FYI- the AI will also sue for peace after
a. 10-20 turns, {sorry didn't document turns}
b. capture one of your cities,
c. no human counter attack.
At least prepatch. Have just installed patch and haven't started war yet. I doubt if this was changed with the patch. But if playing builder it will take many turns to switch to war production.
Suggestion to firaxis-- during war allow reception of envoys anytime, but make human pay price in what is acceptable if peace is attempted at not good time for AI.
Once I had beaten down a civ to 2 cities and wanted to end the war and offer a generous peace bonus, but since envoy was not received, quickest way to end war was to end other civ. How about another alternative. Maybe I wanted a very weak vassal state?
Ironwood, I think my approach can be surely finetuned, but it seems to be worth to think about.
As to the "realism factor", well, it's good to make the game as realistic as possible, but let it remain a game and not a simulation. I don't need a simulation of the World. I could use a thing called "real life" for this (I know, many 'Poly junkies don't have one ). A game has to bring me fun.
I never saw the AI asking for peace (always by my own iniative do we make peace). When the AI declares war on you ( out of a whim with no logical reason, it's arbitrary programmed to make this game warlike ), you can make peace when you capture 3 cities before Industrial era - later on the number of turns becomes more important. Of course the difficulty levels have some noticeable impact on how often they declare war.
When I declare war, then if I doesn't ask for help the duration is something like 5-10 turns, perhaps a bit more at Monarch level in post-industrial. But if I ask to 1 or more AI ally(ies) to join me in my crusade, the duration is 20 turns no less against my enemy.
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