"Why can't you airlift workers and/or settlers? (logic please) "
Realism: The settlers/workers represent lots and lots and lots of people and/or lots of heavy, awkward and relatively fragile equipment.
Play: By not allowing you to airlift settlers and workers you have far more difficulty moving population to isolated spots, and setting up new cities in those isolated places. We can already teleport 1 military unit per other airport to an airport city - I think it's good that we have to go to the trouble of sea/land movement to get those workers and settlers Over There.
"I understand it can be abused with a multitude of say, Democratic+Replacable Parts American workers, but they are still costing $$$)"
How much money? IIRC, it required 7 workers to plant and clear a forest square in 1 turn. That's 7 bucks for 10 shields - an excellent deal.
Pretend the next sentence is all in BOLD: And that assumes the workers aren't captured.
Captured workers don't require any $$ for upkeep.
"* stacked moves "
Well, duh.
"and mass upgrades "
Do you know that SHIFT-U allows you to upgrade all eligable units of the selected type?
"* fortified units stay so after upgrades"
No argument there.
"* prioritize workers/settlers until after units build/science/etc... "
What do you mean?
" Alphabetize the City List from CTRL-SHIFT-G (pleaseeeee) "
That'd be nice.
"* a wee bit less corruption under Communism (damn, I miss fundamentalism) "
You can add Fundamentalism... but you don't have very many ways to differentiate it from the other govs.
I think it'd be good if they allowed the editor to adjust the overall level of corruption.
"* automated pollution cleanup for workers "
You know that SHIFT-P is automated cleanup? And that SHIFT-A workers have cleanup as a high prioroty?
You know the problem with both the above options? (Its that, post-patch, only 2 automated workers will clean up a square. You can assign more workers manual. IIRC, a Firaxis person said it was a bug.
"Oh yeah, the first patch is a very good example of that lack of attention to detail. "
I really hope the Air Superiority bug due to a lack of time, not because they missed it.