August 26, 2002, 20:17
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you could message the human saying "rename your cities, the current names are sooo last century..."
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
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September 1, 2002, 12:13
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Originally posted by Lou Wigman
Just a note about the AI and forts. There's a piece of SLIC code that makes the AI build them. They're great for me to use but in the extensive playing I did with Cradle I never even once saw an AI unit in any of them. Clearly the AI doesn't know what they are.
I've noticed the same thing. There are no AI forts anywhere on the map. Has this been fixed in the interim? My version of Cradle is not the latest, it's probably 3-4 versions behind.
September 2, 2002, 19:42
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The problem of the AI not *building* any fortresses was solved a long time ago by Martin. As far as manning them: I dunno, I've seen them do it in the last Tournament game at least... maybe in other games too, not sure. With my own strategy units in fortresses can usually be put to better use elsewhere, I just use fortresses for expanding borders myself - only occassionally for the extra defense bonus when nearby units happen to be under threat, only very occassionally. Anyway, I never ever man them permanently.
September 4, 2002, 20:27
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Ideas, suggestions and a few small questions
I have mentioned some of these before but most of them i havent, i just wanted to sum up all my ideas i would love to see in "History of the World" mod.
On diplomacy screen have the leaders face on the top left and the parchment where it normaly is, as originally concieved and as shown in this screenshot :
Add these new diplomatic requests
+Request they mass troops
+Request Invasion
+Request break agreements
+Request Nuke Reduction
+Request bio weapon reduction
+Request nano weapon reduction
+Request annual gold (as in Civ3)
These where also originally going to be used in CtP2
As i have said before i particularly like "request annual gold" and "Request they mas troops" although that may tottaly confuse the AI though it would be cool if they would ask you that too
Use the Barbarian Encampment SLIC that Pedrunn has done.
I quite like the idea of a barbarian leader and money if you killed him, furthermore will barb encampments still appear in modern times, i think this would be good if they produced terrorist or something and if the camp image could be upgraded to modern that would be cool too.
Use the bit of SLC Pedrunn also done to get airfields to look how they are supposed to on mountains
As in Civ3 although i cant remember how it worked exactly, but could you make it so that certain terrains have harmful effect upon units as a percetage chance. EG a 5% chance that if you made an army go through desert that they would die of thurst or harsh condisions, if they went through forest 5% chance they would die of disease or an army going through mountain 5% chance they die of harsh condisions etc etc of course some units would have to be ammune to these effects. AND it would be better if it applied if you just leave a unit on a potentially harmful tile for ages. 5% might be to much im not sure, cause you dont exactly want to be loosing whole armies all the time due to disease or hunger BUT it would certainly make the play think more sesibly and realisticly about which routes he took. They AI would also have to know, which might be the halter to this idea. If this idea could be implemented and well balanced i think it would be great
u dont like the idea of one city building all the wonders and I agree. I think to get around this you should make it so that a popup appears (say 85%) of the time after you have just built a wonder in that city and then try to build another in the same city. This would last for a certain amount of turns. Oh and the message would make it so you couldnt build anymore wonders in that city for whatever amount of turns you decide to make this event last for. It would say something like "General population refuse to set work on {wonder} as they feel it is a waste or misdirection of valuable resources" you could even go further and say it was because they wanted something else to boost food or production (same kinda thing as the city mayor does in its suggestions)
I also believe you should give some unconventional unit the ability to bribe enemy units. Depending on the unit type, if its obsolete and if its a vetern oh and of course the amount of units. The price will be different accoringly. Mybe a diplomat and/or spy unit could do this? Another feature, armies with great leaders in would be unbribable
I assume as in MM2 there will be units from CtP1 like Hoplites (elite) and Phalanx looking very similar one using the CtP1 graphics and the other the CtP2 graphics. The old War Walker graphics and sounds CtP1 (now that is a cool unit)
If the code for the privateer could be worked out that would be very cool, use the graphics from Civ3 for the unit.
Will there be fanatic units for the fundematalism government (or any other governmet types that may apply) and will partisans be able to attack as in Civ2?
Thats I think it for now, im sure there will be more ideas soon but anyway im too tired to bed it is for me
Thanks for reading (if you have)
P.S. I am playing MM2 mod, latest version and I get a fault in the elite unit code when the AI get an elite unit it says something like "The mayans get elite war elephant{unit_record} due to the great understanding of {Advance_0} or some crap like that, Its not just one off its for every elite unit.
the second is the Noble in it, on the options display for the unit (bottom right on GUI) it has the normal (establish embassy, hold reception) etc but has three extra ones saying i think its "Build detecter" "Build Airbase" and build "fortification", im hoping this is just an error in MM2 and not in the general way the noble has bn made (thinking of when it goes into HotW mod. Thats if it will be in there (i hope)
Last edited by SMIFFGIG; September 4, 2002 at 20:43.
September 5, 2002, 05:14
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Re: Ideas, suggestions and a few small questions
Thanks for your ideas, SMIFFGIG!
Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
This is a LOT of work and at least some of it would quite probably require changes to the source code of the game. At least initially I'll mostly rely on others for diplomacy (although of course with my new list of Civs I will need new backgrounds for the diplomacy screen - don't know what to those will look like yet). I would like to see such things myself as well, but that's not where the focus of the mod will be (initially).
Use the Barbarian Encampment SLIC that Pedrunn has done.
I quite like the idea of a barbarian leader and money if you killed him, furthermore will barb encampments still appear in modern times, i think this would be good if they produced terrorist or something and if the camp image could be upgraded to modern that would be cool too.
I dunno. I like the Encampment feature from Civ3, but from reading the thread it seemed to me that Pedrunn's version works rather differently (correct me if I'm wrong though) - I'm not sure if I like his version. It is on my ToDo list, but I can't promise I'll do it. I *will* probably copy Civ3's Barbarian uprising thingie, that's a good way to help prevent the rich getting richer...
Use the bit of SLC Pedrunn also done to get airfields to look how they are supposed to on mountains
I think I will do this.
As in Civ3 although i cant remember how it worked exactly, but could you make it so that certain terrains have harmful effect upon units as a percetage chance. EG a 5% chance that if you made an army go through desert that they would die of thurst or harsh condisions, if they went through forest 5% chance they would die of disease or an army going through mountain 5% chance they die of harsh condisions etc etc of course some units would have to be ammune to these effects. AND it would be better if it applied if you just leave a unit on a potentially harmful tile for ages. 5% might be to much im not sure, cause you dont exactly want to be loosing whole armies all the time due to disease or hunger BUT it would certainly make the play think more sesibly and realisticly about which routes he took. They AI would also have to know, which might be the halter to this idea. If this idea could be implemented and well balanced i think it would be great
Yes, this is also in the Alexander the Great scenario and I certainly do plan on having terrain (and borders) have a greater effect on unit health, speed, etc.
u dont like the idea of one city building all the wonders and I agree. I think to get around this you should make it so that a popup appears (say 85%) of the time after you have just built a wonder in that city and then try to build another in the same city. This would last for a certain amount of turns. Oh and the message would make it so you couldnt build anymore wonders in that city for whatever amount of turns you decide to make this event last for. It would say something like "General population refuse to set work on {wonder} as they feel it is a waste or misdirection of valuable resources" you could even go further and say it was because they wanted something else to boost food or production (same kinda thing as the city mayor does in its suggestions)
Disabling the building of more than 1 wonder per city seems much easier to me. When you're only allowed to build 3 units per age (or whatever) it should't really matter anyway. But this needs further playtesting, maybe 2 wonders per city (but in different ages) works out better, or maybe even your system. We'll see...
I also believe you should give some unconventional unit the ability to bribe enemy units. Depending on the unit type, if its obsolete and if its a vetern oh and of course the amount of units. The price will be different accoringly. Mybe a diplomat and/or spy unit could do this? Another feature, armies with great leaders in would be unbribable
A nice feature that has been suggested dozens of times before but the problem is that the AI could never deal with it... (We could do some tests to see if creating a special GOAL_BRIBE would help, but I have my doubts).
I assume as in MM2 there will be units from CtP1 like Hoplites (elite) and Phalanx looking very similar one using the CtP1 graphics and the other the CtP2 graphics. The old War Walker graphics and sounds CtP1 (now that is a cool unit)
See the design doc: yes, I do plan on reusing a bunch of CtP1 graphics, just like Wes did...
If the code for the privateer could be worked out that would be very cool, use the graphics from Civ3 for the unit.
Of course, if the implementation works out okay, I'm very interested in this as well. But first I want to see it in action.
[/quote]Will there be fanatic units for the fundematalism government (or any other governmet types that may apply) and will partisans be able to attack as in Civ2?[/quote]
With the religion concept all religions will probably already have their own unit(s), not sure if there will room for government-specific units as well. But yes, I was actually thinking of giving Partisans an attack value again, at present I find them rather useless myself (but then again, I'm not a big user of Spies and stuff either - the only UWUs I use are Slavers and sometimes Clerics/Televangelists).
Thats I think it for now, im sure there will be more ideas soon but anyway im too tired to bed it is for me
Thanks for reading (if you have)
Thanks for posting. Do post more if you have more ideas. I read everything and will try to implement as much interresting features as possible as well.
September 5, 2002, 15:36
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Originally posted by SMIFFGIG's
Use the bit of SLC Pedrunn also done to get airfields to look how they are supposed to on mountains
And I thought this was only a modification of the tileimp.txt. But anyway this modification of the tileimp.txt is in Cradle, in MedPack2 and in in GoodMod since the first version 0.95 of course. It is missing in ApolytonPack, actual also my modified tileimp.txt from FixMod is missing in the last release version, it uses the original tileimp.txt  .
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September 14, 2002, 18:54
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More Suggestions
There is not graphics specified for a partisan unit but i think these ones would be good. For a partisan that could attack (like civ2)
Alpine Troops
Would be nice to have Alpine Troops like Civ2 (are they in civ3 i cant remeber) they would be really good movement for snow terrain and really good attack and defence and on other terrain they are pretty crap or tottaly crap as this makes sense (hence the name alpine troops) they could be the ultimate infantry unit on snow terrain.
Future units - Cyborg unit
These could be used as future units, mainly the middle and left ones as the right one to much resembles the war walker from ctp1 which is going to be in HotW anyway.
They could be used as cyborg unit (one in middle) and heavy cyborg(one on left) that are available under the Cybernetasism government i suggested for HotW mod
Barbarian Specific units
I think it would be very cool if there where barbarian specific units eg this one as a modern era barbarian
Privateer/Bandit Horserider
Ive just thought, the privateer code by mapfi could be used for the "Bandit Horserider". Im presuming and hoping will have the bandit horserider in it
Capture capitol effects
Right this suggestion I have just thought of but may have been said before. It is, if you take over the enemies capitol they recieve great unhappiness and there civ maybe stay 50% and the other 50% rebel and form a new civ. Now im not sure if I have just thought of this, or picked it up somewhere (did this used to happen in civ1 or something) anyway it would be good
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September 14, 2002, 19:03
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Thanks for the idea's - I take them into consideration...
September 14, 2002, 21:44
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Future units - Cyborg unit
These could be used as future units, mainly the middle and left ones as the right one to much resembles the war walker from ctp1 which is going to be in HotW anyway.
They could be used as cyborg unit (one in middle) and heavy cyborg(one on left) that are available under the Cybernetasism government i suggested for HotW mod
wow. Those units look great but have you seen BlueO's one?
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
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September 15, 2002, 07:32
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They are BlueO's?
Arent they?
BTW 2 other ideas. There was a thread on Feat of wonder ideas.
Feat of Wonders
When your population reaches double of the next biggest civ in the game or when you are the first to reach a certain population
When u own a certain amount of cities more than the next most expansive civ or the first to own a specific amount of cities
the first to conquer a certain amount of enemy cities
The first to explore 90% of the map or whatever amount u want
When one of your cities reaches a hundred pop points (im assuming this is still possible in ctp2 as it was in ctp) if not then when your city reaches the highest possible pop points
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September 15, 2002, 07:56
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Yes they are i hadnt see his name in that forum. Now i see how similar they are. He did recicled the ones he did for CTP2 (actually turned them green).
But I meant the BlueO's cyber units for CTP2 in the DB
There is a couple more in his sci-fi mod (specially the dragon).
Locutus, I tried to contact BlueO by PM but he doesnt show up in the forum for quite a while. And he had specified not to be contacted by the apolyton e-mail. Is there any way to you to get his apolyton e-mail with MarkG and send him one or give me so that i can send him one.
I think he should know about the sucess of the Frenzy AI and the version 2 of the city expansion that is already being implemented in the major mods. And also to see if he still have the tiff of his units. To make them correcly since he did not do through alpha channel but palletes what cause his units to have some MBs in size
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; September 15, 2002 at 09:10.
September 15, 2002, 08:13
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Hey pedrunn, those future units of BlueO's are great, weird how i have never seen them in any mod. Hope they will be in HoTW too
BTW read your PM its important
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September 15, 2002, 09:11
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They were never used because of the size problem i mentioned. No modder wanted to have 1 to 3 MB units opposed to the normally few hundred KB.
Saw your PM and fixed the stuff.
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Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
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September 15, 2002, 12:27
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Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
Hey pedrunn, those future units of BlueO's are great, weird how i have never seen them in any mod. Hope they will be in HoTW too
I put them in my Mars mod for CTP - they accounted for more than a third of the file size  .
September 15, 2002, 12:36
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they accounted for more than a third of the file size
I went over to Ctp1 forums before and I found this thread
I think a city improvement or even a wonder that gave extra PW would be cool.
Maybe even the effect of a Feat of Wonder could give u extra PW for a certain amount of turns
Wt do u think Locutus, and what u think of the feat of wonders on the previous page ?
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September 15, 2002, 12:55
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During our MP game we were discussing why you couldn't buy PW since you can buy everything else in the game. Shouldn't be cheap though.
September 15, 2002, 13:25
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I dont think it will be hard at all to introduce this in diplomacy.
We could replace the offer/request "Reduce Nano Weapons" (can be other but i believe this one is so unused) for "give PW". It is quite easy.
Same thing with the buoilding.
But both has to be done through slic
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
September 25, 2002, 09:37
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Originally posted by ahenobarb
I've noticed the same thing. There are no AI forts anywhere on the map. Has this been fixed in the interim? My version of Cradle is not the latest, it's probably 3-4 versions behind.
I rescind my statement. I recently received the Global Satellite and found one civilization at the North Pole had connected a few cities with roads made possible by building forts. They weren't doing it at the equator, where I was.
September 29, 2002, 07:39
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Message boxes for more information like civ2
As well as including message boxes such as the one Pedrunn made for barbarians eg Barbarian uprising near Cityname. and message boxes for richest civilization or most powerful like civ3 and civ2.
I think HotW should also have message (like civ2) where if an another civ changes government it says something like
"Spies report the people of France have overthrown ther facist government and are now in monarchy"
Or however you want to word it. I loved getting info like this in civ2. Maybe if you didnt like this you could make it so you only got messages like this after the discovery of nationalism. But i dont think this is necessary as there have been spies friom the begining of time in one form or another
P.S. And message box saying "The americans capitol of washington has been captured by the Babylonians"
"The Americans have changed there capitol to New York"
for when a civ changes there capitol
Message boxes like this would REALLY add to game in my opinion.
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September 29, 2002, 07:47
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increase the niumber of message box is easy. Give us some ideas.
I once had an idea to an world report mesage box every 10 turns.
Wich was going to give important info well divided among the buttons like religion (from my code), trade (how much gold you get from trade, etc), leaders (who is the militay, trade, science, population), diplomacy, etc....
The idea is still only in my head
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
October 1, 2002, 12:46
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Originally posted by Pedrunn
increase the niumber of message box is easy. Give us some ideas.
I once had an idea to an world report mesage box every 10 turns.
Wich was going to give important info well divided among the buttons like religion (from my code), trade (how much gold you get from trade, etc), leaders (who is the militay, trade, science, population), diplomacy, etc....
The idea is still only in my head
You might find this very difficult. I recently undertook two little project to fix som annoyances.
1. I moved the Pollution Total number from the Status Tab to the Specialists Tab in the City Management screen (I did this so I could see the effect on total pollution when I assign new workers to different tasks). The up side is that it worked, the downside is that this required Hex editing.
Original CTP2 screenshot here:
Mission accomplished!
2. An even larger problem was that I wanted to add a shortcut button to the City Management screen in the National Manager screen, instead of just the Build Manager. As it is now if you are looking at the NatMan and want to adjust workers, you have to go to Build manager, then city manager, then the Specialists tab, and check that status tab to see the effect on pollution.
screenshot here:
I have added the button to the National Manager screen, no problem, but getting it to function is another matter. This requires Hex editing too and it is very very difficult, I haven't succeeded in this yet (I stopped working on it 2 weeks ago, but hope to resume at some point).
The problem it that there are only two function calls to display the City Mananger (One in the shortcut bar at the bottom and the other in the Build Manager), if you move it, you lose it in one place (I'm choosing to lose the one in build manager). However, the placement of the function calls are determined by the modules in the original compile of the game (whatever.cpp) The City Manager and the Build Manager seem to come from different files (If I remember correctly).
Mission in doubt at the moment.
Also, when Hex editing the total ctp2.exe file cannot exceed by a single bit a predetermined number, which I can post later tonight.
October 1, 2002, 13:10
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The up side is that it worked, the downside is that this required Hex editing.
1)Could you be more specific. What worked and what needed Hex editing?
I have added the button to the National Manager screen, no problem, but getting it to function is another matter.
2) Luckly (really luckly), I think we can do it through slic. Attach the changed ldl file screen and tell me in wich line the button is. We can give this a shot.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
October 1, 2002, 14:11
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Originally posted by Pedrunn
1)Could you be more specific. What worked and what needed Hex editing?
2) Luckly (really luckly), I think we can do it through slic. Attach the changed ldl file screen and tell me in wich line the button is. We can give this a shot.
I'll try to clarify:
1) I successfully moved the Pollution Total number from the Status screen to the Specialists screen. This required 2 steps.
a) editing the .ldl to add a pollution row to the Specialists screen, which requried moving the other rows closer together -- easy enough.
b) Hex editing the ctp2.exe in order to have the actual total number (the variable) displayed in the Specialist Tab instead of the Status Tab.
I can share a screenshot when I get home and I'll give you the name of the variable that stores the total.
task one was therefore a success.
2) Out of sheer frustration, I have set aside SLIC for the time being (although I found a really good SLIC tutorial that Locutus put together that I want to spend some time with), so I can't speak to its full capabilites although I have a general knowledge of what it can do. But in looking at .exe file, I'm not optimistic that SLIC can add a functional button to another CTP2 screen. Theoretically copying CTP2 values (Total Gold, Total Pollution, etc.) to new variables for display in a custom created CTP2 menu may be possible. But, adding values to existing CTP2 screens requires HEX editing.
Regarding the total size of the CTP2.exe file, I can send the total bytes later tonight. However, if you right click the .exe and check properties it will tell you the value. If it is more or less than this, the file won't function (you can tell you've broken it when the CTP2 icon disappears and is replaced by a generic MS icon).
I had hoped to share this with everyone once I had the "City Manager" button working in the NatMan screen. But, no luck --so far.
Just a final note in case there is/was confusion, the screenshots I linked to before were provided so that it was possible to see the screens I was discussing without having to visualize them. They are not the ones I have modified.
October 1, 2002, 15:52
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ahenobarb I think you need to some nice hack tools to fix the ctp2.exe afterwards, unfortunatly adding stuff is very difficuilt if you don't have the source code, but such minor stuff is possible, maybe it is just one typo that cause the Sea City Sprite Bug for instance. To breack the sprite limits should be possible in the same way.
And by the way here is a list of CTP2 *.cpp files.
C:\ctp2-src\ctp2_project\ctp2_code\ai\CtpAi.cpp |
Source ctp2.exe. That is a lot of stuff that you can find in the ctp2.exe in ASCII text.
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October 1, 2002, 19:25
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Wish I could get my hands on THAT one! :sigh:
October 1, 2002, 19:44
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Here is the screenshot of the Pollution field. The .ldl file to change is citywindow.ldl
The variable to search for in your HEx editor is PollutionTotalLabel
When you find it, you need to change it
You will notice the second is 1 byte longer, so I went out into the empty space right after the label and delete the second blank (I think, it's been a while). It works with no problems.
It should be noted however that both Tabs.Statistics (The Status Tab) and Tabs.Specialists fall under Unitmanager.cpp in the .exe file. This is important for the second change I want to make (I think).
Last edited by ahenobarb; October 2, 2002 at 09:35.
October 1, 2002, 20:01
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The second change I want to make is trickier. As you can see I added the button no problem. This is done in Citystatus.ldl under CityStatusWin.
However, the function of the button is contained in two different hardcoded variables:
1) GotoCityButton. This is the function call in the Build Manager screen that tells the program to bring up the City Manager screen. The text formatting associated with this function call, i.e. the button, is in citystatus.ldl and in the CTPII.exe file this function call is under the dipwizard.cpp file.
2) CityManagementButton. This is the function call in the Control Panel that brings up the City Manager screen from there. The text formatting associated with this function call, i.e. the button, is in the controlpanel.ldl file and in the CTPII.exe this is function call under the maincontrolpanel.cpp file.
In #1, I was just moving a variable from one place in unitmanager.cpp to a different tab. CityStatusWin in the CTPII.exe however is found under the unitmanager.cpp file. So it looks like in Step #2 I am trying to move a variable from one .cpp file to another, which I don't think is possible. I tried several things with no luck. I still plan to give it another look at some point.
If anyone is interested, I'll share the modified .ldl files.
Last edited by ahenobarb; October 2, 2002 at 09:42.
October 2, 2002, 16:34
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AN IDEA!! for culture!!!!
Wow ahenobarb its cool how your adding these buttons to the GUI
I was wondering if it were possible to add a button (which popped up with a message box that could be created through SLIC maybe?) or a tab in the city screen which displayed culture.
It would be very good if this could be possible
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October 2, 2002, 17:44
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 437
Re: AN IDEA!! for culture!!!!
Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
Wow ahenobarb its cool how your adding these buttons to the GUI
I was wondering if it were possible to add a button (which popped up with a message box that could be created through SLIC maybe?) or a tab in the city screen which displayed culture.
It would be very good if this could be possible
For an existing menu, visually this would be very easy. The .ldl files allow you to pretty much change/add/delete/move anything you want about the GUI visually.
Functionally is another matter. You can add buttons and so forth to the screens, they will click, but nothing will actually happen (no culture screen will pop-up) unless it is linked to a specific function in the CTPII.exe file.
I am optimistic that with SLIC you can create a custom or user created menu, and tell that menu what to do when certain buttons are clicked. It seems, that custom menus are the way to go for a culture screen. The .SLC code would need to tell it to pop-up every 10 turns or so so you could see it.
I will continue to play around with the menus to test the limits of customization and hopefully there will be some breakthrough. I should learn SLC first though.
October 2, 2002, 23:06
Local Time: 17:04
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 2,555
Functionally is another matter. You can add buttons and so forth to the screens, they will click, but nothing will actually happen (no culture screen will pop-up) unless it is linked to a specific function in the CTPII.exe file.
No! There is a way to make a slic code trigger when pressing UI componesnts and the same way i was going to use to open the city manager but unfortunetly there is no OpenCityManage() like function. So it is possible to do what you intend, Big Mc.
Here are some examples of slic codes triggered by slic:
NewDiplomod: Triggered when hitting the treaties tab in the make proposal screen
trigger 'NewTreatyDataFollowingProp' on "DipWizard.Stage2.Tabs.Treaty.TabPanel" when (1) {//secondary proposal
int_t second_type; // following proposal
} |
Locutus PBEM fix:Triggered when hitting the wheel diplomatic button.
Trigger 'PBEM_test' on "ControlPanelWindow.ControlPanel.ShortcutPad.DiplomacyButton" when (1) {
PBEM_opponent = 2;
player[3] = PBEM_opponent;
Message(g.player, 'PBEM_Start_M');
} |
Mine PBEM fix: Triggered when hitting the wheel diplomatic button. The accept and reject proposal button
Trigger 'PBEM_CheckMessages' on "ControlPanelWindow.ControlPanel.ShortcutPad.DiplomacyButton" when (1) {
int_t sucess;
int_t i;
int_t tmpPlayer;
tmpPlayer = g.player;
Sucess = 1;
i = 0;
while(i < PBEM_HasBeenSent.#) {
if(PBEM_HasBeenSent[i] == 0) {
if(PBEM_Response[i] == 0
&& tmpPlayer == PBEM_receiver[i]) {
PBEM_TMP_Response = 0;
PBEM_CanSendProposal = 1;
PBEM_PreventLoop = 1;
ConsiderNewProposal(PBEM_Sender[i], PBEM_receiver[i], 2000, PBEM_Proposal[i],0,ID_NONE,ID_NONE,ID_NONE);
Event: NewProposal(PBEM_Sender[i], PBEM_receiver[i]);
PBEM_HasBeenSent[i] = 1;
return STOP;
i = i + 1;
trigger 'PBEM_ProposalRejected' on "DipWizard.ViewButtons.RejectButton" when (1) {
int_t ProposalType;
int_t tmpPlayer;
tmpPlayer = g.player;
ProposalType = GetLastNewProposalType(PBEM_TMP_Sender, tmpPlayer, 0);
toreDiplomacyEvent(PBEM_TMP_Sender, tmpPlayer, PBEM_TMP_Proposal, 1);
message(PBEM_TMP_Sender, 'PBEM_ProposalRejectedMSG');
trigger 'PBEM_ProposalAccepted' on "DipWizard.ViewButtons.AcceptButton" when (1) {
int_t ProposalType;
int_t tmpPlayer;
tmpPlayer = g.player;
ProposalType = GetLastNewProposalType(PBEM_TMP_Sender, tmpPlayer, 0);
StoreDiplomacyEvent(PBEM_TMP_Sender, tmpPlayer, PBEM_TMP_Proposal, 2);
message(PBEM_TMP_Sender, 'PBEM_ProposalRejectedMSG');
} |
All this codes tested and working (at least the trigger).
So it is possible to trigger codes and messages when pressing buttons and others UI componests.
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Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; October 2, 2002 at 23:13.
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