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Old January 21, 2002, 23:51   #1
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Looking for good players
Ok, I'm getting sick of playing (and beating) the same zone players over and over again. Since the cf forums (and tribes) have been pretty much killed off as well, I'm looking for a new challenge. I hear there are some good players on apolyton and I'd like to see if that's true or not I'll play almost any settings or number of players, but I prefer king 2x2x duels or 2 on 2/3 on 3 tribe games. Anyone interested in a game sometime?
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Old January 22, 2002, 00:17   #2
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what times can you play?????????
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

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Old January 22, 2002, 01:33   #3
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Fell don't waste your time on here. I came and conquered apolyton long ago...and I can tell you right now you'll be very disappointed in what you find. At best they're 1x1x intermediates, at worst they are worse than zone newbies. There is absolutely no challenge to be found here. Don't waste your time.
Old January 22, 2002, 01:49   #4
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Special comments from Eyes of night , former champion until beaten by RAZ.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

Hydey the no-limits man. :(
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Old January 22, 2002, 02:08   #5
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Originally posted by EnigmaticGod
At best they're 1x1x intermediates, at worst they are worse than zone newbies. There is absolutely no challenge to be found here. Don't waste your time.
Unless you want to play with honest players who don't cheat... yeah, don't waste your time here
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Old January 22, 2002, 10:13   #6
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I'd like to warn you a little about this Dr. Fell, who also disguised himself as "Ironic Warrior" in Civ Fanatics ladder before he was caught.

Ever since he has aligned himself with Eyes, with Eyes' promise of "I'll teach you everything I know, blah" he has become more or less of a complete *******. He comes on the zone to make comments such as, "All your rooks suck, I'm God, etc."

Of particular interest, I know for a fact that Dr. Fell edits saved games to suit his purpose. CF administrator Woke suspects him of doing this (go talk to him yourselves) and Dr. Fell has also threatened to "come up with convincing saves" to accuse me of cheating and destroy Blackhand tribe (I reported the incident to CF administrators). Hardly someone you'd want to jump into bed with.

The only reason he has come on Apolyton is because almost all decent zone players are tired of his rantics and suspect him of shady practices such as editing saves that they won't play him. If you aren't for the 2x2x small map, temperate, 3 billion (Fell *absolutely* refuses to play outside of his setting and won't even do a random map - typical of Eyes as well - against me), I don't think he will play even play you.

Let me just warn you about this character.
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Old January 22, 2002, 11:38   #7
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I wasn't caught - I admitted to it. It wasn't my fault w0ke refused to delete all those games against OmegaMan. The editing saved games is bullshit too, frankly w0ke doens't have a clue about saved games/editing them. His only proof of me 'editing' them was that if you picked Kuja's civ, it jumped straight to 3900 BC. There is an explaination for that, but I'm not going to go into it here. Plus the fact that I have saves from about six different games, this one was just the most obvious example.

I think what the problem here is that you're still pissed off at how I left Blackhand. You're jealous of my skills, and you can't accept me playing on the other side, so you attempt to destroy me and my reputation by following me around and accusing me of cheating.

I get games on the zone all the time too, I just thought Apolyton might have some good players on it. And robbie, once again you are shown to be a liar - I play on any settings, 2x2x small map are my preferred ones. I offered to play a game on your settings and one on mine, you refused, I rest my case on that point. I suggest you leave me alone Robbie, you're making yourself look really bad this time.

'what times can you play?????????'

My times are variable, at the moment I can generally play weekdays from about 12-6pm GMT, later than that it's not 100% certain I'll be in but it's a possibility.
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Old January 22, 2002, 12:14   #8
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Points of information:

1. Did you or did you not threaten to edit saves to falsely accuse me of cheating and the blackhand? I saved the screenshots and sent transcript of your conversation to CF administrators. I have those available as well for anyone who's interested.

2. I'm not at all upset about your leaving. Our tribe doesn't have a place for ass-like characters such as yourself. Remember you begged Dylan to let you back in and that "leaving blackhand was the biggest mistake you made?" He kept a transcript of that on ICQ and sent it to the tribe for laughs.

Don't say I didn't warn you about this guy...
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Old January 22, 2002, 12:43   #9
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
Points of information:

1. Did you or did you not threaten to edit saves to falsely accuse me of cheating and the blackhand? I saved the screenshots and sent transcript of your conversation to CF administrators. I have those available as well for anyone who's interested.

2. I'm not at all upset about your leaving. Our tribe doesn't have a place for ass-like characters such as yourself. Remember you begged Dylan to let you back in and that "leaving blackhand was the biggest mistake you made?" He kept a transcript of that on ICQ and sent it to the tribe for laughs.

Don't say I didn't warn you about this guy...
1 - No, and it's really pathetic the way you faked it. My name on the zone is l3lood_Oath. There's also a I3lood_Oath registered, my guess is you used this to fake them? And don't say you wouldn't go to the trouble of doing it, just last night you were threatning to 'track me down and kill me' and you said I shouldn't 'underestimate your capabilities'. Face it robbie, you just won't give me up.

2 - Yeah I believe you, sure, you're not upset. I can point to a post you made just after I left Blackhand - haha it almost brought a tear to my eye. Don't give me that crap. And I've already explained why I had that chat with Dylan. Notice it was me who pressured him into refusing?

You're a pathelogical liar who can't accept I left your tribe for better things. As I said, you're making yourself look really bad, it's a good thing for you w0ke deleted that civfan thread where you accused me and eyes of cheating. You're not going to get me back, you're not going to ruin my reputation like this. Leave me alone, and don't clutter Apolyton with this **** please.

Last edited by DrFell; January 22, 2002 at 12:52.
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Old January 22, 2002, 13:34   #10
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George Mason: (9:20 PM) Ok, first of all, your arguement has absolutely no grounds. He has 50 gold in 4000BC with no huts according to fell. That alone is grounds. Your idea that he edited it which is why the game skips makes absolutely no sense. So my first point is, if he DID edit it, then 4000BC would do the exact same thing.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:21 PM) no its not. the place where he gets the 50 gold is a hut spot. look at the wale. that is a good chance there was a hut there.
George Mason: (9:22 PM) And here is why you're a dumb****. Let me enlighten you to something. Load up the 3950BC, save it as a .sav Next load up the map editor and load the 3950BC.sav in the map editor. Look at that!!! It shows all the original placement of the huts!! Simply amazing!!
George Mason: (9:23 PM) Yes, there was a hut there, and yes he got 50 gold. Hold on a second.
George Mason: (9:23 PM) I was told by fell there was no hut there.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:24 PM)
George Mason: (9:24 PM) But you learned something new in the process. Interesting story is how I came across this technique.
George Mason: (9:24 PM) Either way, the save isn't tampered with and I'll explain why in a second.
George Mason: (9:26 PM) Holy ****. That's a premade map.
George Mason: (9:27 PM) LOL OH MY GOD! it's so obvious. You listening to me? Load this up in map editor.
George Mason: (9:29 PM) Well besides the fact that this is a premade map and that kuja hosted...on to why your idea that this is a tampered save is wrong.
George Mason: (9:29 PM) First of all, are you aware of how to tamper with a save?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:30 PM) he just loaded it up in single player, changed it with the cheat mode and loaded it up in mp and saved there again. that explains to me the year change, but not anything in the game
George Mason: (9:30 PM) First of all, let me explain the year change.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:31 PM) my map editor crashes when i try to open the save
George Mason: (9:31 PM) Kuja hit the space bar. I don't know why, but he did. The reason the year skips is because kuja ended his turn and then fell saved on his own turn. Green goes before blue remember.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) THerefore if you load up the game as kuja, his turn is over and the AI moves for the germans. That's why it looks as if the turn is already over.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) But it's not, it's only over for kuja.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) Next, with your reasoning, he would have to load up the cheat menu which then turns on the cheat flag first of all. That means it would be evident unless of coures he used the program to remove the cheat flag. Lets assume in this case he did since there is no cheat flag on the save.
George Mason: (9:33 PM) So lets load up the save and retire and check for the cheat flag.
George Mason: (9:33 PM) There is officially no cheat flag. Now, assuming he used the program to remove the cheat flag, there are a few key things that are left behind that show tampering.
George Mason: (9:34 PM) Load up the game as a .sav Notice anything?
George Mason: (9:34 PM) A window comes up asking you to choose what civ to use. Now if he had edited the game, then there would be no window and it would automatically choose the civ he had saved it under.
George Mason: (9:35 PM) I know this from experience because about 8 months ago a guy named the shrew and tact (who was in tuatha) tried the exact same thing on me.
George Mason: (9:35 PM) Now there is more than one way to do this. The other way would be to use a hex editor and just cheat in the game as if kuja had been there.
George Mason: (9:36 PM) HOWEVER, a hex editor searches for values and therefore needs about 4 turns to find it. The way it searches is that it looks for changing values that match the values you enter into the program. That means fell COULD NOT have used cheato matic to edit the save.
George Mason: (9:36 PM) Since it is only 3950, not enough turns have elapsed for the program to find the specified value.
George Mason: (9:37 PM) I rest my case. Would you like a tutorial on why the map is premade?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:37 PM) yeah please. i cant load it up in the map creator
George Mason: (9:38 PM) You don't need to. Load the file as a .sav
George Mason: (9:38 PM) And then enable cheat mode.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:38 PM) i cant load it as .sav. it doesnt show the save then
George Mason: (9:39 PM) Ok, we're on the first screen. You see start on premade world, start a new game begin scenario and then right below it it says "load a game" Click on that. Tell me when you've done that.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:40 PM) oh, you want me to load it in normal civ
George Mason: (9:41 PM) Normal civ? You can load it in civ2 MPGE, just use the regular saved game option.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:41 PM) im in the screen, but you can only load .mp
George Mason: (9:42 PM) no no no. Only .sav files shoudl be showing. If it only shows .mp then you're using the wrong window again. This isn't that difficult.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:42 PM) what window again then?
George Mason: (9:43 PM) Ok, close out civ completely. Start it up. THE FIRST WINDOW!!! Double click on LOAD A GAME
Woke23 (Europa): (9:43 PM) done
George Mason: (9:43 PM) Don't click on anything else.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:43 PM) yeah eyah
George Mason: (9:43 PM) Good, now click on the pull down that says files of type: and choose mp
George Mason: (9:44 PM) The mp files will then show up and you will then choose the file of your choice.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:44 PM) in my civ there is not an option for .mp in that
Woke23 (Europa): (9:44 PM) only .sav, .net and .hot
George Mason: (9:45 PM) RIGHT!! Damnit man, I thought you were computer literate? .net is an MP file.
George Mason: (9:45 PM) I said mp because right next to .net says Multiplayer files I thought that would be glaringly obvious.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:45 PM) why dont you say .net then? MP would make believe .mp
George Mason: (9:46 PM) Now, choose the file of your choice.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:46 PM) thats not obvious at all, but nevermind
Woke23 (Europa): (9:46 PM) ok, 3950bc and japanese
George Mason: (9:47 PM) Now, let me explain something first. The reason your map editor crashes is because you were loading a .net file. Save the game right now and make sure it uses .sav extension.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:47 PM) saved
George Mason: (9:48 PM) Good, you don't need to do it right now, but if you want to load it in map editor to see the original hut locations all you have to do is load the saved file. That simple. But right now just enable cheat mode and reveal the map.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:49 PM) done
George Mason: (9:49 PM) Ok. Look around at the map and tell me if you notice anything. Take note as well of Kuja's start position.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:49 PM) this is not a premade map
George Mason: (9:50 PM) Again, let me explain why it is a premade map. You are right, the map itself was generated by the AI, but the terrain was changed.
George Mason: (9:50 PM) You see in map editor you can generate a random map, and then set your resource speed to anything you want.
George Mason: (9:51 PM) This in turn creates a random map that you can then customize to your liking.
George Mason: (9:51 PM) Understand or no?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:51 PM) yeah, i think its resource seed that you mean?
George Mason: (9:51 PM) Resource speed. That's how it is labeled in the editor. But they're basically the same thing.
George Mason: (9:52 PM) Now look around at the map again. With your superior knowledge of how hte AI generates a map, tell me what you see as odd.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:52 PM) it can have a value. only the place of the resources changes with it. but make your point
Woke23 (Europa): (9:52 PM) i dont see anything odd
George Mason: (9:52 PM) Ok, first, look at the islands on the bottom of the map.
George Mason: (9:53 PM) Look at how far up the tundra comes first of all. Pretty high up, but that's minor. look at the weirdly placed arctic squares on those islands.
George Mason: (9:54 PM) 29, 71 is a good example. Look how high up that is, yet no tundra around it? Just random arctic squares with...grassland?
George Mason: (9:54 PM) Tundra and jungle together?
George Mason: (9:54 PM) 69, 59 Take a look at that.
George Mason: (9:55 PM) SEe how the plains is patterned and the tundra along in that area?
George Mason: (9:55 PM) SEe how we have dots of forest? the AI doesn't do just little bits and spots like that.
George Mason: (9:56 PM) Count how many mountains, not hills, are on this map.
George Mason: (9:56 PM) And do you see even one mountain range?
George Mason: (9:56 PM) Do you see where those mountains are located?
George Mason: (9:57 PM) There's 9 or 10 mountains TOTAL.
George Mason: (9:57 PM) Look at island 23, 9. Wierd little island isn't it?
George Mason: (9:58 PM) Same with 17, 5. Ever seen a fully arctic island?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:58 PM) ill do a few case a few runs on random map creation to validize what you say. i dont know if this is so unusuall
George Mason: (9:58 PM) Trust me, it is. You will never find anything like it.
George Mason: (9:59 PM) Those arctic squares come down too far too. And I won't even get started on their positioning.
George Mason: (10:00 PM) Amazingly lush landscape, it's definitely not on cold for the custom setting.

Do I need to go into the reasons you are a complete moron robbie or will this suffice? There's a reason why everyone sends me their saves before they send them to woke or to kwang or any other dumbass ladder administrator. It's because they don't know ****.

Last edited by ; January 22, 2002 at 13:54.
Old January 22, 2002, 13:41   #11
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As for Drfell begging to get into blackhand again...hehehe Well let me enlighten you guys to a little secret. It's all part of the game!! You guys are complete idiots. First of all , we ARE the smurfs tribe. I told everyone that my tribe had fallen apart and I even created false sense of hate for Kaak and drfell at one point. I TOLD drfell to beg to be let back into blackhand in order to sell the ruse. And you being the complete moron you are fell for it!! AHHAHAA!!! Remember the day that I came on the zone and drfell were fighting with each other? That was all stage. Every post has been staged. Every post I have made on the forum for the past 3 months was towards a greater goal. Like cows being lead the the slaughter you bought every word I said and relished every misfortune I made up. Fell never wanted back in your tribe. The best case scenario was that he would be let back in and it would help even more to further my plans, either way we had convinced you that my tribe was no more. Too easy really. I would have thought a self proclaimed bad ass like yourself would have seen through it all. But no, you played the perfect toy for me. It doesn't end there though. hehehe There's lots more besides just that one conversation.
Old January 22, 2002, 14:01   #12
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Just out of curiousity, since robbie wanted to bring it up and since he lost the poll posted on civfanatics, who here actually plays pure random maps? By that I mean you don't use custom settings such as 30X30 or continents, or wet or warm, etc.
Old January 22, 2002, 15:34   #13
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Eyes, it is such a shame that you haven't learned anything over the years. You are still the same person you were 5 years ago, and at your young age, 5 years usually shows some growth in maturity and general social comprehension. It's a pity that the years have had no value to you.
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Old January 22, 2002, 17:02   #14
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isn't there a kiddie forum for these lads?
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Old January 22, 2002, 17:17   #15
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For 4 players we always play 39x49 with large continents blah blah blah blah. But We don't use premade maps so we can be reasonably confident that no one has peeked. I trust all of our regulars but we do frequently include people we don't know.

Granted everyone doesn't get an even start, but that's part of the game. It's fun to do well in a game even when you got the worst land out of everyone. It's the type of thing that kept CIVII fresh and challanging. AND it's always fun to hear the whining about what a crappy rock we're playing on.

The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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Old January 22, 2002, 17:27   #16
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"Eyes, it is such a shame that you haven't learned anything over the years. You are still the same person you were 5 years ago, and at your young age, 5 years usually shows some growth in maturity and general social comprehension. It's a pity that the years have had no value to you."

I'm surprised you still haven't figured it out yet.
Old January 23, 2002, 00:46   #17
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Originally posted by Smash
isn't there a kiddie forum for these lads?
I'm just responding to the **** that's been posted against me. I'm really sick of the way robbie follows me from forum to forum slandering me and accusing me of cheating. Now I think he's gone too far - he's created screenshots of me 'admitting' to editing saved games, in his crusade to destroy my reputation (which is 100%, if anyone wants saves of games I've played I'll post them). Anyway, this thread is meant to see if any players are looking for a game sometime, not for insults and bullshit. I was just wondering if there were any players out there who'd like a game sometime, as I said playing the same zone newbies all the time gets a bit tedious.
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Old January 23, 2002, 01:34   #18
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Once again we have the typical debate. Whats a cheat, whats a loophole, whats acceptable and what is pure bull.

It seems as if the same groups of players have the same sorts of problems. The first couple of times you could chalk it up to youthfullness, or being overzealous. However , we all know now that this isn't the case.

Some players admit to having cheated in the past, some do not. Everyone has a 90-10 winning % against everyone they play. Aside from us lame Apolytoners and NOOBS at the zone, who in the hell has all the losing records

Ladders come and go, everyone is a moderator for awhile and then for some reason.....they just don't want to deal with the endless crap anymore.

We have seen endless accusations and edited proof, cheats , logs and files....

I find alot of it humorous, some of it tedious, and alot of it borring.
that all aside, its alot of the same players complaining about cheating and reputations

It seems safe to say that the same groups of players whom brag about their game are the ones complaining about others cheating.

I have played most of you , and either i am an idiot or i don't detect cheats well, or you just didn't bother when you played me b/c i have'nt come across alot of cheaters in my years of civ.

But, i know you are out there.

I no longer care about what settings are toughest/best/require most skill. All i care about is playing honest players who enjoy four to six hour stints once or twice a week and who are reliable and wont quit at the first sign of a failed attack.

I have found that with my group and that makes me happy. Too be honest i have found that with most Apolytoners in general.

I come from the old school of civ at the zone.....when the game was first released just before Christmas of 98. Noone played x2x2 and yes it was slow. Civ is a slow game to me. Now we play x2x1 which speeds things up a bit but doens't totally ruin the game (though it does skew the starts even more so).

Civ is what you put into it...if you play with people who know how to alter the game and have no scruples about doing it, you will have to accept these aspects of the game.

No one in our group complains after a game...what does that tell you

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Old January 23, 2002, 02:51   #19
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Originally posted by War4ever
No one in our group complains after a game...what does that tell you
Yeah... trusting the people you play with makes for a much better game

OH... AND Spartan_RawB!

It is against forum policy to accuse somebody of cheating here with out ABSOLUTE PROOF... and links to the files that prove it.
Slander isn't allowed. So show ABSOLUTE PROOF... or shut up
Because if you continue... you will be given a "vacation" from posting.

And to everybody else.... stay on topic, or don't bother to post!
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Old January 23, 2002, 10:08   #20
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Originally posted by War4ever

All i care about is playing honest players who enjoy four to six hour stints once or twice a week and who are reliable and wont quit at the first sign of a failed attack.

No one in our group complains after a game...what does that tell you

Yeah. At the end of our games, (when we don't pass out from exhaustion or refreshments) the conversations are about who moved the wrong way at the start, the land, the huts, the first few combats that helped determine borders or areas of conflict, and how many turns they lost a wonder by (always 1 )
If I had to put up with all the garbage that we see here every now an then, I'd quit the game.

The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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Old January 23, 2002, 12:43   #21
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Why must everyone take this so seriously? If you don't like threads with fighting...don't read them. Is it really that difficult to keep from clicking on a thread you don't like? Besides, this game would be really boring if everyone liked each other and we all sang koombiya. So I say let the fighting continue!!! Last man standing wins!! The losers leave the forum in disgrace! Now lets keep these lets all be friends posts off this thread and get back to the real reason we're on here: TO FIGHT!!!
Old January 23, 2002, 12:56   #22
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Originally posted by EnigmaticGod
So I say let the fighting continue!!! Last man standing wins!! The losers leave the forum in disgrace! Now lets keep these lets all be friends posts off this thread and get back to the real reason we're on here: TO FIGHT!!!
Uhhh... the owners of this "private" site don't happen to like flaming and fighting... and that's why it is against the rules.
Find some place else to hold your cat fights... not here!
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Old January 23, 2002, 13:30   #23
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Wrong answer

We like to limit our fights to in the game. As it should be.

The rest is just ego driven schoolyard brawls that most of us have grown out of.

It's a damn game. It's about fun.

But if you get your fun out of demeaning people, I can't help you.
But your rants are entertaining at times, and that's what public forums are all about. We're all allowed to post what we want. (within the rules of course)

So if you don't want to read our stuff, don't.
The OT at APOLYTON is like watching the Special Olympics. Certain people try so hard to debate despite their handicaps.
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Old January 23, 2002, 14:55   #24
Brian Bergs
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Love the game!
My record in multi-player is horrible. Ming, Rah, War4ever beat the pants off me. But you know, I love the game, would rather get beat in multi-player than constantly beating up a mindless AI opponent. It is a great game. Boasting is fun but that is all it is. Whining while losing is also fun. If you are really bored with all the players in Apolyton find something else.

So all the snotty remarks are snot. If you want to play sometime, let's get it on. I am on ICQ and play multi-player when my real life doesn't take precedence.

If any tribe wants to invite me in, I'd love to play.

And to any cheaters out there who need to cheat to win, get a life.
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Old January 23, 2002, 18:41   #25
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I have played this game with honor ever since I started playing competitively. Anyone who's known me for any length of time can vouch for my character.

I don't accuse, I simply report on what happened. You showed me how low you could go by threatening to frame me and Blackhand of cheating by - in your exact words - "coming up with some convincing saves." I have the transcript of the entire conversation if anyone wants to see it.

What's more appalling to me is your attitude and outright denial. Sure, no one here other than us will know the truth, but what's important to me is that I know you're lying and you know it too. You've already done yourself dishonor by flat-out lying and it's clear I should have nothing more to do with you.
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Old January 23, 2002, 19:03   #26
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Originally posted by Spartan_RawB
What's more appalling to me is your attitude and outright denial. Sure, no one here other than us will know the truth, but what's important to me is that I know you're lying and you know it too.

Sigh... again, your word vs his... nothing you can prove. So just CHILL... Take your slander somewhere else. Last warning!
I'm not taking sides... just enforcing the rules of this forum.
Prove it, or don't say it!
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Old January 23, 2002, 19:16   #27
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ah, memories
sounds a lot like gameleague in here, back when it was still alive
You cheeky sod :p - Provost Harrison, Puegot Porsche Interface Specialist.
Don't take that attitude with me, bucksnort. :p - Slowwhand, Texas Style List Keeper.
This obviously proves that Coldwizard = sivistynyt - kassiopeia, Wise Finn.
CW: Sometimes you're even bigger weirdo than kass... - Jeki, Wiser Finn.
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Old January 23, 2002, 19:24   #28
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Re: ah, memories
Originally posted by ColdWizard
sounds a lot like gameleague in here, back when it was still alive

One of the reasons why many of us didn't get involved in game league... some of us would rather just play and have fun
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Old January 23, 2002, 20:09   #29
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What do you want ming, a dead forum? Threads like this are what keep the forum alive.

"What's more appalling to me is your attitude and outright denial. Sure, no one here other than us will know the truth, but what's important to me is that I know you're lying and you know it too. You've already done yourself dishonor by flat-out lying and it's clear I should have nothing more to do with you."

Well if you don't want anything more to do with fell...why do you keep making posts about him? Why do you keep zone messaging him (with privacy turned on so he can't message you back, which I also don't need to mention is really lame) and flooding him? Amazing how you don't care yet you constantly are trying to go head to head with him. You even make challenges to play games against him and then set up times...which you of course never follow up on. I guess that's part of your "ignore them" policy? Amazing how ignore=make all kinds of posts and flood them with messages.

And I see you're not talking about fell actually editing saves now, you're just talking about a supposed conversation. You don't even mention anymore about woke's god like knowledge and how he told you fell was editing saves. Did my little chat transcript with woke shut you up?
Old January 23, 2002, 20:21   #30
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Originally posted by EnigmaticGod
What do you want ming, a dead forum? Threads like this are what keep the forum alive.
Yeah... people acting like little children by going "nah nah nah nah nah" is what keeps this forum alive.

Again... if you guys want a cat fight... TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!
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