This poll needs some clarification!
1) With a Monarchy start are we going to have a science rate of 60%? Why not 70%.
2) Assuming we are in Despotism - before we have a capital, I suggest that we run with a science rate of 0% and go into Anarchy from 4000BC, unless there is a site worth founding before 3850BC. There is some evidence that the Tax Rate/Government may affect the results from huts. In the early years there is nothing worse than receiving a scroll like Warrior Code which is off the path to Monarchy. The combination of Zero Science and Anarchy seems to produce more precious NON units or gold.
3) Taking things a stage further I would suggest the following early research goals - assuming we start with no techs.
i) Alphabet
ii) Ceremonial Burial
after these two it's unlikely that Code of Laws will appear, so the best research is Horseback Riding for defence from Barbs and to ransom the King for 150g.
iii) Code of Laws
iv) Monarchy
then take the path to Trade.