January 24, 2002, 21:17
Local Time: 19:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
USA - Till Death do us Part
The city of Washington was founded on the coast, near a mountain range soon dubbed the Rockies.
President Lincoln looked out over the beautiful city from those exact mountains, remembering how harsh life had been for the Americans until they had finally decided to settle down.
But now there was work to do, it never seemed to stop, and that was to build a military to hold of the barbarian hordes who seemed to view the US as an easy target.
The problem of this was shown weeks later, when barbarians pillaged America's second city, New York. Lincoln had sent a spearman regiment out to guard the settler and later the new city, but had been distracted by the sighting of a barbarian encampment, and had sent the spearmen to destroy it. Unknown to him, there was also an encampment the other side of the settler, and warriors from there pillaged and raped America's newest city while the spearmen rushed back as fast as they could.
It was in vain. As Lincoln surveyed the damage done, and prepared to make a speech to the few New York citizens who were still alive and hadn't fled back to Washington, he made a vow to himself. He would protect these people forever, and destroy anyone who saw fit to do them harm.
Finally he took the stand.
"People of New York, you bravely left the capital to found this great city, and I failed you. I sent away your protection. I swear upon the almighty God that I will never let such a thing happen again. As we speak, an archer regiment is about to torch the barbarian stronghold to the North.
And I have even better news. We have made contact with another civilisation, albeit a backward one, the Zulus. They have also given us contact with another nation, England, who are as strong and powerful as us. We have made friends with both, trading world maps with them. And they have promised us their full co-operation in destroying the barbarian threat. Barbarians and terrorists will never hold this nation to ransom! We are a free nation, and will never bow to another! So now barbarians worldwide are going to learn to fear the USA. I have sent out two extra archer regiments, with the intention of meeting other tribes and destroying any barbarians we can find..."
The crowd cheered loudly as he waved goodbye and stood down from the podium.
************************************************** **
It was the first political crisis of Lincoln's career as President. If he wasn't immortal he thought, he'd have killed himself rather than face such decisions.
The English and the Zulus were trying to destroy each other, and both had requested his help, which he initially turned down. The Zulus occupied resource-rich ground, whilst the English held ground not so rich in resources, lacking the vital supply of iron.
America on the other hand was short of horses. They had plenty of iron luckily, and were trading it with the English for horses. Just one attack on the Zulus however could gain them so much more, including many luxuries. Also the English were massing outside a Zulu frontier town, which had iron near it. The English then would no longer need the trading with America.
So the situation was bad. If the English won the war, America would lose its supply of horses. If the Zulus won, which was unlikely as they were technologically behind to the English, then America would also lose access to the horses. So the US had to enter the war, as Lincoln simply couldn't afford to buy the horses from either nation, as they'd charge a huge sum, whereas the current deal was also giving the English what they needed, so there was no added charge.
Lincoln made up his mind. They would enter on the English side, as that would mean a two front war for the Zulus, and allow an easy taking of Zimbabwe with its two fields of horses.
************************************************** *
The war was quick and decisive, with America taking Zimbabwe, and one other town which was renamed to Pearl Harbour as it was in a prime position for a harbour and naval base. England took the other four Zulu cities, and the Zulu were destroyed.
America had recently discovered Chivalry, and the proud knights of the USA paraded in Washington, as the most advanced units in the world. The US was the world's leading superpower. They knew the entire world, their ships having explored the seas to chart the way around the strange continent everyone was based on, and their scouts having met every civilisation and greeted them cheerfully.
A View of the World after the Zulu War
Sorry about the Paint map, just I no longer have the save game, and I took no screenshots whilst playing, so I had to rely on what city names I can remember and where they were to produce this map.
************************************************** **
Miami was built on the only island in the centre of what became known as the Central Ocean, giving the US a strong naval base close to many countries.
This soon turned out to be a wise decision on Lincoln's part, as India demanded Chivalry and 100 gold from the US, or they would declare war. Lincoln, remembering his promise to the people, refused, and war was declared.
That was two days ago. The transports in Miami were preparing to take over ten knight regiments into Indian territory. The Indians were desperately trying to get others to join them in the war, but had failed. England and Russia declared war in alliance with the US, and France and Germany were too busy fighting a skirmish along their border.
Then Cleopatra arrived. Her Egypt was neutral, and she was hear to discuss an alliance with the US, or so Lincoln thought.
They were alone in the Oval Office, sitting huddled over Lincoln's desk. Cleopatra had a low cut top on, that when she lent over, Lincoln could see down.
Down boy! he cursed silently, wishing that this woman didn't have such a power over him. He had remained faithful to his first wife, but she had been dead for 800 years, not gifted with the same immortality as her husband, so he hadn't been getting much, except from his sexy secretary who turned out to be a Zulu spy.
Cleopatra saw the effect she was having on this man, and knew that now was the time to play her first card.
"My nation requires Chivalry immediately, or we shall join the Indians." she startled Lincoln with.
"WHAT?!" Lincoln roared, his hormones forgotten.
"And if you think we are joining your war, you are sadly mistaken. Egypt does not fight alongside peasants, unless of course those peasants can give us 1000 gold, Invention and Chivalry."
Lincoln had the money, but he wasn't going to let this arrogant b**** have it.
"GET OUT!" he yelled. "You may consider yourself at war with the United States of America!"
Cleopatra stood up, and walked towards the door, making sure to show off her slim legs as she stood. But it no longer had an effect on Lincoln, he was too busy planning a war strategy...
The English could not really help in the war except for a few lone units, as the French and Germans wouldn't allow any foreign units into their land due to the high tension between those two powers. So England had to send her army by sea, which was not a quick journey by any means.
Russia contributed the most, driving towards Bombay. But Egyptian units soon arrived at the Indian front, and helped to drive back the Russians to St. Petersburg.
At the council of war between the three allied leaders held at Miami, Elizabeth, Catherine and Lincoln, a bold plan was decided. The English would land and stage a minor assault on Delhi to distract the Central Powers, as Egypt and India had become known. Then the US would strike at Calcutta, the northern-most city of India, and the main supply route for the front from Egypt. The US would then march north and take Alexandria, cutting Egypt off from her supply of iron, and finishing the separation of the two Central Powers.
Then the Russians would attack once more in number, driving towards Bombay, and taking the other six cities of India on the way to Delhi.
As Elizabeth left to take her ship back to England, Catherine hovered behind.
"Is there something wrong?" Lincoln asked her.
"Well, I've always loved a man in uniform!" Catherine smiled, touching Lincoln's US Commander-in-Chief uniform. She rubbed herself against him in a suggestive manner.
"Errmmm, I hate to tell you this, but I really can't do this now!" Lincoln looked desperately for a way out. He considered shouting for security, but that could hurt the feelings of Catherine, who was one of his main allies.
"Why not?"
"Ummmm, why not? I'm ummm, impotent! Yes, that's it, I'm impotent!" Lincoln gasped for breath.
"Damn shame." Catherine sighed and walked out of the room.
"Phew!" Lincoln sighed. He privately thanked Catherine though. She'd just put him off sex for another 800 years!
The plan went better than expected, with the English actually capturing Delhi, after finding it lightly defended. They moved quickly to take two towns nearby.
The US landed and took the town that was blocking the way to Calcutta, and after a quick and decisive battle, took the city itself.
Alexandria was a different matter though, and reinforcements including artillery had to be shipped in to help. But finally Alexandria was taken, and Cleopatra begged for peace. Lincoln had no problems with her beauty now, and soon put Cleopatra straight on the fact that no one seduces the US President.
"Except for Bill Clinton!" one chirpy White House worked smiled.
"Who the hell is that?!" Lincoln asked.
"Ooops, I guess you haven't visited Nostradamus then. I'll say no more for now!"
The Russians had struck to the south, and Bombay fell quickly. The last Indian city was taken by Russia not long after.
A View of the World after the Indian War
Sorry about the Paint map, just I no longer have the save game, and I took no screenshots whilst playing, so I had to rely on what city names I can remember and where they were to produce this map.
************************************************** *
Many years of peace went by, until the Germany-France situation escalated into all out war. The Germans attacked English Hastings in an attempt to outflank the French, and this brought the English into the war. This also brought the US in, as it had a mutual protection pact with both England and Russia due to the close relations since the joint war against India.
Then the French attacked the English, in an almost suicidal move by the Saint as Joan of Arc was scornfully known to many.
And then Egypt retook Alexandria and invaded Russia.
Lincoln had a world war on his hands...
Want to read more? I will be posting the rest tomorrow whether there are comments or not, but I'd prefer a few please!
Chris Braund
(Also posted as UKNemesis on CivFanatics)
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
January 25, 2002, 06:21
Local Time: 10:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
This is great. I love it. The maps are a nice touch. One question remains unanswered: Is Lincoln going to get any?
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
January 25, 2002, 15:07
Local Time: 19:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
"So we are decided men. The army, navy and air force all need expanding, correct?" Lincoln finally tried to force the main issue of this council of war.
All hands were raised in favour. The American military had been the most powerful in the world at the end of the Indian War, not by strength of number, but because of technology.
As the peaceful years dragged on, the US disbanded many obsolete regiments, upgraded those that it could, and only built a few of each new technology.
This resulted in the US Army being the smallest in the world, although it was more advanced that any, it was still a small elite army, which could be defeated simply through the sheer force of number that enemy nations had.
Each of the 20 US cities had a garrison of at least one modern armour regiment, two mechanised infantry regiments and three squadrons of F-15s. But it had proven to be not enough. Egypt's infantry, tanks and artillery had simply overwhelmed the defenders at Alexandria, who even had an extra regiment of the US Marines based there.
The F-15s were crushed by a wave of Egyptian fighters, and the Egyptian bombers pounded the defences.
More reinforcements couldn't be sent to the front, as each and every city needed its garrison, as the US had few attacking forces apart from in the transports assigned to the carrier battlegroups.
The US Navy was in better shape, with five carriers and ten battleships to her name, each carrier being assigned two battleships for defence. The battlegroups were known after the carrier which led them, the USS Eisenhower(also known as the Ike), the USS Enterprise, the USS Roosevelt, the USS Constitution and the USS Independence. These groups were the main US power in the oceans, with twenty destroyers and five transports making up the rest of the fleet.
The US Navy seemed to have total control of the seas, with the other nations just having gained destroyers, let alone battleships.
This left the destroyers to deal with the other power's navies, and the battlegroups to support amphibious assaults by the marines, motorised infantry and modern armour that the transports carried. Each carrier battlegroup was escorted by one of the five tranports.
Each carrier was full to the brim with F-15s, which had been recently discovered, and each transport carried three marine regiments, two mechanised infantry regiments and three modern armour regiments, making a powerful 40 regiment amphibious assault force.
The US Air Force was based only in the carriers and in the cities, comprising of many F-15 squadrons, and was a force to be reckoned with.
But probes into other nations had revealed that Egypt had a huge number of fighters, infantry, artillery and tanks, the exact weapons it needed to defeat the US on land by force of number.
The fact that France and Germany were also quite powerful didn't concern Lincoln, as the English were a strong ally to have in the fight against them.
Russia was a backwards civilisation, with large numbers of riflemen backed by a few infantry and tanks, and few aerial units. The Russian Navy was almost non-existant, resulting in its cities being bombarded from the sea by the Egyptians until a few US destroyed had forced them to flee.
So it's mainly us versus the Egyptians, Lincoln thought unhappily.
He now had the authority to rush buy using money from the vast US treasury some more modern armour and mechanised infantry units, not to mention a few more F-15s.
"Now, where to position our carriers?" Lincoln asked his military advisors.
"I say we send the Ike to Paris, as it and the Independence are based in the Western Ocean, at Pearl Harbour. The Independence should continue onwards to start bombarding Memphis. Hopefully we can take those two cities, giving us an edge on the opposition, and forcing them to defend rather than attack, giving our cities time to build up their garrisons. In the Central Ocean side of things, I'd say send the Enterprise to hit Munich, the Constitution to offer air cover and support to Calcutta and English Delhi, and the Roosevelt to start attacking Egyptian cities south of Thebes. That should shake the Egyptians a bit." Admiral Nimitz gave his expert opinion.
"And whilst that's happening, we can rush through more garrison units for our cities before finally building offensive units and airlifting them to Calcutta. Yes, I think that may work." George Patton nodded.
"All in favour?" Lincoln glanced around. Everyone nodded. "Plan may proceed."
Then an aide rushed in, barging past the Secret Service agent assigned to the President's Detail.
"Mr. President! Calcutta has fallen!"
Lincoln sighed, as did many others in the room. Calcutta was their only city left with on a border with an enemy, and now they had no city to stage attacks from, they would have to rely on the sea.
"Change that last order. The Constitution is to retake Calcutta." Lincoln frowned.
Cleopatra was over the moon. Her plan was succeeding beyond her wildest dreams. The French, English and Germans were all trying to kill each other, as per her agreement with Bismarck and later Joan of Arc. Russia was too backwards to oppose her, and the US was now unable to attack her by land. Sure, they could hit her by sea, but what good were a few bombardments and maybe a few puny amphibious assaults? Nothing against the veteran infantry, artillery and fighters she had defending every city whilst her tanks raced on to capture more Russian cities.
It was going to be a nice day, she'd finally get her way with Lincoln, and this time they wouldn't be equals.
He'd be her prisoner.
The Detail agent, a veteran of the Secret Service for fifteen years, wished his President a good night. He would be the agent assigned to stand outside the door of the President's bedroom all night, a lonely job apart from every hour one of the few other agents defending the house would walk past in a routine scan of the building.
But that was the way this Detail member liked it. He was Egyptian by descent, raised in Alexandria, an orphan because of a car crash. The Americans thought him devoutly loyal to his nation, but in fact his parents had been part of the resistance to the American occupation, and he had sworn vengeance for their deaths in an accident caused by the cursed cars that the Americans made.
His last message from the resistance before being adopted by an American couple was:
"Never forget who you are. Try your best in your mission to assassinate the President, but do not attempt it until you receive a red envelope through the post."
He had finally got the envelope, and was ready to do his duty.
It had contained a silver bullet.
Cleopatra had found something out from Gandhi, who the Russians had never found. The Zulu chief was still in jail, but Gandhi had disappeared, whisked away from the English held Delhi by the Egyptian Secret Service.
Gandhi however was not a guest but a prisoner, who her agents tried to find any way possible to kill. They had finally killed him with a silver bullet. They had discovered how to kill the immortal.
The agent opened the door to the President's bedroom. As he had hoped, Lincoln was fast asleep, the bump in his blankets plainly showing how he lay. The agent pointed his gun at the back of Lincoln's head, in the mass of black hair, and pulled the trigger.
Mission complete. But then he heard a man come rushing out of the bathroom. It was the President. His mission had failed!
"GUARDS!" Lincoln roared, charging at the assassin. The agents began rushing upwards from downstairs, as Lincoln plowed into the assassin, unafraid since he was immortal. He fought the agent until the other arrived, and put the man under arrest, and began to interrogate him.
"Poor Lucy!" the President groaned. That prostitute had been the only one his Secret Service could find that didn't have a disease in the entire city. The assassin hadn't known about her as she had been in the President's bedroom before his watch began.
Lincoln was horrified. He'd only got it the once from her, and she was good! The first time in 1000 years, and that b****** had killed her!
The attack on Calcutta went well. The city was retaken quickly, and the invading army garrisoned themselves in it to hold it.
Munich was taken even easier, due to an English assault which eventually took Hamburg distracting the Germans.
Paris was captured soon after, and the French were destroyed soon after by the Germans and English.
Memphis was taken after a long siege, but this was countered by the Egyptians taking Bombay from the Russians.
Two cities fell to the Americans south west of Thebes, leaving the city vulnerable, and Cleopatra rushing to strengthen the garrison in her capital.
The Russians counter-attacked at Bombay, and finally defeated the Egyptians by sheer weight of number, over fifty units being used to take a city held by little more than ten. The Russians were slaughtered, but took the city.
Now Lincoln ordered his most ambitious plan. He would destroy Cleopatra once and for all, having discovered her part in the killing of Lucy.
The US Secret Service infiltrated Cleo's palace, and killed her using the same silver bullet that killed Lucy. A puppet ruler was installed, but no one else knew, as the agent had been specially trained to act like Cleopatra and looked strkingly similar to her.
So the Egyptians came to the table, and signed a peace deal handing over control of Alexandria once more the the Americans.
Egypt, led by their American ruler, signed treaties with every other nation as well. Not one suspected the difference, the agent was so good.
The Germans were finally destroyed by the English, ending the bloody Great War as it became known.
The World after the Great War
I've added more cities this time that I've remembered. Once again sorry for the quality, but I can't access the save game anymore, so Paint was my best option. Also please remember that this doesn't show every city on the map, just the major ones
A Cold War begins between the USA and the Russians. Who will win it? Can it be won? Will it end peacefully?
Will Lincoln ever find a woman who can make him happy?
And will his agent now on the throne of Egypt remain loyal to him?
Find out in the final chapter!
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
Last edited by cbraund; January 25, 2002 at 15:16.
January 25, 2002, 15:55
Local Time: 19:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
The UN Security Council was an interesting place at the best of times.
Now, at the worst of times, it was more interesting than ever.
"Can you confirm that the USA test fired a nuclear missile last week?" Elizabeth pushed the issue.
"Yes, and I guarantee you that we will share our research with you, in return for the continuation of our mutual protection pact." Lincoln frowned. Where was this going?
"I also can confirm that Russia test fired a nuke 18 days ago." Catherine spoke up.
What?! That was over a week and a half earlier than the US! Lincoln thought in panic. That meant that Russia, which had got its act together by lots of trading with England after the Great War, was now finally ahead of the US in the arms race.
With their expanding power, Russia had become a silent enemy for the US, in a Cold War that could now end in the deaths of millions.
Elizabeth shook her head at Lincoln's last proposal.
"England has no need for any defence pacts. We are powerful enough to look after ourselves now. We will get nukes from the Russians, they have already made us a good deal for it."
Lincoln mused over the decisions in that council. England was now becoming more independent, but he knew Elizabeth. This was due to her damned Parliament. She'd never attack the US.
But now he had more important matters on his mind, such as the fact that the US had test-fired an ICBM two days before the Russians and five days before the English had, meaning that the US was once more winning the arms race.
They had overlooked one vital element.
The agent replacing Cleopatra wasn't immortal like the Queen herself had been. She was showing the signs of age, and now her people realised she wasn't their leader.
Rebellions and riots broke out all over Egypt, and Catherine of Russia sent "peacekeeping" troops in to quell the violence via the sea, invading first Giza, and then Thebes, and then all the other Egyptian cities, including Cairo, the last stronghold of the US agent replacing Cleopatra. She was executed for spying.
Lincoln wasn't fooled. He and the rest of his war cabinet knew what was going on. The Russians had invaded an American ally.
"What's the best way to respond without a nuclear war?" he asked Admiral Nimitz and General Patton.
"Disable their nukes of course." Nimitz smiled grimly.
"I'll take this one, Nimmy." Patton winked at Nimitz. "We take their nuclear silos. Our spies report that Moscow is the main area where these are concentrated, so all you have to do is to take Moscow, and then the Russians only have a few nukes to launch. That means if it came to a nuclear war, we'd be hit by about three nukes, not causing much damage to us, and we'd launch nearly all of ours, destroying most of the Russian nation. Basically, the Russians would have to come to terms."
"Okay. Put that plan into action immediately. Send the Eisenhower, the Roosevelt and the Enterprise to escort three transports full of marines to Moscow, and take it." Lincoln ordered.
The Marines charged once more into Moscow, taking heavy casualties from the mechanised infantry divisions holding the city, but the F-15s circling overhead soon destroyed many of the enemy's vehicles, just as they had destroyed the modern armour regiment whilst it was still in its base.
Finally one platoon reached the Kremlin, and Catherine was seen escaping in a fast Hind helicopter.
More platoons raced up the main street, and soon the Kremlin fell to the Americans.
Catherine chuckled with amusement as she fled the scene. Her agents had told her what Lincoln had expected from this mission, but his spies had been wrong.
Russia's main nuclear silos were not in Moscow.
They were in St. Petersburg, and she had just authorised the launch of every single one.
She didn't see the CIA agent behind her, who had slipped aboard by killing an air steward and taking his uniform.
A silver bullet in the back of Catherine's head put an end to her life once and for all.
But the ICBMs had already been launched.
"Sir! Incoming huge numbers of ICBMs from St. Petersburg!" an aide yelled.
"Oh my God!" Lincoln gasped. He had been wrong, as a report just coming into the fax machine confirmed.
Only three nuclear missiles were found in Moscow. Two of them were tactical nukes, only one was an ICBM.
St. Petersburg was the main silo, and all the nukes had just been launched.
"Return fire!" Lincoln ordered, signing the orders to launch America's own ICBMs.
"Aye sir. Return fire commencing!"
ICBMs were fired from all over America.
This was just what Elizabeth had wanted. She had no nuclear missiles in her arsenal, which made the other think of her nation as not a threat.
She had proved them wrong. Her MI6 agents had set up the CIA, making them think that Moscow was the main silo of nukes. It wasn't, and now both sides were going to pay the price.
But not her. Not one nuke had crossed into her borders, because no one saw her as a threat.
Lincoln surveyed the devastation. The White House was a ruin, as was the Capitol building. The Treasury was intact however, meaning that America was still rich, and could rebuild from this.
But over two thirds of her population were dead.
The Russian cities had joined England since they had no clear leader, and Lincoln hoped now that with Elizabeth being an old friend and trusted ally, the world was now finally peaceful.
America could and would rebuild, now she had no enemies.
"Mr. President, we have reports of a huge English military build up on our northern border!" that damned aide had somehow survived the nuclear blast. Lincoln was beginning to think the man was immortal, something he desperately hoped wasn't true, as he was the most annoying man on Earth, or what was left of it.
Then the news sunk in. English troops?! On our borders?!
An invasion.
"Send a message out to all Americans. We will fight to the death!" Lincoln ordered for the last time.
He walked towards Washington US Air Field, and climbed inside an F-15, his own plane. It had inside a pistol loaded with a silver bullet, so he'd never have to face the pain of eternal torture and imprisonment if captured.
He clicked his restraints into place, and turned the engine on.
He was going to go down fighting...
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
January 25, 2002, 16:21
Local Time: 10:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
I am intruiged. This is very interesting, keep at it.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
January 25, 2002, 19:20
Local Time: 20:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
Posts: 179
Very nice story!
And i love that map!
Is there a Civ you didn't end in war with???
January 25, 2002, 19:31
Local Time: 19:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: United Kingdom of Great Britain
Posts: 393
Thanks for the nice comments guys
And Steele, if you mean keep at it as in finish this story, it's finished lol, but if you meant continue writing others, well, I'm playing an interesting game at the moment I may write about.
Anyway, yes this game was very eventful, all those damned mutual protection pacts and other alliances meant many wars, the main ones I included in the story.
For those of you wanting to know how it ended, well, Russia didn't actually all join England, just a few of their frontier towns and some of mine joined them, the rest they took by force. This was because they demanded a tribute from me, cause after the nukes I was inferior to them in population etc, and I refused, so they declared war. Using the amounts of money I had, I got Russia to declare war as well.
Russia went down first, me not far behind, however much I rush-bought those mechanised infantry.
Lincoln was shot down defending Washington from the last attack  . He recieved a hero's burial on Miami, the last city of America which still stood. My navy was able to hold it for a long time, until the English attack with loads of bombers etc.
Oh well lol, it was a fun game!
Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."
January 25, 2002, 19:42
Local Time: 20:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Torino (Turin) Piemonte ITALY / Augusta Taurinorum - Sub Alpes Italia
Posts: 179
Oh..... so at last the "evil    " English won!
Really fun story anyway!
Good job and write some more!
January 25, 2002, 19:50
Local Time: 10:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
I originally meant continue writing this story, but upon further reflection, it seems obvious that it is over. "Third and final installment." Keep writing, though, you are good at it.
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
January 26, 2002, 15:59
Local Time: 19:47
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 168
Fun to read. Not one of the "how I got big and killed them all" stories.
"Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
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