Stuff2, do you mind elaborating on that one?
I think only major terror acts should actually destroy buildings etc. This is more a commando / special ops. thing.
(the NN% means the chance you'll get away undiscovered)
1. Small Acts:
1.1. Some shooting at people (no serious results) 50%
1.2. Placing mines injuring small numbers of people 80%
1.3. Vandalism on a small scale 50%
Penalty: Committer gets -5% in relations with target country
2. Medium Acts:
2.1. Exploding means of mass transit (buses, trains etc.) 50%
2.2 Explosions in populated neighbourhoods, streets, malls. 50%
2.3. Assasinating some people (like in the basque region) 35%
2.4. Lynching people / wild rioting (Israel-Palestine, Basque region) 0%
Penalty: Committer gets -5% to -15% in reputation world wide and -20% to -40% in relations with victim nation
3. Serious Acts
3.1. Highjacking airplanes / ships / whatever 10%
3.2. Kidnapping people / soldiers / children 10%
3.3. Huge explosions that take out whole buildings / blocks 20%
3.4. Big explosions in important places (wall st., trade center, white house etc.) 20%
Penalty: Committer gets -20% to -45% in reputation world wide, peace treaty cancelled -50% to -70% in relations with victim nation
4. Major Acts
3.1. Assasinating very high ranking people 20%
3.2. Planting nuclear devices (and setting them off

) 30%
Penalty: A text box appears saying: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY!

. No actually this means war + vendetta against committer.