January 26, 2002, 15:09
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Cool Base Names
I seriously could not be bothered to search through all 62 page displays of thread titles to find one about base names. So I started my own.
Cool Base Names
I really like how FIRAXIS put a lot of thought into the base names for all the factions (except maybe the Cyborgs, but that's the faction's fault).
Could anyone explain to me the significance of them? Sorry about some of the spellings.
Like the University's Zvendy Gorodock - what does that mean? Zarya Sunrise - uh??
Mendelev, Tslikovsky(sp?), Koppernigk, all people I have herd of. I recently found out Baikonour(sp?) was/is a Soviet rocket testing site. Zloto Gold as in the Polish Zloty. Lab Three as in that great Zakharov voiceover.
My favourite base names are Library Of Planet and Planetary Archives. I think this planet should have both.
But on a more sinister note... Training Camp? Why not call it Pink Sparta and have done with it. Or The Hive's Deep Passages? There has got to be some Freudian explaintion of Yang's underground bases anyway. And Morgan Pornography - no wait, I put that in there  !
After re-reading the in-game story I found out what the Gaian base name The Flowers Prech means. It always made me wonder. I'm so thick.
Do any of you have any great base names you always use in the game you'd like to share?
January 26, 2002, 15:59
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I have always wondered about "Climactic Research". A misspelling of climatic or is this a place for x-rated experimenting?
What about "Morgan Collections"? Is this the Planet wide trendsetter for high fashion?
Surprising that so many of the Uni bases deal with rocketry.
"Last Rose of Summer" is one of my favourites. Probably a reference to earth since Planet's seasons are not pronounced.
January 28, 2002, 05:24
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For me (not surprisingly to those who know me from the Alpha Centauri Fiction area) the Usurpers have the coolest base names. My favorites are Skymaster Base and Red Stick. (Gee, thanks for making me think of Freudian stuff.)
After that, Last Rose of Summer and Autumn Grove are good but since they're attached to the Gaians I usually find myself burning them down. Did anybody else notice that the city dedicated to Sinder Roze's fallen assistant is "Katt's Cradle"? Maybe only Americans play that game.
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January 28, 2002, 07:52
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I always liked the Believers' "He Walked on Water"... seems so weird to have a city -- oops, a base --- named like that.
Spartan: where do you live?
Believer: He Walked On Water.
Spartan: No, I asked you where you live...
Believer: I told you, He Walked On Water...
Spartan: Bible-Thumper!!!
Believer: What? Sister Miriam will know about this...
January 28, 2002, 09:26
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I think that Morgan and Peacekeepers have the most boring basenames (but I don't recall the cyborgs names; weren't they something like alpha, beta, gamma, delta....    ). Morgan this, Morgan that... U.N. this, U.N. that... like Alynzia said, I would like to see:
Morgan Pornography  ... or rather Morgan Adult Entertainment (talk about the need for Hologram Theatre or Virtual World  )
and Morgan Distillers, Morgan Detonators, Morgan Collection Agency (or was it there?), Morgan Chambers, Morgan Fried Chicken and Morgan Pizzeria... (now I'm getting hungry - again  )
...about more of strange names : Assassin's Redoubt...
 or was it Readabout  Did that assassin had doubts about something at one time, and now he/she has doubts again? Please could someone clarify...
I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.
January 28, 2002, 11:15
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.....Morgan Brothels, Morgan Toxic waste, Morgan Fish Dump, Yang's yang, U N Small Animal Admin, U N Department of Failure, Deidre's Hottub, there is a milion of those. My forte is renaming captued bases. Deidres humiliation, Miram's crushing defeat, Lal's Imcopentence, Zackarov's Stupidity, etc.
January 28, 2002, 11:19
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You know, there's a real Morgan Industries at http://www.morganindustriesinc.com/. Weird. Whenever I capture a base as Morgan I rename it by adding Morgan in front of the original name.
January 28, 2002, 11:40
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One of my base names I think sounds great is “Fungal Lake City”. You can probably guess where I build that one.  Also, honouring the SMAC quotes, I call a base on the top of a mountain, eg between the Ruins, “We Sit Together”.
Now some suggestions for less monotome Cyborg names:
The Consciousness
Rationality’s Reign
Byte City
Turing Base
Borg Bastion
Hal's Haven
AI Farms
The Algorithm
Cyborg Citadel
Silicon Valley
Logic Loop
Mainframe Mines
Data Base
Terminal City
I found the list somewhere on a borg.txt file in my SMAC directory. No idea how it got there!
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January 28, 2002, 12:44
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Zarya means sunrise - a lot of the university names are the russian followed by the the English. ie Svobodny Free base - Svobodny means free.
January 28, 2002, 14:09
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Main Entry: re·doubt
Pronunciation: ri-'daut
Function: noun
Etymology: French redoute, from Italian ridotto, from Medieval Latin reductus secret place, from Latin, withdrawn, from past participle of reducere to lead back -- more at REDUCE
Date: circa 1608
1 a : a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work b : a defended position : protective barrier
2 : a secure retreat : STRONGHOLD
Does that help?
In the times of cannon warfare (and posibly before), the destruction of a stronghold was called a reduction. You would reduce the Redoubt (pulverize or destroy the stronghold).
Fitz. (n.) Old English
1. Child born out of wedlock.
2. Bastard.
January 28, 2002, 14:25
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While the standard base names are ok, in some games I get a little inventive. I played as the Hive in a duel against a Spartan Player and IIRC I had bases with names like
Road to Sparta
Santiago's future prison
Forward Attack base
Former Spartan city
I also named some bays and inlets
Future invasion site
Don't come this way or die
Now you die
You get the idea  . I'm actuall not that creative and have done the old Alexander's Horse CIV2 favorite " Look Behind You" a few times ( usually a captured enemy base in an "unexpected" place)
January 28, 2002, 14:43
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Originally posted by M@ni@c
Now some suggestions for less monotome Cyborg names:
The Consciousness
Rationality’s Reign
Byte City
Turing Base
Borg Bastion
Hal's Haven
AI Farms
The Algorithm
Cyborg Citadel
Silicon Valley
Logic Loop
Mainframe Mines
Data Base
Terminal City
I found the list somewhere on a borg.txt file in my SMAC directory. No idea how it got there!
I shyly take credit for them - developed for a cyborg clone faction for the Forum wars series
January 28, 2002, 14:45
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and some of my favorites are found in the imagination of others in PBEMs.
One such is RedFred's Boring Spot in OKF3
Last edited by Googlie; January 28, 2002 at 16:31.
January 28, 2002, 16:22
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Zvendy Gorodock - what does that mean?
To my knowledge, Zvedny Gorodok is a town in Russia whose main reason of existence is Science. Sort of Jülich or Rossendorf (for the German) or Grenoble (French). Unfortunately, the scientists in Zvedny Gorodok are paid by the state, so wages are between too low and non-existent. A sort of deserted Daresbury (for the English), if this is possible.
Sometimes I name bases after a defunct pactmate, the help for whom I organized too late  . Morgan Memorial works well in a group of Morganic bases which I conquered from Miriam.
Isn't renaming conquered bases considered an atrocity, or close to?
January 28, 2002, 17:55
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Atrocity for renaming a base.
Only if done in bad taste
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January 29, 2002, 16:53
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Gasmaske: though I think you are right about most UoP names, being a Russian-English mix, I don't think it counts for Svobodny. To my knowledge Svobodny is a Russian space launch site in East Siberia, meant to replace Baikonur, which now lies in Kazachstan, in the future.
Ah I already suspected it was yours, Googlie. I hope you don't mind I deleted a few of the original list and added two of my own in it? Namely Concordia and Rationality's Reign.
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January 29, 2002, 17:57
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When playing SP games I usually goes with the original names but when I capture a base I always rename it.
Conquest Point
Miriam's prison (depends on which faction)
Hotel 666
Tragic City (a favourite from my simcity 2000 contruction)
January 29, 2002, 18:40
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Originally posted by M@ni@c
Gasmaske: though I think you are right about most UoP names, being a Russian-English mix, I don't think it counts for Svobodny. To my knowledge Svobodny is a Russian space launch site in East Siberia, meant to replace Baikonur, which now lies in Kazachstan, in the future.
Be that as it may - Svobodny does mean free in Russian as well.
January 29, 2002, 19:16
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Originally posted by aaglo
I think that Morgan and Peacekeepers have the most boring basenames
Really? I can help you:
Morgan Snroses
Morgan Bebay (Lancashire)
Guten Morgan (german)
Morgan Antes (french)
U. N. Limited
U. N. Willing
U. N. Derdog
January 29, 2002, 20:05
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Well, once it got into Alpha Sector, etc., I'll start making up base names. Ditto for captured bases and bases that are there solely to expand your borders
I'd have to say the best instance of creative base naming came from a game of Civ II MP. (I heard this secondhand.) One player (I think it was Carolus Rex) wandered into the territory of another player (possibly oedo), encountering the city of "Go Away". As CR's horseman retreated, he blundered into "Get Lost".
January 29, 2002, 22:38
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January 30, 2002, 05:21
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I think that some faction should use the city name New Earth. I mean, if you just came from there and its memory was fresh to you, isn't that the name you would use? Sometimes, playing as the Gaians, I change Gaia's Landing to New Earth, and call my second base Hatikva (Hebrew for "hope").
Also, where are the Morgan military bases? Morgan Armaments, Morgan Infantry, Morgan Logistics, Morgan Security, Morgan Nuclear Research, Morgan Weapons of the Apocalypse . . .
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January 30, 2002, 10:44
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... U.N. Bureau of Lost Electricity Reclamation... Hmm. Darn. Too long. Doesn't fit.
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February 1, 2002, 17:26
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Just had a chat with my wife who pointed out to thicky here that Zvedny Gorodok means - Star City - i.e. the place outside Moscow where Cosmonaughts train. Konstantin Tsoilkovskiy is known as the father of Russian aviation and worked on a lot of early jets.
February 2, 2002, 10:55
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Oh? I thought Cosmograd meant Star City. Does it mean "Universe City" or "Space City" instead then?
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February 2, 2002, 14:19
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Cosmograd is space city. Cosmos - space. Zvezda - star.
February 3, 2002, 15:57
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Thanks for the response.
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February 3, 2002, 16:08
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no charge
February 3, 2002, 20:40
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When playing Morgan, of course you should use YOUR name in all the bases instead of Morgan's. Assuming that you did set your peronal leader nam instead of Morgan...
of course whn I play SP I just don't boher: who sohuld I do it for - for the AI to read me?
When I play in a pbem, either I use a whole new set of names, or I go with the exisiting ones.
The most fun with basesnames in a pbem is when you conquer enemy bases and rename them.
I have see it done by JAMiAM, whose classic
Virgin Soil >> Soiled Virgin
still makes me chuckle when I think of it.
An I remember all the cute names he once gave to the dozen of lakes my PBs made in his territory
Recently, I conquered a Univ faction across the sea, playing Miriam, ad the conquered bases were named:
Letter to the Infidels
MoSe@RedSea (in that community my nick is MoSe...)
Egypt's Plagues
and the like (I could stil reopen that game's last turn to chek'em all...)
Or in a currently played very entertaining pbem, I have swarmed a Hive faction with my gaian copters...
People's Teeming - Teetotal Farming
The Hive - The Beecharmer
The Labyrinth - Garden Maze
Unification Cavern - Humidification Cave
Chairman's Burrow - Ploughman's Furrow
Industrial Crawling - at first I had no great Ideas, named it Dust Trail Cover, but than, after an in-game in-character joke, it became
Dee's Burning Bush (!)
and a combined one:
Watcher's Eye - Bird Watchers
then, later on, I conquered Spartan Shallows not so far from there, and called it of course
Sparrow & Swallow
And put even some graffiti near the bird watcher's base on the line of "Hey! Look! over there, near that island!"
oh, and what about when I finally rolled over a tough
Training Camp >> Train kills Campers...
That would be enough to make me prefer playing MP!
Ahh.. and do you know that when Sunspots block communications in a pbem, you can always rename basees to give (public) hints to the other players?
but beware, when you rename a base, the (linked) status of a node is allegedly reset, so that should make you able to link multiple artifacts in a single base, which would *obviously* be a cheat...
erm... I had overlooked the "Go Away" & "Get Lost" when I wrote last comment about renaming bases... you already got the idea then. But I had even somethin in mind like "land here" or "Bware, invaders 4 to the W" directed to a pactmate...
and Lefty, in that in-game joke I was accused of having sent my PlayGaia paparazzi to take sneak pics of the Chairman's wife, so we had a run of posts joking about renaming Hive's bases in the name of his wife in the Hottub and the like - did you get the inspiration there, or just a coincidence?
Last edited by MariOne; February 3, 2002 at 20:53.
February 12, 2002, 19:42
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To bump a pointless thread with another pointless post:
Just having received SMAX  I thought I'd play Cyborgs (who seem to be an awfully good ICS faction. Have to use a smaller map next time). OK, after passing through all premade names Alpha This, Beta That, and then another run through the greek alphabet with Alpha Sector, Beta Sector, I continued that way, because it was the most rational (faction specific). So Alpha Gardens, Beta Rose, Gamma Park, and so on, all names which reflect the vain attempt to reproduce the cosy warmth of a home in the names (Of course this is completely useless with rational people like Cyborgs, but when all other factions do so it certainly has some reason).
Of course I couldn't resist to names like Chi Nese.
Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?
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