:37
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The Usurpers may... but I'd doubt that the Caretakers would- they'd probably see the humans as destroying the land.
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January 23, 2002, 08:51
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Re: The Chiron Chronicle: Historical Summary
** Double post removed by PK probe team **
(Those pesky Data Angels must have hacked into our systems again...)
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January 23, 2002, 08:52
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Re: The Chiron Chronicle: Historical Summary
Originally posted by DarkCloud
On Deianira, I believe the Data Angels, Pirates, and Cyborgs have bases. They are pushed off of the areas and many die, but some escape to tell their tales to their faction leaders.
I believe the Spartans also have a presence in that area...
On Mount Planet (Is this near Morgan or the Hive?)
Actually, none of the above.
It's near the Believers, but the Pirates supposedly have a small outpost in the area too.
-I'm not really here, but I'm not really gone either...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
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January 23, 2002, 09:55
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Yes, OK, I have plans for the Progenitors. I have in mind a great opening post for them as well. As for the Isle and the Mount, we shall sweep away those Chironians!
Oh, and by the way, was there ever really much of an explanation as to what the Tau Ceti Flowering was?
January 23, 2002, 16:49
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Re: Re: The Chiron Chronicle: Historical Summary
Originally posted by Guardian
It's near the Believers, but the Pirates supposedly have a small outpost in the area too.
I recall a plan that the Believers establish first official contact with the Caretakers. At first somewhat quietly, to avoid the Believing citizens getting all cooked up when "fraternising" with "demons".
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January 24, 2002, 21:51
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About the Believers, IF they encounter the Caretakers first, then the Caretakers would likely have to make the first overtures- judging from the Believers conduct in the game.
Tau Ceti Flowering??? I seem to remember it being mentiond- it may have been the birth of a new civilization age.
Caretakers (near belivers and Pirates) on Mount Planet
The University/Cyborg/Data Angel/Morganite continent has no aliens.
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January 24, 2002, 23:30
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When the Usurpers land on Deianira there is a war going on between the Pirates and Spartans. The Spartans had rover groups posed to attack the Drone base on the island when the first reports of the Aliens began to come in. The Spartans deceided to postpone their attack until they could study the new threat. When the Aliens attacked the Angels and Morgans the Spartans waited. When they saw the ferosity of the attacks and the wholesale slaughter of inhabitants the spartans went on the offensive against the Upsurpers. Many Spartans died as the other humans evacuated what people they had left on the island. The Spartan airforce and troops covered many as they left and in the end they were completely destroyed for their efforts. The Bunker 118 provided shelter for some other factions until they were evacuated by whatever ships were availble. Pirate ships ferried many from the Islands. The Spartans stayed however(As some were running towards ships, Spartans were running towards the alien front). Eventually Bunker 118 was completely destroyed as the last of the of the Spartans died. Small groups scattered and stayed on to harrass the Aliens. Among those killed was Santiago's son Leonidas.
The last transmission from Bunker 118 was too weak to go all the way to Sparta and was intercepted by a Peackeeper ship patroling off the coast.
"Tell those in Sparta that we lived the code" End of Transmission
The Spartans immediately begun equiping all units with nerve gas. And are currently building up an army to retake the island.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
January 28, 2002, 23:26
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Good idea, Sprayber- everyone please write up a little summary for the meeting- the University doesn't need much except.
"Reports trickled in about the aliens landing. After the astronomers reports, the University had gone on yellow alert. Now they are on orange alert- all non-reservists are ready for a shift in policy. No one quite knows what is happening. Some suggest meteors, others suggest an alien landing.
Zakharov prepares his plans with his general and tells Splertovsky to talk with the other leaders who lost men on the island and on Mount Planet. Zakharov is walking a fine line here, but he will do anything for information.
He suspects that there are aliens and will trade any data for information about them, or even a live specemine.
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January 29, 2002, 17:03
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"It has come to the attention of the Central Committee that a new species of sentient beings from beyond Chiron has landed on the Island of Deneiera. At this time, little about their nature and less about their intentions is known. The Central Committee has decided to engage in level six (partial) mobilization in accordance with Plan Delta. Assisstance to all affected factions has been offered."
I don't have SMACX, meaning that my knowledge of the Aliens is limited and I'll need some help here. But fortunately, I suspcect the Hive won't be too good at communicating with Aliens anyway. At least it looks like the Hive's large stocks of Nerve Gas will come in handy though.
January 29, 2002, 22:14
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As far as I know, the aliens really are not taht different fcomr the humans.
They have a few battle ogres that are more advanced ,but cannot build more and they hate each other and will not even talk with each other.
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January 29, 2002, 22:29
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When the time comes and you open the thread should I open with my post of the space battle?
January 30, 2002, 23:02
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Yes you can, History Guy.
Any votes for starting now?
I think we have some of the history sorted out.
If people will post their leaders in another thread, we'll be more lenient about techs this time.
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January 31, 2002, 09:39
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Mount Planet is east from the Believers and it is connected by land to the continent....so the Believers may be the first target.
As for the Pirates role: it was decided that the Pirate Troops would stay with the Spartans to fight the Aliens on the island....both factions working together like they were allies, but were recently at war. there is seriously no Pirate civilians on the island...maybe the some tourists or whatever..... Pirates will also have a big role in helping evacuate the people, something like Dunkirk, but way larger in scale. The Pirates should be remembered for what they done too.
In the Mount Planet area, there is a smaller island connected to mount planet isle where some Pirate mines are located, as well as some small Cyborg bases which they establish in 2200-2205...and i think one of them was given to the Data Angels..... The pirates happened to have a Battle Dragon Regiment protecting those mines....which the Caretakers may consider offensive and damaging planet.
The Caretakers would probably be more keen in having human prisoners then the Usurpers....and they would probably be the first to learn the Human Language among the two alien factions.
There is also some satellites around chiron by this time to.
January 31, 2002, 22:10
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LMP- if that really is you- why don't you use youre REAL login.
And The Usurpers would have more contact with the humans. The Caretakers want to preserve the country-= the Usurpers want to supplant its right and thus they will contact the humans first, to play them off against the Caretakers and kill each other off.
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 7, 2002, 11:07
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Darkcloud, i lost my old easilly forgotten number and letter password.... and i don't like LordLMP anymore anyway
still me and MarkG can just delete the last one....and i like the new password system now  instead of being provided one, get to choose your own password which you can remember.
As for the Aliens.... that could be in the long run Darkcloud... but initially, the Usurpers just want to wipe the humans off the island so they can secure to themselves... initially, the Usurpers don't know if the Caretakers as survived... and the Caretakers don't know if the Usurpers as survived.... in such a situation, Caretakers is most likely to be the first to make Proper Contact with the humans then the Usurpers, after learning their language, their Human Psych.
February 7, 2002, 22:59
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Okay, with theat reasoning- you make more sense.
Okay. Well, we seem ready to go- if people post in the leaders thread their current leaders, then we can begin the story... Or does anyone want to delay it a few more weeks?
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 8, 2002, 11:14
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Won't be able to play or to effectively Moderate until September.... currently in a program and doesn't leave much time for such things... especially when i suppose to be something else on the computer
and i don't have my own computer with all of the files...
February 8, 2002, 12:44
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Whenever you are ready, Dark Cloud.
February 8, 2002, 20:47
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Okay... I probably won't be able to post much 2 weeks from now, but I believe that I can gtet it started up.
All you need to do is post your leaders and cities... and if there is a conflict about your technologies, myself or Melian will resolve it.
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
February 8, 2002, 23:19
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OK, there is my post. Read your post. I was hoping I and others could write more descriptive posts of the conquest of the Isle.
Anyway, sorry that this post was not done in the usual Chiron Chronicle fashion. I just couldn't imagine a Progenitor newsflash...
Anyway, hope you like the post. It isn't too good, but there we go...
Last edited by History Guy; February 8, 2002 at 23:30.
March 5, 2002, 11:10
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