October 24, 2000, 15:02
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Just figgured something out!!!
I am at this very moment playing civ2, I just figgured something out!
When one of your cities builds something, a message pops up, saying, "Denver (or whatevery city built the improvement) has built city walls."
HeHe, Denver doesn't build it, its people do!
I propose that in civ3 you can assign your population to build up to 5 different things at a time. (like lords 2), the more the people to one projecct, the faster it goes.
Now I feel stupid.
October 24, 2000, 15:56
Local Time: 00:30
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Location: Maarssen, The Netherlands
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I propose that in civ3 you can assign your population to build up to 5 different things at a time. (like lords 2), the more the people to one projecct, the faster it goes.
I'm with you here. Maybe very happy citizen can build you something for free: The people of Denver built a Library for president Tim White
Maybe it should be so that some things cannot be built in 1 turn (like Rome..).
Maybe things like city walls should be updated now and then (yep, city defences went absolete throughout the ages, constantly).
To think of it, your suggestion would make micromanagement a bit harder (putting 5 things in 5 queues ?, argh). Maybe you got some ideas to make that easier ?!
October 24, 2000, 17:21
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Make another screen linked to your city screen, it would be specificly for that kind of stuff. Just push a button on your city screen, and it will take you right to it. Thats where you can have your population, your buildings, and such, so you can have more room on your city screen.
You got any ideas??
October 24, 2000, 18:00
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The screen is not a problem. A fine idea though (if it loads fast and you can see an overview in the main menu). I just mean I don't want to have to check out 5 building patterns per city. Not when I have my usual 30+ cities anyway. Automation would solve the issue I think. There should be management types tracks (SMAC type; Growth, Domestic, Explore, Economy, Military) where you can put your workforce (of money ??) into.
But this should also be customizable (my own queues to be saved, loaded and updated) easily otherwise the micromanagement fun is dead.
I want it all, and I want it NOW !
October 24, 2000, 18:03
Local Time: 10:30
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Well we've talked about build quese before, though not in the fashion tim has suggested - ie more people = faster.
The arguments were bitter, see: simultaneous build orders!
Also City Specific "Build List" (a bit unrelated)
From the archives:

Alright! Nice list, CyberShy, I see your production suggestion is very much like my own suggestion. I suggested a city have 3 separate build queues, one for units, city improvements, and wonders with a slider to allocate n% resource to each production type. Way to go!

I suggest that you be able to build more than one thing at a time, provided they are diffrent "catagories".
Your build list would allow you to build a n queue:
1) City Improvements (market, granery, ect.)
2) Military
3) Wonders
4) Goods for trade
5) Capitilization/ Socilization/ ect.
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary...
October 25, 2000, 14:46
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Giving cities the capability of producing more than one unit or structure funadmentality changes the basic game model. Such a change would totally change the way the game works, and would likely make it much more complex.
I would only support such a change if it was done in simple, intuitive fashion that still allowed for equally fun management of cities.
We already have to manage ridiculous amounts of production junk when our empires get large. Why would we want to turn the game into *gasp* work?
Geez... pretty soon people are gonna want to start simulating everything. If I wanted realism at the expense of fun, I wouldn't play computer games.
October 25, 2000, 18:02
Local Time: 10:30
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The subject is a bit chewed out I see. Kill thread ?
 If you've got something to add - by all means, add it - I was just giving background stuff that you can build on!
No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary...
October 26, 2000, 00:28
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Location: Maarssen, The Netherlands
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Thanks for the information. The subject is a bit chewed out I see. Kill thread ?
October 26, 2000, 10:10
The Empress
Local Time: 18:30
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no no no, that will make it more like age of empires than like civ
October 26, 2000, 13:29
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hmm, nice idea that doesnt change the concept...
as Tim White suggested there will have to be another screen for this, and I dont hink that it will make the game much more complicated.
If someone doesnt like it he can just not to use the option and build only using one queue.
October 27, 2000, 02:39
I kind of like Tim's idea. Ever since I started playing civ, I've always felt uncomfortable that in the earlier parts of the game, you would be technically spending hundreds of years to build one granary, marketplace etc... It's illogical , to say the least.
I don't think Tim's idea is un-civ-like. In fact, it has some similarity to colonization as well, besides the Lords 2 similarity.
October 27, 2000, 03:09
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October 27, 2000, 13:30
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I agree that if you dont like the idea, there should be a way to turn it off, and go back to the civ2 style.
And also, if this idea was implamented in civ3, it would not change the game to age of empires.
I cant believe that you guys think it is realistic that the city builds things, and not the people, I mean, did they have robots to build granaries in 3000 BC?!?!
October 27, 2000, 14:58
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October 28, 2000, 08:13
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Actually, i have an, in my opinion splendid, idea of how to handle city production. First of all military production should be handled totally separated from the city production. The thing is that i don't want to direct every little temple-building so whenever i get tired on micromanage cities i get help from my governors. These governors gets hints from me of how important things are. These categories are:
- Defense
- Growth
- Health
- Science
- Wealth
The governors gets percentages of each in the same manor that the tax-window does in civ2. Maybe in 5% steps rather then 10% steps. This is done in a overall window for your civ. Than at each city you just click on the categories that is most important in that city,
These categories will get extra percentages of the production. Selcting all five categories will make the city produce 20% in each category.
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