February 8, 2002, 15:22
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Lets Create A Story
Lets create a story. I'll begin by starting it off with a few words and I'd like each of you to write a post that adds a little bit to the story. Just come up with something and post it and the next person will do the same. Lets see what we create.
They were a band of roaming nomads. For centuries they wandered aimlessley without any form of permanate settlement. They spent their lives searching for food and water and once the local resources had been depleted, they migrated on to a new untamed wilderness where they would continue their way of life as they had done for so many generations before, always roaming, always searching.........
"Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do."
February 8, 2002, 17:30
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Over time, the nomadic bands found there were many fertile grasslands. The nomads had also discovered ways to till the soil and more than double a season's grain output. Additionally, some discovered they had skill at building wide pathways (known as roads) to more easily move grain and other products around their large campsites. The wanderlust gone, from years of leading a nomadic lifestyle, the elders of the group decided to settle the fertile grasslands permanently. This weary group of nomads founded the village of Rome. They chose a leader from within their ranks... and gave him complete authority over the villagers. His name was Ceasar.
"I don't have a personality conflict - I get along with all of myselves."
February 9, 2002, 01:33
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Caesar's first order of business was consolidating his rule against the minority of dissidents. Forming a loyal cadre of warriors and with the assent of the elders, he had every male of age undergo a ritual of allegiance to him. To make this more palatable, the oath was given towards the spirit of the tribe - which he, of course, was imbued with. Thus, the nomadic tribe became the Roman people. Anyone refusing this oath was immediately cast out from society. If they ever returned, they would be treated as the Romans had treated their rival tribes. Split from nave to chops! And Caesar's personal honour guard, in between sporadic raids on enemy tribes, became very well versed in this particular art. Caesar was quite pleased... except for those nagging doubts about his right-hand man Naldo's loyalty. Especially as Naldo was the head of the guard.
February 9, 2002, 15:51
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Naldo was a great warrior and had always been quite loyal to Ceasar, but he had become tired of Ceasar's rule, which was becoming more and more brutal and dispotic. 20% of all crops were to be sent directly to him as taxes and those who refused ... were executed on the market place. The elders had lost all power and Ceasar ruled all and everything! Naldo had sent out a patrol to explore the land beyond the Great Mountains Beyond Alberaque. Alberaque was the fertile plains to the west of the City. Though thought to be impassible, the patrol had found a way through the Great Mountains. A tunnel as a matter of fact. On the other side of the Mountains lay even more fertile land and valuable and after many months of planning and scheming Naldo desided that he, and his followers, were to live thither beyond the Mountains! A new land, ruled by himself and a council of elders. A free world where the leader was decided upon of the people. And so he travelled away, beneath the dark night sky, with his men (2500 people, both men and women, a fifth of the City's populace) and half of the City's rations of food to the New Land... Ceasar discovered naught about the "expidition" until day...
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Last edited by hetairoi22; February 9, 2002 at 16:02.
February 10, 2002, 00:03
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Caesar was furious! How dare his loyal head of the guard take away a huge amount of his people on an exodus from his "tyrannical rule" as these rebels called it. Caesar ordered his generals to harness the horses they found near Rome and take an army of horsemen to capture these mutineers and bring them back to face him. Naldo would rue the day that he crossed the immortal Caesar.
Caesar watched as his troops rode off towards the Mountains. An evil grin grew upon his face. He knew what to do with Naldo once he was captured.
February 11, 2002, 23:31
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Meanwhile, Naldo was ever watchful. He knew his former master would not forgive his treachery. It may take years for Caesar to find him but Caesar could be counted on to bear a grudge.
Naldo would have no rest until either he or Caesar went unto his ancestors. And with the Spirit of the Tribe vested in Caesar, he could not hope to wait him out. Naldo would grow old and die, but only the sword could kill Caesar.
No, even though the Great Mountains stood between their respective cities, Naldo knew the day would come when they would clash.
The council elders knew this was true. And they knew Caesar would certainly not give them to leeway to rule the city as freely as Naldo did. Naldo knew his place was as a warrior, not an administrator and he left the city's daily tasks to the elders. Although they knew Caesar had a mightier army, and spies had told them of a new secret weapon... great beasts that thundered across the ground and cut down warriors like so much wheat... they knew Naldo was not the former head of the guard for nothing.
So Naldo's great plan was put into action with the solid support of the people. He kept sentries by the tunnel's exit with a great chain of fire beacons ready to be lit upon sighting the enemy. For although the tunnel was a secret, if Naldo had found it, so could Caesar.
Ditches were dug, fortifications made, and soon a city wall was completed around the city of Citadel (as the elders had named it). The job was pushed through rapidly to the displeasure of the labourers but the council of elder's paid extremely well and all was forgotten.
And Naldo continued his explorations, bringing him in contact with several minor tribes. He made alliances with those he felt trustworthy and exterminated those who were not. Some of the plunder went to pay for the Council's city improvements plan. The Goths were his foremost allies and the benefits were great. Learning pottery they could build these "granaries" to store crops for long periods of time. And soon, with intermarriage, they started a second city, Verdanis, further to the north with access to the great forest and its abundant game. Naldo's scouts ventured further and further, followed by streams of warriors, and the rewards were astonishing.
In a joint campaign against the Vandals, the valiant Goths also showed him a new method of fighting. Excellent in defensive value, the Goths used this technique to halt the Vandal advances. They cut young trees, sharpened their ends and hardened the points in fire. They called these... spears.
But would all this be enough to stop Caesar? In all this time, surely he must have amassed a tremendous army! And what of these mysterious "horses"... who made a warrior fast as the wind and more powerful than the ox?
--- Sorry for posting twice so closely together, I just noticed no one else was posting and I wanted to revive it ---
February 12, 2002, 01:25
Local Time: 12:20
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And so on a fresh May morning sentries spotted a great red and brown glob heading towards them with great speed. At first, they didn't have the slightest notion of what it was, and then they realized the terror they'd be in for. The glob was thousands of men mounted on horseback.
Trumpets rang out. The fire beacons were lit. The people of the new nation, now called Anklodus, were alerted of the armies heading their way. They hid in newly built underground cellars while the armies of Anklodus went to their fortifications to wait for the upcoming onslaught.
The horsemen spotted the tunnel quickly and flung themselves at the gates. The sentinels were mowed down. It looked as if the Romans would smash right by the guard and flow through the tunnels towards the people of Anklodus.
A brave soldier named Kucol tried to rally the other sentinels. He charged at the horsemen. It looked as if he was invincible. He chopped down the oncoming horseman with unbelievable speed. His men started to fight with a new vigor.
Right at that time, starnge horns could be heard off in the distance. A huge wave of soldiers with a dark brown skin color flung themselves at the Romans. The Roman attackers started to be thrown back. These dark skinned people called themselves the Zulu.
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
February 15, 2002, 14:04
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it's like you read my mind with that twist (though I was thinking Persians...)
anyhow, any takers? donate a paragraph or two or ten! I'm curious to see where this story goes...
new writers welcome! returns by ike, coinich, hetairoi, eldiablo, and johnmcleod would be great too!
February 15, 2002, 14:09
Local Time: 16:20
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Shaka can't
On the top of a nearby hill, Shaka watched as the Impi warriors slowly but surely were decimating the Roman troops. The Romans were at a tactical disadvantage: their plan had been to take the city, not fight wave after wave of Impis pouring on their flank.
With the warriors of Anklodus now coming out of the city, the victory was only a matter of time. And still, the leader of the Zulus was furious.
Shaka looked down at the corpse of the army commander at his feet. He’d had Wazahari executed a few minutes before. He knew he should have waited for the battle to be over but he simply could not stop himself.
“Why couldn’t he wait?” he said under his breath. “This was a perfect situation for us.”
Weeks before, his scouts had discovered the new city. Soon, they had brought back the news of this new nation forming to the east. Shaka had called upon the elders and explained the situation, then sought their advice.
“We started exploring to the west: that was our mistake. There is nothing there but snow and mountains. And when we turned to the east we found this…” he said showing them the map of the explored territories.
Zimbabwe was a beautiful city, in the middle of a plain with luscious grass and cattle and a series of hills to the south, one of which they had found gold in. Aside from that, their territory was ill equipped to sustain the growing population. The capital stood at the entrance of a small peninsula that expanded to the west where there were few if any resources. Shaka soon realized that they had to expand east if they wanted to survive. That’s when the scouts had brought back the reports about Citadel and the Anklodus.
The elders agreed with him. There was only one way out of this: invasion. The orders were sent to the three settler bands in the west peninsula.
"Find the most productive lands you can and establish a city. Then, train warriors and send them to Zimbabwe."
Soon, the Zulus were marching towards Citadel. Wazahari, the most experienced of the warriors was at their head. He was a young and impetuous man but Shaka knew that his loyalty could not be questioned. But when the first units came over the hill and looked down on the city, Wazahari went mad: someone was trying to steal his glory, his prize. He gave the order to attack the invaders.
Shaka kicked the head of the dead man and sent it rolling down the hill. If that idiot had waited, he Romans would have weakened the Citadel defenders. They themselves would have been battered.
And Shaka would have easily captured the city.
“You may be responsible for the demise of our whole civilization.” he mumbled. As the last of the Romans were being slaughtered by the Impis, the Anklodus warriors were getting back inside the city. Shaka knew that men hardened by the fire of battle would be tougher to beat. Many of them were now veterans and one of them was even elite now – they were carrying him on their shoulders, shouting his name.
The Zulus had lost half their men. And even though there were now veterans among his own remaining forces, Shaka knew that he would not be able to conquer the city.
When a delegation from Citadel came out of the city to bring gifts and invite them to a feast to be held outside the city walls, Shaka knew that they were on to him.
The Zulus headed back towards Zimbabwe. They would live to fight on another day.
Last edited by Richelieu; February 15, 2002 at 14:17.
February 15, 2002, 14:15
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You want fast?
Captain : I read your mind! (Look at the time time of your post and then look at mine...)
Last edited by Richelieu; February 15, 2002 at 22:39.
February 16, 2002, 03:34
Local Time: 12:20
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At about that time, Shaka had a revelation. He just all of the sudden changed. He decided not to invade Anklodus. The land he wanted was theirs. He wouldn't steal it. And he decided he would help them in their war against the Romans.
Wazahari became sane again and became one of the main leaders of the coalition assault. Kucon was chosen to be the commander of the Ankloducian forces. It was the greatest ranking jump in all of Ankloducian history.
The campaign against the Romans was swift and decisive. The coalition forces seemed unbeatable. City after city was captured quickly with minimal coalition losses. Coalition forces crashed in from all sides. Every Roman city had been razed or captured except Rome, which was in the middle of the Roman empire.
Massive bombardments of the city of Rome began. They lasted for several long and intense years. Rome became nothing but a heap of rubble and a couple of hiding citizens and soldiers. Coalition forces marched in on the capital and captured it. Orders were carried out to capture Caesar alive. He was and was brought to Naldo. If Naldo singlehandedly and fairly killed Caesar, he would be given eternal youth like caesar. So the fight began.
The swordfight lasted for 20 long minutes until Caesar was struck by a hard blow at the shoulder. He staggered, and was beheaded. So Naldo now had eternal youth.
The next 15 years were uneventful and peaceful for Anklodus and Zululand. The armies built back up to their normal strenght, and though they didn't know it at the time, the would need them badly. The didn't know it, but for the last 20 years they had been secretly watched by Russia. And Russia didn't have good intentions.
Zulu coastal guards spotted a huge Russian invasion fleet heading straight for them. Anklodus was alerted and the fire beacons were lit for the second time in the young nation history. Kucon and Wazahari prepared their men for battle.
"The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
February 16, 2002, 05:21
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Wasn't Wazahari executed?
February 16, 2002, 18:32
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Re: You want fast?
February 16, 2002, 18:36
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Originally posted by Sovy Kurosei
Wasn't Wazahari executed?
yeah, I noticed that too. but just wait a few minutes and I've got something to solve that consistency problem... I think...
February 16, 2002, 18:39
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The Russian Armada bearing down upon their shores could not come at a better time. Over the last 15 years of peace, the close alliance forged by the sharing of shed blood and hard-won battles was wearing thin. Wazahari was glad that war was once more upon them. After the execution of his elder brother at the hands of Shaka, Manewa had taken on the name of his brother as was the Zulu tradition. Once he had overcome his grief, he served with distinction in the Zulu army against Rome, his promotion running an uncannny parallel to that of Kucol's in the Anklodian army. But the past fifteen years of peace had seen his importance diminish and his sense of purpose evaporate. He was not alone.
After the war, the tens of thousands of young men in Shaka's Impi armies finally returned home. But what was there for a young man freshly returned from the army to do? They had known nothing but war their entire lives.
Without the structure of the army to instill discipline and give meaning and purpose to these hot-blooded warriors, they nearly went rampant upon the return to their native villages. In fact, Shaka's massive recruitment project had stripped most villages of their young men over thirty five years ago. Shaka had foreseen manpower troubles and had fostered a program to encourage high birth rates. Now Zululand was heavily overpopulated and twice in the last decade riots had engulfed nation (twelve out of thirteen towns rioted), even burning the glorious temple in Zimbabwe down. Shaka's heavy handed measures were contrasted to the noble Republican ideals of the Anklodus nation. In fact, two small Zulu towns near the Anklodus border had even revolted and joined Anklodus, to the ire of Shaka. Shaka had his hands full at this time but he would not forget this. Though an ally, Anklodus remained a threat by holding out the promise of a better life under a Republic. Even worse, Naldo was now immortal. He could no longer hope Naldo would pass on in a few decades. Barring misfortune, Shaka would now have to deal with this resourceful man for centuries...
Anklodus lay like a gleaming jewel to the east. With the recent addition of the two Zulu towns, Bapedi and Ulundi, the Anklodus nation now had seven cities to its claim - crowned by the magnificent Citadel where construction of a great bronze statue was nearly completed. It would be called, the Colossus.
Verdanis to the north continued to produce beautiful silks that the Zulus greatly admired as well as exporting to them some fine incense. The young city of Aden to the east was set along a river coursing between very fertile fields and gently rolling hills. It held great promise for the future if they could overcome the seasonal flooding. Most recently founded was Havensport by the Eastern coast of the Anklodian Republic. The first ships had just been built to explore further and a new great project was being debated in the city square. The city of New Roma, constructed over the ruins of fifteen years before, was just beginning to prosper, thanks to the strong efforts at domesticating the few remaining wild horses and breeding them back to former levels.
All of these Shaka longed for, and Naldo was not ignorant of these aspirations.
But what Naldo feared most was Shaka retaking the city of Ulundi, for it was there, along the border in the hills of Ulun, that there was large deposit of a curiously strong metal. They called it, iron... and it would not be long before Shaka determined its critical importance.
It was only fifteen years ago in that epic duel that Naldo discovered its value. While Naldo was not old, he did not have the youthful vigor of Caesar. Naldo had always been stronger, but age had made him slower, and strength was no use if you couldn't hit your target. It didn't take much strength to pierce flesh either so that wasn't much of an advantage.
But the Council of Elders in Citadel had sent him a gift for this match. The reknowned inventor Recife had recently discovered this material that was stronger than bronze, stronger that almost anything else out there. And he had constructed three gifts for Naldo: a breastplate of iron, a shield of iron, and a sword of iron. With these, though Caesar struck at him hundreds of times and even managed to get in a death blow four times, the breastplate saved Naldo. It was that fourth attack where Caesar had driven home a jab under Naldo's shield where Naldo smashed his shield down upon Caesar's shoulder - the rim of the iron shield nearly cleaving Caesar in two. It would have killed an ordinary man instantly. As Caesar lay crippled, the Tribal Spirit left him and without that supernatural power...
When the Spirit came upon him, Naldo felt a surge of power. His youthfulness partly restored, as he flexed his muscles he felt the power of his prime return. Moreover, he gained a special insight - it was as though he could feel the pulse of his nation. The spirit of each of his warriors lifting him high, and later, the relief and celebration in the spirits of every person in the nation. But there was darkness too. He felt the weariness of the people after such a long war, and the anguish at having fought their own kin. The pain of having destroyed their own ancestral land. This was when Naldo ordered the reconstruction of New Roma.
Unlike Zululand, the next fifteen years of Anklodus history were a cause for joy. With the Republican form of government, the enterprising people of Anklodus settled new cities and built new improvements, working the land irrigating and constructing roads. Two mines were built near Citadel bringing the city's production to an unprecedented high. With this great new wealth, the Council rush-built many things emptying the treasury several times over. It seemed everything was perfect... if not for the increasing stream of Zulu refugees and the rising tension between the two nations. One year ago, a band of rogue Impi, some say motivated by Shaka himself, had planted themselves along the main road from Citadel to Verdanis and waylaid everyone who traversed it. Some among the Council suspected Shaka was fostering anti-Anklodian sentiment amongst his warriors to offset his own personal notoriety. It was working - Shaka's popularity rose as he heaped the blame for their nation's current problems upon Anklodian exploitation and oppression. If they were truly allies, Shaka claimed they would share their wealth and their wonderful technologies. It was true that Anklodus was shrewd in its dealings with Zululand and very secretive of its new discoveries, but it was a stretch to call that oppression. Anklodus had survived against great odds by being protective and vigilant, and they would continue to do so.
Still, people are always easy to convince when it comes to putting the blame for their unhappiness on someone else. The Impi especially considered the dominion of this continent as their manifest destiny and the Anklodians as both obstacle and oppressor. There was no outright war and Shaka was quite genial with Naldo, but hostility was on the rise and the Impi took every chance at provocation they could. In that particular episode, they finally got a response. Silk and incense shipments were severely delayed until an Anklodian swordsmen regiment arrived and the Impi fled.
The problem was that Kucol had ordered the regiment there without Naldo's approval. Naldo had of course approved the action later, but Kucol had criticized him for not acting quickly enough in the face of Zulu aggression. In fact, Kucol had been so forthright as to call for war with Shaka. Naldo knew that while Anklodian superior technology and wealth would win out over Zulu numbers, the peace and prosperity they had worked for so long would be the first casualty of the war. They hadn't the speed or manpower currently available to prevent waves of Impi from pillaging the land and enslaving workers outside the city walls. So Naldo had been cautious, and now, it seemed there might be a problem with Kucol. Naldo was no tyrant but he knew Kucol's hotbloodedness might get them into trouble. Especially with Shaka just itching for an excuse to take back the two rebel Zulu cities.
So Naldo had sent Kucol to the coast. Havensport had just completed a fleet to explore the waters and Recife's son, also an ingenius man, had an idea he called the "Great Lighthouse". It would help their ships navigate better, but was very ambitious. Naldo had hoped Kucol might contribute to the effort there - perhaps in some inspiring way. But now, with the threat of a Russian invasion, Kucol might be recalled to form an army to meet this new threat. For they knew nothing of the Russians except that the great white sails of their ships were approaching and neither they, nor the Zulus, had a navy capable of stopping them before they landed.
Soon, they would find out just how much of a threat they were up against...and in the face of this, will the alliance hold or will hostilities break out? Where will loyalties fall?
Last edited by Captain; February 16, 2002 at 20:27.
February 16, 2002, 20:24
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if anyone's worried about posting a story but then having someone else post one while you're writing yours, first post a short note, then come back and edit it with your story so that we don't get two people writing the same section of the story.
btw, just an idea, anyone want to write from the perspective of a Russian officer in the invading fleet?
I love the curveballs this story takes...
February 16, 2002, 21:44
Local Time: 14:20
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And it was on the same day that Caesar was slain by the smite of Naldo's shield, that the Russians have first found this great continent that the Romans, the Zulu's, and the Anklodians are on.
Galley's pull up to shore, and oars of smaller rowboats splashed against the waves, as they treaded up to the coast. The siting of similer humans to themselves brought a great deal of confusion and suprise. Admiral Mir was worried his small exploration party has got caught into a circle, and arrived back onto their own lands.
But it was not, as the humans on land, who were the Zulu's at that time, waved and yelled back in an obvioussly foreign language. The continent of Alkia, where the Zulu's, Romans and Anklodians fared on, they all spoke a similer language. The Russians spoke a different langauge.
But there were enough similarities to the two langauges, suprisingly. So, an exchange of some cold peices for the map on the lay of the land brought the Russians many problems. Not only was most of the continent inhabitated by by the three nations, they also had the strength to expel any attempts at landing and taking a good foothold of any of the cities.
The only option that Admiral Mir knew of, was to return back to his homeland, and to report to their Governer and leader, Lenin. He had no last name to recall. A rather mysterious man to ascend to the throne. But after Lenin had established power, he has not grown old. Not even once has he grown older than that day he took the throne!
Although the medicenals of the Russian Empire extended life a number of years, this man has been on the throne for more than 800! No human he has known of even surpassed 200, nevertheless 800 and to keep his youthful looks. But it was also heard that Lenin has come to a land South East of the Russian Empire. And he has found that land. Perhaps this is where the people live to be immoratals?
It was 15 years later when he will begin to unravel this puzzle.
"Ensign Kim, when shall we reach our destination?" requested Admiral Mir. Admiral Mir was an impressive 91 years old. Russian herbs have helped to extend his life to such a number.
"We shall be arriving at our destination within 2 days," replied a man wearing a brown uniform. The Admiral and the Ensign were in a study, at the back of the ship. It was also the admirals bedroom. Space, even to those privliged to be leading such a large taskforce, was at a premium.
The Russian Empire's army was a vetern group of battle hardened warriors. On their host continent, most of the fathers of these young lads took part in long drawn out wars. There were originally 4 nations on the Russians continent. Mad landgrabs, backstabbings, and just plain military might has reduced the nations on the continent to just 1. The Russians lay superior over their continent, but are on search of new lands. And to attain immortality for their people.
As well, iron deposits have shrunk down to the last mine, situated near the capital of the Russians, Moscow. It will only be within a few years before the price of iron outdoes itself to that of gold.
But back to the invasion fleet...
The fleet consisted of many wooden frigate vessels, as well as galley's and carracks. These transport vessels hold upon the many, many horsemen, pikemen, and in the greatest numerical superiority, the Swordsmen.
All that would be needed to take is one measly city to spring up the rest of their army, including catapults, and additional supplies.
The ships continued on their way to the Zululand coast...
February 16, 2002, 21:47
Local Time: 14:20
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Posts: 320
BTW, the first part describes how the Russians found the continent, now back in the "present", the Russians are heading to the Zululands.
February 17, 2002, 05:55
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The Shaka knows about Russians plans and covertly prepared his country for war. Seeing that Russians are much more dangerous enemy than peaceful Anklodians, He decided to crush them first, gain access to their iron’s deposits, to create more powerful units equipped with iron weapons and armor and only after this to destroy Anklodians. Seeing that war is impossible to stop, Shaka started a military reform. He wanted to replace Impis units with more powerful horsemen units- Russians called a knights. He sent his students to learn Knights tactics, and Russians teaches them, they even agreed to sell some iron in exchange for 20 years peace treaty. The hostilities between Anklodians and Zulus increased, when Shaka proclaimed that results of war with Caesar are unfair and that only Anklodians took all benefits from this victory and that is the only reason why Anklodians live better than Zulus. The Zulus people started to hate Anklodians, it was exactly what Shaka’s needed. He thought that hate is best motivation. Anklodians who lived in Zulu’s cities started to emigrate to their Motherland, every one who remains were in danger to be slain by fanatics. Within 6 years Shaka created a great, ultra-modern army. The students he sent to Russians created their own knights tactics based on Russians theory, while Russians theory stagnated because it’s authors were killed by Lenin.
It is strange things happened in Russian Empire that times. Lenin who hate Anklodians more than anyone start to see Anklodian’s spyes everywhere and start to execute his best commanders, for most of the part his old servants. He feared that some of them want to revolt against them them, he want to kill them and replace them with young and absolutely loyal commanders. Lenin hated Anklodians because of their republic. Russian lived under government known as communism- full opposite to republic. The Lenin’s plan was to be allied with Shaka as long is possible, to wait until Shaka attacked Anklodians republic, and when both sides weakened itself, to destroyed them both and to establish communist’s state on their territory. But he needs more time to achieve his goal. But at this moment happens event that crushed all his plans. One of Zulu’s cities was revolted and elders of this city proclaimed it as independent state. It was small coastal city, near Russian’s border. Lenin decided that it is the gift of fate, that this is exactly what he needs- to establish the base on Zulus continent. He sent his armada to conquer the city, to establish the base and to attack Shaka’s army later. But when ships arrived they found city under siege by Shaka’s forces. Lenin known that his army not strong enough to defeat Shaka’s knights on their own territory, and he decide to divide this city with Shaka, to wait until reinforcements arrives and then to attack Shaka. He made a big mistake. City fell within month and was divided between two armies. This was the part of Shaka’s plan.
One night, when all Russian army peacefully slept Zulu’s warriors made surprise attack, within one night Russian army was destroyed. But the worse thing was that Shacka captured all ships and arrived catapults. His army load the ships and make surprise attack on continental Russia. With use of their fast knight they conquer Russians cities one by one. Russians fought heroically, but what drafted militia can made against armored knights? And finally the Shaka’s army comes to the gates of ancient Russian capitol- Moscow. And there starts the story about defeat of great Shaka’s army. But this is long story to tell.
February 17, 2002, 21:59
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
It appeared Naldo had underestimated Shaka. While Shaka's Impi were shaking spears and making a lot of noise contesting Anklodian territory, Shaka's deadly knights army was forming. Naldo had suspected that Shaka hesitated because of the weakness of his Impi compared to the strength of the Anklodian Swordsman regiments but that was clearly wrong. While they had no direct experience of the terror inspired by thousands heavily armoured men with long lances charging across a field on powerful steeds, the Anklodians could very well imagine the look on the face of the Russian invasion force as the Zulu knights smashed through their camp.
Naldo wasn't sure exactly why Shaka had attacked the Russians first. With a secret weapon like the knights, Shaka would definitely have had the upper edge against Anklodus. Sure the thick walls of Citadel kept the Republic's Eastern cities well guarded but the knights could have easily taken the two border cities of Ulundi and Bapedi.
Were the Russians truly that great a threat that Shaka felt it crucial to hit them first? Was it possible, as some had suggested, that Shaka truly was a loyal ally? Or was this just a demonstration of what Shaka's armies could do? Did Shaka hope to cow Naldo into submitting without a fight?
Shaka knew Naldo was too honourable to attack an ally - he was not worried about taking the bulk of his army across the sea to invade Russia and leaving his homeland lightly defended with only Impi.
John Hargreaves looked through his spyglass. A month ago, the Russian armada had landed on the Zulu's western coast. It looked as though they would establish a beachhead by taking a small coastal town. That was a little too close for comfort. Hargreaves and his men were stationed on a new base located on a tiny speck of an island somewhere between the Russian homeland and the Zulu homeland. Just out of the way of the shortest path between the two continents, the hilly island had not been considered important enough to colonize by the Russians. The English city had just been founded a few years before to take advantage of a newly discovered resource. Already the city was constructing a road to the resource and in a few more months, the harbour would finally be complete and shipments could be made to the main English continent. This resource held much potential - Hargreaves and his frigate crew had been accompanied by two full swordsmen regiments at great expense to the English crown.
The island was a full week's journey from the harbour at Orleans on the northermost tip of the Salisbury Peninsula. Passing two former French cities and two natural cities on the southward road to London the English mainland bowed out to form a large onion shape with a bite taken out of the southeastern corner. The English had conquered the French not more than fifty years ago. While the great fortress at Tours kept the English armies at a standstill, English ships had come around and take out the French cities from the back. With this kind of maritime experience, the English had formed a powerful navy that had most recently discovered the existence of the Russians and the Zulus. They still had no maps of their land and trade across the oceans was negligible - but it was still very valuable to know. Just before the great northern expedition that discovered this island was launched, the southern expedition had recontacted the venerable and enormous Chinese civilization. It was there that they first saw the potential of this strange material called saltpeter.
They didn't know the full extent of the Chinese civilization, as the Emperor would not permit them to explore much further than the coast, but from what they saw, the large and magnificent Chinese cities were lightly defended. It wasn't until a foolhardy commander ordered his swordsman onto a Chinese incense operation that they discovered the reason. A powerful group of mounted warriors, known as Riders, arrived almost immediately and the English beat a hasty retreat. With their excellent road system and these fast mounted units, they didn't need much defense in their cities. These armies could get where needed in an instant and they knew it. Perhaps it is why the Chinese were not suspicious when the English ambassador offered an absurdly large amount of gold in exchange for the secret of gunpowder. There wasn't even enough of the necessary ingredients on Chinese territory to make more than a few fireworks. Besides, what did the Emperor care about countries other than the Middle Kingdom? They were all backwards, uncivilized barbarians anyhow.
And so, that tiny little island came to carry the weight of a nation. The English had invested heavily into gaining gunpowder and the saltpeter they required was located ONLY in that one island. Until they learned to synthesize it centuries later, this island would be of critical importance.
Hargreaves had sent a message by carrier pigeon to the Admiral's HQ for reinforcements. He could not be sure the Russians would ignore his island for long. He had received the reply that reinforcements would arrive at his tiny base in two month's time. Too late thought Hargreaves...
But today was a glorious day. The Zulus had crushed the Russian army and whatever Russians escaped had taken flight. The Russian ships were returning to their homeland. The Admiral would pleased. The English believed in maintaining the balance of power and would not want to see the Zulus or the Russians becoming too powerful. Hargreaves was also overjoyed - he never did like battle anyways. Well, at least when the odds were stacked against him. But once the gunpowder units and cannons the engineers were working on were developed and supplied with saltpeter, well - Hargreaves was just itching to test those cannons on someone...
"Sir, we might have a problem."
"Problems? No way! this is a glorious day for England my dear boy! The Russians have been sent packing!"
"Yes sir. That's true. But our best hopes might be working against us now. Take a look through your spy glass again."
Hargreaves shot his first mate a skeptical look, but picked up his spy glass anyways.
"What are you talking about? I don't se... oh... damn."
Those were Russian flags flying on those ships but the crews looked darker than expected. The Armada had been seized by the Zulus and now it was en route to the Russian mainland.
Having seen the speed with which the Zulus had destroyed a very large Russian invasion force, and knowing that the Russians had no idea that their ships were returning to them full of Zulu warriors, Hargreaves guessed that the Zulus would take at least half the Russian cities before they got organized.
"We'd better let the Admiral know. This changes things quite a bit. If the Zulus are successful I suspect we might have to take a bit more of an active role in restoring the balance of power. Let's get back to the island and send the message. Our ships might be faster than the Zulu ones but it'll still take all our resources and a helluvalotta luck to catch those Zulus before they burn Moscow to the ground."
Shaka was beside himself with glee. His plan had worked well beyond his wildest dreams! The last twelve months had been hard work for sure, but shock of the initial surprise had literally dropped six or seven cities right in his lap. Conquering the next five was a cakewalk, with minimal losses. Even the stubborn city of Rostov had eventually fallen after a ten month seige. The key to that victory was a new system of communication that allowed the organization of an army three times the usual limit. A system of flags and standard bearers meant that a leader could command and coordinate far more soldiers than ever before, and with far less confusion.
Wahazari once again proved an inestimable asset when he led the army that broke the Rostov defenses. Even with the powerful army formation, Shaka had needed a full three quarters of his forces to take the city. Over half of those knights were badly injured, but almost all of them survived. Time would heal those wounds and Shaka had even taken a brief two week vacation to tour some Russian sights. But Shaka heard reports of certain uprisings. The conquered Russian civilians had finally organized some kind of underground resistance. Shaka had not left these cities garrisoned with much and he was worried. He had pulled most of his troops for that attack on Rostov. Plowing through Odessa and Sevastopol immediately after Rostov's fall left only Moscow in Russian hands.
Even more disturbing, Shaka had heard that the Russians had contracted another nation - the English - to come and assist them. Shaka didn't know much about the English but he knew they were far away enough to ignore for the past year. But last month, an English regiment had landed on the outskirts of Dnepropov and the Zulu knights attacking them had been mysteriously cut down. The few that escaped described a line of soldiers with long sticks that made a loud bang and large puffs of smoke. Almost immediately the front line of Zulu knights had collapsed. There were no signs of any arrows or spears - just tiny holes in the armour that blood pumped out of. Against this mysterious new weapon, the Zulus had fled. But the english had not pressed an attack on the city. They simply held the hilly region there. Just today, Shaka's fleet had warned him of white sails on the horizon. He suspected more English reinforcements. Their numbers now were small in comparison to Shaka's army, but with the threat of revolt and certain worries about the homeland -Shaka was not about to ignore these Englishmen. Moscow had to fall, and soon.
There were rumours that the English ships had the power to hurl heavy iron balls across great distances and tear down walls - even though there was no catapult loaded on the ships. The coastal cities would not last long against this.
When Wahazari brought confirmation of this, Shaka declared "This very week, Moscow will feel the wrath of the Zulu knights and like the rest of the cities before it, it shall fall."
His officers rallied the troops for a final push on Moscow. Many regiments could use more rest as the Rostov siege ended only two months ago - but Shaka could not wait. The English would be too late. With Lenin dead the resistance would die off and the English would be all alone in an unfamiliar and hostile land.
Thirty divisions of knights closed in on the city...
Last edited by Captain; February 18, 2002 at 01:19.
February 17, 2002, 22:21
Local Time: 14:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
Next, we'll need a map soon
*Will try and post after captain*
February 17, 2002, 23:21
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
hope you didn't have to wait long Sovy... that was a long one. It took me a while to come up with it. I'll try to keep future ones shorter so I don't keep anyone waiting.
ok, I'll try to post a little map of the known world thus far.
 I'll try to keep it consistent with the world we've created thus far.
I'll put it here and if anyone wants to edit it they're welcome to.
Great going everyone!
February 18, 2002, 00:28
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
I used the Civ 2 map editor because it was easier - Civ 3's doesn't have a zoom out.
anyhow, to explain:
Size of dots indicates size/power of cities.
Arrows indicate major troop movements and expeditions (not necessarily battle.)
Orange X's indicate area where battles were fought. Larger X's indicate larger battles. Battles should be assumed for captured cities (cities with tiny dots in centre or with outer rims of different colour).
White: Anklodus
Green: Zulu
Red/Pink: Russia
Yellow: England
Light Blue: China
Deep Blue: Formerly France (all English now)
Black: Cities that have been razed. (Mostly former Roman cities.)
Ok, that's enough work for tonight!
Hope you've enjoyed the story so far!
Oops! I made a mistake with the map. The western Zulu coast is supposed to be colder and more mountainous. But at least I got that western peninsula part right.
Note: The english arrow to Russia is only the FIRST expeditionary force of one musketman regiment. The BIG invasion force is headed who knows where?
Btw: If you don't want to post a section, questions and comments are totally welcome too! Personally I hope we get to the industrial age before someone conquers the world but who knows what will happen...
Last edited by Captain; February 18, 2002 at 00:50.
February 18, 2002, 03:51
Local Time: 14:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
The knights approached the city of Moscow.
Half the city was surronded by Zulu Knights, and it was quite the site to see with all those horses, soldiers, and men, surronding a city that was experiencing just a few days of full bombardment.
With the walls of Moscow crumbling, but ever since the battle, right until now, the soldiers of the Russian Empire faught with the same vigour as they had on the beaches of the Zululand.
Shaka knew Lenin had a card up his sleeve. He just wasn't sure which.
But even though the Russian Empire conquered their entire continent, it didn't mean the people that were occupied suffered. In fact, some could claim that Lenin liberated them from their cruel rulers. Either way, life was better under Lenin's rule, than under their former cruel rulers. New spices came in, more people, trade. Cities grew, and prospered. But that has all ended when the Zulu's came into control.
Now, the Zulu inplaced police force comitted acts of pilligery, and other stuff that shall not be mentioned.
Lenin took care of his people. Now, the people shall take care of Lenin in his battle.
"Death to the foreigners!" cried out one lad. He was standing on a podium in the city of Rostov. Rostov was the focal point of the revolutionaries against the cruel Shaka rule.
The young lad turned out to go under the name of Trotsky. A fine lad, who had ambitions similer to that of Lenin, if not even more so.
People crowded around Trotsky, who was making his outcries. Several dark skinned men came out of a nearby alley. These were the Impi's, ment to stay behind and make sure the city doesn't go into full out anarchy. Or revolution.
"They stole our food, and violated our sisters and wives! I call upon the free people of Russia to stand up against these invaders from afar an-" was his words, before the Impi's began to drag Trotsky off of his podium. They dared not killed him though. Russians don't respond as favourably when their enticers are killed. It is almost as if the only leaders you can kill without having a mob of angry people on your hands is the leader of the nation.
But the people of Rastov knew a thing or two about rough play.
"MURDERER!" screamed out one woman, who had obvious bruises on her cheek, while cradling her baby. Her husband was a shop keeper, and was beaten down by the Impi force all because he was carrying a loaf of bread, to feed his family.
The Impi's ignored the comment, and continued to drag Trotsky off to a more secure location, which where they can deal with him then.
"You Foriegners! You think you can get away with anything! Well, you can have this instead!" cried out a distressed 20 year old librarian, as he charged at the Impi police force with a sharp, pointed stick.
The victimized impi fell to his knees, and collapsed, after being impaled by the stick. The librarian met his timely doom at the point of the spear, seconds after.
But the crowd saw. And they revolted at the fall of the impi. Many charged at the Zulu police force, and dragged them down to the ground. The police force was beaten, and their armour and weapons were taken. It supplied the fuel to the fire of the revolutionaries.
The people of Rostov went into full revolt, as they attacked the two impi regiments stationed within the walls of Rostov. The few Zulu's to escape from the blood bath of their comrades, ran out of the city. But they were quickly tracked down, and slain by the Revolutionary forces, since they were quick to tame the horses on the nearby farms around Rostov.
"Honourable Shaka! I have dire news that you must read!" screeched the young voice of the messenger boy. He has just ran out of Sevastopol, which was enraged with the flames of hate against the Zulu conquerers. The flames only died down by the blood of the Zulu forces stationed there.
Shaka nodded to the messenger boy. He was expecting good news, on how his empire is fairing. Because of the resources he was sending back to his homeland, his empire was fruitful once more. The last message being that the people were highly satisified with his rule, and that his people are almost as wealthy and content to those of Ankolodus. He was expecting even contentcy with his empire compared to Naldo's. Or perhaps even more so! But eh, the riot or two might be expected from the Russian baffoons who fell to his plan is to be expected. The riots will be suppressed within a few months. Soon, he shall be the most powerful nation on this planet.
"I, as well as the few others quick on their feet, have escaped from the rampaging city of Sevastopol!" spoke the messenger. He was tired from the running he went through the last few days.
"Oh? Is that it?" asked Shaka. Sevastopol... One of the last few Russian cities to fall into his hands recently. He chuckled at how quick the people fell. How the co-operated so well, even when his soldiers abused them. They shall be no different this time.
"No, it is not my Lord Shaka!" spoke the messenger again. Although the information he had already said is confirmed with his very own eyes, he heard more disturbing reports. He began from the top.
"A man named Trotsky has sent the city of Rostov into revolt as well. Our 2 impi units that were stationed there were decicrated, and destroyed!" Spoke the lad.
At this, Shaka began to worry. With the English being a thorn in his back with this new secret weapon, and now that the Moscow Offensive proved to be disasterious, and now these new revolutionarie forces.
But he doubted that the revolution by Trotsky would go so far in such a short amount of time.
"My son, is this all true?" asked Shaka. He can probably live with two cities in complete revolt. They shall be squelched soon after they see the head of Lenin on a silver platter.
The messenger boy nodded. He knew several other cities were in complete revolt as well. But it could always be simple rumours floating around, to drive paranoia into soldiers and leaders alike.
But the messenger decided against telling Shaka. Anyways, even if one of the cities were in revolt, he is sure that Shaka will recieve the news sometime later. But the stories he heard about these thundersticks bringing down soldiers in the hundreds, with no spear or arrow sighted? This was too proposturous for it to be even remotely true.
Shaka would normally be congratulated for keeping the English's secret weapon a secret. Spreading out problems like that will only incite riots, which is what Shaka didn't wanted. But only a handful of people in the Zulu army even knew of the existence of thundersticks. Thus, was the downfall of the Zulu nation. But Shaka knew he could be in trouble soon. He began to order his servents to pack his things while he returns back to Zimbabwae. This battlefield near Moscow was noplace for a king of the strongest nation on earth.
John Hargreaves sat in the officers mess onboard his ship, the 'Notre Dame'. His plan was a complete success. Not only did his plan strengthen ties with the Russian Empire, but the English nation didn't even have to get involved! Well, thats not entirely true... But the Zulu's don't know that. Not yet anyways, and by the time they do, they will be fighting on their homeland from the Russian counterattack.
The first mate of the Notre Dame entered the officers mess, and sat across from John in the single table in the room.
John had an empty bowl infront of him, and he was dazing off into space, when the first mate spoke up.
"Sir, we have just supplied the revolutionaries at St. Petersburg with the muskets and saltpeter. The Pikeman division there was given hell, and after a few hours, submitted to the revolutionaries,"
"Oh? So how many cities would that be now?"
"I believe the total rises up to 7 Russian cities in revolt,"
"And the two other coastal cities?"
"They are currently getting supplied by muskets and saltpeter as well. Your plan was a complete success sir. We expect the Zulu's to be pulling out soon,"
"Good, good... Take a course back to Orleans. We have done our job here,"
The first mate left to give the orders to the shipsmen.
John's plan was infact a simple one. The Russians are people who would die for their leader. Their patriotism was firey, and they would not stop until their leader was dead. And even then, they would regroup and attack once more. These are the sort of people you would want to be friends with. Not the backwards Zulu's who just garrison a few naval vessels, and had a strong leader. A strong leader is just 1 man. A strong nation is formed by strong people. Of course, having the best of both is good too.
But the Russians lacked the weapons to go out in full revolt. Shaka was careful enough to leave enough guards in the coastal cities to make sure that a revolt won't happen. That was assumed the people weren't armed with the new English muskets that is.
Just give the Russians the Muskets and Gunpowder, and they will finish the job for the English.
Quantly simple.
But the English found that the Zulu's weren't the only ones on their continent. There was also the peaceful Ankolodians, and their leader Naldo. They may prove useless. It is much better to dwarf a nation even more so, than to let it run rampant as a powerhouse. All it needed was a few revolts, and a good jolt here to make the peopel side with the Ankolodians.
Although, John didn't take enough precautions for his goblet of wine, as the ship tilted to the side in a turning maneuver. Too caught up in a daze was John, that he didn't notice the goblet tip over and spill its contents all over John's pants.
The firstmate returned to the officers mess, to only hear the words from John...
"Gack! I accidently wetted my pants!"
Shaka slammed his hand into the desk furiouslly. He was onboard his luxury Gallery returning back home, when he recieved his news by Carrier Pidgeon.
The letter was crumpled up and on the ground, but it read as follows.
"Dear Honourable Shaka,
We have just recieved reports that 3 Zulu cities on the home continent have went up flames, as anarchy ensued across the land. The Zulu city of Ibabanago has defected to the Ankolodian Nation when it began its revolt, and eventually, revolution. 1 city has completely shut down, and expelled our guards stationed there. The capital has a number of protestors crying out the lack of luxury goods they have used to use. The problems are arising especially on how long this war is going on, as well as the guards plundering a number of travellers and farmers for their goods."
But it wasn't the only note he recieved. Infact, the one he has got recently wasn't fully read yet by Shaka. And it went as follows.
"Sir Shaka,
Our army has experienced a great number of losses. The original assault of 30 regiments of knights against Moscow failed again. Our regimental count is now 12 units of knights, as well as some leftovers making up most of our 13th unit of defunct knights. Upon your ordering that we have not taken the city by this date, that we are to return to the main Zulu homeland.
We have also recieved news that the city of St. Petersburg went into a revolt, and has nearly consumed you with it. We are glad that you are safe, if you are reading this letter now."
As well, the final note that was untouched by Shaka's rage and fury was in the hands of his messenger, walking towards his cabin. It went as follows:
"Sir Shaka,
Our army has been divided as we attempted our escape off this god awful wasteland. Upon approaching a town, we have stationed a third of our army behind, in an attempt to leapfrog our way to a viable port so that we may flee. It has proven disasterious as we have finally reached the port, only to have to fight our way into the city, and see the sight as the last few galleys capsized from the flames that have went upon them.
Further reports have stated that the third of our army that we have left behind were pulled into a revolt, and are currently divided in this hostile territory. We are Stalingrad now, awaiting for you to send transport ships for the remaining 7 regiments of knights that are left."
Shaka will soon find out that the remaining galley's cannot be sent on this daring rescue attempt, as he is currently on the only galley that there is in the Zulu Navy. The Zulu's never bothered with a Navy, and the only real sea worth vessels available were the ones that were on the Russian Armada.
"Blast those Russians! Where did my plan fail! I had only one city to retake, and that idiot Trotsky messed everything up!" roared out Shaka in a tyrranical fashion.
Naldo is quite suprised at the turn of events that the Zulu's have taken. Not only did he gain the city of Ibabanago, to the far north of Citadel, but many other Zulian cities are ready to defect. The sudden intake of people may prove a strain on his country, and could anger Shaka, but he really had no say. To refuse a Zulu city would be to anger an entire nation against him.
He sighed. This whole mess on the Zulu main continent started out over Luxury Goods. So far, Naldo hasn't heard of Lenin's death yet over on the Russian mainland, but he had an idea it won't be soon he will be getting some news about the Russian front.
It went something like this.
One of the Zulu cities went into revolt at the shortage of luxury goods were arriving into its domain. It came from Russia, but after many months in short supply of gems to satisfy the population, the city went into revolt. But, suprisingly, it processed furs for the Zulu empire. The furtrade went eccentric at the lack of a reliable source, which brought incense producing Zulu city into chaos.
Now, there were no Luxury Goods flowing into the Zulu lands. Which started a chain effect on the whole Zulu empire.
Naldo smirked. If even the slightest bad news reached the Zulu capital, it would surely go up in flames when anarchy spread its evil tenticles across the Zulu land. Naldo will just wait and see.
February 18, 2002, 14:24
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
Some of you might think I have nothing else to do but post stories! Well, today is Heritage Day so I've got the day off - sun is shining and it's nice but cold outside.
I'm posting a (hopefully) short section just to mix it up a bit and give the next writers some more to work with... great work so far Sovy!
Mutabo was led blindfolded through the dingy streets by two young Zulu men. Racing along at a quick pace, they passed from the strong sunlight into the shadows in the Old Sector. He felt a rapid chill as he moved indoors and out of the sun. There was a faint musty odour and the sounds of dozens of people working. Descending a set of stairs to the basement and shoved roughly through a set of doors, his blindfold was finally removed.
As his eyes adjusted to the dim light provided by the candles (a luxury in Zululand these days), he saw four heavily armed guards surrounding him. Directly in front of him was an middle aged woman. He kneeled.
"Kinsa, I have come to offer my services to your great cause! I am a man of little skill but I know how to fight. Please accept your humble servant!"
Kinsa appraised the man at length. After questioning his background and his motives, she set for him a final test of loyalty.
"There is a storage supply yard by the harbour. Your mentor will show you the way. The yard is guarded by many Impi. Burn it down and then report to your mentor."
"You will not be disappointed Kinsa! I can do this! For the Revolution!"
As the man left the building blindfolded once more, Kinsa thought carefully. As the leader of the Zulu Communista Party, her presence here was dangerous to say the least. Impis roamed the streets here and Shaka was due to land at this very harbour in a few days so additional security forces were pouring in.
But this was a historic site! This was the town where it all began just over one year ago, when the first revolt was put down by Shaka's brutal tactics. The shipyard here had been constructed hastily to accomodate the stolen Russian ships by slave labour. This city, if any, had a grudge against Shaka. It would be here that the Communist state would be announced.
Hadn't the Russians defeated Shaka? This city had seen the might of Shaka's knights and could not stand against it. But the Russians did. There was something to be said for Communism. The Zulu people should not have to live under a monarchy any longer. Besdies, if Zululand was communist, perhaps the Russians would put aside past grievances and become a valuable ally against the Anklodians - their exploitation of Zulus must cease!
This young man, Mutabo, might prove a valuable asset - if he was not an Impi spy. Mutabo claimed he was the youngest brother of the reknowned Wahazari (there were nine siblings in that family). He had even been an officer in the army but too young to join the Russian Invasion force. Now, he felt a burning desire to kill Shaka - blasphemy to kill the Immortal - but family honour demanded it. Shaka had killed his eldest brother - the first Wahazari, and now, Shaka had abandoned Manewa - the second Wahazari - in the cold Russian lands. Wahazari had been ordered to hold the Russian cities while Shaka beat a hasty retreat. How dishonourable! Yet how fortunate for Kinsa...
"Sir, already several western cities have proclaimed themselves as local soviets. They've organized under a woman named Kinsa who vows to turn the whole of Zululand into this wretched Communist state!"
"I see. Then the threat is all around us. Several of the Eastern cities are also in revolt and some have even joined the hated Anklodus Republic. The easterners have been tainted by their contact with the Anklodians and now they wish to take the same form of government! Proconsul Naldo had declared his support of them and there are rumours he has sent the famed General Kucol to train the Zulu rebels into an effective fighting force. "
"Yes sir, and we have confirmation of that. Our Eastern Impi have laid seige to these cities but don't have the might to penetrate the walls. They reported some minor Anklodian troop movements - it appears other than sending Kucol, Proconsul Naldo is playing it cautious. Still, with the western cities in danger, we don't have the manpower to fight a war on two fronts!"
"True, but Shaka himself will return soon. And with our glorious leader back, we shall crush these ungrateful traitors! Perpare an additional four Impi companies and ready two Knights regiments. We will travel to Rabban and greet Shaka at the harbour in person. That city has revolted before and we can't take the chance it will do so again."
"Sir, that would leave our glorious capital poorly defended! We'd only have four Impi regiments and two Spearmen regiments left in this city!"
"Surely that is an adequate force, Colonel?"
"Against 200 000 civilians? sir, I must warn you - there is talk of revolution even here! In the heart of Zululand - some peasants are agitating for revolution. Only the glory of Zimbabwe and the might of our current forces keeps this from surfacing. If the agitators knew half our forces were leaving, they might be tempted to act."
"Well, then..." he paused. "Still, we must go to Rabban and escort Shaka back here - there is too much danger from Communist guerillas in the countryside. But let us make a plan - hopefully when we return the city will welcome us, but if it does not... we must have a plan to get inside the city walls."
General Jaffa ordered the colonel to gather the rest of the officers and the head of secret police for an emergency meeting.
Anita stood before the newly formed council. It was unusual to see a woman present such requests but having a council itslef was unusual. The Republic had only be declared weeks ago and the council formed from prominent leaders. Anita was from a neighbouring village - one without city walls and highly vulnerable to the Monarchist counterattack.
"Woman, your requests are understandable, but we are stretched to the limit. We sympathize with your plight but your village is over two weeks journey by foot. If our men march to assist you, who will defend our city?"
"I understand that your neighbours to the south have declared allegiance to Anklodus. The hero Kucol has been sent by Proconsul Naldo to assist them in their fight agains the Impi. Trade between your two cities has been very valuable for both of you and I am sure they would not hesitate to send armies to help you. Besides Impi are not a threat with your walls. Only the knights are, and they are less formidable in the forests and thickets around your city. They will have to come from the main road and now that Kucol has bolstered your southern neighbours, that road is secure. "
The elders discussed amongst themselves. Anita felt helpless. Her people had had a Republican form of government for the last five years. Their northern town was so small Shaka had not taken notice. But these elders considered themselves the founders of the true Zulu Republic. Their city was what counted.
"I am sorry but I am afraid there is nothing we can do for you. The defense of this city is paramount. It is here that the Republic has been birthed and here that the new government will be formed when the Monarchists are defeated. We cannot afford to lose this city. The Republic cannot afford to lose this city. We will send help to you as soon as we are no longer in jeopardy."
Anita turned on her heel and strode out of the forum. This bastion of patriarchy would not assist her in this lifetime.
She had not wanted to go to Kinsa, but she might very well have to. Anita though the woman was far too paranoid and made excessive demands for loyalty. Aside from her personal dislike of Kinsa, she didn't agree with the Communist politics either - but at least the Communists would help her village. They could see that the struggle was for everyone, not just one's own city. Besides, she had heard that the Communists promoted equality amongst the genders and that was something her town had already practiced for the last ten years. Perhaps she had more in common with the Communists than she thought.
These were hard times and being ambassador for her town was tiring and frustrating. None of the other Republican cities would help. It was better in the days when her devoted husband had been there by her side as her spokesman. He wasn't as gifted politically as she was, but he was male and for some reason people would listen to her ideas if he said them for her.
She kicked a stone in frustration and the pain brought tears to her eyes. Someday she would have her revenge on his murderers! What kind of society would beat a man to death simply because he was half Anklodian by blood? The anger welled up inside her...
But now was not the time for revenge. Now was the time to find allies, save her village, and her daughter.
Last edited by Captain; February 18, 2002 at 15:36.
February 18, 2002, 15:07
Local Time: 16:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Everybody writes a book too many.
Posts: 1,259
Well some of us have to work....
But it doesn't stop us from surfing to Apolyton
February 18, 2002, 15:25
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: by Divine Right
Posts: 1,014
Originally posted by Richelieu
Well some of us have to work....
But it doesn't stop us from surfing to Apolyton
Hey Richelieu!
That's the great thing about working for academia... usually the bureaucracy of the admin is terribly annoying but their laziness comes in handy some days!
If you've got the time and the inclination, would love to have you post a section or two sometime!
February 18, 2002, 17:42
Local Time: 14:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
LOL, I am starting to feel sorry for poor Shaka...
This is actually more fun than I thought it would be
February 18, 2002, 22:48
Local Time: 15:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MD
Posts: 184
Wow, Ike.
This was a wonderfully good idea. And I am glad to see it gorw such as it did.
I was going to contribute but...
I am so far out of the stroy line, and i like the flow as it is now. I will let it ride to its fruition and admire the results.
'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."
February 19, 2002, 01:48
Local Time: 14:20
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Communistica!
Posts: 320
C'mon Grundel, we need somebody to keep the story going. I'd feel guilty if I had to continue the story when only one person posted a story segment between my turns.
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