Actually, let's be honest here: most of the reviews CtP2 got weren't all *that* bad. I think overall, all reviews combined, it got something like 7 out of 10 (some gave it a 10, some a 4, but most a 6, 7 or 8). I clearly remember several reviewers actually praising CtP2's AI - that should tell you something about how much they play a game before writing their review

Of course, Civ3 is getting even better reviews, but it would be inaccurate to say that CtP2 got mostly bad ones...
That said, I figured out years ago that 95% of all reviewers don't have a f*cking clue about what they're talking about. When you consider whether or not to buy a certain game, reviews of Gamespot, ZDNet and the like are the
last thing you want to use as guide...
(instead play a demo, read reviews by people who atually know what they're talking about (in case of Civ people like Yin/Velocyrix/Markos/etc), visit forums, etc)