Political Victory
Another form of victory could be based around your government type. For instance, if you are playing with Democracy as you government, victory would occur when all other nations become Democratic. The same would be for Communism. It seem the US as an agenda to change as many coutries to a form of Democracy as possible. Part of Communism is the fact that the world must be communist in order for it to function fully. I think this would be more interesting then a "bloodlust" victory.
New concepts would need to be implemented. For instance propaganda would be used to increase loyalty. Propaganda could also be used to instigate unrest in foriegn coutries. If the people of foriegn coutries could see the prosperity, happiness, etc. of a specific coutry, this would make them want that type of government.
Pressure to instigate a revolt could come from things like propaganda, trade embargos, happiness, prosperity, freedom, success at olympic games, etc. There could be hundreds of things to pick from.
Cites could possibly split off from there country and go to yours. There are endless possibilities. I think it would more interesting to attack a city in these ways, rather than weapons.
Looking for some thoughts - agree - disagree - expand