Ladies and gentlemen of the players of Civilization: Visit Apolyton.
If I could give you only one tip for the future, Apolyton would be it.
The long term benefits of visiting Apolyton have been proven by Alexander’s Horse,
Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own limited
I will dispense this advice Now:
Enjoy the power and wonder of your posts. Never mind, you won’t appreciate how great
your posts are until they’re lost in the archives. But trust me, by the time you make
Warlord, you’ll look back and realize how innocent your ideas were, and how much
people actually listened to you. You are NOT as stupid as the people in off-topic.
Don’t worry about the release date of Civilization 3, For worrying is about as effective as
trying to conquer the world without troops. The real problem with the release date is that
it will be when you’re between jobs, your computer has a virus, and your ISP has gone
out of business.
Read one topic every day you’ve never seen.
Don’t be contemptuous of other people’s ideas, Don’t get into arguments with people
who are contemptuous of yours.
Forget about your rank. Sometimes you’re a settler, later you’ll be a prince. The forums
are long, and in the end, you’re the only one who cares.
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell
Yin how.
Keep the List and the EC3. Throw away the flame threads.
Don’t feel guilty if you aren’t that good at the game when your register for the forums.
Some of the more interesting posters weren’t that good at the game when they registered.
Some of the most interesting posters at king still can’t beat OCC on Deity.
Get plenty of playing time.
Be nice to Markos and Dan. You’ll miss your login when it’s banned.
Maybe you’ll be a moderator, maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll write for the column,
maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll get continually beaten by the AI, Maybe you’ll trounce
Ming in your 250th MP game. Whatever happens, remember that you’re really just
another civ player. So is everybody else.
Enjoy your copy of Civ. Play it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it or whether your
wife hates it. It’s the greatest game you’ll ever own.
Post. Even if you have nowhere to do it but your own place of work.
Read the FAQ, even if you don’t like it. Do Not read the Apolyton Coffee Shop, it will
only make you feel stupid.
Get to know the strategy guides. You never know when they’ll come in handy. Visit the
archives. They’re your best link to the past, and a great source of ideas for the future.
Understand that columns come and go, but a precious few should be kept and referred to.
Work hard to bridge the link to other great Civ sites, because the more experienced you
get, the more you need that site whose URL you’ve forgotten.
Visit the CTP forums once, but leave once you realize you’re smart. Visit off-topic once,
but leave before it makes you stupid.
Accept certain inalienable truths. Topics will get rehashed, People will debate history,
Your threads too will get buried. And when they do, you’ll fantasize that when you first
registered, Topics were fresh, People debated the game, and People respected Markos
and Dan.
Respect Ming. This dude knows what he’s talking about.
Don’t expect anyone to respond to you. Maybe you’ll have a hot topic, maybe you’ll have
a high rank. But you never know when either one will get buried or forgotten.
Don’t mess too much with your posts, or by the time anyone sees them, they’ll have
“edited by” notes longer than your message.
Be careful whose games you buy, but be patient with fans of games like Call To Power.
Buying a non Sid game is a form of experimentation. Like taking part of the list,
rewording it, putting it into play, and passing it off as your own creation.
But trust me on the