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Old February 12, 2002, 06:50   #271
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Old February 12, 2002, 06:50   #272
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Lib! Why hast thou forsaken us?
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Old February 12, 2002, 07:42   #273
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The only reason I can see for this thread being alive is that the board moderators have been involved in the slanging instead o reaching for the lock button.

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Old February 12, 2002, 07:45   #274
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Old February 12, 2002, 12:03   #275
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Re: Oh - here's another one with too much time
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

Because commentary and opinion stops at the individual, it's not something that a mass or group can decide. I stated several reason that I felt were why Firaxis as a proffesional company would behave in such a fasion. Again, it was my opinion and then someone came along (cough) Sir Ralph and corrected my opinion, shouldn't I defend myself?
Charles. (Chuck U)
Not with the "it's just my opinion" defense. You wrote: "But let's look at how this really unfolded..."

Repeating: "But let's look at how this really unfolded."

Not "IMO what happened." but rather "how this really unfolded."

That statement moved it out "this is just my humble opinion, no one is allowed to disagree" and into "I'm saying this is how the world is - if you disagree you are wrong."

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

Maybe you should read more carefully next time, instead of pretending to know what you're talking about.
Charles. (Chuck U)
I'd just like to say that when I insult someone I don't put a little "smily" after it. I think its slimey.

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
The only FACT that I would like to point out is that you're putting words in my mouth,
Charles. (Chuck U)
I explicitly stated that it was what I believed your words revealed about your acutal state of mind.

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
I guess I can offend people who have no idea what I'm talking about quite easily, it happens.
Charles. (Chuck U)
Guess what - you can even offend people who _do_ know what you're talking about!

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
But for the people (critics) who know what I'm talking about they've agreed with many of my views, hmm... I wonder why that is... could it be... I have a valid point?
Charles. (Chuck U)
Yeah, it could be. So? Can you admit that you might _not_ have a valid point?

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

Just because you don't like the way I sound, or how I express my views don't try so hard to look smart, it will only worsen you're attempt.

Charles. (Chuck U)
Are you a telepath? Maybe I'm just bloody brilliant, eh?

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
I'm not here to win a popularity contest, or to build a social life. I'm here to criticize and complain about a game that ruined (IMO) the Civilization Genre.
Charles. (Chuck U)
And is that _all_? You just want to vent? How about putting a little disclaimer at the beginning of your posts: "WARNING - VENTING. Ignore any statements that appear to be arguments, they are opinions or religious beliefs."

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

But you're not really writing about me, you're writing about you. Because you could care less what I do, or what I think - you're just expressing you're anger toward me in means to vent.
Charles. (Chuck U)
My GOD! You are a telepath! Or just wrong. ...... I'll have to vote "wrong."

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

about how much sense you make to me, but not for the lack of understanding that you're just here to bi+ch like me.
Charles. (Chuck U)
If I had known you were just here to "bi+ch" I probably would have just ignored you. Too late now.

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

>Actually I projected that I found his comments and views >meaningless to my overall state of mind - one person likes something, >the other does not - why argue about it?
Charles. (Chuck U)
You really don't know!?
And remember - you didn't start your Firaxis chonology with "This is just my opinion, I'm just bi+ching here." But instead with " it really unfolded."

Sorry, I'm not a telepath - I have to go by what your actually write.

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

So in other words anyone who expressed anger through complaints or even multiple complaints they're whining - regardless of age, stature, dedication etc. Sounds pretty lame to me.
Charles. (Chuck U)
Me too - but you said it not, me. You seem to keep overlooking words such as "excessive."
Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
"I'm not as educated as most - so I'll put this in a language I know how - people often use big words and textbook quotes so as to appear "intelligent" or lead the illusion that they are "more right" by using real life examples often in the news or in books
Charles. (Chuck U)
Look, either you brought it up because that's what you thought SR (or whoever looked up the words) was doing, or it was irrelevent. Which? Was it an accusation, or just a random thought? Were you being insulting, or stupid? I'll leave the choice to you.

Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
>- I say the material you find in books should be left there, because that's >the opinion of the author with the rare occasional "true story".
Charles. (Chuck U)
Is there a mouth haning open in shock smilie? You really _don't_ know the differences between "opinion", "taste", "fact", and "speculation", do you? Or how to weigh various levels of certainty. Ignore list time. Sorry to have taken up your time.

Last edited by Tarquelne; February 12, 2002 at 12:16.
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Old February 12, 2002, 14:16   #276
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Geeesh. That was unfortunate timing wasn't it?

Good to see you though Lib.

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