Workers: Is best S-A, A, or manual??
Still learning this game, finally to game2.
Trying to learn how to speed up the game. One suggestion was to automate all workers. I have noticed in posts some prefer only Shift-A, others use A{utomate}.
Now the fun question, what is the difference?
Which do you use, and why??
1- Shift-A, automate but not replace
2- Automate,
3- manual, micro manage
Worker test Scenerio:
4 cities with fresh water available
City A-- ungoverned
City B-- always gold
City C-- always food
City D-- both good and food
Question what happens in the 21 tiles around the city when use S-A or A, is there any difference.
I would expect:
City A-- roads, optimization based on
terrain & tile properties
City B-- all mines
City C-- all irrigated
City D-- mines & irrigated mixed based
on tile gold level
Does this match with anyones experience?
Automating 200 workers saves 10 min per turn.
Or do automated workers ignore the governors??
thank you for your advice.