I am sorry to have taken so long, but I have had connection trouble and not much time these last few days. If you notice that the story seems to become more fictional after World War Two, that is because my English met a tragic end, our empire eaten up by the French, and although the USA became the most powerful nation in the world and a good ally, it was unable to help. So after that, because the real ending was very quick and boring, I have made a more exciting one.
Japan attacked at dawn. The bombers attack the American Navy at sea, and bombed the American city of New Washington in Australia, the USA's primary base in the Western Pacific.
The American Navy was hit hard, despite it being so spaced out. This actually worsened the problem, as the carrier-borne fighters couldn't reach the battleships in time to save them.
It was a master-stroke on the part of the Japanese, and one I should have seen coming. Japanese bombers from the mainland and from their carriers destroyed the battleships and destroyers protecting the
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its sister ship, the
USS Enterprise. Any further resistance was mopped up by the Japanese surface fleet. Battleships moved to engage the American carriers, and sunk them.
The US Pacific Fleet was destroyed, and the American cities in Australia were left open to attack.
Except the Royal Navy was now the most powerful fleet afloat, after such a huge reduction in the American naval strength. And Britain would not leave her allies undefended.
Speeches were made in London and Washington, Elizabeth's speech being five minutes later than Lincoln's.
"At 7.55, on the morning of December 7th 1941, the United States of America was suddenly, and deliberately attacked by the Empire of Japan. This act of war will be met by an act of war. Those who did this will pay a heavy price for deceiving the United States. We offered the hand of friendship, and they refused in the most horrific way possible.
They say that the United States is weak, not having fought a major war. Well now they shall discover than we are not weak, but dormant like a volcano. And now we shall erupt! Let us make war against the Japanese with all the fury in our hearts at this barbaric attack! They will pay the price for underestimating the resolve of this nation.
Now to the servicemen and women, I say this to you. Take the fury of the American people, and show it to the Japanese in the best way possible. Our hopes lie with you, and we shall pray for you every night until this war ends. And it will only end with either the fall of Japan or the fall of America. It is your job to make sure the latter does not happen. Please do not let us down, and I am sure you won't, as you are the best in the world.
To those who have lost loved ones in the attack, and to those recovering from it or dead in it, our thoughts are with you all. May those who are dead enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for they are truly great people, who died in the line of duty, defending their country. And to those injured, I wish you a speedy recovery.
That is all, goodnight and God bless America!" Lincoln finished to a standing ovation.
America was going to war, and her people were behind their President through it all.
I studied the faces of each member of Parliament.
"Our Queen is going to declare war on Japan whether you like it or not!" I roared, enraged.
"She will not, we have not voted on any such matter!"
"You can vote on it now! Just because you don't want to see your huge salaries cut to allow for more spending on the military, or don't want to see your precious power reduced by the Queen's popularity during a war, it doesn't mean that you can let our allies die! We will defend them! Who is with me?!"
Not one hand was raised. They were all too scared of losing power.
"Fine then." I smiled grimly. This had been coming for a long time, those idiots had been cutting defence budgets, increasing taxes and their own pay packets, and not listening to Her Majesty. Now they were going to pay. "You are all under arrest for treason against Her Majesty, and for abuse of power. You will be locked in the Tower of London until the war is over, and then you will be put on trial at the Old Bailey with the Queen herself presiding as judge. If found guilty, you will be executed. The Queen will now rule for the duration of the crisis by martial law!"
They looked shocked, and it pleased me to see it. They thought they were invincible. They had been proven wrong. Any protests were quickly silenced by the appearance of two soldiers from my personal elite infantry regiment, the SAS.
Now the Queen was the sole ruler of England once more, and the people would not be sad to see these idiots leave. While the Queen was making her speech, I busied myself arranging some good advisors for her, so we could all sit down and sort out the mess that Parliament had made of this country.
"People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, we have never backed down from a fight. We have always stood by our friends. Well now in the light of the horrendous attack upon America, we shall stand by our friends once more. The Empire of Japan may now consider itself at war with the British Empire, and she will pay a heavy price for what is essentially a terrorist attack, as it was an attack on people who were friendly and unarmed. Britain despises terrorists, and Japan will now discover that to their huge sorrow. They can cancel their planned invasion of Australia, as Singapore stands in their way, and is very heavily fortified, and the Royal Navy will block their passage through the sea. There is nowhere for terrorists to run or hide, and they can no longer attack unprepared targets in a show of cowardice. No, they must now fight two nations prepared for war, and they shall perish in this battle.
For that is the way of the world, if you stab someone in the back, make sure it goes through their heart, because otherwise they may pull it out and stab it straight through yours."
The Royal Navy moved to engage the Japanese surface fleet in the fight later known as the Battle of the Pacific, as it was for sea dominance of the Pacific Ocean.
The British flagship of the Pacific fleet was
HMS Prince of Wales, and was commanded by Admiral Jonathan Scott, a long-term friend of mine. The three carriers under his command were
HMS Invincible,
HMS Illustrious and
HMS Ark Royal. These four ships, plus another eight battleships and twenty one destroyers made the Pacific Fleet a huge force.
The Japanese fleet had only two carriers, and both were still refueling their bombers and few fighters from the attack on the Americans. They also had twelve battleships, and fifteen destroyers.
It was the British control of the skies which won the day, with many Japanese ships being crippled before our ships got near them. But I lost a dear friend that day, with the
Prince of Wales being sunk in an attack upon the
Yamato, the flagship of the Japanese Navy.
This loss was avenged by the
Repulse, the second in command of the Pacific Fleet, with it quickly destroying the Yamato by capitalising on major damage done by the former commander.
The British had control of the Pacific Ocean, but on land the situation was more dire.
"Nine tank regiments?! Are you sure?!" the Queen gasped.
"Quite sure." I frowned. We only had eight infantry regiments defending Singapore, which could be reinforced easily by three regiments of tanks and five regiments of infantry from the sea, and by more infantry by air. But they wouldn't arrive in time, with the regiments being sent by air still collecting their weapons from their barracks, and the sea-going task force still miles from Singapore.
Only one regiment could deploy to help Singapore within the week. My own, the SAS.
The Queen agreed to this.
I loved being in the front line. It was what a general should do, lead his army, not hide in some far away headquarters. I was dressed in SAS camoflauge, and had made my regiment train the Singapore defenders in booby traps and other underhand techniques of defending the city. No one complained that this way was dishonourable, as the Japanese had broken their own Samurai code by their attack on the Americans.
This was real warfare, not by their silly laws of war. They had shown them not to be important by disregarding them themselves, and now we were capitalising on that.
The first tanks appeared two hours after my arrival. This vanguard regiment was the most experienced, a veteran whilst the rest were all regular. That was something to be said for the British army. I made sure all my regiments were veteran, and a few were even elite.
The tanks charged up the only highway connecting Singapore to the mainland. It was wide, and I had wanted to blow it up, until I realised that it was actually a land bridge, not man made.
They charged straight into a minefield, and some began to blow up. My men cheered, and this inspired the defenders of Singapore to cheer as well. Then some tanks made it through, only to fall into traps or be hit by anti-tank missiles fired by my regiment. One tank made it though that, and I led my platoon to engage it.
"Up onto it!" I yelled. We all clambered on top of the lumbering machine, and my aide ripped open the hatch. I pulled a grenade from my belt, and tore away the pin and dropped it in. We all jumped away in time to see the tank's turret be blown sky high.
The battle was humiliating for the Japanese, with only five regiments of tanks escaping the slaughter. I lost only one regiment, which had been attacked by a now-veteran unit known as the Shoguns.
All over Britain, church bells rang out in victory.
Then the news came. France had declared war upon the US and the UK in support of her ally, Japan.
The sides quickly drew up after that, with only the Russians remaining neutral.
It was the US, the UK, Rome, India and Egypt against the Aztecs, the Iroquois, the Japanese, the French and most suprisingly of all, the Zulus.
I led my Pacific task force up through the Chinese holdings of Japan, pushing them back to their own island before I was recalled with my regiment to the European theatre of war.
The Channel Fleet, also known as the Grand Fleet, was the single most powerful concentration of ships in the world, including five aircraft carriers. These and bombers from London had made the war hell for the citizens of Paris, and the French Navy had been destroyed in port by British submarines and destroyers, led by one battleship, the
HMS Hood was the flagship of the Grand Fleet, and led a contingent of over 25 battleships.
I had immediately ordered an attack on France upon her entry into the war, and it had saved Nuremberg from attack, resulting in aid from the Americans in the European theatre of war.
The war stalemated outside the gates of Paris.
The Asian theatre of war was less interesting, with the Egyptians easily crushing Zulu attempts to break out of Africa, and then sending a force south to attack, although it would take many months to reach the Zulu homeland, as it was so remote.
Then India and Egypt finally had enough of each other, and declared war upon the other. The other Allies resolved to let them fight it out.
In America, the Aztecs took and razed Miami to the ground, enraging the Americans who fell upon them and the Iroquois with the fury that was also for the Japanese, but they couldn't reach the Japanese, so they decided to let their allies have it instead.
The Aztecs were destroyed very quickly, and the Iroquois were soon fighting a losing battle.
I cancelled the Manhattan Project, not wanting nuclear weapons to be used in this war. But then I discovered to my horror that one other nation was researching nuclear weapons.
The Queen and Lincoln approved my plan to send in agents to destroy the lab in Moscow, and it took place.
It was successful, but the agents were caught, and one gave away which nation they worked for.
Russia entered the war, but on the Axis side.
The war didn't last long luckily, with the Russians being stopped in their advance at Berlin and Nuremberg, with both us and our American allies being too advanced and our forces being veterans. The Russians only took one city in the entire war, Hamburg to the east of Berlin from Britian.
It was still full of unhappy Germans, so we let them keep it after the peace was declared.
Japan had falled to my troops, and the Aztecs and Iroquois to the Americans. France fell to a Roman attack in the end, and the Indo-Egyptian War lasting for many more years, ending in the destruction of the Indian nation, and Cleopatra having a huge nation.
The United Nations was formed, and all the countries of the world joined it, all now at peace. Russia once more became a valuable ally, with only the Zulus making themselves truly isolated.
President Lincoln waved and stepped aboard Air Force One after a successful diplomatic meeting with Shaka of the Zulus. The Zulus were quite advanced, but not as advanced as the Americans, and also very isolated. Lincoln hoped this trip would bring them more into the fold.
As Air Force took off, it was flanked by an honour guard of Zulu jet fighters.
Lincoln took no notice when the jet fighters backed off, thinking that they were leaving for home.
He was only alerted by the alarms. The jets had fallen back to firing positions!
Air Force One immediately started countermeasures, ducking and diving to avoid the incoming missiles. But two hit, damaging the rear end badly.
"Sir, we're hit badly! I suggest we head for the Egyptian city of Cairo!"
Lincoln only nodded in reply. He was deep in thought. The Zulus had suddenly attacked his plane for no reason!
Well, actually he knew the reason. The Zulus were jealous of the friendship between the five major nations, and wanted to either have Shaka elected Secretary-General, which would never happen, or to destroy the UN, so that the Zulus may be able to rule the world.
It was a silly dream, Lincoln thought sadly. They could never beat the United Nations, and they couldn't split the nations like wars had before.
Another hit jolted him back to reality. One way to win would be to leave the most powerful nation in the world without a leader!
F-15s screamed by, engaging the Zulu fighters, and he also saw British Jaguars and Harriers destroying them as well.
Soon Air Force One had no enemies left in the sky, with a large number of British, American and now Egyptian planes alongside it, each willing to die for the man on board that jumbo.
But the President's plane was losing altitude, and would have to land very soon.
It didn't make it to Cairo, but landed deep in Zululand.
I led my SAS through the jungle. We were with many US Marines, and some Royal Marine Commandos in landing on the western coast of Zululand to find the President.
There was the wreckage of Air Force One! And it was only three hours after it had crashed, so the Zulus hadn't found it yet.
We all took up position around the plane, in which the President was taking cover.
Planes from all the five United Nations now circled overhead, all doing their bit to secure the President.
We were to let the President rest the next few hours, as moving him would be seen by the Zulus, and would be too dangerous, so we waited for nightfall.
Two hours later, the Harriers of
HMS Ocean spotted Zulu regiments heading our way.
Damn it! I thought. Only one more hour or so, and it would have been dark.
The President, realising I was the most experienced commander there, above him and the American general, had given me overall command of the forces there.
I ordered the men to start moving, with the US Marines and Royal Marines leading him back to safety.
I and the SAS were going to stop the Zulus getting anywhere near the President, even if it cost us our lives.
I fired once more, killing a Zulu trying to outflank me. The SAS was making every shot count, and the Allied aeroplanes were making life hell for the Zulu tanks, with very few surviving.
My regiment was down to half strength, having held off over eleven regiments of Zulu forces. I order an organised retreat, knowing that the President must now be safe, and on his way home via the new
I made it to the beach with only nine men left under my command out of nearly three hundred. It was devastating to have lost so many men, and I cried all the way back to the British African headquarters on Madagascar.
The Americans also had a base on Madagascar, and we soon launched huge assaults on the Zulu coastline, with the Egyptians and Romans hitting them from the north. The Russians sent aid in the form of tank regiments zooming along the railway lines through Egypt.
I personally led the assault on Zimbabwe, and cut Shaka's throat with my jungle knife. An American cut Shaka's head off entirely, and it was paraded through the streets. It may have been barbaric, but that man had cost us many dear friends and comrades, not to mention the Americans nearly their President.
Shaka's head was later sent to Lincoln, who had it on the White House flagpole for a week before moving it to the United Nations building as a reminder of what happens if you cross the UN.
Many years later, as I watched the American space shuttle taking off, I didn't see it as a defeat. I saw it as a glorious end, after all, we had helped the Americans with much of their research for the new space station, and the Star Wars Defence System that now protected the entire earth from nuclear attack.
Some say that victory is being the only one left alive. I think differently. Victory is about staying alive, and keeping as many of those around you as you can alive. So as I stood next to Elizabeth, Lincoln, Catherine, Caesar and Cleopatra watching the launch, I felt happy, and relieved. Finally there would be peace, and it would be forever.
I know it's a corny ending
. Anyway, no maps cause I can't get a decent earth map to download for use with paint that can actually use colour. If anyone has a link for one, please reply with it, and I'll make some maps for this story. And thanks to all those who've replied with positive comments on this story and my last, it was a great boost of morale! This may be my last for a little while, as I'm really busy at the moment, but I promise that I will write more!
Thanks for reading!