January 29, 2002, 20:06
Local Time: 19:57
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New Faction: The Machine
Like a bad episode of old Star Trek, the SocialNet Mark VIII social order subroutine has taken control of one of the factions. A cold utilitarian that desires order, but is willing to keep the masses pacified.
Crucial faction aspect: Punishment Sphere, each base. No tech leads, no golden ages, no Drones, no Talents. Can't run Demo, either.
+2 Growth, -1 Planet, two techs, and TechSteal (to offset the research penalty).
; FACTION FILE: The SocialNet Mark VIII
SocialNet Mk VIII, The Machine, Machine, F, 1, Mark, F, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
Future Society, Thought Control, GROWTH
Politics, Democratic, nil
Machine, Machine
Alpha Talent, Gamma Thinker, Alpha Legacy
Computer, analytical, soulless, rational, inflexible,
Unsexed Spare Parts
construct ordered societies on this Planet
to impose rationality and order on the inhabitants of this chaotic Planet
trapping us in an Orwellian nightmare
trapping us in an Orwellian nightmare
destroy our unique cultures and raise us all inside a Skinner box
upgrading useless behavioral subroutines
upgrading useless behavioral subroutines
controlling the lives of unwilling subjects
so-called logic, M1
quest for social perfection, M1
quest for social perfection, M1
social due, M1
creating social structures for your people to use
my Logic Corps
the Social Handbook
Housing Central
1 Base Complex
2 Base Complex
3 Base Complex
4 Base Complex
5 Base Complex
6 Base Complex
7 Base Complex
8 Base Complex
9 Base Complex
10 Base Complex
11 Base Complex
12 Base Complex
13 Base Complex
14 Base Complex
15 Base Complex
16 Base Complex
17 Base Complex
18 Base Complex
19 Base Complex
20 Base Complex
1 Sea Base
2 Sea Base
3 Sea Base
4 Sea Base
5 Sea Base
6 Sea Base
7 Sea Base
The just society is one in which all have an assigned role. Rewards are
allocated in accord to those who earn them. Happiness is afforded to all
who seek it in the bonds of community. Transgressions are judged in
fairness and with mercy. Punishment is swift and certain.
^ -- Programming Project Guidelines
^ SocialNet Mark VIII
^LEADER: {SocialNet Mark VIII}
^BACKGROUND: {Social control overmind and central processor}
^AGENDA: {Utilitarian Social Order}
^TECH: {Information Networks, Social Psychology}
^-1 PLANET: {Processing routines ill suited to Planet's special circumstances}
^+2 GROWTH: {Human comfort is encouraged}
^Free Punishment Sphere in each Base
^Can steal technology when capturing a base
^{May not make Democratic choice in social engineering}
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Our strategic simulations predict an inevitable stalemate for this
conflict, $NAME1. We therefore attach a high value to Blood Truce at this time."
"I need no simulation to tell me that, $NAME3. Blood Truce is the best choice."
"That's funny...our simulations predict your inevitable defeat. We see no value in a Blood Truce."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"You have recently demonstrated activity of great utility, $TITLE0 $NAME1.
A Treaty of Friendship would exponentially increase our mutual capabilities."
"Your conclusions are irrefutable. A Treaty is the only rational path for our people, $NAME3."
"I prefer my individuality, $NAME3. I don't need the warm comforts of your Punishment Spheres."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Our strategic simulations predict an inevitable stalemate for this
conflict, $NAME1. We therefore attach a high value to Blood Truce at this time."
"Wisdom: avoid stalemate. Progenitor: better things to do. Agreement."
"Your simulations: faulty. Your defeat: inevitable. Answer: negative."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"$TITLE0 $NAME1, your devotion to order and your vast intellect make you
a suitable partner. A Treaty of Friendship would exponentially increase
our mutual capabilities."
"Geometric power: preferable: arithmetic power. Treaty: excellent idea."
"Logic flaw: Progenitor: no benefit: your commerce. Answer: negative."
# ; This line must remain at end of file
January 30, 2002, 05:36
Local Time: 05:57
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You know, I always thought the Cybernetic Consciousness should be more like these people. I imagined that they would have a lot more contempt for Biologicals.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
January 31, 2002, 01:46
Local Time: 21:57
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Location: Finland
Posts: 416
Like a bad episode of old Star Trek...
Well, that's true...for the plot
I've made a faction based on George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. It's a story of totalitarian dictatorship turning into complete thought control by the destruction of all that makes us human...Great book by the way
Punishment Sphere was a free facility, of course. But for some reason, it didn't gave you -50% tech penalty  I'm not sure why, can't remember if I had the latest version when I tried it. Anyway, tell me if it worked.
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
January 31, 2002, 15:13
Local Time: 13:57
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Location: With a view of the Rockies
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The Machine would be interesting to play although I think they might be a overpowered
+2 growth means that no demo is less painful and pop booms happen with planned/creche. Probably more inportantly the base gets to size 2 faster in the early game meaning you can pump out more colony pods earlier. Combining some extra bases with the extra energy from going FM early ( which most factions cannot do until they get some drone control in place) should just about compensate for the research penalty.
The biggest decision in SE would be whether to go PS/Fundy/Simple. I can see spending a lot of time in simple but immunity from drones means that inefficiency (bureaucracy) drones are not a problem so PS would be ok (in the worst bases for energy loss use specialists) and could result in a massive army that goes conquering while you stay in FM.
In the next line of SE, FM would be your friend as poor policing is irrelevant and a large military could be out harvesting worms for extra cash. The occasional pop into planned to boom might be beneficial and a creche could the first facility you build to grow even faster. heck you can boom to hab limits as soon as there is sufficient food and a creche. There is NOTHING to limit growth othwe than the available food supply
It looks interesting as a faction but man when I compare them to factions like the Hive, I think the Machine could be dominant given any amount of space to grow. Drone control is a big part of the game and to be handed it for a 50% research penalty is huge. But toss +2 growth in there and I think you "created a monster" as far as play balance is concerned
Just my 2 cents
I really like the concept though.
January 31, 2002, 18:26
Local Time: 19:57
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I was worried about the +2 Growth too. But I figured that as a faction, it had to have a ban on Demo (it just wouldn't make sense, dammit!). But without Demo and without Golden Ages, the faction could never pop boom - and that might be a killer penalty. At least, not booming would greatly limit the available strategies.
Maybe -Economy to slow it down, and take away the Techsteal? Or, if the worry is an FM Machine, then perhaps a Psi penalty, -35%. Running FM gets -4 Planet, and a Psi penalty would make worm control very difficult.
January 31, 2002, 19:00
Local Time: 13:57
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All good ideas
They remind me of the Hive where they grow ok despite the lack of pop booms (Golden age ones are hard to do given the Hive's economy)--Factions can compete without pop booms. Scaling the growth back to +1 would make them look even more like the Hive which to me highlights the Machine's strength. Immunity to drones beats immunity to efficiency IMHO and for the early days in a base, the negative economy of the Hive is a greater penalty than halfed research. I think you need to hit them with a big negative modifier to compensate the abilities they have AND plus two growth.
The planet minus never worries me about FM since an empath ability negates that and planet rating does not apply to worm defense anyway. So a trance unit would be equally survivable in FM or not. Does psi penalty work on both offense and defense? If it does we get into a situation where a super-strong faction has one glaring weakness and possibly incurable. They would be a major threat against most anyone but would get rolled by the cult or gaians.
I am thinking of a more general overarching weakness that just makes them generally harder to play or weaker in a general sense instead of creating one glaring (incurable?)-- Things like
-1 efficiency-- with the inability to go demo this hurts but not too badly since no drones for passing base limits -- the efect is tough to assess
-1 industry-- since they need to build fewer facilities, this brings them back a little by making stuff cost more
-2 morale-- deny them elite troops for the most part, forcing them to build facilities to get even decent troops
Figuring the right balance on these is tough job but I am just of the belief that you need something major to slow these guys down or they will be like the Hive on steroids.
January 31, 2002, 22:16
Local Time: 19:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 243
Looks interesting - so how do you create PCX files for them?
February 1, 2002, 07:59
Local Time: 21:57
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Posts: 416
If the feedback really is this good I'm going to have to start asking more advices for my custom factions  . Keep it up
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
February 1, 2002, 12:14
Local Time: 19:57
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well, on further reflection, I realized that there was no need for +2 Growth: they can build Cloning Vats to pop boom! So only +1 Growth is fine; plus getting to grow at 50% (Planned, +1, Creche) without stopping for drones is fast enough.
So now, for the penalty:
-1 Econ makes them look like the Hive; -1 Industry would do it (especially since the Machine can build Genejacks without penalty). Slows the early game a bit.
I am still having trouble waking sure the PuniSpheres are reducing tech like they should.... I may need to add -----RESEARCH to fix it.
As for PCX files, go to www.networknode.com and pick some. Those guys do awesome work.
February 1, 2002, 13:02
Local Time: 19:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 243
Where specifically at www.networknode.com? That site looks huge.
February 1, 2002, 13:13
Local Time: 19:57
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February 1, 2002, 19:17
Local Time: 21:57
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I am still having trouble waking sure the PuniSpheres are reducing tech like they should.... I may need to add -----RESEARCH to fix it.
I had to...that's odd by the way. You'd think that a free facility would act like any facility.
I thought they only had factions and tips. Do they offer factions graphics for free?
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
February 2, 2002, 01:44
Local Time: 06:57
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I posted a thread ages ago saying that Punishment Spheres weren't working as they should, and was told that it was a known bug. Apparently it still takes effect, it's just not recorded. And tech research DOES seem to slow down when I made a faction with free Spheres (I was 'one turn away' from getting a new tech, and then I had to wait two or three turns to develop it.)
February 2, 2002, 12:41
Local Time: 19:57
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Well, I couldn't see any tech effects from the PS, but they may not have been displayed in the base screens or the F2 science screen. I confess I didn't watch closely over multiple turns for hidden effects.
Although, I added -----Research (and that effect DID show up!), and the Machine was still leading after 60 years. Now I'm going to take away the Growth bonus altogether, and add -Morale. Maybe I should see if things change in the midgame. In any event, I expect this would be a tough faction to play against.
Oh, and Netnode has graphics too. Downlaod the .zip file, and it has graphics, voiceovers (for the faction selection screen) and .flc slideshows for diplomacy.
February 3, 2002, 05:48
Local Time: 21:57
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Oh, and Netnode has graphics too. Downlaod the .zip file, and it has graphics, voiceovers (for the faction selection screen) and .flc slideshows for diplomacy.
Thanks. I'll look into it.
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
February 4, 2002, 10:37
Local Time: 19:57
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For those interested, the PS *does* affect tech. It just doesn't get displayed anywhere.
Interestingly, the faction (now with -1 Ind, -1 Pla, and -1 Sup) is underpowered compared to the SMAX factions. In two all-computer test cames, the Machine got rolled twice. Both times, it quickly expanded to about 8 bases. It got Synthmetal, but did not get the Perimeter defenses up fast enough. Neighbors rapidly acquired Impact lasers and swamped the Machine, pushing back to two or three size-7 perimeter defended bases. About that time, Machine scientists discovered level 3 armor, so the hemorraging stopped, but the damage was done.
Interesting Problem for the AI - it doesn't know it has no drones!
It built Rec Commons and the HGP! It was trying to build the VW. No wonder it got crushed.
February 4, 2002, 11:52
Local Time: 13:57
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So the AI was no real test of its abilities. If instead of the HGP and the rec commons they had instead built the perimeters they might have been ok and just the fact that the AI would research rec commons early is stupid. You know you are a slow researcher and the greatest vulnerability is early before your drone immunity really matters. I think with these guys I would beeline to impact while popping out pods.
Did you play them on a small or tiny map because their advantages get bigger and bigger as the map gets larger when you meet later and drone control requires some drain on the resources of others. The third and 4th and 5th citizen actually working a square should compensate for both the industry and support penalties AND will go a long way to compensating for the research penalty.
I think the faction you have there now would be competitive to very strong in the right hands on a standard or larger map. There is really no impediment to ICSing with it indefinitely and even if the 40th base and beyond do not produce any energy, so what-- typical builds for that base could be unit, former, crawler, crawler , crawler . They could crawl a few minerals to get production going and then start pumping out the units OR start crawling food to grow the thing to become an all specialist base.
No drones EVER ???? The possibilities are mindboggling.
I admit I am intrigued by this faction and would like to play them a bit to see how my theories stand up. Now, do you have a file on these guys that can be installed or would I have to tinker in the manner you outlined above. I am new to custom factions although I have been playing for a while.
February 4, 2002, 12:42
Local Time: 21:57
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You could post your faction as an attachment. If you think it's reasonably balanced. I'd be interested to try it out too.
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
February 4, 2002, 13:14
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I played on a large planet, but it had a few very large continents (I had minimal erosive forces) so the Machine shared space with at least one other faction. That led to early contact.
The faction is strong in the hands of a human player.
I'll post it tomorrow, after I tweak the file one last time (I may give it Conquest and not Builder priorities to get it to do more military research and less facility building). You'll have to cut'n'paste it into a text file and add it to your alphax.txt.
March 13, 2002, 02:12
Local Time: 06:57
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I played this faction on Transcend a while ago, using the original stats except using +1 GROWTH not +2, and MAN they were powerful. The fact that I could ignore Drone control meant that I had way more resources to use, and use FM without trouble, despite the fact that I had modded the game so that the + or - from PLANET was double, I had no trouble until Deirde declared war, and even then it was only from those ****ing worms. At the time she still had Synth/Laser guys  .
March 18, 2002, 08:40
Local Time: 21:57
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Posts: 416
Was that tomorrow wheathin?
Anyway. Why don't you just send it as an attachment? That would save everyone's time, right? Why do people insist to use this copy-paste method? Is there something I've missed?
"I'm having a sort of hard time paying attention because my automated teller has started speaking to me, sometimes actually leaving weird messages on the screen, in green lettering, like "Cause a Terrible Scene at Sotheby's" or "Kill the President" or "Feed Me a Stray Cat", and I was freaked out by the park bench that followed me for six blocks last Monday evening and it too spoke to me."
- Patrick Bateman, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
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