What if instead of suggesting a decision for you, it would provide you with info to help you make a correct decision?
Like the 'Check inteligence', but from military point of view:
- Provide you with the information of Military Advisor: how many units you have, which types etc.
- Provide you with a diplomatic status of other civs: you're at WAR with Romans and Greeks, at peace with Americans and allied with Mongols. also, inform you about alliances against you.
- Tehcnological status of enemies (from a military point of view): inform you what units the enemy can produce but you cannot and vice-versa.
- Estimate militar power of the enemies: How many enemy units are visible on the map, are there any enemy units near you border etc
- Similar info about neutral and alliend civs. You can never know what they're up to!
Also, specific info about the city in question:
- Distance from borders. Tell you how many turns would need the fastes enemy unit to reach the city? To tell you this, it should consider roads and railroads.
- 'Inteligence' info. If you have an embassy with a civ, it could warn you that certain civ is moving its units toward this city (That would be cool!

). Maybe this would first require some advance, like Spy.
- Estimate the number of attackers the city can defend: a simple aritmetic operation of summing the defence points of all the units stationed in the city and multiply them with the defence bonus offered by City Walls, Coastal Fortress etc. Detailed in Ground Attack, Sea Attack, Air Attack. It should be compared with a 'Target' Value (maybe you could set this?) and tell you 'This city it cannot resist an attack made by 3 enemy units. We need a City Wall'.
- Show the 'budget' required by the City defense: totals shields consumed byt defending units, totals costs of improvements. Again, compare it with a target value you can set. This value should, of course, take into account the size of the city and its strategic importance (e.g. how many active wonders are in the city). The Military Advisor should have more 'nerve' if it's see that the defense is under the budget

. Maybe he could look at defense 'budgets' of other cities within you empire! If the current city has a smaller 'budget' compared to similar cities, the Military Advisor would show up