well these problems are beyound my means....i am taking the puter in to the techies again this week (monday) where by which they guarrantee my happiness with the results
The only catch is i don't know when i will be up and running again..it could take most of the week...thus making me likely as a no show for anything before next saturday....
BTW.... the game conked out on my friday just as i was getting on a roll....but icq was still up.... i could receive Rah's message but couldn't respond....then all things shut down
i got her up last night for a brief second before she collapsed again..... i am not sure why........i seem to be up right now.... but i think i may just shut her down until she has all her files back in her again...
hope everyone had fun without me......
if anyone has an extra 700$ for a new chip/motherboard/ and ram, please send it to me via email