November 8, 2000, 21:58
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Extraterrestial Civs
Might I add that I think extraterrestial civs should be added to the endgame. I think it would make the game more interesting and FUN!!! Some of these civs could be friendly and peaceful, but many are aggressive and warlike. But naturally all extraterrestial civs should begin in a neutral state, and you should try to make friends with as many of these civs as possible, and destroy those that betray you! This could make the endgame a lot like Star Trek! That should the shift the ultimate winning goal for the game to either conquer or bring peace to the galaxy (or universe), and will automatically set the stage for the game to progress well into the 3rd Millineum.
[This message has been edited by Zero_Tolerance (edited November 08, 2000).]
November 8, 2000, 22:13
woooah! good idea! meeting aliens for the first time is most certainly a huge step for a civilization.
November 8, 2000, 22:50
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i think an alein civ appearing late in the game could be a good idea, but i think the chances of it happening in the game should be quite low, say 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 games, so itd add an extra twist to the game. should be able to turn off alien civs tho.
November 8, 2000, 23:01
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Yep, customization is key, and as you can choose the lifeform rarity in AC (Fungus being a big problem, medium, or hardly on Planet) it would be good to have the option of Alien Encounter with some settings for highly probably or not at all.
November 9, 2000, 00:13
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Oh, and on an endnote, I once watched a program on the History Channel (or was it the Discovery Channel) that aliens may have come to earth and taught the ancient egyptians the secrets of electricity; this may also mean that it was aliens that built the pyramids, not the egyptians, which may explain how the pyramids got there and why the egyptians were such an advanced civilization very early on. Of course, I don't have any evidence to support this theory, but if anyone does could you ppleeassee post it here? Thanx!
Just food for thought . . .
November 9, 2000, 07:44
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Though this is an interesting idea, contacting aliens, I do not think they should be a civ in there own rights. But having conact would be a interesting idea. Maybe it could be a wonder
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November 9, 2000, 08:56
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Contacting aliens in the (very) late game could be an interesting idea. But aliens as a civ?? I don't know, maybe for scenarios or an option in a txt file.
If there will be aliens then make it possible to customize their behaviour: agressive or peaceful. It could be a possible way to win: defend Earth from invading aliens! Or trade with aliens for inter-galactic flight techs (but make it real-real hard), and only then could become the journey to Alpha Centauri possible!!
Be careful though, many don't like SF, so by default NO aliens. But as an option, yes, I'm for it.
November 9, 2000, 11:16
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Originally posted by Tiberius on 11-09-2000 07:56 AM
If there will be aliens then make it possible to customize their behaviour: agressive or peaceful. It could be a possible way to win: defend Earth from invading aliens!
I like that. You win, by virtue of the fact, that by the time the aliens are beat back, you are the last one standing. Or by then all the other civs have been thrown back into the dark ages. Sort of like what happened to Rome with invading barbarians, but not quite.
November 9, 2000, 11:30
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Originally posted by Deathwalker on 11-09-2000 06:44 AM
Though this is an interesting idea, contacting aliens, I do not think they should be a civ in there own rights. But having conact would be a interesting idea. Maybe it could be a wonder
Oh, c'mon! Meeting aliens as a wonder??? How unrealistic can you get!!! Can no one here imagine how FUN and EXCITING war in space against aliens would be like?!?!?! Use your imaginations, guys (and gals)!!!
[This message has been edited by Zero_Tolerance (edited November 09, 2000).]
November 9, 2000, 11:51
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If the Sweep of Time concept is for real, then how about this:
In civ3, you might sometimes encounter or communicate with an alien race that knows of the Progenitors. Possibly an enemy of the Progenitors. The Progenitors would still be very enigmatic but this way, when you get a ship off to AC, the story would be set that somewhere out there lies a mysterious alien race called the Progenitors, that you would finally meet in SMACX.
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
November 9, 2000, 11:54
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I think that there could be alian civs on up to two planets/moons in our solar system (multiple warring alian civs on this planet/moon) that start out as primitive cives at about the time the civs on earth started appearing. After all, all civs have to start somewhere. You could costumize it in that you could choose how many alian civs there are, and how much earlier/later than the earth civs they start (having one or two cives that start about 20+ turns before the earth civs would eventually end up in the alian invasion scenerio as they would grow in tech a lot faster than any earth civ, fighting against 10+ other civs)
November 9, 2000, 14:33
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The concept of aliens is exciting, but making them into civs seems to encompass a whole new game rather than merely enchancing civ3. By adding alien civs, space exploration, choosing planets etc., you would be massively increasing what civ games cover at one time. My guess is that it would add more information than is really feasible for one game. I would really enjoy seeing a civ based game related solely to space. It would have to be much better than the scenarios for civ 2. I think the ideas given here would be a great basis for an entirely new game.
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November 9, 2000, 15:03
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I agree, Civ 3 should only encompass just Earth, or just Earth, the moon and Mars. They could make another game where you get to explore the galaxy/universe.
November 9, 2000, 15:06
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yeah, like some sort of add-on.
or have the option to continue once you've conquered the world.
November 9, 2000, 15:10
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If it was an add on, then it would have to be a very BIG add on that has the maps for all the populatable planets/moons in the galaxy/universe as well as all the alian civs in the galaxy/universe, and it would get very tedious trying to populate evey planet one by one. That is why they should have a different game, where you start as 22th century earth (after world peace). Each planet would have %s of all the civs currently populating it, etc.
November 9, 2000, 19:49
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5 - 10 maps should be the max... any more and the player cannot possibly manage all of the civilization, no matter how you customize it so that you only have a few provinces...
BTW, if we are to have even 5 - 10 maps, we are going to need provinces... it would be too hard to manage.
Aliens could work like a off-map civilization, as suggested earlier. They have no cities or units for most of the game, but can come in, establish cities and fight/live in peace with humans. Obviously they would have more advanced tech, and trading or scavenging their tech could be the only way to get to Alpha Centauri, or another star a la X-Com.
I think humans should only start on Earth. It is the only known planet that is hospitable to human life.
Edit: Work, UBB Code.... Work....
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[This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited November 09, 2000).]
November 9, 2000, 20:41
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November 9, 2000, 22:20
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Originally posted by DrFell on 11-09-2000 07:41 PM
hehe, considering there are over 100,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy i think thatd probably be too much customisability for me 
well, maybe part of a galaxy. I think there are only about 20-30 constellations that have been counted in our own galaxy, and not every one of them has to contain planets, nor do all of the planets need to be planets that can sustain life. that may pretty much narrow it down to say about 10-20 habitable planets (considering there may be only about one habitable planet per solar system) per game, and to be realistic not all of them should have intelligent life on them. Over a period of about 500 years you should be able make and sustain peace throughout the galaxy, or destroy all the extraterrestial civs in the game (quite inhumane to do it this way, though, I think). Upon doing so, all civs on your home planet lose interest in fighting against each other and gain interest in exploring what is left to explore in the universe, and as result unite their powers into one civilization and the game ends.
[This message has been edited by Zero_Tolerance (edited November 10, 2000).]
November 10, 2000, 01:45
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I personally think it would be nice if you could choose where in the galaxy you want to start; in other words, you don't have to start on earth. You could start on any planet in any solar system (note: this will add customisability to the game).
Also, here is another cool idea! There should be two types of maps in Civ3: galactic maps and planetary maps. Galactic maps are maps of an entire galaxy; planetary maps are maps of planets. Galactic maps can have planetary maps within them, meaning that they can be combined into a single file. This would allow players to not only create their own planetary maps, but also they can create their own galactic maps as well! Galactic maps should contain tiles of empty space as well as tiles with stars, planets, asteroids, comets, nebulas, black holes, and worm holes (maybe), etc. Note: there should be different types of stars such as white dwarfs, red giants, novas and supernovas. Planets are added to galactic maps by choosing planetary maps to go into specific tiles. Also, I think planets and comets should orbit around stars, and other objects such as asteroids should move around as well.
Transportation in the space age could be made much easier by adding two nanotech advances: Warp Drive (or Hyperdrive) and Transporters. The discovery of Warp Drive should give some spaceships a warp function, which allows them to move from any explored tile in a galactic or planetary map to another in a single turn! The discovery of Transporters should allow most units to have a transport function, which allows them to move from any tile on a map to another on the same map, or from a map to a spaceship (or vice versa) that is within transporter range as many times in a turn as they want (It shouldn't take a freakin' year to transport a unit, should it. That is highly unrealistic!). I think the Space Age should be counted in single years and should last 'till at least midway into the 3rd Millineum; that should give players enough time to settle their relations with alien civs and win the game!
I think their should be five types of spaceships in Civ3: small fighters/bombers, medium-sized battle cruisers, Large Corellian Battleships, Battlestations (or Motherships), and transport ships. Each type of ship (except small fighters/bombers) should be equipped with a limited number of docks that can dock smaller ships, with Battlestations being able to dock the most ships. Transport ships are short range ships that can be docked by every type of ship except small fighters/bombers and are used as an alternative to using transporters. They give transporting units an offensive/defensive advantage; they can be dispatched without using any turns.
I think their should be a nanotech advance that gives you a weapon that can destroy entire planets (like in Star Wars Episode IV). This would prevent players from having to spend too many long turns having to conquer alien worlds by taking them city by city. But such a weapon could allow a player to win a game too quickly if discovered too early and should be left as one of the last advances to be discovered in the tech tree.
November 10, 2000, 15:49
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In addition this would add more depth to the game in the fact that you could have all civs in the game on several different planets. Even all human civs could be on different planets. Meaning not only could you choose civs, but you can also choose their anatomy. What FUN it would be to play as an alien civ!!!
[This message has been edited by Zero_Tolerance (edited November 10, 2000).]
November 10, 2000, 17:54
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I agree! Alien civilizations would be a lot of fun, maybe as off-map civs.
November 10, 2000, 22:41
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How about this:
After everything is said and done and you are years into the future-no more techs to discover and no more thing to build-an alien race launches an all out assault on humanity (like "Independence Day"). Then the nations of the Earth are forced to put aside their differences and repel the outworld invaders. I really don't think there should be 'alien civs'. Its just seems kind of corny to me. Aliens should be hostile and off-map civs. It would certainly add spice to the end game and make for civ games you would never forget.
November 11, 2000, 09:23
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Originally posted by Tiberius on 11-09-2000 07:56 AM
Contacting aliens in the (very) late game could be an interesting idea. But aliens as a civ?? I don't know, maybe for scenarios or an option in a txt file.
If there will be aliens then make it possible to customize their behaviour: agressive or peaceful. It could be a possible way to win: defend Earth from invading aliens! Or trade with aliens for inter-galactic flight techs (but make it real-real hard), and only then could become the journey to Alpha Centauri possible!!
Be careful though, many don't like SF, so by default NO aliens. But as an option, yes, I'm for it.
This is the most sensible idea yet.
I usually dislike SF in history games. If I want SF I'd buy SMAC or something. I want civ to be historicall.
However, making it an option is quite cool. Also, I think the end game should be something like what Tiberius said: either defending agaisnt aliens, either trading tech with them.
Only difference is, I think their agressivness should be random. Otherwise it's boring.
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