In an PBEM, I infiltrated another human player while we were Pacted. It behaved like one would expect, it asked first whether I wanted a probe action or to just continue; I did the probe action, selected infiltrate and gained the infiltration status (didn't lose my probe either

). As pactmates, I could already see all their stuff, but I could tell infiltration was successful because now their current builds were displayed on the map. A short time later, we unpacted and - surprise - I no longer had infiltration status

! What gives? I admit that it is a little unfair to infiltrate pactmates, but after all . . . . I had to reinfiltrate them (and lost the probe

while getting the second infiltration).
If this is standard behavior instead of a fluke of some kind, do you always lose infiltration when you unpact, even if you had originally gotten it the hard way - before you made the pact? If so, that's nasty business

On a related subject, can you tell if another human player has infiltrated you? If so, how?