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February 7, 2002, 12:56
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Bicentenary of the German Communist Republic
Dr. Hakamut, Head of the History Department at Samarra University and member of the Politburo is giving a speech at the bicentenary celebrations of the founding of the German Communist Republic, in the Party Palace in Berlin
15 October 1600
"Dear Comrades, Chairman! It is a great honour for me to speak to you tonight at this historic occasion.
Exactly 200 years ago, the revolutionary forces led by Comrade Steiner, of whom our Party Chairman, Comrade Mark Bis is a direct descendant, finally defeated the last of the royal vassals and proclaimed the German Communist Republic.
The struggle for Communism was a long one. Everything started in the year 1370 when the last of the Great Kings of Germany, Friedrich-Bismarck XXVI had died. During his extraordinarily long, 105 year reign, Germany was in what is described by party scholars as a "Golden Age"- an unexplained phenomenon when the productivity of German labourers increased dramatically, amid great happiness of the population, fast technological advancement and cultural development. The Golden Age began in the 1270, when the young King was just 6 years old, but had already "ruled" for 5 years (in fact his uncle, who died 10 years later had the real power). The beginning of the Golden Age coincided with the end of the 1000 Years War against Babylon, which is where the Central District of the Republic now is. I will not go into the details of the 1000 Years War (except that it didn't really last 1000 years!).
Well, OK, I strayed off-course a bit. So when Friedrich-Bismark died, aged 106, nicknamed the Immortal King, the German people hoped that his great-great-grandson, the young Prince Basil would prove to be a worthy successor. However, that was not the case. The young King turned out to be lazy and extremely cruel, spending most of his time either with women of a certain sort or torturing innocent people. At first the people thought that he still hadn't realised that he is the king of the mighty Germany and will change.
But, a year passed and there was no change in his behaviour. What's more, under his reign the cultural, economic and scientific development had been stalled. Corruption became rampant. Soon people came out into the streets demanding him to step down. These demonstrations were brutally suppressed by the Royal Riflemen. Repression of workers by the rich factory owners became very severe, and any slight misconduct by the workers was made punishable by death.
A group of students at Hamburg University realised that this was time for action. Thomas Steiner, a second-year philosophy student at that university, discovered a book in the restricted section of the library published almost 70 years by somebody called Karl Marx, called the Communist Manifesto. It looked as if nobody had ever read this book. It contained ideas on a utopian society where everyone would be equal and the working class would take control of the country. So he has shown the book to his friends and decided that they are going to work on a plan on how to implement these ideas and bring down the hateful regime of Basil the Cruel, as he had become known to the people of Germany. This group of students called themselves the Communist Party, and Steiner became their leader.
Father of one of these students was quite an influencial figure in the Foreign Ministry, and he revealed to the young Communists that 70 years ago only five copies of Marx's book were published. At the time, his ideas were considered to be complete nonsense, and so 1 copy was sent to the University of Hamburg, one copy went to the Royal Library in Berlin, and the other 3 copies were sold for a very high price abroad, namely to China, Russia and Egypt. In early 1300's Egypt experienced many difficulties, so the Communist ideas fell on a fertile ground there, and a Communist revolution took place, and indeed, Egypt is the only Communist country in the world.
The young students did not know that, since Egypt was considered to be a very suspicious country by the government, and any references to it were of the kind 'evil regime', 'mad government' and similar things. So they thought,if a revolution was successful in one country, it will be successful here.
The preparation for revolution was in full gear - party activists visited factories, mines, labour brigades all around the country, mobilising support of the people. Some military units were also persuaded to join the Communist cause. The date for the decisive coordination action was originally set for 15 February 1376, but one event changed the plans.
In September 1375, rumours spread through the population that the Persian Trade Representative tore up an agreement with Germany concerning coal shipments, after the German side refused to pay for coal at an increased rate. At that time it must be said, Germany had no coal supplies of its own, since the Great Coal Road to the Southern Jungles was not completed yet. By the end of September, the remaining coal was used up and so the German Railways stopped still. Tens of thousands of railway workers marched on Berlin demanding coal. However, they were fired upon by Royal Cavalry units. This set off an avalanche...
Cities went into civil disorder, city governors were lynched in the Market Squares. The King escaped from Berlin as the Governor of Berlin was ripped apart by the crowds.
News of a terrible defeat of the German Army outside Cambridge intesified the chaos even further. People deserted cities amid unfounded rumours that the English have crossed the German Channel (it was actually called the English Channel at the time) and are marching on Samarra, the second capital. The defeat at Cambridge caused mutinities in the army - nobody wanted to be thrown at fortified enemy positions without any artillery support.
For Steiner, and his comrades, this was a perfect time to act. His friend, nicknamed Coba, went to the Eastern Front and urged the soldiers in the trenches of England to give up loyalty to the King and pledge alligiance to the Communist Party. Thousands of soldiers took the oath of allegiance to the Party, and briefly chaos reigned on the front lines as the incompetent royalist generals and officers were butchered by the soldiers. However the situation was soon brought under control as party commisars were set up in the army. The morale received a big boost when all the traitors and deserters were shot, and the offensive campaign of 1380 was more successful and indeed, Cambridge was razed that year.
Not all of Germany's population welcomed the revolution. Civil disorders continued and royal supporters resisted to change.
It took until autumn 1400 to stabilise the situation in the country. In August of that year King Basil was finally captured by revolutionary forces, and on 15 October 1400, in this very room of what was then known as the Royal Palace, the new Communist Republic was proclaimed by Comrade Steiner! In week's time the former King was executed by firing squad, convicted of multiple counts of murder, rape, torture, treachery by the newly-formed People's Court.
Now there will be a short break, but in the second half of this talk, I will tell of the glorious achievements of the communist goverment in the last 200 years.
Last edited by sgrig; February 7, 2002 at 15:13.
February 7, 2002, 15:14
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
"Welcome back! The last 200 years were easily the most eventful ever in German history. When Germany recovered from Anarchy, it was discovered that China and Russia also switched to Communism! So in order the squash the Anglo-American capitalist alliance, the four Communist states - Germany, China, Russia and Egypt allied themselves against a common threat. This ensuing conflict was what we now know as World War I.
The German Army successfully battled the English, while Russia and Egypt were engaging America, and China was massing hordes of Riders on English southern border.
The news from the American front encouraged our soldiers as every now and then messages came that Allied troops captured some American cities. Although successful, the war went along rather slowly, with our forces advancing through central England, Egypt conquering huge chunks of southern USA and Russia taking out bits of northern USA.
As the war drew nearer and nearer to the end, German strategists pointed out to the Party that Egypt is becoming a superpower! In this war they conquered most of the USA and eastern parts of England and are now close behind Germany in power. The Party Chairman did not take this seriously at first, but when an espionage network was finally set up in Egypt, he changed his mind, as from intelligence reports it was clear that Egypt had great potential.
Although World War I lasted for 95 years, this did not stop Germany's development. In this period Germany became the world's richest and most advanced nation in the world. More than 50% of the annual budget was from trade with other countries. The German military was the most powerful in the world - constantly upgrading and innovating. The German people were the happiest in the world - with approval ratings reaching 94%. Even though conscription is allowed under the constitution, it was rarely used because German generals prefer a compact, but well-trained army, rather than swarms of poorly-trained conscripts.
As soon as the war ended, with complete annhilation of England and America, the German Government has learned that the Communist regime in Egypt has been overthrown.
As soon as that was learnt, German ambassadors around the world were instructed to invite governments to impose sanctions on Egypt or declare war on them. While some governments were willing to help, others had to be given financial aid as a stimulus to join the alliance.
So this is how the conflict which finished 6 months ago began, and which has been labelled as World War 2.
The start of the war was marked by rapid advance of German cavalry through Egyptian sector in England, where the cities were mostly def..."
The speaker stopped when the door in the chamber suddenly flew open and a short man with a very pale face rushed inside and headed towards the Party Chaiman, Mark Bis. Bis got up and walked towards the man who went out of breath and was hurriedly trying to whisper something to the Chairman. Mark Bis replied something and the short man ran out again, and Bis went onto the tribute, took the microphone from Dr Hakamut and announced:
"Comrades, it seems that history does repeat itself sometimes. I just got word that Russian forces crossed the line of control in Egyptian territories, after the German ambassador in Moscow rejected outrageous demands by Comrade Catherine. War is upon us again! However our faithful allies China and Japan have shown their support for us and declared war on Russia. Our troops which were heading home after heroically finishing the war in Egypt have been ordered to turn around and meet the Russian threat. No panic please, but I declare the celebrations to be over for the moment. Or rather postponed until next year, when we will celebrate in Moscow! The enemy will be destroyed! Our ambassadors are at this moment persuading friendly governments to boycott the agressors. Russia will suffer the same fate as Egypt and the Anglo-American alliance before them. The German Communist republic will prevail against evil and justice will be restored. I won't stop at any measure to defeat Russia - strategists have been ordered to look into the possibility of full-scale mobilisation. This was unprovoked (to some extent) agression and we won't stop until there is single enemy city still standing or an enemy soldier still breathing. The evil empire will be engulfed in flames and they will beg for mercy... But no, we will never negotiate with them - they WILL be destroyed, that's the only historical outcome possible. Now, comrades, I suggest everyone to go back to work. Thank you, Comrades."
And then he left. Amid rumours spreading that Pi-Ramesses and Giza have fallen and Innsbruck blocked by superior Russian forces...
February 7, 2002, 15:16
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 132
February 7, 2002, 18:31
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Great story! I can't wait for you to write on the Russian war ^^.
February 8, 2002, 17:35
Local Time: 15:18
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Location: of NH, Terra, Sol System
Posts: 64
Good job on this. I also can't wait to hear about the German Comrades decimating the evil forces of the infidel Russians!!!!!
"I don't have a personality conflict - I get along with all of myselves."
February 9, 2002, 11:48
Local Time: 20:18
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To: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Berlin
From: General Hengest, Army Group East HQ outside Kharkov
Operations Update
Our forces are now within striking distance of both Moscow and Odessa. In heavy fighting our forces destroyed the cities of Yakutsk and Murmansk, losing only one Panzer division, vs numerous Russian infantry divisions. We are now standing still at Kharkov awaiting orders on whether to strike at Moscow or Odessa. This decision must not be delayed, as anti-German feeling are brewing amongst the local population here in Kharkov. Our soldiers are afraid to leave the barracks in groups smaller than 20, because of frequent attacks by local resistance group. I am obliged to inform that unless we get the decisive order soon enough, our mighty forces may disintegrate under constant attacks from the population and Kharkov might turn back to Russia. Of course, it is the decision of Comrade Bis on the direction of our next strike, but in my opinion a strike against Odessa would be strategically more important, as capture or destruction of Odessa would cut Russia in two parts, cutting off the North-Eastern subcontinent with a population of almost 7 million from Russia's heartland. Also Odessa is a major Russian industrial centre and has a population of 1.3 million which is twice as large as Moscow.
I am very dissatisfied with the work of the intelligence agency - when Operation Barbarossa's Revenge began we have been informed that Russia has a mighty army, with dozens of Cossack divisions, more than 70 infantry divisions and a mighty artillery. However, that report was not updated after the Russian invasion force was destroyed in the Innsbruck Forest some time ago. Also, according to PoW's which we interrogated, Russia has no saltpeter, so the Cossack units are not trained anymore. Instead the medieval Knight has been revived by Russians! They call these units 'Light Armoured Cavalry' or 'Cuirassiers' to lead our soldiers into misunderstanding, but in fact it turns out that these units are not much better than the German forces which fought in the early stages of the Babylonian war 800 years ago! Also, according to our PoW, Russia has no technology to build what they called 'steel beasts' ie Panzers.
The intelligence agency also predicted a massive Russian counterattack which never came! Our soldiers dug in their APCs into the ground in anticipation of a Russian counteroffensive, but instead they saw a column of allied Aztec Longbowmen marching towards the Russian frontline!
Russian military attaches great importance to defense of cities. Forced conscription is very widespread. In fact we encountered very few infantry units which could put up any professional resistance. It seems that the bulk of Russian forces are poorly trained conscripts, who are thrown at our panzers in great numbers, but of course without much success.
I hope I will get orders for further actions as soon as possible,
February 9, 2002, 12:02
Local Time: 20:18
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To: General Hengest, Army Group East
From: OKW
Directive No. 233
Code name: Operation Blue Lion
The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht, Comrade Mark Bis, orders you, General Ralf Hengest to advance towards Odessa, razing the city to the ground. The south-eastern flank of Army Group East is ordered to advance towards Novgorod and Krasnoyarsk. After destruction of Odessa, the bulk of your forces should be directed towards Moscow, where they will be met by the newly-formed Panzer Group A, commanded by General Wolf. Moscow is to be razed. Population of the razed cities is to be escorted to labour camps in Germany. Report when operation complete.
The Commander-in-Chief expresses his gratitude to you in pointing out the disinformation provided by the intelligence agency. For your information, the head of intellingence agency has been found guilty of being a Russian spy and was executed for treason.
Last edited by sgrig; February 9, 2002 at 17:19.
February 9, 2002, 12:07
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Disclaimer: I am sorry if anyone finds mercyless razing of Russian cities by Germans to be offensive. I am Russian myself, and I am fully aware that this looks very similar to German invasion of Russia in WW2. It's only a game, so don't take it seriously.
February 9, 2002, 13:32
Local Time: 15:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of NH, Terra, Sol System
Posts: 64
WOW! Raze Odessa AND Moscow! Must be some longstanding bitterness between Germany and Russia in this game eh? Great continuation and battle reports,  keep the stories coming!
"I don't have a personality conflict - I get along with all of myselves."
February 9, 2002, 14:12
Local Time: 20:18
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
To: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Berlin
From: General Hengest, Army Group East HQ
Operations Update
I am pleased to inform that Operation Blue Lion has been completed successfully by the forces of Army Group East. The result is that Odessa and Moscow have been destroyed, Novgorod and Krasnoyarsk secured by our forces.
Odessa has been fiercely defended by Russian troops, as a result of which 27th Panzer Division has been completely lost, and 12th Panzer Division retreated after suffering heavy losses. The city was however captured and then destroyed by the 16th Panzer Division, which I took the liberty of promoting to Elite status. Out of the captured population 7 labour brigades were formed which are now being sent by rail to Kapstadt from where they will be transported to Germany by ferry.
Novgorod has been captured without major casualties. The 13th Panzer Division was first to attack the enemy positions in the city and drew most of the defenders' firepower upon it, and thus had to retreat.
The Krasnoyarsk Operation was completed by 1st Cavalry Army, 3rd Armoured Infantry Army, 95th and 116th Armoured Infantry Divisions, and the 28th Panzer Division, with the support of three bomber regiments which were deployed to Novgorod just before the beginning of the operation. It must be said that due to an unfortunate incident of miscommunication between the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe (possibly work of Russian saboteurs), the Luftwaffe air raid came after the first Panzer assault on the city, causing unjustified casualties, and thus the retreat of the 28th Panzer Division, after it lost more than 60% of its personnel. However thanks to heroic efforts of all of the units involved in the assault, the city was finally secured.
The final battle of this major operation was, of course the Battle of Moscow.
A week before the final assault, 6 Panzer Divisions and two cavalry divisions were positioned in the hills around Moscow, closely guarded by two Armoured Infantry divisions.
Army intelligence reports revealed that Moscow is protected by 5 Infantry Divisions, 2 'Cuirassier' brigades (although both at about half-strength) and 1 Longbowman unit (I am not sure what they were there for: maybe they were taking part in the reenactment of some ancient battle to raise the patriotic spirit of Muscovites?). It was also reported that two of the Infantry divisions are apparently quite well trained.
Indeed, the enemy put up a strong resistance: first two waves of our attacks were unsuccessful, and we had to retreat. In the third wave, after a fierce 36-hour battle, our whole 7th Elite Panzer Division was destoroyed. But by then the main Russian fighting force has been worn down, so following attacks were very successful, and by the end of the week, the 4th Cavalry Division entered the city, looting and burning it as ordered by the High Command. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been captured by our troops, clogging up the railways as they are being transported to Kapstadt. Unfortunately, Comrade Catherine and most of her government and party officials escaped to Smolensk, a large industrial city 1600 km North-West of Moscow, behind the Ural Mountains.
I look forward to receiving orders on where to proceed now.
February 9, 2002, 14:36
Local Time: 20:18
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To: General Hengest, Army Group East
From: OKW
Congratulations! By the order of Comrade Mark Bis, you have been promoted to the high rank of Fieldmarshal!
Our strategists are still working on plan of what the next major operation is going to be. In the mean time, you are ordered to capture Minsk. The supreme commander means capture and hold it, do not destroy it. Minsk contains a major scientific and cultural site called Copernicus' Observatory, which should be spared at all costs.
You are also ordered to transfer three Panzer divisions to Army Group West, the war effort of which has stalled due to lack of Panzer units.
Report of progress as soon as possible.
Last edited by sgrig; February 9, 2002 at 17:18.
February 9, 2002, 15:19
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Exclusive interview with Comrade Mark Bis, by Mustapha Shah for Persepolis Post, 10 days after the destruction of Moscow
MS: Mr Bis, it is a great pleasure for me to interview the leader of one of the world's greatest nations.
MB: Thank you.
MS: Persia, and other civilised nations are becoming quite alarmed at the brutality of the war in Russia. In Southern press there have been recently reports of the atrocities committed by German forces in Russia, especially in Moscow and Odessa. How can you justify fully destroying two such large cities?
MB: The South, as always, misinterprets the actions of the glorious Wehrmacht. In fact there was no order issued to raze these two cities. The Russians set fire to both cities themselves when the German troops entered. Of course for German troops it was more important to seek out remnants of Russian bandit forces hiding in the city rather than battling the fires. By the time, all of the bandits were eliminated, the cities could not be saved anymore.
MS: Well, according to our sources, there has been a secret directive No. 233 in which you personally ordered Army Group East to raze Moscow and Odessa.
MB: Lies! I even refuse to comment any further at such accusations blatantly fabricated by the Russian Intellingence Agency!
MS: I am sorry, I did not mean to offend you, Mr Chairman. What are in your opinion the main objectives in this war? There has been concern in the Southern press that Germany is conducting this war merely to expand its borders and tighten its grip on the Northern Hemisphere. Persian press is quite alarmed at Germany's expansionist policies, and is calling for our President to double the military budget and act as the defender of the free Southern world.
MB: Well, I am very much upset that Persian press is dominated by such outrageous accusations. I hope that your colleagues still remember that this war was caused by Russian unprovoked aggression upon German sovereign territory. Also Russia wasn't some neutral country - its agression came just months after German and Russian armies together successfully defeated Egypt in a major war. Russia violated about half-a-dozen agreements with the German government, including a rights-of-passage treaty, which theoretically would still be in effect for another 50 years. So Germany is simply punishing an irresponsible and aggressive member of the international community. And as for the expansionist policies, I wonder why Persia is building two new Aircraft Carriers, in addition to existing three and why Persian settlers together with armed escorts are currently found all over the world? Why is Persia's air force 15 times larger than the German Luftwaffe?
MS: Hmm, but there have been reports in Persian and Roman press that actually Russian aggression wasn't completely unprovok...
MB: What?!
MS: Well, yes, there were reports that the German ambassador demanded Russia to hand over two or even more cities recently captured from Egypt. Russia handed over 1 city, but refused to give any more. Germany threatened military action if Russia does not hand over Los Angeles and then ...
MB: Ok, enough is enough! I refuse to talk to a journalist who is clearly paid by Russian intelligence services and is here to spy on me. Guards!
Editor's note: Only direct intervention by President Xerxes saved Mr Shah from German prison. Luckily however, the interview was sent via a wireless transmitter directly to Persepolis Post's office in the Persian embassy in Berlin, so we are able to publish this exclusive material today.
Last edited by sgrig; February 9, 2002 at 17:08.
February 9, 2002, 17:09
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
To: OKW, Berlin
From: General Richtoffen, Army Group West HQ
Operations report
Due to lack of roads and railroads, our offensive is going very slowly. Operation to take Denver, has failed because reinforcements could not arrive on time. A panzer division en route to Denver was held up near New York when a Russian 'Cuirassier' brigade nearly captured New York from the Chinese. The commander of that division decided that Chinese lifes are more important than three German divisions trapped near Denver and engaged in battle, saving the Chinese cavalry division in New York from destruction.
Our main forces, together with the new Panzer divisions transferred from Army Group East, are now focusing on Rostov. Actually the initial objective was Detroit, but a very large Chinese army took the city and destroyed it before we could mass troops in the region. Now we are racing the Chinese towards Rostov.
Currently our casualties are relatively light on the eastern flank, but unease grows among the troops as we are preparing to take a well-fortified large city without any air or artillery support. I fear our casualties may rise.
I ask the high command to provide at least some air support for the operations of Army Group West.
Last edited by sgrig; February 9, 2002 at 17:17.
February 10, 2002, 02:39
Local Time: 15:18
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Location: of NH, Terra, Sol System
Posts: 64
What I want to know is.... Is Mr. Shah truly a Russian spy? Was that the reason Xerxes intervened? I cannot believe his treasonous words during the interview.
 Keep up the great storyline. Your readers want more!!!
"I don't have a personality conflict - I get along with all of myselves."
February 10, 2002, 10:09
Local Time: 20:18
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Coinich, don't forget that Comrade Bis is the leader of a repressive Communist regime and Mr Shah is a journalist in democratic country.
February 10, 2002, 10:39
Local Time: 20:18
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Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
To: OKW, Berlin
From: General Richtoffen, Army Group West HQ
Operations update
We were misled by Russian disinformation. It turned out that Rostov was very weakly defended. Without any casualties on our side a Russian Infantry division was destroyed. Then my men were shocked to see that the Russians armed thousands of boys with pointed sticks and let them defend the city! I decided not to waste shells on them and thus sent a cavalry division, hoping that these kids might surrender at the sight of our fully armed cavalry. But to my great horror, the cavalry division soon retreated after losing thousands of men.
So then I sent in a panzer division which quickly dispersed the 'spearmen'. Overall very few forces were used up in the attack on Rostov, so I sent my panzers to the east, razing Kiev and thus cutting off Russia from their only supply of horses.
In the battle for Kiev I lost one panzer division.
The situation around Denver is still complicated. The city is now fully blocked from land by our forces, and I hope will surrender soon.
I am very dissatisfied with Kriegmarine operations around Denver. Although we can that some ships are bombarding the city, but it does not seem that it affects the city defenders in any way.
My forces are now within striking distance of Vladivostok which contains Russia's only source of iron and one of their sources of rubber. I ask permission to continue the advance on Vladivostok.
February 10, 2002, 10:40
Local Time: 20:18
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To: OKW, Berlin
From: Fieldmarshal Hengest, Army Group East HQ
Operations update
Mission accomplished. Minsk secured by 124th Armoured Infantry. Uralsk blocked by my Panzer divisions and the 1st Cavalry Army.
February 10, 2002, 10:43
Local Time: 20:18
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Disclosure of the contents of this message is punishable by death
To: Fieldmarshal Hengest, Army Group East HQ
Cc: General Richtoffen, Army Group West HQ
From: OKW, Berlin
Secret directive No. 412
Code name: Operation Northern Typhoon
Read this directive carefully.
According to our strategists, Russia is now on its knees. No better time to finish them off.
Fieldmarshal Hengest is ordered to complete conquest of Eastern Russia, while General Richtoffen is ordered to complete the conquest of Western Russia.
We realise that it is very difficult to keep captured cities from revolting, so we order you to raze most of the cities, keeping only those which are of special industrial, cultural, scientific or strategic value. Special volunteer units are being trained in Germany to build up new cities with a loyal population on the sites of the old Russian ones. This is a measure to keep down foreign criticisms.
Chairman Mark Bis wishes you luck Comrades!
February 12, 2002, 10:50
Local Time: 20:18
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Posts: 132
0300 Berlin Time, 12th June 1684, Berlin, Germany
Four million inhabitants of Berlin were mostly asleep by now, tired after celebrating victory in the Russian war. Flags, banners, demonstrations, music,speeches, columns of victorious troops returning home, followed by columns of Russian POWs all blended into one dream-like experience for most of Berlin's population.
Three of the few people not be asleep that night were officers at a radar site outside Berlin. They've never seen any foreign aircraft being tracked by their radars, so this night especially, they were very relaxed, playing poker and discussing recent football results.
Klaus briefly glanced at the radar display when he put out his cigarette by pressing it against the screen.
"Scheisse! What the hell is that!" he yelled pointing at an object on the radar screen, which was nearing rapidly.
Just as he finished his phrase, a brilliant flash of light blinded the three men, followed shortly by a deafening roar...
A huge fireball expanded over Berlin, producing a massive blast wave which leveled skyscrapers, houses, factories, bridges within seconds. A huge mushroom cloud formed over Berlin, or rather what was left of it...
0420 Berlin Time, 12th June 1684, GCP hunting village, 1500km north of Berlin
"Comrade, wake up, wake up! Urgent news!" - shouted an attendant, while trying to wake up Peter Bis, the current GCP Chairman.
"What is it? It must be still very late! Wait until the morning!" - mumbled Peter thorugh sleep.
"Horrible news... Berlin struck by a nuclear ICBM." - quitely said the attendant.
"You must be joking! This is not a very funny joke, by the way." - angrily replied Peter.
"I am afraid comrade, this is the truth" - sadly said the attendant.
0450 Berlin time, 12th June 1684
Peter Bis was now fully dressed in his uniform and was walking up and down the room past a row of his advisors.
"Foreign Minister,Comrade Frank Heine, situation report." - he quickly shouted.
"I was telling you comrade, that five days ago Persia declared war on us, and together with it the whole of the Southern Alliance. You refused to believe me. " Frank said quitely.
"This is not the time to say 'I was right and you were wrong". I meant do we have any allies left?"
"China and Japan came to our aid and declared war on Persia yesterday. I think that was the reason behind the treachorous nuclear strike by Persia."
"Ok, enough said, now Comrade Heike Schiller, Domestic Affairs Advisor, what is the situation in Berlin?"
"Very bad. By an optimistic count at least two million people have perished, hundreds of thousands more badly injured. Aid cannot get into the city because all transport links have been cut around Berlin. Our aid workers are short of anti-radiation suits and are afraid to go into Ground Zero without protection against the radiation. Survivors of the blast who are streaming out of Berlin are telling horrific stories what is going on there right now. Many people are using the chaos as a means to to everything which they would never had done before - lootings, murders, rapes are happening around the parts of the city which have not been levelled by the explosion. These people know that they are going to die anyway so they reckon they haven't got anything to lose..." At this point, Heike almost broke down in tears, but controlled herself and stopped.
"I understand. Defense Minister,Comrade Kurt Bock, your report now."
"We were hit by Persia's new secret weapon - the IM-2 "Wrath of Gods" intercontinental ballistic missile, armed with a single 20 megaton warhead. Our intelligence services reckon that the Persians have at least 2 more such weapons, plus a number of limited range tactical missiles... I fear there is more to come." The defense minister shivered as he spoke this.
"I wish to know how we can retaliate at this moment, Comrade!" Angrily exclaimed Peter.
"I am sorry, Comrade Bis, there is no way in which we can currently strike at Persia. We have a very small fleet and even that would take ages to reach Persia on the other side of the globe. Our ground troops are still positioned in Russia and getting into Persia would require our troops to move through Aztec territories, Northern Greece, somehow cross the Greek channel, then move through the whole of Greece, which will probably ally itself with Persia, and only then we would be able to attack Persia. There is no way in which this could be done...."
"Professor Godel, what are your estimates of when we will be able to build ICBMs?" asked Bis, interrupting the defense minister.
"Umm, well, at current rates of funding, we will have ICBMs in roughly 20 years' time..." muttered the Science Advisor.
"Comrade Godel, you know perfectly well that 100% of budget is devoted to science!" cried out Heike.
"Comrade Heine, is there any way do you think we could persuade President Alexander of Greece to declared war on Persia?" asked Bis.
"Well, Comrade Bis, we tried, but President Alexander is demanding 10 billion DM, plus transfer of semiconductor technology, spaceflight technology and wine deliveries for the next 100 years! Our diplomats flatly refused such extortionist demands!"
"Ok, looks like he is no friend o.." started Bis, but suddenly the door flew open and a secretary ran into the room, holding a piece of paper.
"Comrade, Comrade! Hamburg hit, Persian marines disembarking outside Heidelburg, Munchen bombarded by Persian battleships... Greece declares war on us... Our battleship KMS Bismarck sunk outside the port of Heidelburg... Persian tanks land outside El-Ashmunein... Krasnoyarsk bombarded by a Persian Armada, with a heavy loss of life..." The secretary almost fainted after spurting out all of this.
"What do you mean Hamburg hit??" Shouted Bis
"A Nuclear strike. SUbmarine-launched nuclear missile."
"COmrade Heine. Order you diplomats to contact President Xerxes and beg for peace. We surrender unconditionally." Just as he said that, Bis took out his gun, pressed it against the side of his head and pulled the trigger...
February 12, 2002, 14:18
Local Time: 15:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
wow. that was really unexpected. did the game end there? or is there a successor?
February 12, 2002, 16:59
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
The real ending of the game was that I accidentally saved over the game file and somehow the autosaves also disappeared !  So I had to make up an ending, which does seem realistic to me. The Persians have recently gone quite far in the tech race, so they would have ICBM's soon. They had an extremely efficient and productive empire - imagine they only had 40 cities, I had 130, but their army was about same size as mine, their fleet about 20 times bigger and their air force about 10 times larger!!
They also hated me, although we were still allies against Russia at the time I lost the game file. In that game allies always turned against me when the war was over so I thought that this time it wouldn't be any different!
I really would've loved the play the game futher, but alas!
Actually the reason I lost the file was because I was testing the possibility of a bomber with an ICBM flag on a tiny map test game, and at point I saved over my German game!  So now I only had a savefile of the game from 900 BC! Very annoying! And expecially that ICBM flagged bomber didn't work!!
February 12, 2002, 18:46
Local Time: 15:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: of NH, Terra, Sol System
Posts: 64
Regardless of the save game situation, your storywriting is fabulous. I was enthralled and can't wait for another story (during a different game I would presume). Keep up the great storytelling!
"I don't have a personality conflict - I get along with all of myselves."
February 12, 2002, 21:55
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Thanks, Coinich!  I currently started a new Russian game on Monarch  , so if that turns out to be interesting I'll certainly post another story!
Hopeful this current game will be a bit longer than my first game on Monarch! I got slaughtered by 400 BC!
February 12, 2002, 23:02
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: The College of New Jersey
Posts: 1,098
Wow, I really liked that story. I actually thought that last situation had really happened. I was about to give the AI a lot more credit for planning out such a complex attack...  oh well. I hope to read your next story soon.
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).
I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...
February 13, 2002, 01:35
Local Time: 14:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
Nice story... My games usually don't end up with that though. Usually, I take as much land as I can, and then some even more, and wipe everybody off my continent.
I backstab alot, as you can see
February 13, 2002, 21:32
Local Time: 11:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Alaska
Posts: 434
This is exellent. Keep writing, you have a talent for it.
PS:Our words are backed with Nuclear Weapons
If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....
February 13, 2002, 22:58
Local Time: 14:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: OK
Posts: 596
I like the story because it doesn't end with "how I conquered the world". A downbeat story  is nice for a change, in a gloomy sort of way.
February 14, 2002, 00:55
Local Time: 14:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
I dunno, you can easily change that by just making a story on how your conquered foes submitted to you... But that could be a bit interesting since you usually don't know all their turns til the last 5 or so until the enemy empire is crushed.
February 14, 2002, 21:25
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Isaac Newton's College
Posts: 132
Thanks for the comments everyone!!
As soon as there will be some interesting moments in my new game, I'll post a new story!
February 14, 2002, 22:15
Local Time: 14:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
LOL, one of my interesting moments was when I conquered the Chinese Capital with my only Warrior Unit
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