Some constructive thoughts on unit improvement...
Right from finally reading all this here are my thoughts on units...
1. Musketmen should be 3/4/1 and Musketeers 3/5/1.
2. Cavalry should be 6/3/2 and Cossacks 6/3/3, similar to CHinese Riders and Knights.
3. All ships past Galley should have their movement increased by 1, possibly 2 points. They are too slow!
4. Frigates should by 3/2 with bombard 3 (MOW upgraded proportionately), and Privateers 3/1 to make them useful compared to the quickly appearing Ironclad. Caravels are better at 2/1 as opposed to 1/2. Allowing Frigates to carry 1 unit similar to their Civ2 counterparts would also be advantageous.
5. AEGIS should be able to carry 2 Cruise missiles to make them a worthy addition as well as doing better against aircraft bombing. Possibly having them arriving with Rocketry would also be better. Aircraft should have a chance of completely destroying ships.
6. Destroyers and Transports would be better with Steel with Submarines arriving with Combustion.
7. F15 needs reworking as increasing bombard ability is a pointless advantage especially for the AI which uses them for Air Defence only. All Fighters could do with better bombardment ability, especially Jet Fighters. SHould be an option to route-out defending fighters with fighters, so as to aid the bombers. Possibly an increase in defence of 2 for both Fighters and Jet Fighters would help here. Remember Battle of Britain? Jet and Stealth Fighters should have Radar for their recon ability to be effective (all Fighters' only real active ability is recon atm).
8. Bombard ability. All metal ships, Fighters, Bombers and Land artillery should have their bombard value increased by 1. Just to make them more valuable in wars and wars less boring once the opposition navy or air force is destroyed. These guys should be able to tear into cities and improvements in far less time than they do. Can take 5+ years to have an impact with bombarding units in the modern era...DAFT.
9. AI should use Land artillery OFFENSIVELY!
10. Cruise missiles should have range 4 and rate of fire 4 and be loadable onto Nuclear Subs and AEGIS.
11. Helicopter and Stealth Fighter should have a recon range of 8, and possibly allow helicopters to airdrop two units. Stealth Fighter could do with Radar to make recon worthwhile. Not sure as to purpose of SF?!
12. Settlers and Workers should be airliftable.
13. Marines should be 9/6/1 and Paratroopers 7/8/1 with airdrop range of 8.
14. Explorers should arrive with Map Making, arriving with Navigation is pointless as map is already explored.
15. Would be nice to see the AI use Privateers.
16. ZOC could and should be more damaging, esp when defending on a fortress.
17. Should Metal ships have Blitz ability?
18. Should space ship take longer to build?!
My thoughts so far...