After playing a couple games, I like the idea of having to deal with both corruption and war weariness as a part of the game. Included here are some ideas for creating more game time options for dealing with corruption and war weariness.
Feedback desired:
- Would these additions enhance game playability?
- Do you see any unintended consequences of introducing these changes which would significantly change the strategy of game play for power players or empire building players?
A 3 level fix for-- corruption & war weariness
For newcomers to civ3, there are two major annoyances with civ3:
"Corruption" -- this means after ## number of cities, each city you create starts with at least a 20% increase in gold and shields that are lost to "corruption".
{Base number for corruption is based on settings in civ3bic file, which can be viewed through the editor before you start civ3}
"War weariness" -- this means your approval rating and the amount of happiness is reduced after ## of years of warfare by at least 20%. {You can get approval rating from F11 screen. Reduction in happiness means more cities in disorder with NO production at all.}
Level 1 Fix--Editor changes you can make by running editor program
Corruption: {check box "reduces corruption"}
Police Station
Comment: wouldn't have them if they didn't work.
Comment: if teaching morality, less corruption.
War Weariness: {check box "reduces war weariness"}
Comment: if teaching good and evil, then good wars don't create much war weariness. Checking this will not eliminate war weariness, even if you fill all your cities with catherals, but may reduce by 5-10%.
Level 2 Fix-- Here we need someone to create special units and directions on how to incorporate into game.
Code key: C{cost in shields} M{maintenance} S{shields generated} C{culture} H.all{happiness, all cities}{happiness this city} Crpt{Corruption reduced checked} WW {War Weariness checked}
City Improvements
Church - C=100, M=1, S=0, C=1, H.all=0,, Crpt=1, WW=1
Synagogue - C=140, M=1, S=0, C=0, H.all=0,, Crpt=1, WW=1
Mosque - C=140, M=1, S=0, C=1, H.all=0,, Crpt=1, WW=1
Prison - C=200, M=3, S=0, C=0, H.all=0, H.tx=0, Crpt=1, WW=0
Chaplain - C=100, M=0, ADM=0.0.2, Crpt=1, WW=1
Requires: Theology
Propaganda News Reporter - C=30, M=1, ADM=0.0.1, Crpt=0, WW=1
Requires: Education and Printing Press {or Democracy} and Radio
Politically Correct Informer - C=100, M=0, ADM=0.0.1, Crpt=0, WW=1
Requires: Education
Secret Police Informer - C=100, M=1, ADM=1.1.1, Crpt=0, WW=1
Requires: Espionage
These improvements and units would match current active corruption and war weariness adjustments. Ideally the Propaganda News Reporter should reduce WW by 10, ala, US propaganda effectiveness on unjust war in Bosnia, but a unit fix of this would require 10 units, each which reduce war weariness and have a cost of 1/10th unit cost. {ok just reduced cost of unit by 1/10.}
These changes should not effect game play too much as the player has to balance these units vs their initial costs and maintenance costs and other available resources. But if want to conduct a long war and are willing to take the cost and maintenance hits, it is now possible without taking an approval/happiness hit.
Level 3 Fix-- at this level we need a change in game design by firaxis or a mod creator.
Small Wonders
National Prisons - creates a prison in each city on continent
National Police Force {FBI} - doubles effect of prisons
Great Wonders
National Propaganda News Network - requires radio and reduces war weariness by 33%
City workers
Independent Thinker - increases war weariness by 1%. Requires Democracy and appears at random when new citizen is added, appearance probability: during normal times, 0.5%, during war years, 10%.