George Mason: (9:20 PM) Ok, first of all, your arguement has absolutely no grounds. He has 50 gold in 4000BC with no huts according to fell. That alone is grounds. Your idea that he edited it which is why the game skips makes absolutely no sense. So my first point is, if he DID edit it, then 4000BC would do the exact same thing.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:21 PM) no its not. the place where he gets the 50 gold is a hut spot. look at the wale. that is a good chance there was a hut there.
George Mason: (9:22 PM) And here is why you're a dumb****. Let me enlighten you to something. Load up the 3950BC, save it as a .sav Next load up the map editor and load the 3950BC.sav in the map editor. Look at that!!! It shows all the original placement of the huts!! Simply amazing!!
George Mason: (9:23 PM) Yes, there was a hut there, and yes he got 50 gold. Hold on a second.
George Mason: (9:23 PM) I was told by fell there was no hut there.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:24 PM)

George Mason: (9:24 PM) But you learned something new in the process. Interesting story is how I came across this technique.
George Mason: (9:24 PM) Either way, the save isn't tampered with and I'll explain why in a second.
George Mason: (9:26 PM) Holy ****. That's a premade map.
George Mason: (9:27 PM) LOL OH MY GOD! it's so obvious. You listening to me? Load this up in map editor.
George Mason: (9:29 PM) Well besides the fact that this is a premade map and that kuja hosted...on to why your idea that this is a tampered save is wrong.
George Mason: (9:29 PM) First of all, are you aware of how to tamper with a save?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:30 PM) he just loaded it up in single player, changed it with the cheat mode and loaded it up in mp and saved there again. that explains to me the year change, but not anything in the game
George Mason: (9:30 PM) First of all, let me explain the year change.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:31 PM) my map editor crashes when i try to open the save
George Mason: (9:31 PM) Kuja hit the space bar. I don't know why, but he did. The reason the year skips is because kuja ended his turn and then fell saved on his own turn. Green goes before blue remember.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) THerefore if you load up the game as kuja, his turn is over and the AI moves for the germans. That's why it looks as if the turn is already over.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) But it's not, it's only over for kuja.
George Mason: (9:32 PM) Next, with your reasoning, he would have to load up the cheat menu which then turns on the cheat flag first of all. That means it would be evident unless of coures he used the program to remove the cheat flag. Lets assume in this case he did since there is no cheat flag on the save.
George Mason: (9:33 PM) So lets load up the save and retire and check for the cheat flag.
George Mason: (9:33 PM) There is officially no cheat flag. Now, assuming he used the program to remove the cheat flag, there are a few key things that are left behind that show tampering.
George Mason: (9:34 PM) Load up the game as a .sav Notice anything?
George Mason: (9:34 PM) A window comes up asking you to choose what civ to use. Now if he had edited the game, then there would be no window and it would automatically choose the civ he had saved it under.
George Mason: (9:35 PM) I know this from experience because about 8 months ago a guy named the shrew and tact (who was in tuatha) tried the exact same thing on me.
George Mason: (9:35 PM) Now there is more than one way to do this. The other way would be to use a hex editor and just cheat in the game as if kuja had been there.
George Mason: (9:36 PM) HOWEVER, a hex editor searches for values and therefore needs about 4 turns to find it. The way it searches is that it looks for changing values that match the values you enter into the program. That means fell COULD NOT have used cheato matic to edit the save.
George Mason: (9:36 PM) Since it is only 3950, not enough turns have elapsed for the program to find the specified value.
George Mason: (9:37 PM) I rest my case. Would you like a tutorial on why the map is premade?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:37 PM) yeah please. i cant load it up in the map creator
George Mason: (9:38 PM) You don't need to. Load the file as a .sav
George Mason: (9:38 PM) And then enable cheat mode.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:38 PM) i cant load it as .sav. it doesnt show the save then
George Mason: (9:39 PM) Ok, we're on the first screen. You see start on premade world, start a new game begin scenario and then right below it it says "load a game" Click on that. Tell me when you've done that.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:40 PM) oh, you want me to load it in normal civ
George Mason: (9:41 PM) Normal civ? You can load it in civ2 MPGE, just use the regular saved game option.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:41 PM) im in the screen, but you can only load .mp
George Mason: (9:42 PM) no no no. Only .sav files shoudl be showing. If it only shows .mp then you're using the wrong window again. This isn't that difficult.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:42 PM) what window again then?

George Mason: (9:43 PM) Ok, close out civ completely. Start it up. THE FIRST WINDOW!!! Double click on LOAD A GAME
Woke23 (Europa): (9:43 PM) done
George Mason: (9:43 PM) Don't click on anything else.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:43 PM) yeah eyah
George Mason: (9:43 PM) Good, now click on the pull down that says files of type: and choose mp
George Mason: (9:44 PM) The mp files will then show up and you will then choose the file of your choice.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:44 PM) in my civ there is not an option for .mp in that
Woke23 (Europa): (9:44 PM) only .sav, .net and .hot
George Mason: (9:45 PM) RIGHT!! Damnit man, I thought you were computer literate? .net is an MP file.
George Mason: (9:45 PM) I said mp because right next to .net says Multiplayer files I thought that would be glaringly obvious.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:45 PM) why dont you say .net then? MP would make believe .mp
George Mason: (9:46 PM) Now, choose the file of your choice.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:46 PM) thats not obvious at all, but nevermind
Woke23 (Europa): (9:46 PM) ok, 3950bc and japanese
George Mason: (9:47 PM) Now, let me explain something first. The reason your map editor crashes is because you were loading a .net file. Save the game right now and make sure it uses .sav extension.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:47 PM) saved
George Mason: (9:48 PM) Good, you don't need to do it right now, but if you want to load it in map editor to see the original hut locations all you have to do is load the saved file. That simple. But right now just enable cheat mode and reveal the map.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:49 PM) done
George Mason: (9:49 PM) Ok. Look around at the map and tell me if you notice anything. Take note as well of Kuja's start position.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:49 PM) this is not a premade map
George Mason: (9:50 PM) Again, let me explain why it is a premade map. You are right, the map itself was generated by the AI, but the terrain was changed.
George Mason: (9:50 PM) You see in map editor you can generate a random map, and then set your resource speed to anything you want.
George Mason: (9:51 PM) This in turn creates a random map that you can then customize to your liking.
George Mason: (9:51 PM) Understand or no?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:51 PM) yeah, i think its resource seed that you mean?
George Mason: (9:51 PM) Resource speed. That's how it is labeled in the editor. But they're basically the same thing.
George Mason: (9:52 PM) Now look around at the map again. With your superior knowledge of how hte AI generates a map, tell me what you see as odd.
Woke23 (Europa): (9:52 PM) it can have a value. only the place of the resources changes with it. but make your point
Woke23 (Europa): (9:52 PM) i dont see anything odd
George Mason: (9:52 PM) Ok, first, look at the islands on the bottom of the map.
George Mason: (9:53 PM) Look at how far up the tundra comes first of all. Pretty high up, but that's minor. look at the weirdly placed arctic squares on those islands.
George Mason: (9:54 PM) 29, 71 is a good example. Look how high up that is, yet no tundra around it? Just random arctic squares with...grassland?
George Mason: (9:54 PM) Tundra and jungle together?
George Mason: (9:54 PM) 69, 59 Take a look at that.
George Mason: (9:55 PM) SEe how the plains is patterned and the tundra along in that area?
George Mason: (9:55 PM) SEe how we have dots of forest? the AI doesn't do just little bits and spots like that.
George Mason: (9:56 PM) Count how many mountains, not hills, are on this map.
George Mason: (9:56 PM) And do you see even one mountain range?
George Mason: (9:56 PM) Do you see where those mountains are located?
George Mason: (9:57 PM) There's 9 or 10 mountains TOTAL.
George Mason: (9:57 PM) Look at island 23, 9. Wierd little island isn't it?
George Mason: (9:58 PM) Same with 17, 5. Ever seen a fully arctic island?
Woke23 (Europa): (9:58 PM) ill do a few case a few runs on random map creation to validize what you say. i dont know if this is so unusuall
George Mason: (9:58 PM) Trust me, it is. You will never find anything like it.
George Mason: (9:59 PM) Those arctic squares come down too far too. And I won't even get started on their positioning.
George Mason: (10:00 PM) Amazingly lush landscape, it's definitely not on cold for the custom setting.
Do I need to go into the reasons you are a complete moron robbie or will this suffice? There's a reason why everyone sends me their saves before they send them to woke or to kwang or any other dumbass ladder administrator. It's because they don't know ****.